

LONDON WALKING DRESS.- Printed muslin robe of one of the new summer patterns. The corsage high and full, the sleeve of the usual size at the top, but confined to the lower part of the arm by three bands. Large square collar of clear cambric, embroidered round the border, and trimmed with the same material; the trimming is set on full, and also embroidered at the edge. Scarf of rich pou de Soie, ribbon rose-colored glacé, with white bonnet of sewed Leghorn straw, a round brim, the interior ornamented with rosecolored gauze ribbon and blond lace. The crown is decorated with ribbon only. Boots of dust-colored reps tipped

with black.

LONDON EVENING DRESS.- Robe of rose-colored tulle illusion lined with gros de Naples to correspond; it is embroidered in a very light pattern. The corsage is low, fits close to the shape, and is trimmed with a lappel, which forms a stomacher in front of the bust, but is open on the shoulders and rounded in the pelerine style behind; it is bordered as is also the top of the bust, with blond lace, a row of which, likewise, encircles the waist, and finishes it in a very novel and elegant style. Single bouffant sleeves, not quite so full as usual. Coiffure à la Montespan; the hair is disposed in a triple fall of curls at the sides, and in a single round bow at the back of the head; it is ornamented in an exceedingly light style with white gauze ruban Sylphide. Scarf of white blonde illusion. Necklace and ear-rings enamelled gold.


Silk is still the favourite material for promenade dress, but neither the robes nor pelisses composed of it offer any remarkable novelty. The colors of which they are composed are, in general, well adapted to walking costume-grave but not too sombre; tea green, and different shades of grey and dust color, are those most in favor. Although printed muslins are not generally adopted, they are, nevertheless, sufficiently in favor to enable us to pronounce upon the fashionable

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