The Passing GameSteinfeld, Incorporated, 1931 - 42 ページ |
すべての書籍を検索してみてください。 spiral the ball
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45-yard line ahead Ann Arbor ball back ball was snapped baseball baseball pitchers Benny Friedman Regulation catcher Chicago Bears cocked wrists Cocking the hand college and professional decoy defense developed Dilwig distance and accuracy eligible receivers fingers Flora follow football team Friedman Regulation AUTOGRAPHED fullback goal line golf ball Green Bay Gregory grip and release hand ball Hoffman intercepted and run leaving the hand left end left halfback Llewellyn Michigan-Ohio State game Michigan-Wisconsin game midfield mythical all-America eleven Ohio Oosterbaan optional pass play pass thrown pass was completed passer Passing a Football passing game pitcher punt formation punter quarterback receiver was downed Regulation AUTOGRAPHED V45 Regulation Football right end right halfback run back score a touchdown second base Showing Friedman soft ball spiral the ball spot pass straight successful forward pass tennis threw throw the ball tighten and relax type of pass UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Wisconsin forwards yards to go