

As illustrated in the Prosecution and Punishment of



In order that my countrymen and that the two sureties in the sum of 1,000 pounds each; world may not be deceived, duped, and cheated that the whole of this sentence has been executed upon this subject, I, WILLIAM COBBETT, upon me, that I have been imprisoned the two of Botley, in Hampshire, put upon record years, have paid the thousand pounds TO THE the following facts; to wit: That, on the 24th KING, and have given the bail, Timothy Brown June, 1809, the following article was pub-and Peter Walker, Esqrs. being my sureties; lished in a London news-paper, called the that the Attorney General was Sir Vicary Gibbs, COURIER:- "The Mutiny amongst the LO-the Judge who sat at the trial Lord Ellenborough, "CAL MILITIA, which broke out at Ely, was the four Judges who sat at passing sentence Ellen"fortunately suppressed on Wednesday by the borough, Grose, Le Blanc, and Bailey; and that "arrival of four squadrons of the GERMAN the jurors were, Thomas Rhodes of Hampstead "LEGION CAVALRY from Bury, under the Road, John Davis of Southampton Place, James "command of General Auckland. Five of the Ellis of Tottenham Court Road, John Richards ❝ ringleaders were tried by a Court-Martial, and of Bayswater, Thomas Marshani of Baker Street, "sentenced to receive 500 lashes each, part of which Robert Heathcote of High Street Marylebone, punishment they received on Wednesday, and John Maud of York Place Marylebone, George a part was remitted. A stoppage for their knup- Baxter of Church Terrace Pancras, Thomas "sacks was the ground of the complaint that ex- Taylor of Red Lion Square, David Deane of St, cited this mutinous spirit, which occasioned John Street, William Palmer of Upper Street "the men to surround their officers, and demand Islington, Henry Favre of Pall Mall; that the "what they deemed their arrears. The first Prime Ministers during the time were Spencer "division of the German Legion halted yesterday Perceval, until he was shot by John Bellingham, "at Newmarket on their return to Bury."- and after that Robert B. Jenkinson, Earl of Li That, on the 1st July, 1809, I published, in the verpool; that the prosecution and sentence took Political Register, an article censuring, in the place in the reign of King George the Third, and strongest terms, these proceedings; that, for so that, he having become insane daring my impri doing, the Attorney General prosecuted, as sedi- sonment, the 1,000 pounds was paid to his son, tious libellers, and by Ex-Officio Information, the Prince Regent, in his behalf; that, during my me, and also my printer, my publisher, and one imprisonment, I wrote and published 364 Essays of the principal retailers of the Political Register; and Letters upon political subjects; that, during that I was brought to trial on the 15th June, the same time, I was visited by persons from 197 1810, and was, by a Special Jury, that is to say, cities aud towns, many of them as a sort of depuby 12 men out of 48 appointed by the Master of ties from Societies or Clubs; that, at the expira the Crown Office, found guilty; that, on the tion of my imprisonment, on the 9th of July, 1812, 20th of the same month, I was compelled to give a great dinner was given in London for the pur bail for my appearance to receive judgment; pose of receiving me, at which dinner upwards of and that, as I came up from Botley (to which 600 persons were present, and at which Sir place I had returned to my family and my farm | Francis Burdett presided; that dinners and other on the evening of the 15th), a Tipstaff went parties were held on the same occasion in many down from London in order to seize me, per- other places in England; that, on my way home, sonally; that, on the 9th of July, 1810, I, toge. I was received at Alton, the first town in Hampther with my printer, publisher, and the news-shire, with the ringing of the Church bells; that man, were brought into the Court of King's a respectable company met me and gave me a Bench to receive judgment; that the three dinner at Winchester; that I was drawn from former were sentenced to be imprisoned for more than the distance of a mile into Botley by some months in the King's Bench prison; that I the people; that, upon my arrival in the village, was sentenced to be imprisoned for two years in I found all the people assembled to receive me; Newgate, the great receptacle for malefactors, that I concluded the day by explaining to them and the front of which is the scene of numerous the cause of my imprisonment, and by giving hangings in the course of every year; that the them clear notions respecting the flogging of the part of the prison in which I was sentenced to be Local Militia-men at Ely, and respecting the em confined is sometimes inhabited by felons, that ployment of German Troops; and, finally, which felons were actually in it at the time I entered is more than a compensation for my losses and all it; that one man was taken out of it to be trans-my sufferings, I am in perfect health and strength, ported in about 48 hours after I was put into the same yard with him; and that it is the place of confinement for men guilty of unnatural crimes, of whom there are four in it at this time; that, besides this imprisonment, I was sentenced to pay a thousand pounds TO THE KING, and to give security for my good behaviour for seven years, myself in the sum of 3,000 pounds, and |

and, though I must, for the sake of six children, feel the diminution that has been made in my property (thinking it right in me to decline the offer of a subscription), I have the consolation to see growing up three sons, upon whose hearts, I trust, all these facts will be engraven.

Botley, July 23, 1812.


Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

VOL. XXII. No. 9.] LONDON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1812. 257]

Ń. B.-The Indexes and Tables to Volume XXII of the Register are published, as usual, and to be had, of course, through the same channels that the Register is had.

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BATTLE OF SALAMANCA. BATTLE OF SALAMANCA.- -The rejoicings, on account of the result of this battle, though very loud and long immediately under the eye of the government, do not appear to have reached very widely over the country, for which I can, however, see no reason, except that of a conviction in the people's minds, that the victory only tended to prolong the war; for, in point of glory, it is certainly the greatest victory that has been gained by England in our day, and, indeed, since the reign of Queen Anne. By sea we have been accustomed to beat every body. Battles at sea are much more matters of skill than of personal valour. The men engaged scarcely see their enemy. The danger may be as great, but it is not seen. Men in a ship are like men in a fortified place. A battle at sea is an affair of ropes and sails and rudders. The victory depends, in a great measure, upon the dexterity of the parties engaged. But, in a land battle, the result generally depends upon the degrees of personal courage possessed by the parties engaged. In a sea battle no man can skulk from his post if he would. The greatest coward is as efficient, generally speaking, as the bravest man. But, in a land battle, men may generally skulk if they will. There are so many opportunities of avoiding bodily danger, that a coward will seldom fail to avail himself of some one or other of them. From a ship there is no desertion during a battle; from an army there may be much.- For these reasons I am always inclined to be more proud of victories (I mean real ones) gained by land, than of victories gained by sea, though in the sea service it often happens that there are occasions for performing prodigious feats of valour.Nevertheless, it is certain, that, throughout the country, the news of the victory of Salamanca has been very coldly received. It does not appear

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to have excited half so much joy as was excited by the death (not the killing) of the late prime minister Perceval; at which I rather wonder, because, as I have before. observed, the victory is something for us to be proud of, whatever it may lead to s and it is the more worthy of our applause, as it forms such a contrast with the events of the campaigns on the continent, which ended at Dunkirk and the Helder. Our army has here beaten a French army. We were, it may be said, greatly superior in numbers. I do not mind that; for we were not so much superior in numbers as to prevent a French Marshal from giving us battle. Our army has beaten a French army, and our General has beaten a French Marshal. We have, too, taken 7,000 men prisoners of war, with a due proportion of officers. This is, therefore, a victory, and, in a military point of view, something to be proud of; but, while I think the country has received the victory rather coldly, I must say, that the hired news-papers have been as indiscreet on the other side. hear them, one would think that England never won a victory before; that this was her first-born in the way of victories; and that, in short, she was beside her senses with joy upon the occasion.-Reflection should make them more moderate; for, af ter all, Marshal the Duke of Albufera has sent to France at least six times as many prisoners as all our generals put together have taken during the whole war. The boastings, therefore, should have some bounds; for, if we are thus to boast at the taking of 7,000 prisoners, what would the French be justified in doing at the taking of more than 100,000 prisoners in this same war of the Peninsula? And what would they be justified in doing at the taking of the more, perhaps, than two millions of prisoners, whom they have taken since the commencement of their revolution? Our hired writers should think of these things in the midst of their excessive joy, or, rather, their affectation of that joy; for, as to any feeling upon the subject, they have no more than the table upon which I am writing.- -There was one transaction, relating to the London rejoicings, which I

must not omit to notice in a partícular man- "the merits of Lord Wellington's characner. There were, it appears, numerous "ter. Upon these occasions, the carriage acts of violence committed against persons "was stopped at St. Paul's, the Mansionwho did not choose to illuminate their "house, and in the square of Somersethouses; and this is quite decisive as to the "house. At the Mansion-house Lord real cause of the generality of the illumi- " Wellesley apprized the crowd that the nation. When we are told, that those who" Lord Mayor was a warm friend of Lord did not illuminate, had their houses demo- "Wellington, and, with the chief Officers lished, in whole or in part, we need not be" of the City, had often expressed approtold what was the general motive of those "bation of his services, upon which they who did illuminate. In the country, where" cheered the Lord Mayor loudly. The there was no smashing of houses, there" crowd halted at Carlton-house, and were no illuminations. Here are cause "cheered the Prince Regent most cordially. and effect as clear as day-light; and all the "At St. James's they stopped, and cheered efforts of all the hired writers in London" his Majesty; and Lord Wellesley having will not remove them from the mind of any "proposed the Duke of York and the Army, rational man. But, the transaction, to "his Royal Highness was loudly cheered. which I particularly allude, is of another " On arriving at Apsley-house, Lord Welsort it relates to the Marquis Wellesley," lesley took leave by returning thanks for and it is well worthy of the reader's atten- "the gratifying marks of attention he had tion. I copy the account from the Courier" received; assuring them at the same time, news-paper of the 19th of August, in the " that he had NOT THE VANITY to following words : "Lord Wellesley" apply them in the smallest degree TO "went out on Monday night in a plain" HIMSELF personally. Upon which they "carriage to view the illuminations, and "shouted, 66 we mean them for YOU "near the Admiralty was recognized by" TOO." "I receive them, then," said "the people, who proposed to draw his Lord W. "as the most unequivocal "carriage, which he endeavoured to dis-" proofs of public spirit-of zealous attach"suade them from carrying into effect, ex- "ment for your Prince-of loyalty to your, "cusing himself with many expressions of "King-and of love for the true interests "thanks. They suffered him to proceed" of your country. I receive them as a "towards Whitehall, but on his return to most gratifying proof of your opinion, "Charing-cross they took off his horses," that the services of Lord Wellington, of "and drew his carriage along the Strand," myself, and of my family, have always "Fleet-street, &c. to St. Paul's, and the "been directed to maintain the honour and "Mansion-house, and back again by the dignity of the Crown, and to the promo"way of Pall Mall, St. James's-street, and "tion of your best interests.' -Now, "Piccadilly, to Apsley-house. The carri- in the first place, it was an odd sort of cuage was followed by an immense crowd, riosity that must have taken Lord Welles"who halted frequently for the purpose of ley out at such a time. To view illumi"cheering the name of Lord Wellington, "nations!" I suppose he has a taste in "and of haranguing Lord Wellesley in that way. Aye; but he went out in a "language of warm congratulation. His plain carriage. But, why go in any carri"Lordship repeatedly addressed the multi-age at all, and especially alone; for nothing "tude. He stated shortly, but with great is said of any one being with him: he seems "force, the eminent services of his gallant to have had all the cheering to himself. "brother in India, as well as in Europe, Then, what an odd whim it was in "the " and the prominent features of his charac-"people" (for they were here the people) ter, which had obtained for him the una- to draw him first away from his home and nimous esteem and love of his army, then to his home! What should they draw "and the applause which his countrymen him into the city for? Why should they "were then bestowing upon him. They suppose, that such a jaunt would be agree "might applaud him, he said, for his at- able to him? The reader, however, will "tention to the comforts and wants of his want nothing more than the publication it"men-HIS CARE OF HIS WOUND-self to make him understand the whole of "ED-his attention to the sufferings of our "allies-and his humanity to the enemy ❝ when subdued or captured. His Lord"ship was interrupted with cheers that

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rent the skies between each instance of

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the transaction, from first to last. It is, indeed, too plain to need any thing more than the bare publication of the account.

--Since writing the above, I have, through the news-papers, received the

French account of the Battle of Salamanca, like what the drummers call a ruffle; that from which it appears, that the Duke of is to say, a little play upon the head of the Ragusa was wounded before the Battle be- drum, preparatory to some regular beat; gan. We have not, therefore, beaten a and, I should not wonder if the hireling French Marshal; but, we have beaten his who wrote this was in expectation of being army under a French General, and that is called upon to beat the retreat in a short quite glory enough.- -The French cover time. If this should be the case, and it is the disaster as well as they cau; but they very far indeed from being impossible, confess a defeat, a thing that is never done what shall we have got for our 3,561 Engby our ministerial papers. The word de- lish soldiers, killed, wounded, and missing? feat, as applied to us, is an useless part of If our army should be compelled to retreat, our language. This confession of a defeat what will have been gained? Really noentitles the French accounts to the more thing; but, a great deal will have been credit; and, indeed, their Bulletins have all lost. The army will have been greatly along proved, in the end, to have been fa- weakened; it will have got farther from tally true. -The French papers also in- its resources; it will have encumbered itform us, that, in the East of Spain, the self even with its prisoners; it may meet Spaniards have suffered a severe defeat, and with great disasters, and it will be sure to the object of our expedition from Sicily has suffer very much from fatigue.—I repeat been frustrated.In a military point of it, that if this battle be followed by a speedy view, therefore, the consequences of the retreat, it will have been an event most disvictory of Salamanca do not promise to be astrous to the war in the peninsula. great. Our army is not strong enough to The accounts from France may, however, remain long in the heart of Spain unsup- not be true, or, at least, not to the extent ported by any other force; and, I am, for mentioned in our news-papers. Yet, as once, inclined to believe the Times news- the Times now confesses, it is, I believe, paper, which confesses, that that army is but too true, that our gallant little army "surrounded by enemies, except in its" is surrounded every where by enemies rear," from which it has swept them. except in its rear, from whence it has -The passage (in the Times of Aug. 25)" itself wiped them away;" which, if it in which this observation is made, is very mean any thing; if it really have a meancurious, and worthy of note at this mo- ing, means, that the whole country is inment:- "We cannot close this account habited by enemies to our army and its "without speaking more on the affairs con- cause; a meaning that is very clear indeed, "nected with this quarter of the Peninsula. but that gives the lie direct to all the past "General Maitland has, we hear, returned assertions of this same print, relative to "from Port Mahon to Sicily, in conse- the disposition of the people of Spain, whom quence of orders conveyed to him by it has represented as holding the French "General Donkin. All our expectations, and their cause in the utmost abhorrence; therefore, of an efficient diversion on the as hating them and loving us; as ready to eastern coast of Spain, must, we fear, be perish to the last man rather than submit “relinquished; and without such diversion, to French sway. The present is an "what can our gallant little army, with its awkward time to make this new discovery; "heroic Chief, perform in the heart of the but, reader, it indicates a retreat; be ascountry, surrounded every where by ene-sured, that he who wrote this paragraph "mies except in its rear, from whence it "has itself wiped them away? With that "diversion, so much hoped for, and so confidently expected, Lord Wellington would "have had the power of either pursuing ἐσ the remains of Marmont's army to Bur6 gos, or of marching directly to Madrid. "Without it, he can do neither; for, unhappily, there is no efficient army organ"ized in Gallicia, as there ought to have been, to assist his Lordship in clearing




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for the Times news-paper, has reason, or thinks he has reason, to believe, that the Battle of Salamanca will be speedily followed by a retreat.How often have I called upon the hired writers to get out of the dilemma in which they were placed by their assertions relative to the disposition of the people of Spain? I have said to them: You tell us, that the people of Spain are unanimous in their detestation of the French; that the people of Spain are

"the north of Spain; and as to our march-brave; that the people of Spain are hearty

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ing to Madrid, Suchet is now disengaged

to advance thither, and join Joseph

Buonaparte."- -This sounds very much

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in our cause, which they know to be the cause of freedom; and that they are ready to perish in that cause.' Now,


these things be not true, you are guilty of promulgating falsehoods; and if these things be true, what an army, what generals, what soldiers, must Napoleon have in Spain; seeing that, in spite of all the efforts of eleven millions of brave people, fired with hatred against the French, and prodigal of life in their hostility, and in spite also of all the assistance given to those eleven millions of people by an English army and an English fleet, the French still keep possession of the Capital of Spain, and of the far greater part of the provinces-They never have answered me. They have never attempted to get out of this dilemma. But now, the Times newspaper confesses, that our army, in the heart of Spain, is surrounded with enemies.Wonderful as this fact may seem to some persons, I believe it most fully. Sir John Moore found enemies in Spain; and, I have never yet heard any one of our generals say, in any official paper, that he found many friends there. We wonder, or, at least, most of us do, that there should be found upon the whole earth, any human creature not to abhor the French, and particularly the Emperor Napoleon. Some in this country hate him because they fear that his power may finally overset, degrade and ruin them; while others, having no means of judging themselves, believe what they are told respecting him, and, of course, look upon him as a being somewhat like the Devil, and not to hate whom would be immoral in the highest degree. -But, the people of other countries have other grounds whereon to form their judgment, and their consequent liking or disliking of Napoleon. We feel nothing of him. We judge from mere report. Some of them feel, and they judge and act upon that feeling. -The people of Spain, for instance, have felt and are feeling the consequences of Napoleon's taking possession and assuming the sovereignty of their country. Amongst those consequences has been the abolition of the Inquisition, a thing which we, from the cradle, have been taught to hold in utter detestation. The people of Spain have also been freed from the burden of maintaining innumerable swarms of monks and their like, much more destructive to the country than the locusts ever are to any of the countries they visit with their depredations. Many of the great landholders have fled, and of necessity their lands fall to the lot of men who before possessed little, or none, of the soil. The estates of the monasteries, forming,


perhaps, a good third part of the country, must have been divided and sold. tithes are no longer paid, or yielded in kind; and, in short, the fruit of the earth, which was before taken in so great a part for the use of those who did not labour, now necessarily finds its way into the mouths or the pockets of those who do labour.Whether this change be right; whether it ought to have been made; whether the people be or be not guilty of sin in liking such a change, and in being glad at getting rid of various other burdens; whether they ought to like the French for being the cause of this change, or ought to hate them for it: these questions I do not pretend to answer; but, I humbly beg leave to think, that they do not dislike the French for having produced this change, and that the real cause of our army being surrounded by enemies in Spain, is, that the people of Spain look upon us as hostile to the change that has taken place. We say, and, perhaps, with some little reason, that if Napoleon get safe and quiet possession of Spain, he will have in his hands the means of doing us mortal mischief; that Ireland will then be exposed to his attacks; and that, in short, our-independence will be in jeopardy. This is a very good reason for our wishing to drive Napoleon out of Spain; but, with all submission to the dust of Mr. Perceval, it is no reason whatever for the people of Spain to wish to drive him out. We wish to drive him out, because his being in would be injurious to us; and, as soon as we can convince the people of Spain that they are now worse off than they were before, they too will wish to drive him out; but, until such conviction be produced in their minds, we may be well assured, that they will not be very zealous in our cause; or in the cause of any body whose object it is to effect a counter-revolution.It is not, as I have often said; it is not the sword which will decide the fate of Europe. It is a moral cause that is at work. There is a change in the mind of man. He will no longer be what he has been. Spain will never submit to her old government, or to any thing nearly resembling it; while her colonies are openly employed in forming governments for themselves, founded on the very principles upon which the Americans and French made their revolutions, and which principles, indeed, were of English origin; the principles of representative government, which run through the whole of our ancient laws, written and

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