
It was almost unnecessary for him to say a word in praise of the individual to whom the next Resolution referred. His conduct in Parliament had been such as justly entitled him to their unanimous choice and support.

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hostile to it; but, I am now inclined to grant the Claims of the Catholics of Ireland, provided they are content to receive the privileges of Englishmen, and to relinquish their predilection in favour of the jurisdiction of the Pope, which they seem. anxious to establish in that part of these kingdoms."-On the subject of a Naval Officer being a Representative for West

4th, That Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. having with unshaken firmness invariably expressed the sense of the people in evil report and good report, and lent his bestminster, he observes-" One half of the assistance to restore to them those inestimable blessings of the Constitution, of which they have been deprived, by a long series of fraud and hypocrisy, by endeavouring to obtain for them a full, fair, and free representation in Parliament, and maintaining the right to Trial by Jury in all cases whatever, even at the cost of PERSONAL IMPRISONMENT, is a fit and proper person to be again returned one of the Representatives in Parliament for the City of Westminster.-(Loud and reiterated applause).

Before he read the 5th Resolution, which related to Lord Cochrane, he thought it would be proper that the two letters, explanatory of his Lordship's political principles, should be read, which was accordingly done by Mr. Richter.

taxes levied on the people of England is disbursed on the navy-for objects which the ability of all the civil Members of Parliament cannot detect to be erroneous, from the inspection of accounts," and thence infers the necessity of having persons acquainted with nautical affairs in the House of Commons. And, lastly, on the subject of flogging, he says "I am no advocate for flogging; although I maintain, from a knowledge of facts, that your fleets could not be governed at present if the power did not exist-a power which will cease to be abused when Parliamentary influence shall cease to place fools and boys in command."

After the applause excited by his Lordship's letters had subsided, Mr. Harris read the two following Resolutions :

correction of the gross and scandalous corruptions and abuses in various departments of the Government, and the enjoyment of religious liberty, is a fit and proper person to represent this City in Parliament.

The first was dated the 28th of Sept. 5th, That the Right Hon. Lord Coch1812, and set forth that his Lordship had rane, by his manly support of Sir Francis never used the trust reposed in him to his Burdett, and his prompt attention to the private advantage, or to promote the in- wishes of the Electors at the time of his terests of those with whom he was con- Commitment to the Tower by the late nected by the bonds of consanguinity or House of Commons; for his assertion of friendship. It then proceeded to point the Right of the People to Trial by Jury, out the good effects which would have re- and having pledged himself to assist in sulted from a compliance with his Lord-procuring a full, fair, and free repreship's motion (soon after he had been re-sentation of the People in Parliament, the turned to Parliament) for a list of the places and pensions held by Members of the House of Commons and their relations. It next adverted to his Lordship's exertions to carry into effect the provisions of the Acts relative to prize concerns, by 6th, That the Resolutions of this Meetwhich two-thirds of the navy now employ-ing be communicated to Sir F. Burdett ed would be rendered more efficient than and Lord Cochrane by the Chairman. the whole at present is. And concluded. by attributing his Lordship's absence from the House of Commons solely to ill health. The second letter is dated Sept. 30. In this his Lordship pledges himself to vote, on all occasions, for Parliamentary Reform, and to support every measure for the abolition of sinecures. With respect to the Catholic Question, his Lordship says "So long as its (the Catholic Religion's) inquisitorial auricular confession, and its principles, so favourable to despotism, prevailed on the Continent, I was

The Resolutions were then put by the Chairman, serialim. The four first were carried unanimously;-on the fifth being proposed,

Major CARTWRIGHT rose and spoke to the following effect:-"I am not aware of any necessity that I shall be under of opposing the resolution declaratory of the fitness of Lord Cochrane to be one of your Representatives; but notwithstanding the many pledges given to this Meeting, I think we want from him one other pledge, of more importance than all the others


consideration, in case of being elected to Parliament as one of the Representatives of Westminster."

Mr. WALKER seconded the Resolution. Mr. RICHARDSON rose to oppose the Resolution. He said, he did not presume to stand before them as an orator.-(Laughs and hisses.)-Gentlemen might oppose his being heard; but though he could not display much oratory, he could speak his opinions. (Interruption.)-The resolution of the venerable Mover goes to snatch a mau from a profession, which, however honourable in itself, he has exalted!-to rob him of that glory which awaits him, and which he has so dearly earned !--to destroy the fair prospects of fame and fortune, which have led him through a laborious life of peril and privation-nay, more, it calls on him to disgrace himself, by abandoning a profession in which the Noble Lord has reaped so much honour himself, and has contributed, in so large a proportion, to the glory of the nation! He proceeded to observe, that such a pledge would be an inducement to Ministers to give the Noble Lord a ship, as soon as he was returned to Parliament, so that his Lordship would be obliged to resign his commission or his seat, and thus perhaps be prevented from serving his country in either capacity.

in one of those pledges to which I allude, he makes mention of certain plans, suggested by him for the annoyance of the enemy, and which plans it is probable will require the personal attendance abroad of his Lordship to carry into execution. At a crisis like the present, highly as I estimate the zeal, the courage, the enthusiasm, the character, the professional skill of my Lord Cochrane, I can by no means consent to dispense with the services of the Noble Lord in Parliament; because it is my opinion that, in the next Parliament, the struggle is to be made, that shall decide whether our political liberties shall stand or fall. It is, therefore, of great importance to know if Lord Cochrane would leave England in case he should be ordered abroad by the Minister, for I hope you are all convinced that the great battle, that battle on which your all depends, is to be fought, not in the Mediterranean, but in St. Stephen's chapel. (Applause.) I am not preaching doctrines that I do not practise. I was a naval officer, and in the American war I refused to serve, and threw up my commission, because I considered that service incompatible with my other duties-(Applause). -Should Lord Gochrane be returned as one of your representatives, I have two powerful reasons for objecting to his being employed on foreign service. The first is, that the Minister would gain a very able officer to assist in the prosecution of this rotten-borough war; and that he would by the same stroke lop off one of the arms of representation in Westminster.-Applause.)-Should the Noble Lord be in the room, I hope he will appear, and give the meeting an answer on the subject (Applause)-[Lord C. did not appear, and the Major proceeded]-I have not been much in the political world of late; but I am informed that gentlemen from distant counties have been invited to become Gandidates for the City of Westminster (Mr. Sturch the Chairman said Mr. GIBBON opposed the motion-If, as No!)-Well, then, I have but one other Lord Cochrane stated, there was a system observation to make, and that renders me of corruption in every department of the still more anxious to see Lord Cochrane in State, and if, by going abroad, he might A relation of his Lordship not only serve his country against the lately called on me, and informed me that enemy, but devise means of rectifying a frigate was fitting out to carry his Lord-abuses in the profession which he so greatship to the Mediterranean, as his health ly ornamented, he could see no just reason was so precarious that he could not pos- why he should be deprived of his seat in sibly live in England. The Major then Parliament. It would be most prepos moved a Resolutionterous to find fault with him under such circumstances-when, perhaps, he was achieving a greater benefit than he could

the room.

That Lord Cochrane be called on to pledge himself not to quit England on any


Mr. WALKER supported the motion. If there were two duties to be performed, one abroad and one at home; the latter, he conceived, would be paramount. was very properly stated by the Gentleman who preceded him, that Westminster ought not to be deprived of one of its arms. They must all recollect the upright conduct of Lord Cochrane in the House of Commons, in opposing the insult offered to the Electors of Westminster, in the person of their other Representative; but what would have been the consequence if he had not been on the spot? Who, then, could have spoken their sentiments?


Major Cartwright's motion was then put and negatived. After which the fifth Resolution was carried almost unanimously. On the sixth Resolution being proposed Major CARTWRIGHT said, that, previous to the question being put, he wished to move a Resolution, which, if carried, should be inserted before that which they had just heard read. Although the motion he had before submitted was negatived, he flattered himself that what he was about to propose would meet their approbation. It had been carried, that Lord Cochrane was a proper person to represent them in Parliament; but it certainly could not be their intention, if his Lordship were elected, and afterwards sent out of the country, to do without one of their Representatives. He should, therefore, propose—


have effected even in the House of Com- | sitting in Parliament, liable to be sent out of the country at the shortest notice. least the people could expect was, that they should not suffer by it. The Officer, if ordered abroad, had his option. Let him, if he pleased, pursue the career of honour and ambition; but let not the people lose sight of the necessity of having their Representatives ready on the spot, prepared to oppose every attack on their liberties. He need scarcely point out to them the encroachments which had been made on their liberties, when they saw their country under a military Government, and the law carried into execution by the point of the bayonet. Major C. then entered at some length into the circumstances attending the arrest of thirtyeight persons, who had assembled at Manchester, to petition for Reform-these men, he said, were falsely accused by an informer, and the friends of despotism eagerly darted on their prey. They were sent to gaol; not by the ordinary operation of the law, not by the intervention of constables, but by the agency of a military

"That Lord Cochrane, if elected, be requested to pledge himself to resign his seat in the Commons' House of Parliament, by accepting of the Chiltern Hundreds, in case he should be ordered out of the king-force. They, however, gained a victory dom in his naval capacity."

Mr. GIBBON said, Lord Cochrane had shewn, in his address, that, even abroad, he could be of essential benefit to the country. He would, therefore, oppose a Resolution, which narrowed and confined his exertions. If they were to fetter men in this manner, they would ultimately find no candidate willing to serve them. Would it be just, if the great Lord Nelson, or Marquis Wellington, held seats in the House of Commons, that, while they were pursuing the interests of their country abroad, they should be deprived of the honour of a seat in the Parliament at home?

Mr. WALKER Supported the motion. Major CARTWRIGHT said, that the Gentleman (Mr. Gibbon) who had lately addressed them, seemed to have an objection to Members of Parliament given pledges; but he could inform him, that the Lord High Chancellor, and every man who accepted a situation under Government, gave a pledge, by taking the oaths of allegiance and supremacy. Therefore, pledges were the doctrine of the law and the constitution. The number of military and naval officers in the House of Commons had grown out of that system, which was called the Rotten-borough Parliament. If the people had the fair exercise of the elective franchise, there would be very few Officers

over their false accuser, and the current of Reform was only impeded for the moment. When this was the case, when such base acts were publicly known, was it not important that their Representatives should be ready to protect their rights? He, therefore, thought this pledge was not too much to expect from a Member of Parliament, and he would not give his vote for any man who would not accede to it.

Mr. HARRIS said, if this pledge were demanded of Lord Cochrane, and he agreed to it, he certainly would not vote for him. He was astonished to hear such a propo-~ sition; it went to drive Lord Cochrane from a noble profession, to which he was an honour.

Mr. RICHARDSON was of opinion, from the nature of the proposed condition, that there was not a sincere wish to elect Lord Cochrane. If such a pledge were tendered to his Lordship, and he accepted of it, he (Mr. R.) would neither vote for him, nor would he ask a single friend to do so.

After a few words from the CHAIRMAN and Major CARTWRIGHT, the Resolution proposed by the latter was carried.

The sixth Resolution was then agreed to.
Mr. HARRIS next proposed-

"That the Committee who conducted the Election for Westminster in 1807, be requested to carry the Resolutions of this Meeting into effect, and the individuals of

this Meeting will give their best assistance to the same end."-Agreed to.

The thanks of the Meeting were then voted to the Chairman, after which the assembly immediately broke up.



(Continued from page 446.)

knowledge he has of the country, that it is much easier to enter, than depart out of it, according as the enemy might oppose the entrance or departure, he decided on evacuating this province, and on taking à position at Reynosa; there having learnt that the Army of Portugal was in presence of the English army, and that they were on the point of engaging, he did not hesitate on putting himself in motion and rejoining it.--Strongly impressed with this important succour and the augment

army, or such as belonged to individualsation which my cavalry was about to rewho had no right to have them, or to such who had a greater number than they are allowed. I did not hesitate making use of this means, the imminent interest of the army and the success of the operations being at stake. I therefore ordered the seizure of such horses as were under this predicament, and I likewise seized a great | number which were with a convoy coming from Andalusia, all upon estimation of their value, and making payment for them. This measure, executed with security, gave us, in the space of eight days, 1,000 more horsemen, and my cavalry united amount ed to more than 3,000 combatants. Meanwhile I no less hoped to receive succours from the army of the North, which con'tinued its promises, the performance of which appeared to have commenced, but of which we have not hitherto seen any effect.- -The 8th division of the army of Portugal occupied the Asturias; these troops were completely isolated from the army; by the evacuation of the provinces of Leon and Benavente they were without succours, and without any communication with the Army of the North; because on the one side the Trindadores, who should have come from Bayonne, could not be sent to Gijon; and, on the other side, the General in Chief of the Army of the North, although he had formally promised so doing, had caused himself to be dispensed with, throwing a bridge over the Deba, and there to establish posts. This division had been able to bring only very little ammunition, for want of means of carriage, and this was in part consumed; nor did they know how to replace it: its position might every moment become more critical, and the enemy seriously occupied himself with it, inasmuch as if it were still thus isolated, it would remain entirely ignorant of the important events which were taking General place in the plains of Castille. Bonnet, calculating on this state of matters, and considering, according to the

ceive, not having learnt any thing positive
further concerning the Army of the North,
and being besides informed of the march
of the army of Gallicia, which in the course
of a few days would necessarily force me
to send a detachment to repulse them, I
thought it my duty to act without delay.
I had to fear that my situation, which was
become much ameliorated, might change
by losing time, whilst that of the enemy
would, by the nature of things, become
better every moment; I therefore resolved
on repassing the Douro, but this operation
is difficult and delicate, it cannot be un-
dertaken without much art and circum-
spection in presence of an army in condi-
tion for battle. I employed the days of
the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th July in
making a number of marches and counter-
marches, which deceived the enemy. I
feigned an intention to turn by Toro and
turned by Tordesillas, making an ex-
tremely rapid march. This movement
succeeded so well that the whole army
could pass the river, move to a distance
from it, and form itself without meeting a
-On the 17th the army
single enemy.-
took a position at Navarre del Rey. The
enemy, who was in full march for Toro,
could only bring two divisions with cele-
rity to Tordesillas de la Orden; the others
were recalled from different parts, to re-
On the 18th, in the
cruit themselves.
morning, we found these two divisions at
Tordesillas de la Orden. As they did not
expect to find the whole army joined, they
thought they might, without peril, gain.
some time. Nevertheless, when they saw
our masses coming forward, they endea-
voured to effect their retreat to a plain
which commanded a village to which we
We had already reached
were marching.
them. If I had had a cavalry superior or
equal to that of the enemy, these two di-
visions would have been destroyed. We
did not, however, pursue them the less,
and with all possible vigour, and during

three hours' march, they were overpowered | higher Guarena, to return by a rapid by the fire of our artillery, which I caused movement upon the position they should to take them in the rear and flank, and have abandoned. The enemy followed my which they could with difficulty answer, movement. On the 20th, before day, the and protected by their numerous cavalry, army was in motion to ascend the Guarena. they divided themselves to reascend the The advanced guard rapidly passed Guarena, in order to pass it with greater that river at that part where it is but a facility.- -Arrived upon the heights of river, and occupied the commencement of the valley of Guarena, we saw that a por- an immense piece of ground, which contition of the English army was formed upon nues without any undulation to nearly Sathe left bank of that river. In that place lamanca. The enemy endeavoured to octhe heights of that valley are very rugged, cupy the same ground, but could not sucand the valley a middling breadth. Whe- ceed then he attempted to follow a pather it was necessary for the troops to ap- rallel rising ground, connected with the proach the water on account of the exces- position they had just quitted, and which sive heat, or whether it was from some every where offered them a position, proother cause of which I am ignorant, the vided I should have marched towards English General had placed the greater them. The two armies thus marched papart of them in the bottom of the valley, rallel with all possible celerity, always within half cannon shot of the heights of keeping their masses connected, in order which we were masters; I therefore, upon to be every moment prepared for battle. arriving, immediately ordered a battery of The enemy thinking to be beforehand with 40 pieces of artillery to be placed, which us at the village of Cantalpeno, directed a in a moment forced the enemy to retire, column upon that village, in the hope of after having left a great number of killed being before us upon the rising ground and wounded upon the place. The army which commands it, and towards which marched in two columns, and I had given we marched; but their expectations were the command of the right column, distant deceived. The light cavalry, which I from that of the left three quarters of a sent thither, and the 8th division, which league, to General Claussel. Arrived was at the head of the column, marched upon this ground, General Claussel, hav- so rapidly that the enemy were obliged to ing few people before him, he thought he abandon it. Besides the road from the was able to seize upon the two rising other plain approaching too close to ours, grounds upon the left bank of the Guarena, and that which we had having the advanand preserve them; but this attack was tage of commanding it, with some pieces of made with few troops; his troops had not cannon, judiciously placed, greatly annoyhalted, and scarcely formed; the enemy ed the enemy, for a great part of the army perceived it, marched upon the troops, was obliged to defile under this cannon, which he had thus thrown in advance, and and the remainder was obliged to repass forced them to retreat.- -In this battle, the mountain to avoid it. At last I put the which was of short duration, we expe- dragoons in the enemy's track. The rienced some loss. The division of dra- enormous number of stragglers which were goons which supported the infantry, vigo- left behind would have given us an oprously charged all the English cavalry; portunity of making 3,000 prisoners, had but General Carree, a little too far ad- there been a greater proportion between vanced from the 13th regiment, fell into our cavalry and theirs, but the latter the enemy's power. The army re- disposed so as to arrest our pursuit, to mained in its position all the night of the press the march of the infantry by blows 19th; it even remained in it all the day of from the flat sides of their sabres, and to the 20th. The extreme heat, and the fa- convey those who could no longer march, tigue experienced on the 18th, rendered prevented us. Nevertheless, there fell this necessary to assemble the stragglers.into our hand between 3 and 400 men and -At four in the evening the army resumed their arms, and defiled by the left to proceed up the Guarena, and take a position in front of Almo. My intention was, at the same time, to threaten the enemy, and continue to proceed up the Guarena, in order to pass it with facility, or if the enemy marched in force upon the

some baggage. In the evening the army encamped upon the heights of Aldea Rubia, having its posts upon the Tormes. The enemy re-occupied the position of San Christoval.- On the 21st, having been informed that the enemy did not occupy Alba de Tormes, I threw a garrison into it. The same day I passed the river in

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