

upon the left had been very severe through-lery. 1 rank and file killed; 2 rank and file out the day; from which we suffered a great deal; and Major General Don Miguel Alava was unfortunately wounded whilst urging on the Spanish infantry in pursuit of the enemy.I broke up this morning from the Carrion, and marched upon Cabeçon del Campo, where I have crossed the Pisuerga.- -The enemy appear to be moving in this direction from Duenas. I propose to halt here to-morrow. -P. S. I have the honour to enclose returns of the killed and wounded.

-42d Foot, 1st Batt. -53d Foot, 2d Batt. -58th Foot, 2d Batt.

wounded.- -Coldstream Guards, 1st Batt.
captain, 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 22 rank and file,
killed; 2 captains, 1 serjeant, 32 rank and file,
wounded.- -3d Foot Guards, 1st Batt. 8 rank
and file killed; 2 lieutenants, 15 rank and file,
wounded.- -11th Foot, 1st Batt. 1 rank and
file killed; 1 serjeant, 4 rank and file, wounded,
-24th Foot, 2d Batt. 4 rank and file killed;
3 rank and file wounded--
8 rank and file wounded.-
1 rank and file wounded.-
1 serjeant, 6 rank and file, killed; 12 rank and
file wounded; 2 rank and file missing.-60th
Foot, 5th Batt. 2 rank and file wounded.-
61st Foot, 1st Batt. 2 rank and file wounded.
-79th Foot, 1st Batt. 1 rank and file wound-
-1st Line Batt. King's German Legion. t
lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 24 rank and file, killed;
1 captain, 22 rank and file, wounded.2d Ditto,
Ditto. 1 major, 2 rank and file, killed; 2 lien-
tenants, 7 rank and file, wounded.-5th Ditto,
Ditto. 12 rank and file killed; 1 captain, 1 lieu-
tent, 7 rank and file, wounded.

Return of killed and wounded of the Army undered.-
the Command of His Excellency General the
Marquis of Wellington, K. B. in the Siege of
the Castle of Burgos, from the 11th to the
17th of October, 1812.


Royal British Artillery. 5 rank and file killed; 7 rank and file wounded.Royal Military Artificers. 1 rank and file wounded.-Coldstream Guards, 1st Batt. 3 rank and file killed; 1 rank and file wounded.- 3d Foot Guards, 1st Batt. 3 rank and file killed; 3 rank and file wounded.1st Foot, 3d Batt. 1 lieutenant wounded.2d Foot, or Queen's. 10 rank and file wounded.- -32d Foot, 1st Batt. rank and file killed; 1 ensign, 2 serjeants, 1 rank and file wounded.36th Foot, 1st Batt. 1 rank and file killed; 2 rank and file wounded. -42 Foot, 1st Batt. 3 rank and file wounded. 63d Foot, 2d Batt. 1 serjeant, 1 rank and file wounded.-58th Foot, 2d Batt. rank and file killed; 1 ensign wounded.- -60th Foot, 5th Batt. 2 rank and file killed; 1 rank and file wounded.-61st Foot, 1st Batt. 1 rank and file wounded.--79th Foot, 1st Batt. 1 rank and file killed; 1 rank and file wounded.


1st Line Batt. King's German Legion. 2 rank and file killed; 2 rank and file wounded. ——2d Ditto, Ditto. 3 rank and file killed; 2 rank and file wounded.- -5th Ditto, Ditto. 1 serjeant, 1 rank and file killed; 3 rank and file wounded.

Total British loss. 1 serjeant, 23 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant, 2 ensigns, 3 serjeants, 39 rank and file wounded.--Total Portuguese loss. 4 rank and file killed; 1 captain, 27 rank and file wounded.- -General Total. 1 serjeant, 27 rank and file killed; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 ensigns, S serjeants, 66 rank and file wounded.

(Signed) S. A. GOODMAN, D. A. A. G.

Names of Officers Wounded.

11th October, 1812. 32 Foot. Ensign Quill, severely. 16th October, 1812.

1st Foot.-Lieutenant Rae, Acting Engineer, slightly. -58th Foot. Ensign Baylie, slightly. Portuguese.-15th October, 1812.

12th Regiment of the Line. Captain White,


(Signed) S. A. GOODMAN, D. A. A. G. Return of Killed, Wounded, and Missing of the Army under the Command of his Excellency General the Marquis of Wellington, K. B. in the Siege of the Castle of Burgos, from the 18th

to the 21st October, 1812, inclusive.

Total British loss. 1 major, 1 captain, 1 lien tenant, 1 ensign, 3 serjeants, 81 rank and file, killed; 4 captains, 5 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 119 rank and file, wounded; 2 rank and file missing.

-Total Portuguese loss. 8 rank and file killed; 1 ensign, 2 serjeants, 41 rank and file, wounded; 2 rank and file missing.- -General Total. 1 major, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 3 serjeants, 89 rank and file, killed; 4 captains, 5 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 4 serjeants, 160 rank and file, wounded; 4 rank and file missing.

(Signed) S. A. GOODMAN, D. A. A.G.
Names of the Officers Killed and Wounded..
KILLED-18th October.
Coldstream Guards. Captain Harvey.
19th October.

Coldstream Guards. Ensign Burgess.--1st
Line Batt. King's German Legion. Lieutenant
Bothmer.2d Ditto, Ditto. Major Wurmb.

WOUNDED-18th October.

3d Foot Guards.. Lieutenants Holborn and Knox, severely.-Coldstream Guards, 1st Batt. Captain the Honourable W. G. Crofton, slightly; Captain the Honourable J. Walpole, severely.

-1st Line Batt. King's German Legion. Cap tain Laroche, dangerously.2d Ditto, Ditto. Lieutenants Hesse and Quade, severely.—5th Ditto, Ditto. Captain Backmeister, severely, right arm amputated; Lieutenant Schlaegar, slightly.

(Signed) S. A. GOODMAN, D. A.A.G. Extract of a Dispatch from the Marquis of Wellington, dated Cabeçon, October 28,


Since I wrote to your Lordship upon the the enemy's whole army, as they placed 26th, I have had an opportunity of seeing themselves opposite to us, on the Pisuerga, yesterday. They are certainly in very great strength. The army of Portugal has received a reinforcement of ten thousand men, including cavalry, from France: and

Royal Engineers. 1 rank and file killed; 1 I have reason to believe that there are two rank and file wounded.- -Royal British Artil-divisions of infantry now with this army,

belonging to the army of the north. The now no large assembly of troops in this cavalry of the army of the north is certain- neighbourhood.I learn that some of

- The

ly with the army of Portugal, and they them marched last night towards Valladohave at least five thousand good cavalry. lid, and others towards Toro.I have No event of importance has occurred since received letters from Lieutenant-General I addressed your Lordship on the 26th. Sir Rowland Hill of the 29th.The enemy formed their army in the plain Tagus was every where fordable, and the in our front yesterday. They have can- enemy had passed a small body of troops nonaded different parts of our line without over at Fuente Duenas.Sir Rowland doing us any injury, excepting that Lieute-Hill had collected his troops on the Jacanant-Colonel Robe, of the Royal Artillery, mah. He was likely to receive my orders was wounded severely, but not dangerous- to move upon Anvalo on the 29th.

ly, yesterday.


Rueda, Nov. 3, 1812. Rueda, October 31, 1812. I take the opportunity of the return of The enemy crossed the Carrion on the the messenger Myers to Corunna, to inform 26th and 27th, and formed their army on you that the army have continued in the the heights near Cijales, on the last of position in which I placed them on the 30th those days, opposite our position on the left of October; and the enemy have made no of the Pisuerga, and their advanced guard attempt to pass the Douro. The bridge of about two miles in front of their main body, Tordesillas is repaired, and they are emand half that distance from Cabeçon.- ployed in the repair of that of Toro. Their On the 28th they extended their right, aud troops are extended along the Douro, from endeavoured to force the bridges of Simancas the latter place to Valladolid. -In the and Valladolid, the former of which was mean time, the troops under Lieutenantdefended by Colonel Halkett, with his General Sir Rowland Hill will arrive this brigade of the 7th division, and the latter day and to-morrow on the Adaja. The by Lieutenant General the Earl of Dal- General received my orders to break up housie, with the remainder of the 7th divi- from his position on the Jacama on the 29th, At length Colonel Halket, being and he intended to carry them into execution hard pressed, blew up the bridge. He at on the morning of the 30th. He had inthe same time detached the Brunswick tended to destroy the Puente Larga, but the Oels' regiment to Tordesillas, towards which mine failed; and the enemy having colquarter the enemy detached troops on the lected a large body of troops between the evening of the 28th. As soon as I found bridge and Aranjuez, they immediately atthat this was the case, I thought it proper tacked our post on the bridge, but were to break up from the Pisuerga and to cross repulsed with considerable loss by the sethe Douro, which object was effected with- cond battalion of the 47th regiment, and a out difficulty on the 29th instant, by the detachment of the 95th, under the command of Colonel Skerret. I have not rebridges of Puente Douro and Tudela.The bridge of Tordesillas was destroyed on ceived the return of our loss upon this octhe enemy's approach to that town, on the casion, but I understand it is about forty No officer was touched. Lieuteevening of the 28th, and I had sent orders men. to the regiment of Brunswick Oels to take nant-General Sir Rowland Hill mentions in post on its ruins, in such manner as to pre-high terms the conduct of the troops. These vent the enemy from repairing the bridge. circumstances delayed the march from the I had the mortification, however, of learn- right of Lieutenant-General Sir Rowland ing, on the night of the 29th, that this re- Hill's positions till the evening of the 30th, giment had been obliged to abandon its and he has since continued it without being The post, and as I had seen the enemy's whole at all molested by the enemy.. army in march towards Tordesillas on that building called La China, in the Retiro, evening, it was obvious that no time was to and all the guns, stores, &c., which that be lost. I therefore marched the army at work contained, which had not been caran early hour yesterday morning to their ried away, were destroyed before the left, and posted the troops on the heights troops were withdrawn from Madrid.—— between Rueda and Tordesillas, immedi- The Spanish divisions of Don Carlos d'Esately opposite, and near the bridge of pana and Conde de Penne Villemur are Tordesillas. We found the bridge nearly with Lieutenant-General Sir Rowland Hill. repaired on our arrival, but the enemy had A small body of the enemy's troops were made no attempt to pass it, and they have at Valde Moro on the 31st, and entered

Madrid at ten o'clock on the morning of the 1st instant.I have accounts from the North, stating that Longa has taken a convoy escorted by three hundred men, near Victoria.

To the Editor of the Morning Chronicle.

Without at all going into the discussion in which your Correspondents have been recently engaged, I must observe, that neither they nor any of the numerous advocates for the measures Government has pursued in relation to our currency, have hitherto attempted to explain the benefits to be derived from the Legislature's interposing to raise the current value of the banknote to twenty shillings, when its real value It is by no means my intention to enter is so much degraded. But, indeed, had into the controversy on the general state of the effort been made, it would have been our Currency, which has been feebly re- fruitless. No country can derive benefit newed by some of your correspondents, in from such a project; for, to use the lanconsequence of Mr. Monck's having pub-guage of the Parliament of Scotland centulished the letter I addressed to all the Gen- ries ago, the "pennyworths must always tlemen concerned in issuing Local Tokens," rise with the penny.'* whose directions I could procure.After all that has passed, I really cannot now descend to argue with those who have still the folly to conceive that the Paper Currency of this country is not depreciated.Neither do I think it necessary to assign further reasons for maintaining, that our lawful currency may be restored even in time of war, and that this measure would be attended with almost immediate beneficial effects on the state of the exchange. These are propositions on which I believe no man can seriously entertain a doubt, who knows what took place during war in the year 1696. For it is impossible to suppose that even the Chancellor of the Exchequer must not renounce all reliance upon his misquotations from Davenant, and acknowledge that at that time the exchange became favourable long before the restoration of peace, when he reads the following extract from the Proclamation printed in the Gazette of the 28th of September, 1696:

The system which the Legislature has adopted most certainly deprives the stockholder of a portion of what the Government had contracted to pay to him; it enriches the tenant at the expense of the landlord; and gives to the debtor an opportunity of defrauding his creditors. But this is not more repugnant to justice and policy than it is to the ancient practice of our Legislature. For when in the time of James III. of Scotland the denominative value of the money was raised, it was immediately by law provided, that debtors who owe any debts or contracts made before, should pay to their creditors the same sums in substance as it was intended betwixt them before the measure took place, and that all contracts in future should be paid according to the agreements betwixt the parties.+

The subject of our Paper Money is in itself complicated and whilst many have an interest in deceiving, a still greater num ber have an interest in being deceived, it is not, therefore, surprising, that the present departure from what seems to have been the ancient wise policy of our Legislature, should meet with applause.

"The Lords Commissioners of the Trea"sury having likewise moved their Excel"lencies (at the desire of several Merchants "who have considerable quantities of Gold "Bullion, which they cannot export, by But the question concerning the propriety "reason of the present course of exchange, of prohibiting the circulation of those Local "without great loss), that liberty might be Tokens, to which this paper system has "given to coin the said gold, they offering given rise, is in itself more simple. And "to do it at their own charge. Their Ex- the object of my now addressing you is, to "cellencies are pleased to approve thereof, return my thanks to the numerous Issuers and to order that the said Lords Com- of Tokens who have honoured me with re"missioners do direct the Officers of the plies to the queries I thought it my duty to "Mint to receive and coin any Gold Bul-circulate, for they have put me in posses❝lion that is brought to the Mint after the sion of a case, which makes it so clear, "first day of October next, the Proprietors "paying the charge of coinage. "their Excellencies were also pleased to "direct that this order should be publish"ed in the Gazette."




* See Preamble to Ch. 24th of the 4th James III.

+ See Ch. 19th, 3d of James III.-See also Că. 69th, 8th of Jaines III.

that every description of the community are deeply interested in the repeal of the Act of last Session of Parliament, that it is impossible to suppose any delusion can prevail on this branch of the subject.

From the information I have thus obtained, I can now with confidence assert,

1st. That if this Act is not repealed, more than six times the value in Tokens that His Majesty has coined of silver money during his reign, must in March next be withdrawn from circulation.

2dly. That the real value of those Tokens is greater in proportion to their nominal value than that of the shillings and six pences which are now current; and that of course the coin that is to be withdrawn affords a better security to the holder than the coin that it is intended should circulate. 3dly. That the Bank's Tokens can afford comparatively no resource-few of them remain in any part of the country where they have been issued; and what is called the rise in the value of silver, must soon banish the whole from circulation. Besides, it was from the first impossible to obtain from the Bank the necessary quantity, and recently so many counterfeits have appeared, that people at a distance have been unwilling to accept them.

4thly. That notwithstanding the quantity of Local Tokens in circulation, there is such a deficiency of silver money, that 5, and even 10 per cent. is given to get silver for a note; and that in many places change cannot be obtained without five or ten shillings of copper money is accepted. Nay, such is the difficulty of getting small money, even with the aid of Local Tokens, that there are instances of Tax-gatherers, who have illegally circulated silver notes to facilitate the collection of the revenue.

tion of Local Tokens, there can, after the month of March next, be no adequate means of making small payments, which must involve the country in difficulties hitherto unexperienced.

With the knowledge of these facts, it would be natural to conclude, that the law must be altered, and that the Act of last Session must be repealed. For it cannot be supposed that there exists a man, who, after having foolishly carried away the masts of his vessel, would persevere in prohibiting the crew from erecting jurymasts, and allow the ship to remain an unmanageable hulk on the water. Yet his folly would be trifling in comparison of that of a Government, who having rendered the circulation of lawful coin impossible, should prohibit the subject from resorting to any other means of conducting the necessary exchanges of commodities.

Indeed, under any other circumstances than those in which we are placed, I should think the inference that the law must be altered, certain. But when I recollect that the American War, under which our commerce is now suffering, is to be ascribed to the obstinate perseverance of Ministers in the Orders of Council-and that their too tardy conviction of the mischiefs attending that unfortunate measure, was at last only extorted by the overwhelming multiplicity of the witnesses who appeared before Parliament, I feel it a further duty thus openly to solicit additional information from those who are anxious to avert the evil with which the law threatens us, and who have as yet delayed honouring me with a reply. LAUDERDALE.

Dunbar-house, Dunbar, Nov. 3, 1812.


5thly. That before the Local Tokens began to be circulated, paper notes, though in violation of the law, were becoming common, and that master manufacturers in many instances commenced the practice of Report of the Military Commission silling paying their workmen with paper tickets, at Paris.-(Continued from page 670.) and establishing a shop in the neighbour- above-named, in conformity with the Arhood, to give commodities in exchange for ticles 87 and 88 of the Penal Code of 1810. them. A practice still unfortunately pre-The Military Commission discharged valent, which has the mischievous consequences of subjecting the poor workmen to pay a monopoly price for every article they


6thly. That if measures are not adopted to enable us to revert to the use of the ancient lawful currency of these realms, and if the law continues to prohibit silver notes, as well as to inflict penalties on the circula

and acquitted, 1st, unanimously, the Sieurs Gomont, called St. Charles, Sublieutenant; Joachim Alexandre Lebis and Amable Aime, Provost Lieutenants; Jean Charles Francois Godard, Captain; Joseph Antoine Viallevielhe, Jean Henri Caron, Pierre Charles Limozin, Adjutants, sub-officers; Jean Joseph Julien and Jean Baptista Caumitte, Sergeants-major, of the

crime of being accomplices, of which they
were accused: 2d, by a majority of four
to three, the Sieur George Rouff, Captain,
of the crime of being an accomplice, of
which he was accused, conformably to the
law of the 13th Brumaire, year 5.- -The
Military Commission ordered that the ac-
quitted above-named should be placed at
the disposal of His Excellency the Minister
of War.Enjoined the Judge Reporter
to read the present judgment to the con-
demned and the acquitted, and to cause it
to be executed in all its extent within 24
hours.Done at the public and perma-
nent Sitting at Paris, the 29th of the said
month of October, as above.

(Signed) The Members of the

This judgment was yesterday affixed in Paris. At three in the afternoon twelve of the condemned suffered their sentence at the Plaine de Grenelle. Rabbe and Rateau have received a respite.

wishes to exert his industry with security, to profess the religion of his fathers with freedom, and to enjoy in peace his inheritance, or the property which he owes to his, labour; if he no longer fears lest Brigands should deprive him of the means of maintaining his family, and reduce him to wretchedness, to whom does he owe so many precious advantages, but to the protecting Government, which every where maintains law and order? This truth is now felt by every Frenchman. These reflections burst from every heart, when, loaded with the public execration, the traitors and their adherents underwent the just punishment of their criminal attempts. Every man, withdrawing within himself, saw in each conspirator not only an enemy of the laws, but also a private enemy. The honourable sign with which several of them were invested still added to the indignation. Ingratitude added to treachery rendered it still more odious. We have never seen, under any circumstances, more harmony in the public opinion, and a Paris, Oct. 31.-The mad attempt made greater unanimity of sentiment. We inby a few brigands to disturb the public sist on this point, because it does honour tranquillity, and to substitute the horrors to the character of the inhabitants of Paris, of anarchy to legitimate authority, has and proves that they know their true injustly excited the indignation of all good terests, which cannot be separated from citizens. The unshaken fidelity to their respect for the laws, and love for the Sovereign, of which every class of people Sovereign. While His Majesty the has given an honourable proof on this oc- Emperor shares the fatigues of his brave casion, may suffice to convince the traitors, legions, while every one of his movements if it were possible that any yet existed, is a triumph, and he is consolidating in the that a Government founded on wise laws, North the glory and happiness of France, on the love and on the interests of the citi- and the repose of the Continent; while his zens, rests on an unshaken basis.— -A warlike labours in the most healthy climate long and fatal experience has opened our of Europe only contribute to fortify his eyes too well to allow us to become the health, this opportunity is taken to disdupes of a few wretches, who, shaken off seminate the report of his death, as if every by society on account of their criminal con- Frenchman had not sworn fidelity to the duct, and having nothing to lose, are bent Imperial dynasty; as if the Constitutions only on disorder, and regret those disas- of the State had not secured the order of trous times when virtue, talents, and opu- succession to the Throne. Does not lence, were titles of proscription; when every one of us tell our children " we have the most sacred laws of humanity were been plunged in the misfortunes of a revoviolated with impunity, and when violence lution, which dissolved all the ties which and corruption degraded even the depo- attach man to his country and his fellows. sitories of authority. Where is the pro- We durst not calculate the termination of prietor, where is the father of a family who the public calamity and of private misfordoes not return thanks to heaven for having tunes, when a hero, elevated by victory placed on the Imperial Throne the August and his genius above other men, repaired Monarch whose tutelary power secures to all our evils, re-assembled the scattered every Frenchman his rights and his pro-wrecks of our social institutions, and united perty, who animates with his genius every part of the Government, recompenses zeal, represses injustice, and punishes public and individual crimes?If every individual, of whatever class or profession,

us under a paternal Government, immutably established and fixed by the national will. You will be more happy than we have been. He will leave you heirs of his grandeur and his genius. It is on this in

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