

to state, I, for my part, do not, in any de-"" has turned the long suffering of God gree, participate in the exultation of the "" into wrath;" but it asks, with great day, though, I must confess, that I wait" justice, "have his slaves, and the slaves with no little impatience for intelligence of ""of their own passions, shown themhis fate. That fate is, before now, decided," "selves less ferocious than their leader?" and, with it, in all probability, the fate of "No! we regret to say they have not. We the Russian Government and of the com- regret to bear testimony to so general a merce of England with the Continent of" degradation of a people once celebrated Europe. In the course of ten short days" for the suavity of their dispositions, and we shall know the result; and, therefore," the chivalrous gallantry of their senti> all that I shall add here is, my anxious hope, that it will be such as shall tend to the freedom and happiness of this country and of mankind in general.——There is one passage in the TIMES news-paper of the 8th instant, which I cannot help noticing" before I conclude, and, according to my usual practice, I shall first insert the passage itself, which is in these words:

"The great body of the French soldiery | "approaches to an almost entire disorgan"ization; their physical strength is wasted ❝ and gone; their moral powers (if it be



"ments: but when we see the atrocities of
"Moscow acted over again at Madrid, and
"the contemptible Joseph imitating his
"bloody Brother, in shooting Spanisla
Noblemen for their loyalty, we are al-
most ready to join with the Russian Mi-
"nister, in exclaiming,
"nister, in exclaiming," is impossible
"" that morality should exist in such a
"nation!"- -It is pretty well for this
Russian minister to accuse Buonaparte of
burning temples" and causing the "blood
"of the innocent to reek from the earth;"
it is pretty well for the Editor of the Times
now to talk of the atrocities of Moscow,
and impute them to the French, when, only
three weeks ago, he asserted, that it was by
order of the Czar that Moscow and 30,000
wounded Russians had been burnt, and
who also asserted, that the said Czar
had a "plain, full, and perfect_right"
to order such burning. One hardly ca
discover what this unprincipled writer
is aiming at with regard to the burning
of Moscow; but, this we may conclude,
that to mention it in the way of re-
proach upon the French demands a store of
impudence such as falls to the lot of very
few, even of the hirelings of our press.
But, what I am particularly desirous of
drawing the reader's attention to, is, the
general tone and jet of this paragraph, the
writer of which manifestly has it in view
to excite hatred and abhorrence, not against
Napoleon alone, nor against him and his

66 not a desecration of the term moral, to ་ apply it to such a horde of civilized bur"barians) are overcome and exhausted. “ Man but a rush against their breasts, ." and they retire in a state of despair, "they offer themselves up prisoners to those very Cossacks, who take no prisoners, " but execute the vengeance of their coun"try with an unsparing hand. These "wretched, these despairing creatures, "would excite our pity, did we not remem"ber the atrocities of which they have "lent themselves to be the WILLING "AGENTS,—in Spain, in Portugal, in “Switzerland, in the Tyrol. Even-handed "justice commends the ingredients of their "poisoned chalice to their own lips. "The South has felt their cruelty, and the "North avenges its sufferings. May the "nations of Europe at length open their 66 eyes to the true causes of that dreadful "visitation which they have so long en-army only, but against the Fronch people, "dured! We are sorry to be under the "necessity of deferring till to-morrow, a "nervous and manly address by the Rus"sian Minister of the interior, which was "published at Moscow, on the 29th of Oc"tober. It will be found to contain a most “just exposition of the French character,-" impossible that morality should exist in a most serious admonition to all who "walk in the paths, or adopt the princi66 ples, or submit to be associated in the 66 practices of such a people. Of the leader " and author of their most flagrant crimes, "it observes, that "the measure of his "" iniquity is full. The burning temples, "" and the reeking blood of the innocent,


against the whole of the French nation, who are here denominated, "the willing "agents of Napoleon, not less ferocious "than their leader;" who are described as in a state of "general degradation ;” and of whom it is asserted, that it is

"such a nation.' Now, reader, you will please to observe, that this is quite a new lone; you will observe that this is a tone which has not been used since the battle of Marengo. While the delusive hope existed of subduing and clipping the wings" of France, the press of England held this tone; it then talked of the



atrocities of the French people; it talked | holds forth a pretty good lesson to the peoof the necessity of punishing their immo-ple of France. It tells them, in no very 'ralities; it imputed to them, in a mass, all equivocal language, what they have to exsorts of crimes. After the battle of Ma-pect if their present ruler should fall; it rengo, it directed all its hostility against tells them, that those who affect to pily Buonaparte; and, I am sure that the reader them, do, at bottom, hate them, and only will bear in mind, that this press, this base wait for an opportunity to do them all the press, has, within these ten years, a thou- mischief that lies in their power; it tells sand times spoken of the people of France, them, that all the piteous cry that our hirenot as the "WILLING AGENTS” of Na- lings have set up about the oppressions in poleon; but, on the contrary, as being held France, about the tyranny of Buonaparté, down, as being compelled to submit to his and about the forcing away of their sons in sway, by mere military force. Nay, only chains to fight his battles and to gratify his a few days have passed since this vile press ambition; it tells them, that all this has assured this "most thinking people," that proceeded from the basest hypocrisy, from the French nation were ripe for revolt, a desire to divide them from their "CHIEF and, indeed, that a revolt was actually or- MAGISTRATE," as Lord Ellenboganized and about to take effect. How rough, upon the trial of Mr. Peltier, very many times have I had to notice the affect- properly called him; it tells them, that ed pity of these hirelings for the "oppressed these hireling writers hate them as much as "people" of France? how often have we they do him, that their hatred, their imbeen told of the conscripts marching in placable animosity, is towards the whole of chains to the army? and, who can have the French nation; it tells them, that they forgotten the description of the French mo- wish to see that nation, that whole people, ther, given in the canting speech of Mr. humbled and subdued, blotted out from Canning?This was the tone only a amongst the nations as destitute of all mofew days ago; and why has it changed all rality, and of all claim to confidence or of a sudden? The reason is this: these mercy.-This is what this sudden change stupid hirelings now imagine, that the pre- of tone tells the French people; and, of sent order of things in France is upon the course, it tells them, that their fate, that eve of being wholly overset; they anticipate their very existence as a nation, are (in the seeing of that country re-plunged into the opinion of these writers) indissolubly confusion; they expect soon to see the day linked with the fate of Buonaparté; aye, when, in consequence of the anticipated with the fate of that same Buonaparte, fall of Napoleon, England, in conjunction whom these writers have heretofore been with other powers, will be able to do that constantly representing as the oppressor, to France which was intended to be done the tyrant, the scourge, of the people of in 1792; and they are, therefore, by im- France. So much for the sound judgputing to THE PEOPLE of France a will- ment of these writers, as far as it tends to ing participation in the atrocities imputed produce impression in the minds of the to Buonaparté, preparing before-hand a people of France; and let us now see what justification for such measures towards the is the lesson which this their change of whole nation of which he is the head. tone ought to afford us.--Reader, in what This is the motive for their change of tone. day of your life, during the last ten years, This is their motive for now imputing to have you not heard these same writers asthe whole of the French people a character sert Buonaparté to be a tyrant? In what and crimes which they have heretofore im-day have you not heard his government deputed only to their chief; this is their motive for now describing as the WILLING | AGENTS of Napoleon, those whom heretofore they have affected to pity as suffering under his "military despotism;" this is their motive for holding up France as a na-people of France were, from one end of the tion generally degraded, and amongst whom it is impossible for morality to exist; this is their motive for thus holding up the very > same nation, whom, but a few days ago, they represented as boiling over with virtuous rage against the atrocities and tyranny of Buonaparte.—This change of tone

scribed as a military despotism? In what day have you not heard it asserted, that he had filled the country with spies and Bustiles? In what day have you not heard it asserted and taken for granted, that the

country to the other, animated with hatred against him? In what day have you not read, that his army was recruited by the forcible seizure of persons dragged to it in chains? In what day have you not heard all this asserted, not only in paragraphs, but in speeches and addresses from various quar

ters? Well, then, observe, and I be- of inquiry was, whether Lord Wellingseech you to bear in mind, that it is now ton's last campaign had, or had not, betas positively asserted, that the armies and tered the situation of England in the Pethe people of France are the WILLINGninsula; and, if it was found that it had AGENTS of Buonaparte; and are exhibit-not, if the last intelligence left him at his ed as fully participating in all the hateful qualities, and in all the crimes, that have been, and are, imputed to him.--Bear these things in mind, and you will not be again exposed to the mischievous delusion which has so long prevailed.Before this sheet issues from the press, the fate of Buonaparté will, in all probability, be known; but, I beg the reader to guard himself betimes against the error of regarding even the death of Buonaparte as decisive of the fate of the people of France; for he may be assured, that the people of France are just what they were before Buonaparté appeared at their head, and that our country will stand in need of all the wisdom and all the valour it can muster, to defend itself against those, who (as our writers now confess) are animated with his spirit.

old ground; if he had been compelled to retreat to the spot whence he started at the commencement of the campaign; if the enemy had retaken all that he had acquired by his advance into Spain; if this was the case, the conclusion in my mind would have been, that, upon the whole, he had, by his deeds during the campaign, ren dered his country no service at all, and, of course, merited, on that score, not a farthing of the public money.The bat tle of Salamanca was glorious to the arms of England. I was amongst the loudest in praises of the General upon that occasion; but, in estimating that General's services to his country, I must take into view the consequences of that battle as well as the battle itself; and, if I find, that those consequences have not been beneficial; if I find that they have led to retreat and to GRANT TO LORD WELLINGTON. -On great loss of lives; if I find that they have Monday, the 7th instant, the House of been injurious to the cause of the country; Commons voted the sum of one hundred if I find that the advance and the retreat thousand pounds to the Marquis of Welling-both taken together; if I find, that the ton on account of his recent services in the campaign, as a whole, may be fairly consiPeninsula.. -I am one of those who dis-dered as leaving the cause in a worse state approve of this grant, Not as to the amount; than it was before, upon what ground am I for I disapprove of it altogether. I would to concur in a grant for services rendered have voted against any sum being voted by the man who has had the absolute comhim on that account. My reasons for mand in that campaign?——Mr. Whilthis may be gathered from two previous bread, who seems, upon this occasion, to articles that I have written upon the sub- have been very eager to stand in the front ject; but, I shall here state some of those rank of the eulogists of Lord Wellington, reasons over again in the remarks that I am observed, that as much glory was to be about to offer upon the debate (as published acquired by retreats as by advances, and in the news-papers), which took place he quoted some instances of French Geneupon the voting of the grant. -SIR rals having gained great fame in this way. FRANCIS BURDETT, who objected to the He did not quote any instances where regrant till time had been allowed to inquire treats had gained for French Generals into the cause of the retreat which had either money or titles. No: he did not succeeded the victories of Lord Welling-quote any instances of this sort; and yet, ton, took a view of the whole of the cam- he should have done this to make his cases paign, and insisted, that, as in other cases, applicable to the question before him.— a judgment ought to be formed upon it as Besides, it is not the mere manner of cona whole, and that, as a whole, it pre- ducting the retreat that we are talking of sented us with the spectacle of a complete here: it is of the necessity of retreating; failure. Several persons spoke after the nor do we blame Lord Wellington for that Honourable Baronet, and all in favour of necessity; we do not say that it was posgrant; but no one answered, or attempted sible for him to foresee that such a neces to answer, his argument.- When a re-sity would arise; we are ready to give him ward was proposed for services, the first question naturally was, whether, since the last reward had been bestowed, any service had been performed by the person proposed to be rewarded. Then the object


credit for as much foresight as any man can be expected to possess; we cast no blame; all we say is, that, upon the whole, he has failed in this campaign, and, that, therefore, he ought not to be

adverse to his reputation and his cause ș and, in the evening of the same day, you heard the House of Commons vote lands to the amount of 100,000l. to Lord Wellington, who had just retreated from the Capital of Spain. Observe, too, that Na


rewarded.--When Mr. WHITBREAD
(who really appears to have been qualified
for Secretary of War) was comparing the
merits of Lord Wellington's retreat with
that of Massena, he seems to have forgotten
the length of time which elapsed between
the advance and the retreat of Massena :poleon's retreat was occasioned by an event
he seems to have forgotten how long the
French General kept our army hemmed up
within its lines at Lisbon, what enormous
expenses he put us to for the support of
that army, and what relief he obtained
thereby to the French armies in Spain.
Massena retired to the spot from which he
had started; but he was there ready to
give battle he did give battle; and, in
fact, the whole of his campaign was a very
glorious one. Yet, he got no money and
no title. He got no thanks even. Buona-
parté is poor. The French nation are
either without means: or, they have not
such liberal rulers as we have.It hap-
pens rather importunely for the advocates
of this grant, that, at the very same time,
they are representing the retreat of Buo-
naparte as a proof complete of his failure.
Yet, he began his campaign in Poland;
he has (as far as we know retreated over
only a part of his ground; if he reaches
Poland, he will then have cut off a limb of
the Russian Empire equal in population to
one half of Spain; he will have done this
during his campaign; and yet have the
hired writers the impudence to represent
his retreat as proof of failure and as a
mark of indelible disgrace, while they re-
present the retreat of Lord Wellington as
entitled to praise and reward. They tell
us, they tell this thinking, this "most
thinking people," that the retreat of Na-
-poleon is a proof of failure; that it is a
mark of disgrace; that it must tarnish his
fame; that it must for ever rob him of the
confidence of his soldiers; and, at the
same moment, in the same news-paper,
and in the very same column, they have
the impudence to tell us, that the retreat-
ing of Lord Wellington, so far from di-
minishing his merit, constitutes a great
augmentation of that merit; that it is a
proof of his skill, his prudence, his ta-
lents as a general, and must give fresh
confidence to his troops as well as to our
allies the Spaniards. Curious indeed is
the scene before us. On Monday, all the
day of Monday, you heard in the city, on
the Change, in the streets, in the shops,
in every hole and corner, you heard the
retreat of Napoleon from the Capital of
Russia spoken of as a proof of every thing

of the most tremendous nature; an event
which no being with a human heart in his
hosom could have anticipated; an event no
more to be guarded against than an earth-
quake or a storm at sea. There was no such
event occurred at Madrid. The French, though
we say they are abhorred by the people of
Madrid, did not set fire to that city and de-
stroy its inhabitants rather than suffer them
to afford shelter to the English.
French did not act thus even by enemies;
King Joseph did not thus sacrifice people,
who, as we are told, detest him. Therefore,
Lord Wellington had not to meet such an
event as it fell to the lot of Napoleon to face.
Madrid was found what it must have been
expected to be. Yet, we praise Lord Wel-
lington for his campaign; we extol him to
the skies; we reward him with titles and
estates; and all this we do at the very mo-
ment that we are affecting to treat even with
ridicule the campaign of the Emperor of
France.-Again: We are told, that the
people of Spain are devotedly our friends.
Lord Wellington had, then, a friendly coun-
try to advance into; every door was open
to him whether advancing or retreating;
all the resources of the country the people
were ready to lavish on him; they, we
were told, were in ecstasies of joy at being
delivered from the French; every arm, we
were told, was lifted for the assistance of
the English army. Just the reverse of all
this was said to exist in the case of the Em-
peror of France; and yet, oh!“ most think-
ing people" as we are, we affect to speak
contemptuously of his campaign, while we
heap rewards upon Ld. Wellington for his!

The campaign, and, indeed, the life, of the Emperor of France, may, by this time, possibly be closed; but, speaking of that campaign as far as we have any information regarding it, it leaves a quarter part, and the best quarter, of the Russian Empire, in the hands of Napoleon. Not so; not any thing like this the campaign of Ld. Wellington, which leaves in our hands (as far as our intelligence goes) not one inch of territory that we did not before possess ; yet, we give rewards to the latter, while we affect to believe, that the campaign of the former will, at the least, wholly deprive him of his military reputation, if not of his

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not blame the taste of Lord Wellington; for, I would really sooner have the property of the Manor of that name, than the chance of all the land of Spain which the French will leave to any sovereignty but their own. I may be deceived; but it still continues to be my firm conviction, that, unless we adopt, and that very speedily, an entirely new principle whereon to carry on the war in the Peninsula, we shall never rescue it from the grasp of France.-Mr. GANNING made, in this debate, an observation, with the noticing of which, I shall conclude an article, which, perhaps, has too long detained the reader. He said, "With

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crown and his life!-Verily, we are a "most thinking people !"-Mr. WHITBREAD, said, in concurrence with Lord Castlereagh, that Lord Wellington had beaten Massena, Soult, Ney, Victor, and Marmont. I do not recollect the instances in which he beat any one but the latter.That, however, would be sufficient to satisfy me, if he had held his ground; but I cannot, and I never will, consider that as a victory, which is almost immediately followed by a retreat.-With regard to the siege of Burgos, it was, according to Mr. Whitbread, unsuccessful, not because the attack was injudicious, but because the defence was so good! Why, this is a most comprehen- out going over the details of Lord Welsive justification for a failure, for it will "lington's services, he would call upon apply to battles in the field full as well as "the House to recollect how different to sieges of fortresses. When a general is" were the feelings of the country, both as beaten at any future time, we have only to "to its safety and military prowess, besay, that it was not owing to his not plan-"fore the Noble Lord had commenced his : ning and fighting well, but to the good career on the Peninsula. He was still planning and fighting of the enemy; and young, and we might fairly hope for thus are we at all times, and under all cir- many future glories and advantages in cumstances, secure from even the chance of "the course of it. Before Lord Wellingdisgrace. It was said, upon this occasion, "ton's career begun, the country never enby Lord Castlereagh, that Lord Welling-"tertained the hope of driving the French ton's career had been "one continued "beyond the Tagus, or the Douro. It was "series of victories, unchequered with any not the Tagus, but the Thames that we then thought of defending. To fortify our "coasts, and flooding the country, we then "looked as military measures to ensure our safety. How different is the prospect now!" Why, Mr. Canning, the prospect, to short-sighted people, is, indeed, widely different; but, to those who see a little beyond the present moment, it is not so materially changed even in a military point of view, though you will please to observe, that this description of persons never thought of defending England by flooding or by forlifiThose who recations, or by barracks. flect little, see that we have exhausted ourselves by keeping only a part of the armnies of France at bay; they see, that, in a vain attempt to force commerce, we have got into a war with America, which has ruined no small part of our manufacturers, planters, and ship-owners; they see, that, for the present, the maritime efforts of Napoleon are suspended, but that they may, and, in all probability, will be resumed, unless he himself be overthrown; they see, that, in four years, we have gained very little ground in the Peninsula; they see, that, if he should, aye, if he should, finally succeed in the North, our prospect will be infinitely more gloomy than ever; and, in short, they see, that we are in a state which

reverses, except retreats, which were as "honourable to him as the proudest vic"tories."-This sweeping assertion invites us to a general view of our affairs in the Peninsula, where Lord Wellington has had the Chief command for four years, and yet, where there is even now scarcely a single British Soldier beyond the confines of Portugal. If we have spent four years in gaining victories, and in retreats as glorious as victories, and if we have, with all this, made so little progress, how long is it to be before we shall see an end to this Peninsular war? If four years of victories, which have cost us about 70 or 80 millions of money, set our army only on the confines of Spain, what is to be the time and what the money required for the obtaining of ultimate success? And, what a prospect does this assertion of the minister hold out to this "most thinking people?" Lord CASTLEREAGH said, that Lord Wellington had had money voted him by the Spanish Government, and that he had refused to accept of it, a refusal which he very much applauded. I do not see any reason for this applause, especially as he has not refused the title of Duke conferred on him by the Spaniards. If we are fighting the battles of Spain and Portugal, why should they be excused from contributing towards these and rewards? grants However, I do



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