
was simply a deliberate insult to me. Yes, my motive, all sublime I don't make any bones of it, is to dish Willoughby. But now that I've had time to think it over, I 've the best feelings in the world toward Honor. Of course she is n't in love with Willoughbynobody could be; and of course she could fall in love with Tolna-anybody could, with their hands tied. Now, Margery, don't you think that Honor would be happier with him than giving Sing Sing dinners?"

“Oh, Jessie, you are too delightful! First catch your hare. Monsieur Tolna certainly did stare at Honor. But he may not have been looking beyond her to the Little Church around the Corner."


Ah, wait till I tell you!" Jessie retorted, with unabated enthusiasm. "Just now I was coming out of the dressmaker's, when I met Honor on the steps. I had n't seen her since the engagement was announced, so of course I congratulated her, and then I asked her if she had n't had a hard time making up her mind between Beauty and the Beast."

"Jessie, if I had n't an overweening respect for you as my aunt, I should certainly say that you are the most impertinent creature who was ever tolerated by polite society."

Thanks, love! Honor stiffened up and

said she did n't know what I meant. I said, 'Oh, no doubt you knew what you wanted. But it must have taken fortitude to say an eternal farewell to the entrancing Tolna.' At that she laughed. 'I have n't,' she said. 'We are the best of friends. I am an hour late here because he has just been spending the afternoon with me.' Well! You could have

knocked me down with a feather."

"Probably she said it to tease you."

"No; it just slipped out because she was mad at me. But it was true, for she blushed and looked as if she wished she had held her tongue. Besides, Honor is n't quick enough to make up anything. If Tolna has begun calling on her already-"

Margery's eyes danced.

"But even then, Jessie, he may n't mean matrimony. The Hammonds are poor, and we all know what these foreign counts expect."

For the first time, Mrs. Burnham looked a little dashed, though she protested valiantly:

"But he makes a big income, and he will for years to come. Why should he be a fortune-hunter? He does n't want to be supported in idleness. He's not that kind. No, Madge; I consider him an A Number 1 match for Honor."

"But do actors make good husbands?

Ought we to encourage Honor to risk her domestic happiness with a professional singer?"

For a moment Jessie looked puzzled and discouraged. Then she pounced on her niece to give her a vigorous shaking.

"Madge, you wicked little beast, you 're just teasing me!"

"Oh, Jessie, please-please! Unhand me, tyrant, and I will confess all. If you must know, Jessie dear, I have stolen your thunder in this affair. I am even now doing my utmost, in the most dishonorable way, to separate two plighted lovers and rob a girl who has never injured me of a house on the Park, the Rajah's Rose, and millions in the bank. I have already asked Miss Hammond and Monsieur Tolna to come here on Sunday for a quiet cup of tea.”

“Oh, you angel! That was why I came to you. I knew you were the only one who could get hold of him. And you 'll keep the Arguseyed in the next room?"

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The Argus-eyed is n't even asked. The fact is" Margery hesitated. Enjoyment of the funny side of the story impelled her to confession, but mortification prompted her to withhold part of the truth. "The fact is

that Maurus Tolna has run away from the Argus-eyed on purpose to go a-courting, and he is staying at a private hotel, under another name. And Mr. Alden does n't know where he is. I telephoned him-Mr. Alden, I mean— two or three hours ago, and he answered that Tolna was in bed with nervous prostration. Evidently he is too proud to say that his prisoner has broken jail. His voice sounded so worried. Oh, it was too absurd!'

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Jessie received this intelligence in a very unusual silence which lasted at least a minute. Then she rose to her feet like a Nemesis, a steely glitter in her eye.

"Madge, I told you I'd do anything in the world for you or Alice, and so I will. But I have n't forgiven that young man of yours for his behavior to me at the opera. I gave him fair warning. Nothing mean about me. Now you just wait. I'll fix him!"





you want a scoop " I can give you one, but promise, on your honor, not to drag me into it. They say newspaper men have n't any, though.

Well, anyhow, the scoop is that the singer, Maurus Tolna, has disappeared from home, and no one -not even Denys Alden-has the faintest idea where he is. I don't know whether Alden or Hirt has been to the police, and of course if they have it is n't a scoop. But I have reason to believe that Alden will keep quiet so long as he has any hope of Tolna's coming back, which he won't. Won't come back, I mean.

Naturally, you won't believe this without proof, but I give you my word I know it. Go to Tolna's house and try to see him if you are afraid to take a straight tip from

Your sincere friend,


P.S. Don't spare scare-heads.

Thursday night, late.

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