
these various movements indicate the renewal of some coalition for the deliverance of Europe, an event scarcely to be expected, perhaps at the present moment scarcely to be wished; or whether they are made with a view to the possible struggle for the partition of the Turkish Empire: or whether they are merely measures of a precautionary nature, dictated by mutual jealousy and distrust; remains still to be discovered.

The utmost vigilance is said to be employed in every country under the influence of Bonaparte, to exclude all goods of British fabric.


This important settlement has fallen again into the bands of Great Britain. Our troops under the command of Sir David Baird began to land on the 5th of January, and on the 8th marched about 4000 strong to attack the enemy's force which consisted of about 5000 men, a great proportion of it being cavalry. The attack was made by the Highland Brigade under a heavy fire of round shot, grape, and musquetry. "Nothing could surpass or resist," observes the General," the determined bravery of the troops headed by their gallant leader Brig. Gen. Ferguson. The enemy maintained his position obstinately, but in the moment of charging the valour of British troops bore down all opposition, and forced him to a precipitate retreat." The obstacles which our troops had to encounter appear to have been very considerable; and the distress which they suffered from the want of water and provisions had nearly exhausted them in the moment of victory. From this distressing situation they were relieved by the exertions of Sir Home Popham and the navy. The loss of the enemy in this engagement is said to have been 700 men. Our loss was one captain (Forster) and 14 rank and file killed; 3 field officers, 1 captain, 5 subalterns, and 180 others wounded; and 8 missing.

On the day succeeding this engagement, while our troops were marching towards Cape Town, a flag of truce arrived, and proposed a capitulation, which was acceded to, and the town was immediately surrendered.

By a subsequent dispatch, dated the 13th of January, it appears that after the engagement of the 8th, General Jansens, the Dutch Governor, had retired into the country, carrying with him about 1200 men and 28 pieces of cannon. A part of our army was sent in pursuit of him: but General Baird, with a view to prevent the farther effusion of blood, and the devastation of the country, had made an overture to him which was highly honourable to both parties, and which, it is to be hoped, he will accept. The Moniteur has noticed the capture of the Cape with many derogatory comments on the conduct of the Dutch Governor; and with expressions which indicate some dissatisfaction with the existing Government of Holland.


America continues to complain of the conduct of the belligerent powers, and a rupture between her and Spain has becu thought probable. The questions at issue with this country have not yet been decided; and the decision will probably inBut we

volve considerable difficulties.

entertain no fears that the existing differences will assume a hostile aspect. A few individuals, it is true, are violent and clamorous; but the Government, although some of its communications to Congress on the subject have been unfair and unreasonable, seems disposed to pursue moderate counsels. Great complaints have been made relative to the impressing of American seamen by British officers; and an act was proposed in Congress authorizing and even rewarding resistance to any future attempt of this kind. The good sense of the people at large seems to have reprobated this outrageous violation of the established principles of national polity, and there appears no danger of its passing into a law.

A motion has been made in Congress for imposing a tax of ten dollars a-head on slaves imported into the United States, and it seems likely to be adopted. Its object is to discourage, as far as Congress can discourage, the continuance of importations of slaves into South Carolina, the only State whose ports are now open to such a traffic.


PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. SINCE the meeting of Parliament a number papers has been moved for in the House

of Commons, calculated to throw light on the state of our empire in the East; and intended also to serve as the foundation

charges against the Marquis Wellesley. The gentleman who has stood most prominently forward on this occasion is Mr. Paull. These motions have given birth to some interesting discussions, from which it appears that the financial affairs of the Company abroad have experienced considerable embarrassments in consequence of the Mahratta war. The Company's debt is now estimated at 30 millions. The charges which Mr. Paull has announced his intention of preferring against the Marquis Wellesley respect his conduct to the Rajah of Bhurtpore and to other native princes, and the profusion and waste of public money on objects of mere pomp during his administration. Government appear to have no intention of interfering on this occasion. The Grenville party indeed are warmly attached to his Lordship, and seem prepared to undertake his defence. Mr. Fox and his friends have not expressed their purpose openly: It is believed that they disapprove of the policy pursued by Lord Wellesley; but it seems doubtful whether they will afford any encouragement to a retrospective enquiry. It must be the wish, however, of every real friend to the happiness of India and the reputation of Great Britain, that there should arise no impediment to a full, free, and impartial investigation of his Lordship's conduc', while he filled the important station of Governor General. It was with much satisfaction that we heard Mr. Fox explicitly disclaiming in the House any wish to alter the present constitution of the Government of India as by law established.

Considerable doubts having arisen, with a particular reference to the case of Lord Melville, whether witnesses in criminal cases are bound to answer questions likely materially to affect their pecuniary interests, the opinions of the twelve judges were taken; when seven of thein answered affirmatively and five in the negative. In consequence of this difference of opinion a declaratory act has passed both Houses putting an end to all doubt on the subject, and laying it down as the law of the land, that the apprehension of civil injury is not admissible as a plea for refusing to give evidence in criminal prosecutions.

On the motion for going into a Committee on the ariny estimates, some questions were put to Ministers respecting their plans of military defence; to which they declined It is therefore uncergiving any answer. tain how far Mr. Windham may choose to proceed in reducing to practice those military theories which he was in the habit of developing with so much eloquence when

out of office. He has gone so far as to state, that Mr. Pitt's defence act is not likely to coutinue in force.

Mr. Tierney has brought in a bill for explaining and rendering more effectual the act against treating at elections. The bill proposes to exempt candidates from the enormous demands to which they are now liable, for the conveyance and travelling expences of voters not resident at the place of election, and to prevent the bribery and corruption which are carried on under the pretence of such charges. We very cordially wish success to the honourable gentleman's measure, which we are persuaded would strike at the root of many corrupt practices, while it would relieve the upright candidate for a seat in Parliament from a most oppressive burden.

We adverted in our last to the appointment of Lord Ellenborough to a seat in the Cabinet. This measure, which had produced great dissatisfaction, was brought before both Houses of Parliament on the 3d inst, when a motion was made to the following effect, viz. That it is expedient for the due administration of justice, that none of the common law judges should be members of the Cabinet Council. The mo❤ tion was negatived in the upper House without a division, and in the lower House by a majority of 222 to 64.

The committee for conducting the impeachment of Lord Melville having complained of the contumacy manifested by Mr. Trotter in refusing to answer their interrogatories, he was ordered into the custody of the Serjeant at Arms, but was discharged the next day, in consequence of his submitting to the proposed examination,

A new article of impeachment has been exhibited against Lord Melville, which states that his Lordship, besides misapplying the sum of £.10,000 as admitted by his own confession, had possessed himself, at an early period of his Treasurership, of sums to the gross amount of £.27,000, which were applied, not to the public service, but to private purposes, and to the accommodation of certain traders with whom he was connected.


It has pleased Providence again to bless his Majesty's arms with signal success. Another naval victory has been obtained, by which one of the squadrons lately es caped from France is satisfactorily accounted for. On the 6th of February last, Admiral Duckworth having with him seven sail of the line, two frigates, and two sloops, discovered a squadron of French ships,

consisting of five sail of the line, two frigates, and one corvette, at anchor in the bay of Santo Domingo, where they had disembarked 1500 troops. He immedi ately attacked, and after an action of two hours entirely defeated them. Three ships of the enemy's line, one of 80 guns, and two of 74, fell into our hands, and two (the Imperial of 120 guns bearing Admiral Le Seigle's flag, and a 74) were driven qu shore, and afterwards burnt. The frigates and corvette escaped. The enemy's loss is stated to have exceeded 1200 meu. Our loss in killed and wounded amounted to 338. No British officer was killed or mortally wounded. Sir John Duckworth has proceeded with his prizes to Jamaica.

The squadron which has been thus lost to the enemy was part of a detachment of the Brest fleet consisting of 11 sail of the line. The remainder is supposed to have gone to the East Indies.

Several privateers have been taken from the enemy, who on the other hand have captured some of our merchantmen, even close to our own shores.

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Marquis of Blandford by the title of Baron Spencer.

The arrival of a flag of truce from the French coast on the 20th instant has given birth to many surmises on the subject of peace. A naval officer, Captain Majendie, landed from it and proceeded directly to town. The most probable supposition is that he is merely charged with a commission relative to the exchange of prisoners. As to peace on secure and equitable terms; and any other peace would be delusive and ruinous; we dare not permit ourselves to indulge a bope of it at the present moment. Judging by the recent exposition which Bonaparte has published, both of his domestic and foreign relations, we can discover in him no real disposition to cultivate peace with this country. It is unques. tionably his policy to make peace with us; for in no other way can he now hope to raise a navy, the great object of his ambition: but we are greatly mistaken, if his pride and arrogance will not, in this in-. stance, stand in the way of his obvious interest, and lead him to insist on terms, to which even Mr. Fox will be unwilling to lend an ear.

The trial of Governor Picton, which has been delayed for a considerable time, till the necessary evidence should be procured from Trinidada, came on in the Court of King's Bench on Monday the 24th of February. The indictment preferred against him was for having inflicted torture on Louisa Calderon, a creole of that island. The leading circumstances of the cruelty exercised on this unfortunate girl, who was produced and gave evidence in court, and who at the time was only 13 years of age, are as follows. The girl was suspected of having some knowledge of a robbery which

January, 1805......... 11,418,874 214 had been committed in the house where For the year ending 5th

January, 1806......... 13,171,499 24 The increase in the permanent taxes is chiefly in the heads of Excise, Stamps, and Letter-money.

The increase in the war taxes is principally from tea and the property duty.

At a General Court of the India Company, a year and a half's salary (about £40,000) of the late governor general Marquis Cornwallis, was voted to his son the present Marquis, in testimony of the high sense entertained of the eminent services of his deceased father.

The Right Hon. W. B. Ponsonby is created a peer of the united kingdom, by the title of Baron Ponsonby; and the

she lived, and underwent an examination before the Alkalde: but persisting in denying all knowledge of the transaction, the case was referred to Governor Picton, who immediately issued an order for applying the torture. Accordingly she was fixed upon the instrument prepared for that purpose, suspended by the left wrist from the ceiling of the room, and resting with the extremity of the great toe of her right foot on a sharp wooden stake, her right hand and left foot being also tied together behind her back. In this state she remained for 54 minutes, when she was taken down and put in irons for the night. The next morning the same scene was renewed for the space of 22 minutes,

during which the unhappy sufferer fainted away twice. Having at last confessed, she was taken from the torture, but was immediately put in irons, and confined in a place where she could not stand erect, for eight months, when she was liberated. These facts were admitted by the defendant's counsel. The defence set up was of this kind. The laws of Spain authorized torture: the laws of Spain were the laws of Trinidad; and these governor Picton was bound to maintain an argument which was thus illustrated. The laws

of the English island of St. Vincent authorize a justice of the peace, to slit the nose, cut off at discretion any limb, or take away the life, of a person of colour who shall even raise his hand against a white person, whatever may have been the pro

vocation. It would not be fair that a justice. of the peace, who under the authority of this barbarous law, had maimed one of his Majesty's subjects, should be tried according to the principles of English jurisprudence. The act of the island would be his justification in a court of law, if not of conscience.' This reasoning was just: but unfortunately for governor Picton, the fact on which it rested, viz. that the laws of Trinidad allowed torture to be inflicted, was not proved. On the contrary, it appeared that that part of the Spanish law which authorized torture, had never been part of the law of this colony; and that, in point of fact, the oldest inhabitant of the island, had never known an instance of torture till its introduction by this British governor. He was of course found guilty.


ON the 25th of February, at Edinburgh, in the prime of life, the Rev. DAVID BLACK, one of the ministers of that city. He was a most amiable man, a most exeinplary Christian, and a most useful and faithful labourer in his Lord's vineyard. He was taken ill on the fifteenth, but no dauger was apprehended for some days: but on the 20th some alarming symptoms made their appearance, and on the fifth day from that time it pleased God to take him to himself in the midst of his days and usefulness, being in the 44th year of his age and the 21st of his ministry. His disorder, which appeared to be an inflammation in the brain, prevented him from leaving his dying testimony to the truth and excellence of that blessed religion which he understood and loved so well, and exemplified with such happy uniformity in his conduct and conversation, in his public ministrations as a pastor, and in every private relation of life. His death was deeply and generally lamented as a public loss, and will long be felt by his congregation and friends.

At Glasgow, on the 17th current, in the 68th year of his age, DAVID DATs, Esq. of Rosebank, late one of the magistrates of this city. The character of this good man comprehended in it so many points of excellence, that only an imperfect outline of it can here be given. Hle had not enjoyed the advantage of a po

lished or liberal education; but this want was compensated by a large share of natural sagacity and sound sense, by an accurate and discriminating knowledge of human character, and by a modest and dignified simplicity of manner, which se cured to him universal respect and attention. A zealous promoter of general industry and of the manufactures of his country, bis schemes of business were extensive and liberal, conducted with singu- ' lar prudence and perseverance, and, by the blessing of God, were crowned with such abundant success as served to advance his rank in society, and to furnish him with the means of that diffusive benevolence which rendered his life a public blessing, and shed a lustre on his character, that has been but too rarely exemplified. Impelled by the powerful influence of that truth which he firmly believed and zealously taught, constrained by the love, and animated by the example of his blessed Master, his ear was never shut to the cry of distress; his private charities were boundless; and every public institution which had for its object the alleviation or prevention of human misery, in this world or the world to come, received from him the most liberal support and encouragement. For while the leading object of his life was the diffusion of the light of truth in the earth, be gladly embraced every opportunity of becoming, like the patriarchs

of old "eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame," and of causing "the widow's heart to sing for joy." In private life, his conduet, actuated by the same principles, was equally exemplary-for he was a kind parent, a generous friend, a wise and faithful counsellor," a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate." And now having thus occupied his talents be hath " entered into the

joy of his Lord."-" Mark the perfect and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace."

The remains of this eminent servant of God were intered on the 21st instant. The funeral was attended by the magistrates, by ministers of all denominations, and by between two and three hundred respectable inhabitants.-The concourse of spectators was immense. Several hundreds of poor received a small gratuity in money, after the interment. He honoured God while he lived; he was honoured by all descriptions in his life, and at his death: and though dead will long live in the af fectionate remembrance of thousands.

At Dumfries, in Scotland, the Rev. Dr. BURNSIDE, minister of St. Michael's.

Rev. RICHARD BETHEL, rector of St. Peter's, Wallingford.

At Warringstown, co. Antrim, Ireland, in his 84th year, Major HOLT WARING. He fought at the memorable battle of Dettingen, and his intrepidity in the execution of a very dangerous piece of service during the action attracted the notice, and gained him the applause, of his Sovereign.

At Stowe, in the parish of Arlingham, in his 83d year, the Rev. HENRY DAVIES, M. A. upwards of fifty years rector of Chilton, Berks, and many years perpetual curate of Saul, co. Gloucester.

At Halton Holgate, co. Lincoln, Mrs. BARKER, wife of Mr. Robert Barker; leaving him and five small children to mourn her loss. On the following morning, Mrs. Barker (his mother) was found dead in her bed, whither she went the preceding evening in her usual good health.

Mrs. CATHERINE DALE. Travelling from London to the West of England, she alighted from a stage-coach at the Black Horse inn in Salisbury, complained of being indisposed, and expired in a few


Mr. GEORGE ADNEY, ensign of the 60th Foot, undertook to drink a quart of rum, in consequence of bets being made by other officers; which he nearly accomplished, and retired to bed, where he was found dead the next morning.

At Autun, aged 63, M. de FONTANGES, Archbishop of Autun, and formerly Archbishop of Toulon.

The infant son of Mr. Budd, of Martlett Court, co. Gloucester, a fine child, about three years old. He fell a victim to the negligence of the servant-maid, who had put him in the window of an upper room, through the casement of which he fell into the court below, and was so dreadfully bruised that he almost instantly expired.

Suddenly, in a fit of apoplexy, as is supposed, and in the meridian of life, leaving a wife and family, Mr. HALL, a glazier, of Arnsby, co. Leicester.

As the Newbury coach was turning into the White Hart iun-yard at Newbury, Master AYRES, son of Mr. Ayres, of Cornhill, one of the passengers, putting his head out of the window just at the time, received so violent a contusion, by striking against the gate-post, as to cause his instant death.

In the North of Ireland, the Rev. RICHARD WADDY, rector of Cumber.

Aged 113, JOHN TUCKER, fisherman, at Itching Ferry, Southampton; who followed his usual occupation till within a few weeks of his death.

Lately, at St. Petersburg, Count ALEXANDER WORONZOFF.

Mr. OLIVER, one of the surveyors belonging to the East India Company, stepping over the tier of shipping at Deptford, fell between two ships, and was unfortunately drowned.

Feb. 1. At Stoke Newington, at the very advanced age of nearly 98, without a single sigh or groan, Mrs. SARAH WOOLLASTON, for more than 40 years the relict of Israel Woollaston, Esq.

At Paddington, Mr. SYKES, a farmer, who resided near Stamford, Lincolnshire. Having spent the evening with a party at the house of a friend, he fell over a bannister, in his way down stairs, and fractured his skull.

At Clapham, Mrs. GARRATT, wife of Francis Garratt, Esq.

At Warkworth, Mrs. BATES, relict of the Rev. Dr. Bates. She was reading the morning-service to a sister who was very ill, herself apparently in perfect health, when she dropped down and instantly expired.

In her 20th year, Miss ANNE MILNE, a daughter of the Rev. Dr. Colin Milne, of Deptford, Kent; and, on the 15th, another of his daughters, Miss HARRIET MARIA MILNE, aged 21; both of consumption.

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