
Peace necessarily implies a recognition of all his usurpations, and of his exorbitant power. He has repeatedly declared that that power will be employed in making France sovereign of the seas. Peace, if it will not enable him actually to realize this project, affords him the only chance (and a formidable chance we must admit it to be) of realizing it. Peace, should it be accomplished, will prove no obstacle to Bonaparte's seizing, on some frivolous pretext, the Grecian Archipelago, and invading the dominions of Turkey. Our tardy interference may involve us in a fresh war, but will not wrest from his gripe these approaches to our oriental empire. His colonies in the East and West will be employed as depots of troops ready for any exigency. And the Boulogne flotilla, which we now view with indifference, will, in the event of another rupture, and before we can place ourselves in a posture of defence, prove a most formidable engine of annoyance; for the immense standing army of France, be it remembered, will suffer no reduction in consequence of a peace. The prospect is certainly of such a nature as may well lead us to mix trembling with our joy. May it also lead us to place our unfeigned reliance on Him by whom empires rise and fall, and to seek his favour and protection as the sole means of our safety.

The evacuation of Cattaro by the Russians, it is supposed, bas by this time taken place. A large Austrian force had sailed from Trieste to take possession of it. Bending beneath the weight of French influence, Austria has ordered the officer who surrendered Cattaro to the Russians to be cashiered, and has also issued a decree, probably of a temporary nature, shutting the ports of the Adriatic against all English and Russian ships. The French armies continue to occupy their former stations in Germany,

The fortress of Gæta still resists all the efforts of the French to reduce it. The garrison is aided, and its wants supplied, by the active co-operation of Sir Sydney Smith and his squadrons.

A considerable British force has disembarked in Sicily, and has removed all apprehensions of an attack on that Island.

Bodies of French troops have spread themselves through the ecclesiastical states, and taken possession of Rome. It is generally reported that the temporal dominions of the Pope will be annexed to the "kingdom of Naples, and that the Pope will have the city of Turin assigned him as the seat of his future residence,

A violent eruption of Mount Vesuvius has spread havoc and desolation throughout the adjacent districts.

Spain has shut her ports against Sweden, on the pretext that the vessels of the latter power are employed in introducing English merchandize into the Spanish dominions.

The differences between Sweden and Prussia are still unadjusted. It is supposed that the hostile movements of Prussia are only restrained by the fear of incensing the Emperor of Russia. In the mean time the King of Sweden is strengthening himself in Swedish Pomerania. In consequence of some resistance made by the regency of that province to his orders for organizing the military force, he has dissolved the former constitution of Pomerania, and declared that it shall enjoy in future the same government and laws as his Swedish dominions, but without being subject to the taxes and debts of Sweden.


The accounts of the progress of General Miranda, in his attempts to revolutionize South America, are so contradictory, that it is impossible to ascertain the truth. He appears to have had two of his vessels taken by the Spaniards. He himself, however, it is said, has landed at the Caraccas, where he found a large body of the native inhabitants ready to join his standard.


An American Captain who arrived at New York from Cape François reported, that in May last, Dessalines had ordered a gcneral massacre of the White French inhabitants at the Cape, and throughout the Island. Among other particulars it was stated, that at the Cape he had caused 150 of his victims to be strangled in their beds, but that their bodies were afterwards mangled, and exposed to every species of indignity; that many more had been shut up in forts, and afterwards put to death in a most cruel manner; and that this had been done for the sake of the property of these unfortunate people. All this is evidently one of those calumnies against the persecuted negroes of St. Domingo, by which the French hope to apologize for their own hideous enormities. For besides the absurdity of supposing that Dessalines would take the pains to strangle these supposed victims in their beds, when he was afterwards to exhibit them in a mangled state; whence, may we not ask, did these white French come in such numbers? We have already been amused with circumstantial details of massacres stated to be universal.

Two such were confidently affirmed to have taken place in 1804. All the French inhabitants, a few priests excepted, were then savagely butchered, if we are to credit Amcrican Captains, and death denounced against every Frenchman who should set his foot on Hayti. Did the murdered Frenchmen come again to life; or were their countrymen so fearless of death, as, in spite of both the massacre and the proclamation, again to put themselves in great numbers in the power of Dessalines? One hundred and fifty French are said to have been strangled in one night, and a greater number sent to the forts at the Cape alone, besides a still greater num ber which, it is said, suffered in other parts of the Island. They are said too to have been the victims of Dessalines' avarice. But surely if all the details of universal massacre and proscription which we have heard during the last two years were true, it is impossible that so many Frenchmen should have remained at St. Domingo, and should be possessed of property sufficient to tempt the cupidity of Dessalines. The falsehood of those details,however, is proved to our satisfaction by this more recent fabrication. Considering the constant intercourse between America and St. Domingo, it must be a matter of notoriety, at New York, whether there was any number of French inhabitants at Cape François.

If it was known that there were no such persons there, the falsehood of the present report would have been at once so nauifest, that it could have obtained no


That the French were numer

ous at the Cape may therefore be assumed, and if so, what becomes of the former tales of horror which were so generally believed? And does not the manifest falsehood of those old tales destroy the credibility of this new one, conveyed to us, as it is, precisely through the same chanuel? Independ❤ ently indeed of this constructive reasoning, the story itself is wholly unworthy of credit,

And here we would warn our readers against the thousand arts which will be practised on their credulity, previously to the next session of Parliament, in order to turn the current of public feeling against the wretched African race. The game is already begun, and the scenes of St. Do mingo will be frequently re-acted. But this will only be one of many sources of imposture. Already, by way of producing a sentiment of compassion in favour of West India planters, one of their body has offered his estates to sale by a public advertisement, in which, while he pretends to invite purchasers, he expresses his fears lest the effects of the late parliamentary pro ceedings with respect to the Slave trade, should be to produce insurrection and various other evils, by which the value of West Indian property will be greatly deteriorated. One would suppose that such a clumsy trick could scarcely deceive a child; and yet we know that men have been deceived by it. But surely one moment's reflection must convince every person who reads it, that such an advertisement is nothing more than a Slave-trade squib.


PARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS. A Bill has passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors imprisoned for debt, by which their persons are liberated from confinement on their making a complete surrender of all their effects.

In the Committee of Supply the following sums have been voted, viz. £.272,386 for the extraordinaries of the army during the last year above what was voted by Parliament; £.54,184 for purchasing certain buildings in Palace Yard; £.12,600 for works about the Houses of Parliament; £.7,500 to the British Museum; £.4,500 for the expence of Lord Melville's prosecution; £.1,000,000 to the East India Compauy, for expences incurred for the public service; £. 3,000,000 for the Army Extra

ordinaries of Great Britain, and £.600,000 for Ireland during the present year; £.55,000 for purchasing lands for the use of Chatham, Woolwich, &c.; £12,000 for building a Court of Exchequer in Scotland; £.7,500 for improving the Scotch Fisheries; £.8,000 for Agricultural Improvements in Scotland; £.2,000 for a Lunatic Asylum; an Annuity of £.18,000 instead £,12.000 to each of the younger Princes, excepting the Duke of York, of £.7,000 instead of £.6,000 to the Princess Charlotte of Wales; of £6,000 instead of £.5,000, to each of the Princesses, and of £.5,000 instead of £4,000, to the Princess Sophia of Gloucester; £.15,000 to the College of Surgeons for the erection of a building for the late Mr. John Hunter's Museum, and for an Anatomical Theatre; £20,500 to the

Commissioners of Naval Enquiry; and £.10,500 to the Commissioners of Military Enquiry.

Lord H. Petty after pointing out the happy effects which had been produced by the discovery of vaccination, moved an address to his Majesty to direct the College of, Physicians to enquire into the state of the Vaccine Inoculation, the evidence in support of the practice, and the causes which retarded its progress, and to make a report thereon to the House; and he intimated his intention, should the report prove favourable, to follow it up by some legislative regulations for securing to the public the beneficial effects of the discovery, and by some farther remuneration to Dr. Jenner.

The consideration of the charges preferred against the Marquis Wellesley has been deferred till the next Session of Parliament.

The Bill for empowering the Privy Council in certain cases to suspend the operation of the Navigation Laws, as they affected the intercourse of America with our West India Colonies, has passed into a law.

It is enacted that no Field Officer of the Regulars shall be commanded by any Volunteer Officer, whatever be his rank; with respect to inferior Officers their relative rank remains as before. This appears to be a judicious regulation.

Lord Morpeth brought forward the India Budget. It appears from his statement, (we are by no means confident that we may not have misapprehended the results) that there is a deterioration in the state of the Company's affairs during the last year of near a million pounds sterling.

The Bill for training the mass of the population to the use of arms has passed into a law. An effort was made to introduce into it a clause authorizing Sunday drilling, but it was successfully opposed. act now stands, Sunday drilling is prohibited, excepting only in cases of necessity.

As the

The Slave Ship Restriction Bill, mentioned in our last Number to have heen brought forward, by Mr. Fox, in order to prevent any extension of the Slave trade, and which goes to prohibit all persons, not now actually engaged in the Slave trade, from embarking in it, and all ships, not previously occupied as Slave ships, from entering into that trade, has passed into a Jaw. We anticipate the happiest effects from this well-timed enactment.

A motion was made in the House of Commons for the thanks of the House to be given to the different corps of the Volunteers, for the promptitude and zeal with

which they had stood forward in their country's defence; which, we are sorry to say, was got rid of by the previous question.

A Bill has passed for reducing the Holi. days at the Custom House, which have hitherto proved a great and useless impediment to public business, to three, and for regulating the fees of officers.

A Bill has also passed for altering and amending the Bankrupt Laws in some very important particulars. One object is to prevent a Commission of Bankruptcy from being superseded by previous secret acts of bankruptcy, and to legalize the claims which, subsequently to such secret acts of bankruptcy, bona fide creditors may have acquired on the property of the Bankrupt.

On the 23d inst. Parliament was prorogued by a Speech from the Lord Chancellor in the King's name.



On the 10th inst. a cause was tried in the Court of King's Bench, which will serve to illustrate what we have often advanced respecting the influence of the Slave trade in steeling the heart against all the ordinary emotions of humanity, at least, towards those who are the subjects of that cruel traffic. Of this horrid trial we shall now lay a copious account before our readers. The plaintiff in this cause was an African negro, of the name of POTTER JACKSON: the defendant, whose name is LIVESLEY, was Captain of the ship Lord Stanley, of LiverThe pool, engaged in the Slave trade. circumstances of this extraordinary case of cruelty and atrocity were as follows:

When the Defendant in the pursuit of his voyage had arrived in Jamaica, be found it expedient to make some addition to his crew; and for this purpose, he hired the Plaintiff in the capacity of Captain's Steward, and a man named Robinson as Second Mate. The ship sailed for Liverpool, in April, 1805, but it was not until the 4th of June that any thing occurred material to state in elucidation of this affair. On that day, the Plaintiff being on duty, on deck, with Robinson, whose watch it was, asked leave of the latter to go below, in order to make the cot of the First Mate. Permission being given, he performed what he proposed, and at the same time, at the desire of the First Mate, gave him some grog. Presently afterwards the Captain enquired what he had been doing? to which the Plaintiff replied consistently with the truth. The Principal Mate hearing that the Plainti

It was

had told the Defendant that he had given
him some spirits, was so much irritated,
that he pursued him to the mizen chains,
where the Plaintiff sought refuge, and then
threw him into the sea, as the vessel was
advancing at the rate of five knots an hour.
Robinson, by jumping into the boat, rescued
the black from a watery grave.
not until the evening that the Defendant
interposed, but then he ordered the Plain-
tiff to be turned before the mast, and im-
mediately tied his hands behind him, and
fastened him to the ring bolts of the deck,
in which situation he was continued more
than eight hours, the Captain, in the mean
time, throwing buckets of water over him,
as (he said)" he was so fond of the sea."
(It seems the unhappy Plaintiff had threat-
ened to cast himself overboard to escape
the cruelty of his tyrants.) The next day,
at four in the afternoon, the Defendant
called the Plaintiff upon deck, and charged
him with stealing money from one of the
passengers, which the latter positively de-
nied. After some ineffectual search on the
person and in the bag of the Plaintiff, the
Defendant, taking a new log-line, made
what is called a cat-o'-nine-tails. The
Plaintiff was then stripped naked, tied up,
and flogged by the Defendant, until being
exhausted, he commanded the Chief Mate,
and afterwards the Second Mate, without
intermission, to renew the torture. While
the wounds were yet fresh, this inhuman
monster ordered the brine to be taken from
the harnish-tub, (so the beef-cask is term-
ed) and to be rubbed into the open sores. To
add contempt and derision to this horrid
series of atrocities, the Plaintiff was thrown
into the turtle-tub full of water, under
which his head was at intervals immerged
by this barbarian. These horrid ceremo-
nies being performed, the lacerated wretch
was put in double irons, and was in this
condition exposed without a rag to cover
bim. On the 8th of the same month, this
miserable object was again brought upon
deck, and then the Captain said to him
~" If you do not tell me where the money.
is, I will have the value out of your back."
The man persisting in his innocence, the
Captain, assisted by the Chief Mate, and
two others of the crew, again returned to
apply the same torment, until the Plain
tiff was in a state of insensibility; after
which he was put in irons as before, and
continued in that situation until the fol-
lowing day. The like ferocity was prac-
tised on the wretched victim on the 11th,
15th, and 14th of the same month; and on
the 5th of July, the ship having arrived at

Liverpool, he was put on shore, and Mr. Lindsay, a respectable surgeon, attended him, until money and friends forsaking him, he was sent to the Infirmary of that town, and although most terribly lacerated, he survived to bring his case before an English Jury.

Daniel Robinson, fully confirmed this statement. He also said, that the passenger who had lost only a guinea and some silver was two thirds of his time insane from intoxication, and actually died drunk. On one occasion the man was flogged for three hours without any cessation, and in all he had received about 1000 lashes. Particularly on the 14th, the punishment was so severe, that the blood gushed from his breasts. His back was apparently in a state of mortification.

Mr. Lindsay, the surgeon, said, he had been eight years in the navy, and had attended officially on many occasions when punishments were inflicted, but he never knew a single instance where the effects were so terrible. A large portion of the flesh came away over a surface of the back sixteen inches square. After this there was a prodigious accumulation of fungus, or proud flesh. He saw his patient yesterday, when he observed considerable contractions in the muscles of the back, in consequence of the wounds.

Lord Ellenborough remarked that the case was indeed one of the most unparalleled cruelty. He should have been induced to suppose the statement of the counsel exaggerated, had it not been so clearly proved not only by the Plaintiff's witnesses, but by the absence of all testimony on the part of the defendant. The defendant had added insult to barbarity, in a way which the lowest degree of human depravity could scarcely account for. A disclosure of such savage and unprovoked cruelty, he believed had never before disgraced the annals of a British Court of Justice.-A verdict was found for the Plaintiff to the full amount of his declaration: damages Five Hundred Pounds.

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If all the secret transactions of the middle passage were thus disclosed to the eye of a British jury, we are persuaded that the horrid barba:ities committed by Captain Livesley, would be relieved of a great portion of their shade. Our review of Pinckard's Notes on the West Indies, in the last and present Number, will prove that even in the West Indies, that terrestrial paradise, as some represent it, the delights of which are to form a more than adequate compensation to the enslaved African for

all the horrors endured in his transit thither, instances of cruelty, to the full asatrocious as that which is related above, are often perpetrated on the persons of the negroes, and what is worse, perpetrated with impunity; nay, without a single apprehension of their becoming the objects of punishment, or even of reproach.

Lord Caledon is appointed Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. He is to be accompanied by his uncle Mr. Henry Alexender.

Lord Minto has been nominated to succeed Sir George Barlow as Governor General of India, and is succeeded as President of the Board of Controul for India by the Hon. Thomas Grenville.

The public funds have not felt, in any great degree, the influence of the negotiation which the King's speech has discovered to exist. Omnium is at a premium of about 7 per cent, and 3 per cent. consols are at about 64.


The squadron in which Jerome Bona. parte has a command, sailed from St. Salvador on the 21st April, and six days after was seen 25 leagues E. N. E. of that place, supposed to be going to the West Indies. There are several squadrons employed in pursuing him.

Two boats from the Minerva man of war attacked and carried a fort, mounting eight 24 and 12 pounders in Finisterre Bay, and brought away five Spanish luggers that were under its protection.

A French schooner and four row boats aided by his Majesty's sloop Dominica, the crew of which had mutinied and carried her into Guadaloupe, made their appearance at Roseau, in the Island of Dominica, with an intent to destroy the town and shipping. The Wasp sloop of war, and the Duke of Montrose packet, had however, arrived there in the mean time, and by their spirit. ed exertions the Dominica and the schoon. er were both taken. On board the former was a French General.

Several of the enemy's national vessels and privateers have been captured by our cruizers.

The Jamaica, Leeward Island, and East India fleets have arrived. The first only has sustained any loss by capture, and that not a heavy one. Four valuable country ships have been captured in the East Indies. A line of telegraphs has been erected between London and Plymouth, by which a short message has been conveyed and an answer returned in twelve minutes, and one of considerable length in thirty mi



Rev. Thomas Sampson, D. D. Groton R. co. Suffolk.

Rev. Robert Wood, M. A. CropwellBishop living, co. Nottingham.

Rev. John Mounsey, B. A. Authorpe and Withern RR. co. Lincoln.

Rev. Peploe William Ward, Winston V. co Suffolk.

Rev. Thomas Moore, Covington R. co. Huntingdon, vice Sanderson, dec.

Rev. Anthony Lister, M. A. Gargrave V. in Craven, vice Croft dec.

Rev. William Lade, M. A. Goodnestone R. and Graveney V. (consolidated) Kent, vice Stephens, dec.

Rev. Townley Clarkson, M. A. Swavesey V. co. Cambridge.

Rev. S. Hart, Alternon V. co. Cornwall, vice Booth, resigned.

Rev. Duke Yonge, jun. Antony V. co. Cornwall, vice Stackhouse, resigned.

Rev. John Watson, M. A. Bradfield and Mistley cum Maningtree R. Essex, vice Thompson, dec.

Rev. George Owen Cambridge, M. A. minister of Twickenham chapel, Middlesex, and prebendary of Ely, Middlesex archdeaconry, vice Eaton, dec.

Rev. John Barlow Seale, D. D. Anstye R. Herts.

Rev. William Pochin, B. A. Edwardston V. co. Suffolk.

Rev. John Moir, Ebrington V. co. Gloucester, and appointed one of the Lord Chancellor's domestic chaplains.

Rev. Alexander John Scott, of St. John's college, Cambridge, chaplain to the late Lord Viscount Nelson, admitted D. D. by Royal mandate.

Rev. H. Bathurst, LL. B. Ashby and Obey with Thirne R. co. Norfolk, vice Wordsworth, dec.

Rev. J. Colman, Swafield R.; and Rev. -Francis Edward Arden, Paston V. both co. Norfolk, and both vice Meux, dec.

Rev. William Tyler, rector of Bratoft, co. Lincoln, Ashby R. near Spilsby, in the same county, vice Pearson dec.

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