God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus: My Life, My Joy, My Comfort

AuthorHouse, 2005/07/13 - 104 ページ

We are all taught guidelines to follow in life through the words of our loving parents, siblings, or other relatives that are involved with our upbringing and during my youth, the main focus of those guidelines were based on our following and belief in Jesus. Belief in Jesus has carried generations through hard times and struggles and saved many lost souls. We were all placed on this earth through the grace of God and His love and in the final end, God’s grace and love are the only sure things. This book is based on my relationship with God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus and how I have improved my life by submitting to God’s will. This book details the things that God expects from us everyday of our lives in order to do His will and live prosperous lives through Jesus. The realization that Jesus exists in our lives everyday is obvious to me and my hope is that this book makes it evident to everyone that reads it.

著者について (2005)


After years of trying to find myself, Jesus found me and showed me who I was. We are all children of God, but sometimes we lose focus on our relationship with the Lord. I have always known Jesus because I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior at a young age, but I didn’t appreciate Jesus because I thought I knew everything better than God. One humbling experience after another, I was still unable to see what Jesus was trying to tell me; that the path I had chosen wasn’t God’s chosen path for me. Thank God for His grace, mercy, glory, and for allowing Jesus to carry me at all times in my life and helping me to sustain through all of life’s trials. I didn’t know Jesus because I was living for this world and now that Jesus has cleared the pathway I am living for Him. I reflect on my life and the footprints poem comes to mind because I can see each time where Jesus held me, shielded me, or blessed me even though I only had faith the size of a mustard seed for a period of time. I finally learned that our faith is in our souls along with God’s grace and after years of knowing that I had an angel protecting me, Jesus revealed the truth to me. He had been carrying me through every moment in my life, waiting for me to take His hand and walk the path of righteousness. This is my testimony for God, The Holy Spirit, and Jesus as I am now walking on God’s chosen path for me. I’m a mother, wife, friend, daughter, sister, and aunt, but I am a proud child of God first and foremost.
