



"White, and Tryed, but the Wicked shall do Wickedly, and none of the Wicked fhall "Understand, but the Wife fhall Understand.

"And from the Time that the Daily Sacrifice"shall be taken away, and the Abomination that "maketh Defolate, fet up, there fhall be a Thou"fand Two Hundred and Ninety Days.

"Bleffed is he that waiteth and cometh to the "Thoufand Three Hundred and Five and Thirty cc Days.

"But go thou thy way till the End be, for “thou shalt Reft, and stand in thy Lot, at the * End of the Days.



Of the Perfons and their Office.

"He three Periods, are Time, Times and a half, One Thousand Two Hundred & Ninty Days, and One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Five Days. And that their Meaning and Connection


with one another may appear, it will be neceffary to take the whole Paffage which I have cited, in the Order in which it lies, and explain every Expreflion in it particulary, as I go along.

"And I heard the Man Clcathed in Linnen, "which was upon the Waters of the River.

Dan, xii


This Man Cloathed in Linnen, is amply described in the beginning of this Vifion, which comprehends all the three last Chapters of Daniel, Dan. X. and was Revealed unto Daniel---in the third year of Cyrus---as he was by the fide of the great River, which is Hiddekel,

"Behold, a certain Man Cloathed in Linnen, "whofe Loyns were girded with Fine Gold of "Uphaz,

"His Body alfo was like the Beryl, and his "Face as the Appearance of Lightning, and his "Eyes as Lamps of Fire, andhis Arms and his "Feet like, in Colour, to polished Brass, and "the Voice of his Words like the Voice of a "Multitude.

This Description is, evidently, of the fame Perfon who is Reprefented in St. John, ----"like

« to



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¡Rev. I. 13.






"to the Son of Man, Cloathed with a Garment "down to the Foot, and girt about the Paps with "a Golden Girdle.

"His Head and his Hairs were White like "Wool, as White as Snow, and his Eyes were as a "Flume of Fire;

"And his Feet like unto Fine Brafs, as if they "burned in a Furnace; and his Voice as the "Sound of many Waters.

Where Waters in St. John anfwer to Multitude in Daniel, according to St. John's own Interpretation, The Waters which thou faweft---are Peoples

and Multitudes---

And in what Senfe he wears a Golden Girdle, Ifa. XI. is Explained by this place of Isaiah, And Righteousness shall be the Girdle of his Loyns, and Faithfulness the Girdle of his Reins.


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The fame Person is again described in St. John, as---- A Mighty Angel come down from Heaven, cloathed with a Cloud, and a Rain-bow was upon his Head, and his Face was, as it were, the Sun, and his Feet as Pillars of Fire.

And the Account that Daniel gives, That he



----alone faw the Vision; for the Men that were Dan. X; with him faw not the Vision, but a great Quaking fell upon them, fo that they fled to hide themselves, is a Circumftance that Confirms this Opinion, That the Perfon is the fame who appeared to St. Paul, when the Men who journeyed with birt Stood Speechless, hearing a Voice, but seeing no Man; which Voice faid, I am Jefus whom thou Perfecuteft.

The fame Perfon is Reprefented by Daniel in the Vifion of ---- the third of Belshazzarftanding before him as the Appearance of a Man.

And I heard a Mans Voice between the Banks of Ulai, which called, and faid, Gabriel, make this Man understand the Vision.

Acts. IX.



VIII. ∙15. 16.

Where Gabriel receives Orders from the other, who is his Superior. And in the fame manner in the Vision of the third of Cyrus, The Man Dan. X. Cloathed in Linnen, ftruck Daniel fo with This 5,8. great Vision, that no ftrength remained in him. And it is manifeftly another inferior Person that is represented as an Hand that touched him, which fet him upon his Knees, and upon the Palms of his Hands.


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And faid unto him, O Daniel! a Man greatly beloved, Understand the Words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright, for unto thee am I now fent----.

By which Words this laft may be discovered to be Gabriel, that was, in a former Vision, ordered to make him Understand the Vision; and it is put out of all doubt, that it is he, by the Continuance of his Difcourfe in the Vifion of the third of Cyrus, where he acknowledges Dan. X. That Michael one of the chief Princes came to help him: and that there was none that holdeth with him in these things but Michael your Prince.



Dan. IX.



And that this Obfervation may have its full Extent, it may be Remarked, that after Daniels Prayer in the first of Darius, he fays: Tea, whiles I was Speaking in Prayer, even the Man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the Vision at the beginning, being caused to fly fwiftly, touched me about the time of the Evening Oblation.

And he informed me, and talked with me, and faid, O Daniel! I am now come forth to give thee Skill and Understanding.



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