
It was from our misunderstanding the directions, that we lost our way.

In tracing of his history, we discover little that is worthy of imitation.

By reading of books written by the best authors, his mind became highly improved.

3. By too eager pursuit, he run a great risk of being disappointed.

He had not long enjoyed repose, before he begun to be weary of having nothing to do.

He was greatly heated, and drunk with avidity. Though his conduct was, in some respects, exceptionable, yet he dared not commit so great an offence, as that which was proposed to him.

A second deluge learning thus o'er-run ;
And the monks finish'd what the Goths begun.

If some events had not fell out very unexpectedly, I should have been present.

He would have went with us, had he been invited. He returned the goods which he had stole, and made all the reparation in his power.

They have chose the part of honour and virtue. His vices have weakened his mind, and broke his health.

He had mistook his true interest, and found himself forsook by his former adherents.

The bread that has been eat is soon forgot.

No contentions have arose amongst them since their reconciliation.

The cloth had no seam, but was wove through

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The French language is spoke in every state in Europe.

His resolution was too strong to be shook by slight opposition.

He was not much restrained afterwards, having took improper liberties at first.

He has not yet wore off the rough manners, which he brought with him.

You who have forsook your friends, are entitled to no confidence.

They who have bore a part in the labour, shall share the rewards.

When the rules have been wantonly broke, there can be no plea for favour.

He writes as the best authors would have wrote, had they writ on the same subject.

He heapt up great riches, but past his time miserably.

He talkt and stampt with such vehemence, that he was suspected to be insane.


Adverbs, though they have no government of case, tense, Sc. require an appropriate situation in the sentence, viz. for the most part before adjectives, after verbs active or neuter, and frequently between the auxiliary and the verb: as, "He made a very sensible discourse; he spoke unaffectedly and forcibly, and was attentively heard by the whole assembly." Gram. 21st edit. p. 186.

He was pleasing not often, because he was vain. William nobly acted, though he was unsuccessful. We may happily live though our possessions are small.

From whence we may date likewise the period of this event.

It cannot be impertinent or ridiculous therefore to


He offered an apology, which being not admitted, he became submissive.

These things should be never separated.

Unless he have more government of himself, he will be always discontented.

Never sovereign was so much beloved by the people.

He was determined to invite back the king, and to call together his friends.

So well educated a boy gives great hopes to his friends.

Not only he found her employed, but pleased and tranquil also.

We always should prefer our duty to our pleasure. It is impossible continually to be at work.

The heavenly bodies are in motion perpetually. Having not known, or having not considered, the measures proposed, he failed of success.

My opinion was given on rather a cursory perusal of the book.

It is too common with mankind, to be engrossed, and overcome totally, by present events.

When the Romans were pressed with a foreign enemy, the women contributed all their rings and jewels voluntarily, to assist the government.

The following sentences exemplify the notes and observations under RULE XV. Gram. 21st edit. p. 187, 188.

1. They could not persuade him, though they were never so eloquent.

If some persons' opportunities were never so favourable, they would be too indolent to improve them.

2. He drew up a petition, where he too freely represented his own merits.

His follies had reduced him to a situation where he had much to fear, and nothing to hope.

It is reported that the prince will come here to


George is active; he walked there in less than an hour.

Where are you all going in such haste? Whither have they been since they left the city? 3. Charles left the seminary too early, since when he has made very little improvement.

Nothing is better worth the while of young persons, than the acquisition of knowledge and virtue.


Two negatives, in English, destroy one another, or are equivalent to an affirmative: as, affirmative: as, "Nor did they not perceive him;" that is," they did perceive him." "His language, though inelegant, is not un grammatical;" that is, "it is grammatical.'

edit. p. 189.

Gram. 21st

NEITHER riches nor honours, nor no such perishing goods, can satisfy the desires of an immortal. spirit.

Be honest, nor take no shape nor semblance of disguise.

We need not, nor do not, confine his operations to narrow limits.

I am resolved not to comply with the proposal, neither at present, nor at any other time.

There cannot be nothing more insignificant than vanity.

Nothing never affected her so much as this misconduct of her child.

Do not interrupt me yourselves, nor let no one disturb my retirement.

These people do not judge wisely, nor take no proper measures to effect their purpose.

The measure is so exceptionable, that we cannot by no means permit it.

I have received no information on the subject, neither from him nor from his friend.

Precept nor discipline is not so forcible as example.

The king nor the queen was not all deceived in the business.


Prepositions govern the objective case: as, "I have heard a good character of her;" "From him that is needy turn not away," "A word to the wise is sufficient for them," "We may be good and happy without riches." Gram. 21st edit. p. 189.

We are all accountable creatures, each for hisself. They willingly, and of theirselves, endeavoured to make up the difference.

He laid the suspicion upon somebody, I know not who, in the company.

I hope it is not I who he is displeased with. To poor we there is not much hope remaining. Does that boy know who he speaks to? Who does he offer such language to?

It was not he that they were so angry with.

What concord can subsist between those who commit crimes, and they who abhor them?

The person who I travelled with, has sold the horse which he rode on during our journey. It is not I he is engaged with.

Who did he receive that intelligence from?

The following examples are adapted to the notes and observations under RULE XVII. Gram. 21st edit. p. 190-194.

1. To have no one whom we heartily wish well to, and whom we are warmly concerned for, is a deplorable state.

He is a friend whom I am highly indebted to.

2. On these occasions, the pronoun is governed by, and consequently agrees with, the preceding word.

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