
lilies until the day break, and the shadows flee away. my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart mountains of Bether.

Before the gates there sat,

On either side a formidable shape.

The one seemed woman to the waist, and fair;
But ended foul in many a scaly fold,

Voluptuous and vast;--a serpent arm'd
With mortal stings.

The other shape,


upon the

If shape it might be call'd that shape had none,
Or substance might be call'd that shadow seemed,
For each seem'd each, black it stood as night,
Fierce as ten fúries,-terrible as hell,

And shook a dreadful dart.

NOTE. The above exhibits examples of strong and beautiful allegory. Milton's sin and death, the formidable keepers of the gates of hell are inimitable.


me-li-o-rate me'lē-ō-rāte or-tho-e-py




inem-or-a-ble mem'mur-a-bl pal-a-ta-ble mer-ce-na-ry mer'se-nar-e pal-li-a-tive mer-chant-a-blemer chănt-a-bl pap-il-la-ry pǎp'pil-la-rē met-a-phys-ics met'tă-fiz-iks par-don-a-ble pár'd'n-ā-bl mil-i-ta-ry mil'lē-tă-rē par-si-mo-ny pár'sē-mun-é mis-cel-la-ny mis'sel-len-e par-ti-ci-ple pár'tē-si-pl mis-er-a-ble miz'zur-ă-bl pa-tri-ar-chal pa trē-ár-kǎl mis-sion-a-ry mish'shun-ar-e pat-ri-mo-ny pǎt'tre-mun-ë mo-men-ta-ry mo'men-tar-ē pat-ri-et-ism pa'trē-ut-izm mon-as-ter-y mon'nas-tĕr-e pen-e-tra-ble pen'ně-trǎ-bl non-i-to-ry mon'nē-tur-ē pen-sion-a-ry pen ́shun-a-rē mut-u-al-ly müt'yu-ǎl-lē per-i-grin-ate per re-grē-nāte inys-ti-cal-ly mis'të-kǎl-lē per-ish-a-ble pĕr'rish-ă-bl' năt'yu-rǎl-ist per-se-cu-tor pĕr'së-kü-tur nǎt'yu-rǎl-ize per-son-al-ly per sun-ǎl-le nav vē-ga-bl pet-ti-fog-ger pet'te-fog-ger năv'vē-ga-tur pit-e-ous-ness pět yē-us-nes nes'ses-sĕr-e pit-i-a-ble pit'te-a-bl nec-ro-man-cy něk'krō-man-seplan-e-tar-y plăn ́nē-tăr-rē neg-a-tive-ly něg'ga-tiv-lē pleas-ur-a-ble plez'yu-rā-bl nom-i-nal-ly nom'mê-nǎl-lē plen-te-ous-ness plent'yē-us-nes nom-i-na-tive nom'mē-nă-tiv pol-y-the-ism põlle-t'hé-izm

nat-u-ral-ist nat-u-ral-ize






nugă-tur-ē preb-en-dar-y prěb ́ēn-dĕr-ê


ob-du-ra-cy ob'jū-ră-sé

pred-a-tor-y prěd'dā-tur-é
pref-a-to-ry pref'fa-tur-ē

ob-du-rate-nessob'ju-rat-nes pref-er-a-ble pref'fer-a-bl

ob-sti-na-cy ob'ste-na-se o-di-ous-ness ō'dê-us-nes ol-i-gar-chy ŏl'lē-gar-ke op-er-a-tive ŏp'pĕr-ā-tiv

pres-by-ter-y prěz bē-tě-ē

pres-i-den-cy pres'è-den-së

pre-ter-it-ness prē'tĕr-it-nĕs

pri-ma-ri-ly pri'mă-rē-lē

or-a-to-ry or'rā-tur-ē

proc-u-ra-cy proku-ra-sẽ

or-di-na-ry ór'dē-nă-rē

prof-it-a-ble prof'fet-a-bl

or-tho-dox-y ór't'hō-dox-e prom-is-o-ry prom'mis-sur-e


1. On the 16th of June, 1775, the American Council of war, then sitting at Cambridge, resolved that Bunker Hill should be fortified; and Gen. Putnam, and Col. Prescott, were directed to perform the service the following night.

Accordingly Col. Prescott, of a tall and commanding figure, (clad in a simple calico frock,) a grave countenance, an ardent imposing character, and a long, formidable sword, left the camp with one thousand men, and led the way, with dark lanterns, to the appointed Hill.

2. On reaching the place, he was joined by Gen. Putnam, accompanied by Col. Gridley, the chief engineer. They agreed that Bunker Hill was too remote from the enemy, and too tame a position for their purposes;--and that Breed's Hill, which overlooked the. town, and brought the foe at their feet was the intended height.

3. To this Hill, therefore, they immediately repaired, and, at midnight, the first spade broke the sod upon the line of the intrenchment. When the rising sun had dissipated the mists of the morning, the veil was removed from the eyes of the astonished invaders, who beheld the Americans behind formidable redoubts, reared as by enchantment, looking down upon their position and noting their slightest movements.

4. Alarmed for their safety, they opened their portals and poured upon the intrenching band, the thunderof their artillery from the ships of war, flooting in the harbour at the foot of the hill. Finding their guns did not frighten the Americans away, they called a council of war. The clattering of hoofs, the rattling of wheels, and the quick march of troops, gave to the intrenchers the first note of a military movement. Now, my boys,' says Col. Prescott, 'we shall have a fight, and we shall whip them.'

At 10 o'clock, the British, about five thousand strong, under the command of Gen. Howe, with a host of eminent subordinate officers, embarked for the battle ground, and, under the protection of their ships of war, landed near the foot of the hill. The continued roar of the cannon, spread the news of approaching conflict; and such of the American forces as were inthe immediate vicinity and could be supplied with arms, hurried to the scene of danger.

6. Thither, too, hastened the first martyr, Warren, the hero Starks, the entrepid Read, the undaunted Brooks, the venerable Pomeroy, and many others, in whose bosoms beat the pure throb of devoted patriotism. Toward this point, also, rushed myriads of anxious spectators from the surrounding country, to witness the onset, and learn the event of a contest upon which was suspended the fate of the new world.

7. The houses, the heights, and the steeples in Boston, were crowded with thousands of the inhabitants, and the idle soldiery, anxious to be spectators of a scene at once sublime in the whole, but, in detail, awfully appalling:-a husband, a father, a brother, in mortal combat. Many a poor soldier's wife looked on with painful forebodings, that she was then to be left a widow, and her home three thousand miles across the Atlantic.

“While her children cyed, "mamma, shall we not rue the day, That we came to lose our Pa. in North America.”


CASE 3. When the first term of the series is greater or less than the ratio, then work by the following

Rule. 1. Write a few of the leading terms, as in the 2d case, and begin their indices with a cypher.


Add such of these as will make an index, less by one, than the number expressing the term sought.

3. Multiply the geometrical terms belonging to the indices, for a dividend.

4. Raise the first term to a power, less by one than the number of terms multiplied, for a divisor, and the quotient resulting will be the term sought. Thus:

(1) The first term of a geometrical serics, is 5, and the ratio 3, what is the 11th term?

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

1+2+3+4=10 index to 11.

15X45X135X405,282943125. dividend.

and 5X5X5=125.divisor, 282943125÷125=2263545 Ans. (2) A, at the birth of his son, B, deposited in the bank one cent with the assurance that he would double it at the return of every birth day, until he was 21; what was B's fortune? Ans. $20971. 51.

Promiscuous exercises in Geometrical Progression.

(1) B had eight children; he left the youngest £5. the next youngest £15. and so on to the Sth; what was his estate? Ans. £16400.

(2) What debt can be discharged in one year, by paying 2 cts. for the first month, 8 for the 24, 32 for the 3d, and so on in quadruple proportion for each month?

Ans. $111848.10.

(3) D married his daughter on new-years, and gave her an English guinea toward her portion, and said he would double it on the first day of each month of the year; what was her portion in federal money, the dollar at 4s. 6d.?

Ans. $19110.

(4) H sowed a grain of wheat, which produced 7 fold the first year; the whole was again sowed, and yielded a like increase; and so on for 12 successive years. Now, suppose 7680 grains make a pint, and the bushel to be worth $1.25; to what will the whole amount? Ans. $5866-875.

(5) What sum will purchase a horse, wearing four shoes, each secured by eight nails, provided one cent be paid for the first nail, two for the second, four for the third, and thus double to the last? Ans. $42949672.95.

[ocr errors][merged small]

3. SIMILE. A simile is a direct comparison between tw objects, conducted in form and continued much more menubly and fully than a metaphor. Thus:

The movements of great princes, are like those of great rivers; the course of which is seen by every one; but the secret springs of which, are known to but few.

RULE. Avoid comparison between objects of an obscure and uncertain resemblance; and never push the simile too far, nor compose it of mixed objects.


EXAMPLE. As when a vulture, on Imaus bred,

Whose snowy ridge the roving Tartars tread,
Dislodging from a region scarce of prey,
Το gorge the flesh of lambs that go astray,
On hills where flocks are fed, with weary wings,
Flies to the source of Ganges, Indian springs,
But in his way, lights on the fertile plain,
Where Chinese dwell and crop the golden grain;
So on this new made earth, the hellish foe,
Came forth alone, to sink a world in wo.

This is a mixed simile,the objects are obscure, and remote, and the parallel unnecessarily pushed; the objects are too multiplied and incoherent to afford materials for a distinct picture.)

OBS. The proper mode of testing the correctness of figures of speech, is to form a picture of them in the mind, and examine its parts, relations and proportions, then the foreign and unnatural members may be lopped off, and cast away.

As wax would not be adequate to the purposes of signature, if it had not the power to retain as well as receive the impression, so the same holds good of the soul with respect to sense. Sense is its receptive power, imagination, its retentive. Had it sense without imagination, it would not be as wax, but as water, in which, though the impression is instantlŷ made, it is as instantly lost.

NOTE. In all similes, the judgment is much more concerned, than the fancy. Hence, the employment of this figure, is well adapted to im prove the understanding. But similes are not arguments; and althongh they may be based on truth, and serve to illustrate it; yet they do not aprove the truth of any position. Care therefore must be taken that they do not lead the judgment astray


prom-on-to-ry prom ́mun-tur-ē spir-it-u-al pul-mo-na-ry pul-mō-năre spir-it u-ous pur-ga-to-ry pur-ga-tur-è sta-tion-a ry ques tion-a-ble quest'-yun-ā-bl sit-u-a-ry





rea-son-a-ble re'-z'n-ă-bl ste-re-o-type stērē-ō-tipe

rec re-a-tive


ref-ra-ga-ble reg-u-la-tor rep a r-a-ble


sumpt--a ry

sŭk kū-lĕn-st



tab-er-na-cle tăb'ĕr-na-kl

rěp ́pàr-a-bl

tem-po-ra-ry těm pō-rǎ-ré

[blocks in formation]

ter-ri-to-ry těr re-tur-ē




tës-ti-mo-ny tēs tē-mun-ê

titi lã rẽ




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