

the cavils of

the Jews.



CHAP. must we do to work the works of God?" Jesus answered, "This replies to is the work of God, that ye believe him whom he hath sent." Then they said, "What sign there30 fore dost thou show; that we may see and believe on what thou per31 formest. Our fathers ate manna ing, I am come down from heain the desert; as it is written, ven?" Jesus answered, "Mur- 43 No 44

The Jews then murmured at CHAP. him, because he said, "I am the bread which is come down from by what heaven;" and they said, "Is not motives led; this Jesus the son of Joseph, whose 42 father and mother we know? What then doth he mean, by say


• He gave them the bread of hea-mur not among yourselves.


ixxviii. 24 ven to eat." Then Jesus said unto 32 them, "Verily, verily, I say unto Moses gave you not that bread of heaven, but my Father, who is now giving you the true 33 bread of heaven: for the bread of God is that which cometh down from heaven to give life unto the 34 world." Then they said unto him, "Master, evermore give us that 35 bread." And Jesus saith unto them, "I am that bread of life; he who cometh to me will never hunger, and he who believeth on me will never thirst.


Christ's disciples



one can come to me unless the Fa-
ther who sent me draw him, and
him I will hereafter exalt. It is 45
written in the prophets, in refer- Isaiah
ence to the time of the Messiah, liv. 13.



Jeremiah All will be acquainted with xxxi. 34. God;' every one, therefore, that heareth of the Father and bath learned him, cometh unto Not that any one seeth the Father, 46 except he who is from God, he doth see the Father. Verily, veri- 47 ly, I say unto you, He who believeth in me, hath everlasting life. I am the bread of that life. Your 48 fathers ate manna in the desert, and 49 died afterwards. The bread of hea- 50 ven which is come down now is such, that if any one eat of it, he will not so die, but that he shall have eternal life. I am that bread 51 of life which is come down from heaven. If any one eat of this bread, he will live for ever. Moreover this body of mine is to be considered as bread, which I will give up to sufferings and death, in the cause of truth, for the life of the

"But I have already said unto you that though ye have seen me, and the miracles which I have wrought, yet ye believe not. All, 37 however, whom the Father giveth me, as being properly disposed, will come to me, and him who cometh to me thus disposed, I will 38 in no respect disregard. For I am come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him 39 who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that of all whom he hath given me, as my as-world." sistants on earth, I should lose Upon this the Jews contended 52 none, but should exalt them here- among themselves, saying, "How and how 40 after. This also is the will of him can he give us his body to eat?" qualified. who sent me, that every one who Then Jesus said unto them, " Un- 53 seeth the son, by learning his doc-less ye eat of the body of the son of trine, and believeth in him, may man, and drink his blood, ye have have everlasting life, and I shall ex- no life within yourselves. He that 54 alt him hereafter." eateth my body, and drinketh my as calls himself, in verse 35. 3 Unless the love of God prevail in his heart."

I In the future life.

This language is used in allusion to the bread which was before said to have come down from heaven. There is no more reason to suppose that Christ literally came down from heaven, than that he was bread,

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words are to be taken




lem secret

CHAP. blood, hath everlasting life, and him | est conviction, that thou art the CHAP. I will exalt hereafter; for my body Christ, the son of the living God." 55 is the true food. and my blood the | Jesus answered, “ Did I not choose 70 56 true drink. He that eateth my you twelve for myself? but one of body and drinketh my blood abid-you is a false accuser." Now he 71 57 eth in me, and I in him. As the meant Judas Iscariot, the son of Father who hath life, sent me, and Simon, one of the twelve, who was I live by the Father, so he that eat- about to deliver him up, 58 eth me will also live by me. Such is the bread which is now come down from heaven, not like the manra which your fathers ate and died afterwards, for he that eateth this bread shall live for ever." 59 Jesus said these things as he was Jesus's teaching in a synagogue at CaperThen many of his discispiritually. ples when they had heard him, said, 60" This is hard doctrine, who can 61 understand it?" But Jesus knowing in his own mind that his disciples were murmuring at this, said unto them, "Do ye revolt 62 at this? What if ye see the son of man come up again from the grave to the place where he was before? Will you still be of fended with the doctrine which I 63 teach? It is the spirit that giveth life, the body is of no use without it the words which I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are .64life. But some of you believe not." (For Jesus knew before this who believed not, and who would 65 deliver him up). And he said, "Therefore did I tell you, that no man can come to me unless it be given him by my Father."


noble confession.

After this, many of his disciples Peter's went away and walked with him no more. Then said Jesus to the twelve, "Do je also wish to go 68 away ?" Simon Peter answered, ،، Master, to whom shall we go ? thou hast the words of eternal life, 69 and we believe upon the full

And after these things, Jesus CHAP. walked in Galilee, for he did not choose to walk in Judea, because the Jesus goes Jews sought to kill him. Now the to Jerusa Jews' festival of tabernacles was at ly; hand. Therefore his brethren said 3 unto him, "Go hence into Judea, that thy disciples also may see the works which thou doest; for no 4 one, who seeketh to be known publicly, performeth his actions in a secret place: since thou doest these things, show thyself openly to the world." For, not even did 5 his brethren all of them believe on him. Then saith Jesus unto them, 6 "My time is not yet come, but your time is always ready. The 7 world cannot hate you, but me it hateth; because I testify of it that its works are evil. Go ye up to 8 this festival. I go not up at present to this festival, for my time is not yet fully come." When he had said 9 these things unto them, he remained still in Galilee. But after his 10 brethren were gone up, then he also went up to the festival, not openly, but with secrecy. Then the 11 Jews sought him at the festival, saying, "Where is he?" there was much private dispute concerning him, among the multitude: for some said, "He is a good man," others said, "Nay, but he deceiveth the people." No one, 13 however spake openly of s him, for fear of the Jews.

And 12

But when the festival was now 14

1 By imbibing and digesting my doctrine, so as to make it productive of obedience, an union is established between me and my disciples.


They relate to the actions of the mind, are a life giving principle, and the source of everlasting life and glory.

3 In his favour.



with the Jews in the temple.


thy of belief, whom ye know not: CHAP.
but I know him, because I am from
him, and he sent me."

And they continued seeking to 30
lay hold on him; but no one laid

CHAP. half ended, Jesus went up into the temple, and taught, and the Jews wondered, saying, "How hath this man such learning, having never been taught?" Jesus answered, 16" The doctrine which I am teach-hands on him, for his hour was not ing is not mine, but his who sent yet come. But many of the mul- Pharisees seek to lay 17 me. Whether this doctrine be of titude believed on him, and said, of God, or I speak from myself, that Will the Christ, when he com- him. man will know, who wisheth to do eth, do more miracles than this 31 18 his will. He who speaketh from man hath done?" Now the Pha- 32 himself, secketh his own glory; risees heard these private debatings but he who seeketh the glory of of the multitude concerning him; him that sent him is true, and and the Pharisees, and the chief 19 hath no deceitfulness in him. Did priests sent officers to lay hold on not Moses give you the law? yet him. Then Jesus said unto them, 33 no one of you keepeth this law. But a little while shall I be with Why are ye seeking to kill me?"you, and then I go to him who 20 The multitude answered, "Thou sent me. Ye will seek me, but 34 hast a demon who is seeking to will not find me; and whither I am 21 kill thee?" Jesus answered, "Igoing, ye cannot come." Then 35 did but one work on the Sabbath, said the Jews among themselves, 22 and do ye all wonder at it? Concerning this matter, Moses gave you circumcision, (not that circumcision came first from Moses, but 23 from the patriarchs) and ye circumcise a man on the Sabbath-day, that the law of Moses may not be broken : are ye angry with me for making a man altogether well on 24 the Sabbath? Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment."







Whither is he going, that we shall not find him. Is he going among the dispersed Greeks, to teach the Greeks? What doth this saying 36 of his mean, Ye will seek me, but ye will not find me, and whither I am going, ye cannot come."

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Now on the last day, the great 37 day of the festival, Jesus stood and Promise of cried out, "If any one thirst, let spiritual him come to me, and drink. He who believeth in me as the scrip- 38 ture hath commanded him, out of his body will flow rivers of living water." Now, this he meant of the 39 spirit, which those who believed on him were to receive; for there was no holy spirit yet, because Jes sus was not yet glorified.

25 Then some of the inhabitants of Jerusalem said, "Is not this he whom they are seeking to kill? and lo! he speaketh boldly and 26 they say nothing to him. Are the rulers really convinced that this is 27 the Christ? But we know whence this man is, whereas when the Then many of the multitude, 40 Christ cometh, no man knoweth upon hearing this discourse, said, Officers 28 whence he is." Upon this, Jesus In truth, this is a prophet." sent totke cried aloud as he was teaching in Others said, "This is the Christ;"highly in the temple, "Do ye know me but some said, "Doth the Christ his praise. then, and know also whence I then come out of Galilee? Doth 29 am ? However, I am not come not the scripture say, that the Christ Micah of myself, but am sent by one wor-cometh out of the family of David, v. 2.

If the eighth day from the birth happens to be a Sabbath.

Persons living among the Greeks, and using their language, but Jews by descent.

3 Alluding to the custom of drawing water from the fountain of Siloam, at this time. Deut. xviii. 15, 19.

him, speak


cxxxii. II.



CHAP. and from Bethlehem, the town of David?" So the opinion of the multitude was divided concerning 44 him. And some of them were desirous of laying hold of him; but no one put forth his hands against 45 him. So the officers went to the chief priests, and Pharisees; who 46 said unto them, "Why did ye not bring him?" The officers answered,Never man spake like this 47 man." Then the Pharisees replied, 48" Are ye also deceived? Hath any

one of the rulers or of the Phari49 sees believed on him? But this multitude, who know not the law 50 are accursed." Nicodemus, (the same who came to Jesus by night) who was one of them, saith unto 51 them," Will our law condemn this man without first hearing him, and knowing what he is doing." 52 They answered, "Dost thou also stand up for Galilee? Search, and thou wilt see that the prophet is not to arise out of Galilee."


Then Jesus spake again unto them, saying, "I am the light of Jesus jus- the world. He who cometh to me tifies his will not walk in darkness, but will


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self, and my Father, whose evi- CHAP
dence is preferable to that of any
number of men, beareth testimo- 18
ny to me." Then they said unto 19
him, "Where is thy Father?" Je-
sus answered, "As ye know not
me, ye know not my Father ; for
if ye had known me, ye would
have known my Father also."
These words spake Jesus, in the 20
treasury, as he was teaching in the
temple; and no one laid hold on
him, for his hour was not yet come.





Then said Jesus to them again, 21 I am going, and ye will seek Vicious but it will be in vain, for ye will die in your sins; for whither I am men from going, ye cannot come.' Then believing. the Jews said, "Will he kill him- 22 self? because he saith, Whither I am going, ye cannot come!" And he said unto them, "Ye are 23 from below, I am from above: ye are of this world, I am not of this world. Therefore I said unto 24 you, Ye will die in your sins; for if ye believe not, that I am 3 he, ye will die in your sins." Then 25 they said unto him, "Who art thou?" Jesus said unto them, 26 have the light of life." Upon this" Even what I told you at first. I 13 the Pharisees said unto him, have many things to say of you, "Thou bearest testimony to thy- and to condemn in you, but the self; thy testimony is not worthy Father who sent me, and to whom 14 to be considered as true.' Jesus I must leave you, is a true judge, answered, "Though I do bear and I speak to the world those testimony to myself, this testimony things only which I heard from is true, that I know whence I came, him." "But they knew not what 27 and whither I am going: but ye he meant by the Father. Jesus 28 know not whence I come, and said further unto them, "When ye 15 whither I go. Ye judge according have set the son of man on high, to the flesh, from prejudice and then ye will know that I am he, 16 passion. I judge no one. And and that I do nothing of myself, yet if I judge, my judgment is true, but speak what my Father taught because it is not I alone that judge, me; and that he who sent me is but I, and the Father who sent me. with me. The Father hath not left 29 17 And indeed it is written in your me alone; because I always do those law, that the testimony of two men things which please him." xix. 15. is true. I bear testimony to my


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By attending to the proofs of the divine commission of Jesus, they would have be

As he spake these words, many 30

lieved what he said of the Father.
3 The Christ.

of being



CHAP. believed on him. Then said Jesus was a man-slayer from the first, CHAP, VIII. to those Jews, who believed on and continued not in the truth, be- Vill Reply to him, "If ye continue in my word, cause there is no truth in him, the boast then ye are truly my disciples, and When any one speaketh a lie, he descended ye shall know the truth, and the speaketh according to his own kinfrom Abra- truth shall make you free. Some dred, for his Father the devil also answered, "We are Abraham's is a liar. Now I speak the truth, 45 33 race, and were never slaves to any but ye do not believe me, Which 46 one, how dost thou mean then, of you can convict me of sin? And 34 that we shall be free?" Jesus an- if I speak the truth, why do ye not swered, “Verily, verily, I say un- believe me? He who is of God, to you, every one who committeth listeneth to the words of God. Ye 47 $5 sin is a slave of sin. Now the slave therefore do not listen, because ye abideth not in the house for a con- are not of God." Then the Jews 48 tinuance, as part of the family, answered, "Do we not say rightly, but the son does abide for a conti-that thou art a Samaritan, and hast 36 nuance. If therefore the son shall a demon?" Jesus answered, "I 49 make you free, ye will be free in- have not a demon, but I honour 37 deed. I know ye are the race of my Father, and ye dishonour me. Abraham; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in 38 you. I speak what I have seen with my Father, and ye also do what ye have heard from your Fa39 ther." They answered," Abraham is our Father." Jesus saith unto them, "If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works 40 of Abraham. But now ye are seeking to kill me, a man who have spoken to you the truth, which I have heard from God: Abraham 41 did not act thus. Ye do the works of your Father." Then said they unto him, "We are not a spurious idolatrous race; besides Abraham our earthly Father, we have one Father, even God."




Jesus said unto them, "If God were your Father, ye would have warmly re- loved proves the because I came forth Jews; from God; for I am not come of 43 myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my discourse? Because ye cannot bear to listen to 44 my doctrine. The devil is your Father, and ye willingly perform the desires of your Father. He

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to Abra

"Now I seek not my own glory; 50 there is one who seeketh it, and will shows his punish. Verily, verily, I say unto superiority you, if any one keep my words, ham; he shall never see death." Then 52 said the Jews unto him, "Now we know that thou hast a demon; Abraham and the prophets died; yet thou sayest, if a man keep my words, he will never taste of death. Art thou greater than Abraham our 53 Father who died, or than the prophets who also died: whom makest thou thyself?" Jesus answer- 54 ed, "If I give glory to myself, my glory is nothing; it is the Father, who giveth me glory, whom ye affirm to be your God, though ye know him not; but I know him, 55 and if I say, I know him not, I shall be like unto you, a liar; but I do know him, and keep his word. Your Father Abraham earnestly 56 longed to see this my day, and he saw it, and was glad." Then 57 said the Jews to him, "Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham!" Jesus saith 58. unto them, " Verily, verily, I say


of his brother, or a devil.

• After he has been raised from the grave.
* In the promise made to him, Gen. xii. 3.

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