

CHAP. shook his upper garment, and said unto them, "Your blood is upon your own heads, I am pure; henceforth I will go to the Gentiles." 7 So he departed thence, and went to the house of a man named Justus, a Gentile, who worshipped God, whose house was very near 8 the synagogue. But Crispus, the ruler of a synagogue, believed in the Lord with all his house: and many of the Corinthians, on hearing the word, believed it, and were baptized.

among whom he

makes ma

being encouraged in a vision.

Then the Lord said to Paul in a vision by night, "Fear not, for I ny converts, am with thee, and no one shall come upon thee to hurt thee, but speak and be not silent; for I have many people in this city: and he staid amongst them a year and six months, teaching the word of God.

act against



firms the

converts in

thren, and sailed thence into Syria, CHAP.
in company with Priscilla and Aqui-
la, who had shorn his head at Cen- He con-
chrea, for he had made a vow.
These Paul left at Ephesus, where different
on his arrival, he had gone into the cities.
synagogue, and reasoned with the 20
Jews; and when they desired him
to remain longer with them, he con-
sented not; but parted from them,
saying, "I must by all means keep 21
the approaching festival at Jerusa-
lem; but I will come again unto
you, God willing. So he went 22
from Ephesus; and after landing
at Cesarea, and going up to Jeru-
salem, and saluting the church,
he went down to Antioch and 23
when he had staid some time there,
he passed through the country of
Galatia, and Phrygia, in order,
confirming all the disciples.


This with great

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Now a certain Jew, named Apol-24 12 And when Gallio was governor los, born at Alexandria, an intel- Apollos Gallio re- of Achaia, the Jews rose up with ligent inan, and able in the scrip- Christ preacheth fuses to one consent against Paul, and tures, came to Ephesus. him. brought him to the judgment-seat, man was instructed in the doctrine efficacy at 13 saying, "This man persuadeth of the Lord; and being of a zeal- Ephesus. people to worship God contrary to ous disposition, was constantly 25 14 the law." And when Paul was speaking and teaching concerning about to open his mouth, Gallio the Lord, and exactly, for one said to the Jews, "If this were a who knew only the baptism of matter of injustice, or wicked mis John. Accordingly he began to 26 chief, ye Jews, it would be rea- speak with freedom in the synasonable for me to bear with you: gogue; but when Aquila and Pris15 but if it be a question about words cilla heard him, they took him to and names, and your law, look to them, and explained to him the it yourselves, for I will not be doctrine of God more exactly. 16 judge of such matters;" and he And when Apollos was disposed to 27 removed them from the judgment-go forwards into Achaia, the bre17 seat. Then several of the Greeks thren, after exhorting him, wrote, took Sosthenes, the ruler of the to the disciples to receive him synagogue, and beat him before courteously; and when he was the judgment-seat; but Gallio did come among them, he helped the not regard it. believers much by his gift; for he 28 But Paul, after staying there was constantly arguing against the many days longer, left the bre-Jews, with great power, publicly,


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parts the

spirit to






CHAP. by proof from the scriptures, that went about as 'exorcists took upon CHAP. Jesus was the Christ. to call over those who Now, while Apollos was at Co-had evil spirits, the name of the The gospel rinth, Paul having passed through Lord Jesus, saying, "We adjure prevails Paul im- the upper parts of the country, you by that Jesus whom Paul mightily. came to Ephesus; where he found preacheth." Now the seven sons 14 certain disciples, and said unto of Sceva, a chief priest of the Jews, them, "Did ye receive the holy were among those who did this. 2 spirit, when ye believed?" And Then the evil spirit answered, "I 15 they said unto him, "We have know Jesus, and I am acquainted not even so much as heard, whe-with Paul; but who are ye?" Then 16 ther there be a holy spirit." the man, in whom the evil spirit 3 Then he said unto them, "Unto was, leaped on them, and overpowwhat then were you baptized?" ered them so much, as to make And they said, ". Unto John's them flee from that house naked, 4 baptism." Then Paul said, " John and wounded. Now this became 17 indeed baptized with a baptism of known to all, both Jews and repentance, saying unto the people Greeks, inhabitants of Ephesus; that they should believe in one and fear fell upon them all, and who was coming after him; mean- the name of the Lord Jesus was 5 ing Jesus." So when they heard magnified. And many who believ- IŠ this, they were baptized into the ed came, confessing and declaring 6 name of the Lord Jesus. And af- their deeds. Many of those also, 19 ter Paul had laid his hands on them, who had used magical arts, brought the holy spirit came on them, and their books together, and burned they spoke in different languages, them in public; and the value of 7 and prophesied. And the men them altogether was reckoned to be were twelve in all. fifty thousand pieces of silver. So 20 mightily did the word of God grow and prevail.


Now after these things were end- 21 Paul purposed in his mind, Paul parwhen he had passed through Mace- poses to visit Rome donia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, "After I have been there, I must see Rome also." So he 22 sent into Macedonia two of his ministers, Timothy and Erastus; but he himself continued a while in Asia.

Now Paul went into the synaand succeds gogue and discoursed for three in his months with great freedom, perpreaching, though suading men concerning the king-ed, some op- dom of God. But as some contipose him. nued hardened and unconvinced, 9 reviling this doctrine before the multitude, he left them, and took away the disciples; disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus. 10 And this he did for two years, so that all the inhabitants of this part Now at this time there arose 23 of Asia heard the doctrine of the no small disturbance about this doc- DisturbLord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.trine. For one Demetrius, a sil- ance raised 11 And God wrought extraordinary versmith, who made silver models trius. miracles by the hands of Paul. of Diana's temple, furnished no Then some of the Jews who small employment to the workmen.


by Deme

1 Persons who pretended to cast out de-
mons, or heal malignant and inveterate dis-
cases, by solemn adjurations.

The man affecting to speak by the im-
pulse of the supposed indwelling demon.
3 Without their upper garments.

Probably these were attic drachms, the value of one of which was nine pence; the whole sum, therefore, was 1875 1.

5 Resembling the temple and image of Diana,



peases the

CHAP. These, and all employed in this And when the town-clerk had CHAP. business, he called together, and appeased the multitude, he said, 25 said, " Sirs, ye know that our "Ye men of Ephesus, what man The town prosperity ariseth from this employ-is there, who knoweth not that the clerk ap26 ment; and ye see and hear that city of the Ephesians is the guar- riot, this Paul, by his persuasions, hath dian of the temple of the great turned aside a considerable multi-goddess Diana, and of the image tude not only of Ephesus, but of which fell down from Jupiter? almost all Asia, affirming that Since therefore these things cannot 36 these which are made with hands be contradicted, ye ought to be 27 are no gods. So there is not only quiet, and to do nothing rashly; danger that this occupation should for ye have brought hither these 37 come into contempt, but also that men who are neither robbers of the temple of the great goddess Di- temples, nor blasphemers of your ana should be despised, and her goddess. Wherefore if Demetrius 38 magnificence destroyed, whom all and the workmen with him have Asia and the whole world worship- an accusation against any one, 28 peth." And when they heard court-days are kept, and the gover this, they were full of wrath, and nor is here; let them bring their cried out, saying, "Great is Di-charges against each other: but if 39 29 ana of the Ephesians." And the ye want any thing concerning other whole city was filled with confu- matters, it shall be determined in a sion; and having seized Gaius and lawful assembly. For indeed we 40 Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, are in danger of being called in Paul's fellow-travellers, they rush-question for this day's meeting, consent into the there being no reason for it, nor shall we be able to give an account of this riotous concourse." when he had thus spoken, he dismissed the assembly.

Paul is



from going

into the heatre;

ed with one

Then Paul was desirous of going in among the populace; but the prevented disciples would not suffer him. And even some of the chief magistrates of Asia, that were his friends, sent to him, entreating him that he would not venture himself into the 32 theatre, Now some of the populace were crying one thing, and some another; for the assembly was in confusion, and the greater part knew not for what purpose 33 they were come together. Then Alexander was put forward from among the multitude, the Jews encouraging him to explain the case to the people; and Alexander waved his hand, and would have 34 made a defence to them. But when they knew him to be a Jew, they all cried out with one voice, for about two hours, "Great is Diana of the Ephesians.'


And 41


his friends

come to

Now, when this uproar ceased,' CHAP. Paul called unto him the disciples, and taking leave of them, departed Paul and to go into Macedonia; and when he had gone over those parts, and had Troas ; given much exhortation, he came into Greece; and after staying there 3 three months, he was going to sail for Syria; but upon a plot being laid for him by the Jews, he purposed to return through Macedonia. Now 4 Sopater of Berea, accompanied him; but Aristarchus and Secundus of Thessalonica, Gaius of Derbe, Timothy of Lystra, and Tychicus and Trophimus of the procon- 5 sular Asia, went before and waited for us at Troas. So we sailed away 6 from Philippi, after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto

Lest they should be taken for Christians.

CHAP. them at Troas, in five days; where we staid seven days.







they came to him, he said unto CHAP.
them, "Ye know, from the first
day, since I came into Asia, in where he
what manner I have conducted the Ephe-
myself with you the whole time, sian elders,
serving the Lord with all humility of in an inter-
mind, and with tears, and trials esting, and
which befel mc from the lyings in speech;
wait of the Jews, and that I have 20
not kept back any thing, which was
profitable to you, but have shown
it to you, and have taught you pub-
licly and in private, announcing 21
both to Jews and Greeks the gos-
pel terms of salvation, repentance
toward God, and faith toward our
Lord Jesus Christ.

And upon the first day of the where he week, when we had assembled to 'break bread, Paul discoursed to Eutychus. the disciples, intending to depart on the morrow, and continued his 8 discourse until midnight. And there were many lamps in the upper room, where we were assem9 bled. Now a certain young man named Eutychus, sitting in the window, as Paul discoursed so long, was scized with a deep sleep, and sinking down with sleep, he fell from the third story to the bottom, 10 and was taken up dead. Then Paul went down, and fell upon him, "And now, behold, I go to Jeru- 22 and as he closely embraced him, salem to be bound according to the said, "Do not disturb yourselves, prediction of the spirit, not know11 for his life is in him." So Pauling the things which will befal me went up again, and having broken there; except that the holy spirit 23 bread and eaten, and conversed a in every city pronounceth, saying, long time, even till break of day, he" Bonds and afflictions await 12 then departed. And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.


to Miletus;

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But I'make no account of any such 24
thing, nor do I regard even my life
of any value to myself, in compari-
son of finishing my race with joy,
and this ministry, which I received
from the Lord Jesus, requiring
me earnestly to declare the gracious
gospel of God. And now behold! 25
I know that ye all, among whom I
have gone preaching the kingdom
of God, will see my face no more.
Wherefore I declare unto you this 26
very day, that I am pure from the

Then we went forwards to the He sails ship, and bore away for Assos, from Tras meaning to take up Paul there; for so he had appointed, intending 14 himself to go by land. And when he came up to us at Assos, we took him in and came to Mitylene. 15 And sailing thence on the next day, we arrived over against Chios, but the day after fell in with Samos and after staying in Trogyl-blood of you all; for I forbore not 27 lium, we came on the second day to tell you the whole will of God. 16 to Miletus. For Paul had determined to sail by Ephesus, that he might not lose time in Asia; for he was hastening to be at Jerusalem, if it were possible for him, by the day of Pentecost.


"Take heed therefore to your- 28 selves, and to all the flock among whom the holy spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of the Lord,which he purchased with his own blood. For I know this, 29 17 Now, from Miletus, Paul sent to that after my departure, grievous Ephesus, and called to him the el-wolves will enter in among you, not 18 ders of the church. And when sparing the flock, and from among 30

1 To partake of a love-feast, which concluded with the eucharist.


Paul probably chose to have several lights in the room, that he might not be

charged with holding dark and clandestine

3 Procured at the expence of his life,




our way, all the disciples of Tyre, CHAP.
with their wives and children, ac-
companying us beyond the city:
and we kneeled down on the shore
and prayed. And after taking leave 6
of each other, we went into the
ship, and they returned home.

to Cesarea.

CHAP. yourselves will men rise up, speaking perverse things to draw away 31 disciples after them. Therefore, be watchful, and remember that for three years, night and day I ceased not to admonish every one 32 with tears. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to his But we to finish our course, from 7 gracious word, which is able to edi- Tyre came to Ptolemais, where from which fy you, and to give you an inheri- we saluted the brethren, and staid he proceeds 33 tance among all the saints. I have with them one day; and on the coveted no one's silver, or gold, or morrow we departed, and came to 3 34 apparel: yea, ye yourselves know Cesarea, where we entered the that these very hands have minis- house of Philip, the evangelist, one tered to my necessities, and to those of the seven almoners, and abode 35 who were with me. I have given with him. And this man had four 9 you an example, how, even by la-daughters,virgins, who * prophesied. bouring in this manner, ye ought Now, as we continued there se- 10 to assist the weak, and to remem-veral days, a certain prophet, nam- He persists ber the saying of the Lord Jesus, ed Agabus, came down from Ju- in his re"It is more happy to give than to dea: and taking Paul's girdle, and receive." binding his own hands and feet salem. with it, said, " Thus saith the ho- 11 ly spirit: So the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man that owneth this girdle, and will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles." When we heard these things, both 12 we, and they of that place, besought him not to go up to Jerusalem. But Paul answered, "What are 13 ye about weeping, and breaking my heart? for I am ready not only to be bound, but even to suffer death at Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus." So,when he would 14 not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, "The will of the Lord be done.'


an affectionate leave

And when he had thus spoken, and takes he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. And they all wept of them. much, and fell on Paul's neck, and 38 kissed him, sorrowing most at his declaration, "That they would see his face no more.' And they accompanied him to the ship.


He stays

at Tyre, a town of


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Now, when we had separated from them, and were at sea, we came by a straight course to 'Coos, seven days and on the next day to Rhodes, and from thence to Patara; and Phenicia; having found a ship sailing over to 2 Phenicia, we went on board and 3 bore away. Now, when we had discovered Cyprus, and had passed by it, on the left hand, we kept our course toward Syria, and landed at Tyre; for there the ship was to un4 load her burden. And having met with disciples, we remained there seven days and these said to Paul, by the spirit, that he should not go 5 up to Jerusalem. Now, when those days were ended, we departed on

solution to

go to Jeru

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I Two islands not far from Crete, towards the north, and north-east.

A sea-po.t of Lycia, in the Lesser Asia.

A city on the coast of the Mediterra-
nean, to the south of Ptolemais.
* Or were teachers of religion.

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