
Alack, when once our grace we have forgot,
Nothing goes right.—

Measure for Measure, III, 4

Alackaday, Cousin Biddy, these idle romances have quite turned your head.

STEELE The Tender Husband

At such an assertion he would have exclaimed a fiddlestick! Why and how that word has become an interjection of contempt I must leave those to explain who can.—

SOUTHEY: The Doctor

(Numbers refer to sections.)

A: adjective in function, 32-
Note; when used, 185.
Absolute Construction: infinitive
used in, 251, (7); participle
used in, 257, (3).

Abstract Nouns: definition of ab-
stract noun, 96; what nouns are
abstract, 100, (a); used as Com-
mon Nouns, 100, (b); how
formed, 100, (c).

Active Voice and passive, 56; de-
finition of, 58; forms of, 246,
249 256.

Address: Nominative of, 135, (4).
Adjective Pronouns: relation to
adjectives, 174; differences in
use, 175.

as nouns,

Adjectives: definition of adjective,
32; adjective phrases, 74, (c),
75, 182; adjective clauses, 86,
157, 182; adjective pronouns,
148; relation of adjective pro-
nouns to, 174; kinds of, 177;
functions of, 178;
179; nouns as, 179; and ad-
verbs, 180; well and badly, 181;
articles, 183, 184, 185; compari-
son of, 186, 190; comparative
degree, 193; superlative degree,
194; cautions in the use of, 195,
281; how to parse, 196; infini-

tive in ing required after, 250;
infinitives used as, 251, (5);
and adverbs, 278.
Adverbs: definition of adverb, 34;
and adjectives, 180; infinitive
used as adverb, 251, (6); as
modifiers, 270; kinds of, 271; of
time, 272; of place, 273; of
manner, 274; of degree, 275;
comparison of, 276, 277; and ad-
jectives, 278; misplaced, 280;
caution in the use of, 281; how
to parse, 282; and prepositions,

[blocks in formation]

Antecedent: 68; appositive in ap-
position with, 70; definition of,
88; of relative pronouns, 157;
relative pronoun not used with-
out a definite, 165, (a).
Apposition: 68.

Appositive: 68; definition of, 69;
nominative case as, 135, (3);
141, (6); adjective used as,
178; participle used as, 257,
(4); as means of relative em-
phasis, 259.

Articles: adjectives in function,

32-Note; the two, 183; repeti-
tion of, 184; a and an, 185; in-
finitive in ing required after,


as: relative pronoun, 163, (1).
as follows: colon used after, 14.
Assertive Sentence: definition of,
8; when exclamatory, 11-Note.
Auxiliaries: 261, 268; verb
phrases, 261; definition of aux-
iliary verb, 262; principal parts
of, 263; may and can, 264;
might and could, 265; ought,
266; shall and will, 267; should
and would, 268.

badly as adjective, 181.
beaten: 228-Footnote.

both ..
but: as connective, 6; 49-Note;
semicolon used before, 15; as
relative pronoun, 163, (2); use
of before a relative pronoun,
165, (b); as a preposition, 289.
can and may: use of, 264.

and: connectives, 49,-

Capital Letters: in a series of
questions, 18-Note; in a series
of exclamations, 19-Note.
Case: three cases, 127; definition
of, 128; nominative, 129; objec-
tive, 130;; possessive, 131; de-
clension, or inflection, 132;
types of declension, 133; forms
of the nominative, 134; func-
tions of the nominative, 135;
syntax of the nominative, 136;
forms of the possessive, 137;
functions of the possessive, 138;
forms of the objective, 139;
functions of the objective, 140;
syntax of the objective, 141; of
a pronoun following to be, 252.
Cautions in the use of: nouns,

126; relative pronouns, 165; in-
terrogative pronouns, 170; in-
definite pronouns, 173; adjec-
tives, 195; verbs, 208; past par-
ticiples, 229; infinitives, 253;
present participles, 260; ad-
verbs, 281; prepositions, 290;
conjunctions, 299, (a); interjec-
tions, 299, (b).

choose: active and passive of, 246.
Clauses: definition of clause, 73;
independent, 79; principal, 81;
dependent, 82; adverbial, 84;
noun, 85; adjective, 86; restric-
tive and non-restrictive, 182; as
adjectives, 182, (b).

Collective Noun: definition of, 95;
with singular or plural verbs,
99; as subject, 201.
Colon: when used, 14.

Comma: when used, 16; before
and, or, nor, 16-Footnote.
Common Noun: definition of, 94;

proper noun not used as, 98.
Comparative Degree: definition of,
188; when used, 193.
Comparison: words and phrases
expressing, 84, (6); of adjec-
tives, 186, 187; of adverbs, 276,

Complement: subject, 60, 61; ob-
ject, 63, 64.

Complementary Adjective: 64-

Complex Sentence: 81; definition
of, 83.

Compound Predicate: 47.

Compound Sentence: 78, defini-
tion of, 80.

could and might: use of, 265.
dare: 262-Note.
Dash: when used, 17.
Declension: definition of, 132;

types of, 133; of relative pro-
nouns, 159.

Definite Article: adjective in
function, 32-Note; 183; repe-
titions of, 184.

Degree: words and phrases ex-
pressing, 84, (9); positive, 187;
comparative, 188; superlative,
189; adverbs of, 271, (4), 275.
Demonstrative Adjectives: 177,

Demonstrative Pronouns: 175.
Dependent Clause: definition of, 82.
Descending Scale: 191.

Compound Subject: definition of, Descriptive Adjectives: 177; nouns

46; 200.

used as, 179, (b).

Compound Tenses: use of do in, different . . . to: 290.

[blocks in formation]

Direct Discourse: examples of, 5.
Direct Object: 51; definition of,
52; objective case as, 140, (1);
infinitive used as, 251, (3).
do: interrogative, negative, and
emphatic, 221.

done been: 229, (b).

don't: use of, 207; in emphatic
sentences, 244.

Double Negative: 279.

each: use of, 175; caution in the
use of, 195.

each other: 172-Note 2.
either: always singular, 175.
either ....or: connectives, 49—
Note; cautions in the use of,
208, (b); 299, (a).

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