
imperious circumstances impose upon my people. All the statements shall be submitted to you, and you will know the importance of the economy which I have commanded in the departments of my Ministers, and in all parts of the Government; happy if these measures shall suffice for the burthens of the State. In all events, I rely upon the devotedness of the nation, and the zeal of the two Chambers.

"But, gentlemen, other sweeter and less important cares unite you at present; it is to give more weight to your deliberations, it is to collect more lights myself that I have created new Peers, and that the number of deputies of departments has been increased. I hope I have succeeded in my choice, and the eagerness of the deputies at this difficult conjuncture is also a proof that they are animated by a sincere affection for my person, and an ardent love for the country.

"It is then with sweet satisfaction and

full confidence that I have assembled you about me, certain that you will never lose sight of the fundamental bases of the happiness of the State, a frank and loyal union of the chamber with the King, and respect for the constitutional charter. That charter, which I weighed with care before I gave it, to which reflection attaches me more and more dearly, which I have sworn to maintain, and to which all of you, beginning with my family, are about to swear obedience, is without doubt susceptible, like all human institutions, of being more perfect but none of us ought to forget that the danger of innovation is not far remote from the advantage of melioration. Many other objects of importance require our labours: to make religion re-flourish, purify morals, found liberty upon respect for the laws, render them more and more analogous to these great views, give stability to credit, recompose the army, heal the wounds that have but too deeply torn the bosom of our country; in fine, ensure internal tranquillity, and thereby make France respected without. Such are the objects that our efforts ought to lead to. I do not flatter myself that so much good can be the work of one session, but if, at the close of the present legislature, it is seen that we are approaching it, we ought to be satisfied with ourselves. I shall leave nothing undone, and, in order to arrive at it, I rely, gentlemen, upon your most active co-operation."

After the speech, the Duke of Angouleme, the Duke of Berri, and the Duke of Orleans took the oath which follows:

"I swear fidelity to the King, and obedience to the constitutional charter and the laws of the kingdom."

The names of the Peers were afterwards called over, who individually took the fol lowing oath :

"I swear fidelity to the King, obedience to the constitutional charter and the laws of the kingdom, and to conduct myself in every thing which appertains to my situa tion as a good and loyal Peer of France."

The names of the deputies were afterwards called over, who took a similar oath to that of the Peers.


The definitive treaty of peace has at length been agreed upon, and the following is stated with confidence as the outline of

the conditions:

France cedes in perpetuity :-


Versoye, or Vesaix, near the Lake of Geneva.

The fortifications of Huninguen are to be destroyed, and no fortifications are to be erected within three leagues of Basle.

France renounces the right of garrisoning Monaco, near Nice.

France returns the territory in the Netherlands and Savoy ceded by the treaty of last year.

France shall pay to the Allies a contribu tion of 700 millions of francs, 29 millions Sterling.

During five years she shall maintain 150,000 of the allied troops, to be stationed within her own territories, in and near the fortresses hereafter named; but at the end of three years, should the contributions be paid, it may be made a subject of considera. tion whether these troops shall not retire from France, and whether the fortresses hereafter mentioned may not be restored.

France retains Avignon, the Comte Ve naissin, and Montbelliard. The latter is situated near Befort. It is a small duchy formerly belonging to Wirtemberg. The two former, situated in the south of France, before the revolution, belonged to the Pope, and he yet insists on their restoration,

The following sixteen fortresses are to be
garrisoned by the Allies during five years.
Le Quesnoi

Givet and Charlemont



The Bridgehead of

Fort Louis

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According to private accounts, the forcible seizure, on the part of the Allies, of all the statues and pictures, carried off by the French from different countries, in the course of the revolutionary wars, has caused the deepest irritation in Paris. The Parisians cannot bear with patience the being deprived of what they term the fruits of their victories; but the Allies are now triumphant, and they are forced to submit. Duke of Wellington, as Commander in Chief of the troops of the Netherlands, laid claim to those works of art which had been taken from Belgium and Holland. The Duke has written a long letter to Lord Castlereagh, explanatory of his conduct on this occasion, of which the following is the substance. The letter is dated 23d Sept.


"His Grace states, that when, after the battle of Waterloo, Prince Blucher arrived before Paris, it was proposed by the French Commissioners to introduce into the Convention, for the occupation of the capital, a separate article respecting the inviolability of the magnificent embellishments of the Louvre, and other monuments of an exotic character, which, during the government of Bonaparte, had been procured and appropriated to public purposes. Prince Blucher absolutely and peremptorily objected to any conditions of this kind, alleging that King Louis, subsequent to his quitting Paris, on the invasion by Napoleon, had distinctly promised, that, on his return to power, the works of art belonging to Prussia should be restored.

Under these circumstances, continues his Grace, all engagements as to the intangibility of these valuable effects were avoided; but it was requested by the French Commissioners, that no part of the property should be removed until the opportunity should be afforded of learning the pleasure of the allied Sovereigns on the subject, by their appearance in Paris. This desire was complied with, and after their arrival, applications were made to them on the subject, when they declined any personal interference whatever.

"The letter proceeds to say, that the Prussians soon became active, and obtained possession of the principal part of the decorations of Berlin, Postdam, &c.

"It was not until subsequent to this reduction of the stores of the Louvre, that his Grace interposed, and the cause was, that reference was had to him by the appointed agents from Belgium, who had in vain demanded of the French Court the resignation of the treasures of art plundered from their provinces. The Duke was in this state of things besought from high authority, as October 1815.

commanding in chief the forces of the King of the Netherlands occupying France, to claim these public effects. The Duke could not be negligent of the duty thus imposed upon him by the Sovereign who had confided the troops of the Netherlands to his disposal, and he then applied to Prince Talleyrand to procure the return of the Belgic paintings and archives. After some delay, his Grace was apprised by the Prince, that the subject was laid before his Majesty. The Duke recurred again to the Minister, and received the same answer, with the unsatisfactory addition, that the King had issued no commands whatever regarding the affair; and his Grace persisting in his importunity, he was at length referred to M. Dinon, the Supervisor of the collection, for any further information he might desire.

"In this unpleasant and impressive state of things, the Duke sent his Aid-de-Camp to M. Denon; but the Supervisor, equally with the King and his Ministers, was unwilling to accommodate himself to the wishes of the applicants, or to give any decisive answer on the business.

"Subsequently, the Duke states, a de tachment of British troops was directed to march to the Louvre; but its assistance as a military body was unnecessary, the Prus sians being on guard performing duty at this station. Under the want of hands, from the refusal of the natives to give any assistance, the British soldiers were actually employed to take down the paintings demanded by the Belgic agents, and this is the whole of those transactions in which his Grace was either passively or actively con cerned.

"His Grace proceeds to justify his own conduct. He says, that with regard to the French being deprived of the works of art, the circumstance, instead of being an injury to just feeling and sound opinion, will tend rather to improve their morals and correct their understanding, and to obscure those false views of glory which have led them to misapprehend their rights and their duties, and to be insensible to every accurate no. tion of public virtue and national honour."



A bold, but unsuccessful attempt, to over. throw the tyranny of Ferdinand was made in the course of last month, by General Don Juan Porlier, a distinguished leader in the war against France, who, on the 18th instant, having assembled a body of troops


at Santa Lucia, entered the town of Corunna, arrested the Magistrates, and having obtained possession of the place, issued a proclamation, enumerating all the mischiefs and miseries which had been inflicted on the country, by the tyrannical administration of Ferdinand, and stating the necessity of putting a stop to his unconstitutional measures, and of convoking a general assembly of the Cortes, for the purpose of regulating the constitution of the country.

General Porlier, after retaining possession of Corunna, Ferrol, and Batangos, four days, and organizing a Provincial Government, &c. received information that a spirit of opposition to his cause had appeared at Santiago, where the priests and friars had contrived to bribe over the soldiers; upon which he marched with the greater part of his forces against that place, and in consequence of his absence, a counter-revolution took place at Corunna, in which the Captain General and the Governor' regained their liberty; the troops left by Porlier ran off, and left the place to the Royalists.

The troops who followed the General to St Jago appear to have behaved in the same dastardly manner, as they fled when he was about to bring them into action; and he was arrested, it is said, by two of his own officers. After being apprehended, he was thrown into one of the dungeons of the Inquistion, from whence he was carried to Corunna on the 26th ult. with some officers of his party, and there he was hanged, without the formality of a trial. About 100 officers were put under arrest, and the troops were dispersed.-General Romain, first in command under Porlier, and his aide-de-camp, have escaped, and have come over to this country.


The execution of the unfortunate General Porlier is said to have been followed by complete change in the policy of the Spanish Government, about 30 persons, who were mostly in the King's confidence, and who had generally advised severe measures, having been dimissed and banished. private letter from Madrid says, that this measure is likely to be followed by a general amnesty of the Liberales. It would be more pleasing, however, to learn, that such a reform had taken place in the Government as should give the people some better security for their rights and privileges than the mere caprices of a tyrant. He is frightencd at present, and he relaxes the severity of his despotism: but we much fear that this transitory fit of good humour, like the repentance of the devil when he was sick, will last no longer than the terrors which gave it birth.


HOUSE OF COMMONS. JUNE 15. (Omitted at page 697, last Number.)


Mr W. Wynne said, he held in his hand a petition from Mr Orr, late Captain in the Rothsay and Caithness militia, complaining of his being dismissed the service without a Court-Martial, and praying for inquiry into his conduct. The Honourable Gentleman then proceeded to state, that Captain Orr had brought charges against another officer in the same regiment, who was acquitted, and on whose acquittal Captain Orr was dismissed. He said, that it was too great a power for a Court-Martial to assume to dismiss the prosecutor because they acquitted the prisoner. They could not judge of all the motives of the prosecutor, He believed the reason why Captain Orr was dismissed, was because he had not taken other notice of his brother officer's conduct to him. This was an encouragement to duelling, and was subversive of military discipline.

Sir George Warrender said, that he had made inquiry into this affair, and could say, that the Honourable Gentleman was mistaken as to the grounds of the dismissal of Captain Orr.-The grounds of his dismis. sal were the failure of the charges he brought forward on the Court-Martial. The result of the Court Martial was, that the charges were frivolous and vexatious, and that the prosecutor was not entirely actuated by mo tives for the good of the service, in bring ing them forward. On those motives it was that he was dismissed.

Mr Wynne explained; and the petition was read, and ordered to lie on the table.


The reduction of the navy, in consequence of the peace, having thrown a number of seamen out of employment, those belonging to the Tyne have for a month back quite interrupted the trade of that river, by preventing vessels from going to sea, unless the ship-owners would comply with certain conditions which they dictated respecting the number of hands for each vessel, the wages they were to receive, &c. The seamen proceed systematically, and have formed themselves into Boards, Committees, &c. If any ship is wished to be moved from one port to another, the captain or owner is required to send a petition to the Board, and leave is granted, and men found for the purpose: but no pay is allowed to be taken


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for any work done in this way. Many ships, coal laden, have been permitted to sail, upon the owners or captains making oath before the Board of Seamen, that the said vessels were not bound to London, and the coals on board not intended for the London market. A captain at Sunderland, who wished to have his vessel removed to Newcastle, had his application refused on the score of irregularity, he having presented his petition to the wrong Board. They have not, however, committed any excesses, except upon their own body. Those who act contrary to the system of the majority are disgraced, by having their jackets turned; and some of them, with their faces tarred, have been carried about the towns of Shields and Sunderland, mounted shoulderheight astride of a plank.

The seamen in several of the ports to the north also attempted similar proceedings; but were brought to their duty by the prudent remonstrances of the Magistrates. The number of these wrong-headed men about the ports of the Tyne and Wear, is said to amount to about 14,000; and as every attempt on the part of the Magistrates and ship-owners to bring them to reason has hitherto failed of success, the matter has attracted the notice of Government, which has determined to reduce them to their duty. For this purpose, several ships of war have arrived in the Tyne with troops and marines on board, to act against them if necessary; but in the meantime the effect of a conciliatory proclamation, issued on the 19th, is to be tried.


On Monday the 11th September, a man named George Wilson, about fifty years of age, commenced on Blackheath the extraordinary task of walking 1000 miles in 20 days, at the rate of 50 miles a day; and there is little doubt, had it not been for the unaccountable interference of the county Magistrates, that he would have completed the undertaking. The poor fellow had, for 15 days, effected his Herculean labour of walking 50 miles a-day, in spite of all the obstacles which were thrown in his way, and these were not a few. He was almost suffocated in the crowd which surrounded him daily on Blackheath, and choked with the dust which they threw up. Those who had betted against his accomplishing the task, were base enough to push and jostle him, and in one instance, to throw him down; till at length his friends were compelled to carry a long pole before him, and another behind, united at the sides by ropes; and thus, to enable him to walk in

a moving square, for which a way was made by the aid of carters' whips. A fellow who crossed his course repeatedly, it appears, had so far overcome Wilson's tem per, which is generally mild and civil, as to provoke him to strike him; and for this, a warrant was obtained against the pedestrian for an assault. Had this been executed, as was intended, the exploit of poor Wilson would have been effectually ended; but the constable to whom the warrant was given, humanely gave notice to Wilson's friends, who gave bail for his appearance. The great crowds who attended on the heath became a real nuisance to the neighbourhood, and the Magistrates interfered; first by ordering away all the tents and shows, and next by issuing a warrant against Wilson himself, to prevent his continuing his labours on the Sunday. This compelled him to remove out of their jurisdiction, and much time and labour was lost in finding a proper place, which at last was effected near Lord Gwydir's park, in Surrey, where he effected his 14th day's labour, resting occasionally at the lodge. The whole country was covered with vehicles searching out his place of retreat, which had been properly kept secret; and happily but few succeeded in finding him. He did not finish his Sunday's performance till after five on Monday morning. He was conveyed back to Blackheath in a carriage, and commenced Monday's task at half past ten. It was past five on Tuesday morning before Monday's work was done, and at eleven he started again, in good health and spirits, assuring the spectators, that if they would give him air and fair-play, he would finish his task.

During the last few miles he was assailed by several ruffians from Woolwich, who used him in the most cruel and inhuman manner, treading on his heels, and exclaiming that he was sure not to do it. In despite of these interruptions, however, which were combated by his friends with every possible vigilance, he completed his last mile in fourteen minutes and a half. He was conveyed to a Mr Dyer's, where he was put to bed, and slept four hours and a half. He seemed refreshed in a most extraordinary degree, and declared that he felt himself as well as he had been during any period of his undertaking. He appeared again at the starting-post at ten minutes before eleven on Wednesday forenoon, and accomplished the first mile in 18 minutes, and was travelling round with additional vigour, when notice was given that the constables were approaching with positive directions to take him into custody.

He was immediately taken back to Mr Dyer's, and there the warrant was served upen

upon him, charging him with causing a tumultuous assemblage on the heath, and ordering him to be brought before the justices. He was taken in a carriage to Greenwich, but the magistrates were not to be found, and so much time was lost in ineffectually seeking after them, that it was judged impossible for Wilson to finish his fifty miles within the time, and therefore the undertaking was given up. Wilson returned to Mr Dyer's at Blackheath, without having seen any of the magistrates, and went to bed in a state of great chagrin, at having his hopes thus dashed to the ground. He felt confident of being able to complete his task. Bets were in the morning in his favour. It is believed that all wagers on both sides will be declared void, in consequence of the interference of the Magistrates. When Wilson appeared before the Magistrates, it was found that the warrant on which he was arrested was illegal; and his friends have determined to prosecute the Rev. Mr Williams, the Magistrate who signed it, before the Court of King's Bench, for damages. Wilson was to have received one hundred guineas, by subscription, had he finished his task; but the presents which have been made him since his apprehension, it is believed, will far more than counterbalance his loss.


The state of this country has of late become most alarming, especially in the southern parts. The papers are filled with daily accounts of murders and robberies of the most atrocious description. The pressure of the tithes is the pretext for these outrages, which are carried on by large parties of armed banditti, even in the open day, and in defiance of the Magistrates and all lawful authority. Kill-proctor is the cant name assumed by the ruffians, and they act up to it, by murdering the receivers of the clergy, and beating and maiming those who pay tithes above the arbitrary rate they choose to fix. These outrages have been most prevalent in the counties of Tipperary, Kilkenny, Limerick, Waterford, and Monaghan; in consequence of which, the government of Ireland have found it necessary to apply the Insurrection Act to the greater part of these counties, which places them for the time under martial law. Strong bodies of troops have also been marched into the disturbed counties, and several regiments of English and Scots militia have been ordered to Ireland.

A gang of armed banditti, full 50 in number, attacked the Cork mail on Satur day night, the 16th September. The passage of the coach was impeded by carts, trees, &c. placed purposely across the road. There were two guards armed, and two dragoons mounted, to protect the mail. A furious attack by the banditti was gallantly repelled, but with the loss of a dragoon and a seaman (passenger) killed, and two other persons wounded. The two leading horses were disengaged from the coach, and, with a dragoon horse, left behind, all wounded; three of the banditti were killed, and others wounded. The coach and inside passengers arrived safe, drawn by the two remaining horses. The unfortunate sailor killed had £. 150 prize-money in his pocket. The route of the mail has since been changed. The guards, and the other defenders of the mail, have been liberally rewarded by the post-office.

Extract of a letter from Limerick, dated October 7th:-" We are full of alarm, and in daily expectation of open hostilities. Our military garrison is apparently strong; but the peasantry are also strong-they are desperate, well armed, and know the use of arms. Their poverty and extreme wretchedness render them careless of life; and, in their hatred to the tithe proctor, they would rush upon the cannon's mouth.'The gentry are emigrating fast from this country-some to England, others to France and Germany. The established clergy are rapidly retiring; several, who cannot afford to travel abroad, are coming into town The prices of lodgings have risen nearly one half: families are flocking in every day: and apartments of any tolerable accommodation are readily picked up. The tithe proctors and valuators have all disappeared for the present, and it will not be easy, for some time to come, to collect any tithes in this county, or even rent or taxes. All building and improvements are suspended."

The accounts from Tipperary are of a similar description. For a long time scarcely a night has been suffered to pass with. out the perpetration of some horrible outrage on the persons or properties of the most respectable and the peaceably-inclined inhabitants. Numerous bands of depredators have been carrying terror through the whole county. The Kilkenny paper says"Parties of armed insurgents, unquestionably proceeding out of Tipperary, have approached within nine miles of Waterford, and even nearer to the city, swearing the unfortunate farmers to commit illegal acts."


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