Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not, Annotated Nursing-Student Edition

Independently Published, 2021/05/04 - 250 ページ
NEW 2021 EDITION. This Annotated Nursing-Student Edition of Nightingale's Notes on Nursing book is the first in history to be made into an annotated nursing-student edition.

A modern nurse can learn more from Florence Nightingale with our edition than any edition published before.

While medical knowledge has significantly increased since Nightingale's time, her common sense and wisdom still form a solid basis for caring for sick people today.

Nightingale created higher standards for the nursing profession with this book.

This helped transform nursing into the respectable profession we know today.

Notes on Nursing continues to provide an excellent resource for nurses.


* Foreword: The foreword has a discussion about the book's format and a discussion about the subject of the book.

* Section Headings: These descriptive headings break the book down into manageable sections for reading and for discussion.

* Focus Questions: Key questions to prepare the reader for the concepts addressed in each chapter.

* A short list of questions: Is highlighted at the beginning of each chapter.

* Glossary: Medical and non-medical terminology used throughout the book are defined to help the reader better understand and learn more.

* Difficult and obscure words and terms: Are underlined throughout the text and defined in the glossary.

* Quotes: Important and interesting quotes from the author are highlighted in every chapter.

* Extensive word index: So that you will have no trouble finding any of the important subjects mentioned in the book.

* Footnotes: Provided throughout the text.

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著者について (2021)

Born in Florence, Italy, of wealthy parents, Florence Nightingale was a British nurse who is regarded as the founder of modern nursing practice. She was a strong proponent of hospital reform. She was trained in Germany at the Institute of Protestant Deaconesses in Kaiserswerth, which had a program for patient care training and for hospital administration. Nightingale excelled at both. As a nurse and then administrator of a barracks hospital during the Crimean War, she introduced sweeping changes in sanitary methods and discipline that dramatically reduced mortality rates. Her efforts changed British military nursing during the late 19th century. Following her military career, she was asked to form a training program for nurses at King's College and St. Thomas Hospital in London. The remainder of her career was devoted to nurse education and to the documentation of the first code for nursing. Her 1859 book, Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not has been described as "one of the seminal works of the modern world." The work went through many editions and remains in print today. Using a commonsense approach and a clear basic writing style, she proposed a thorough regimen for nursing care in hospitals and homes. She also provided advice on foods for various illnesses, cleanliness, personal grooming, ventilation, and special notes about the care of children and pregnant women. On 13 August 1910, at the age of 90, she died peacefully in her sleep at home. Although her family was offered the right to bury her at Westminster Abbey, this was declined by her relatives, and she is buried in the graveyard at St. Margaret Church in East Wellow, Hampshire.
