
They do not appear in any public proceffion till the year 1539, when they are mentioned in the defcription of the ceremonies, with which Anne of Cleves was received, by the difappointed monarch, who did not suffer his disgust to tarnish the splendour destined to attend her arrival. The little alterations, made by Mary, were foon restored by Elizabeth, who poffeffed the magnificence of her father. We must here take leave of their splendour. Lord Hunfdon, their captain during the latter part of this reign, describes them, in a letter to James, in the following manner.

They are in all fifty gentlemen, befides myself, the lieutenant, ftandard-bearer, clerk of the cheque, and gentleman harbinger, chofen out of the best and ancienteft families of England, and fome of them; fons to earls, barons, knights, and efquires, men thereunto efpecially recommended for their wor thynefs and fufficiency, without any ftain or taint of difhonour, or difparagement in blood. Her majefty, and other princes, her predeceffors, have found great ufe of their fervice, as well. in the guard and defence of their royal perfons, as alfo in fundry other important employments, as well civil as military, at home and abroad; infomuch as it hath ferved them always as a nursery to breed up deputies of Ireland, ambaffadors into foreign parts, counsellors of ftate, captains of the guard, go-t vernors of places, and commanders in the wars, both by land: and fea. Withall, I cannot omit to fignify to your majesty their alacrity and affection wherewith, upon the decease of her highnefs, they did embrace your majesty's title and caufe; infomuch that, upon my motion, they did moft willingly offer themselves to a strong and fettled combination, by a folemn oath and vow, to defend and profecute your majesty's lawful right and title by themselves, their friends, allies, and followers (being no contemptible portion of this kingdom) to the laft' drop of their blood, against all impugners whatfoever; with which humble and dutifull defires of theirs to ferve your majefly, I thought it my part and duty to acquaint you, and withall humbly defire to know your majesty's pleasure and refolution as concerning them."

At a fubfequent period, lord Clare declared that, when he was in the band, he did not know a worfe man in it than himself,' though he had then an inheritance of 4000l. per


But all these representations had little effect on the indigent and parfimonious fucceffor of Elizabeth. The rank of the penfioners gradually decayed; the diet, appointed by Eliza. beth, was retrenched; and in lieu of it board-wages were allowed. This disgraceful change feems to have been continued during the reign of the firft Charles, when their attendance


was rigidly exacted. During the protectorate, the band was neglected: they had too loyally adhered to their maf ter, to expect Cromwell's attention; and, in that precife court, fhow was very little regarded. But the mistrustful afurper retained the guard nearly with the fame title: twenty gentlemen, with axes, were ordered constantly to attend him. With Charles the Second, the penfioners appear almost in their former fplendour; but, in 1670, were reduced to forty, their prefent number.

We have thus given a fhort hiftory of this company, with as great precifion as our limits will permit. Their present duty is only mounting guard in the prefence chamber; but, formerly, they ferved both as horfe and foot on different occafions, with their spears or their axes. They received orders to attend with their horfes in 1745; and they will perhaps allow us to exprefs our earnest wishes, that we may never fee them in every part of their former office.-Though the subjects of thefe two little volumes be not capable of much ornament, yet they are highly interefting to those who are fond of fimilar fpeculations; and we imagine that few poffefs fo little curiofity, as not to derive confiderable entertainment from inquiries, fo nearly related to the former cuftoms, and to the history of their own country.

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A Review of Locke's Denial of Innate Ideas, Secondary Qua lities, &c. 800. 2s. 6d. Law.

LOCKE was oppofed with violence, while he lived, and the warring fpirits were fcarcely fubdued by his death. But his political tenets have lately procured him more enemies or admirers than his metaphyfical difquifitions: they have have been the touchstone by which all his merit has been appre ciated. The reviewer before us, if he has felt this bias, has concealed it, and the metaphyfics of Locke are his chief ob ject; but his difcernment and acquifitions are not fufficiently. confiderable to prepare him for this sharp conteft. He is feldom precife or diftinct in his conceptions; and more feldom. clear or accurate in his language. The metaphyfician, who can confound innate ideas' and inherent faculties,' can judge as well of his subject, as a deaf man of the tone of a harpfichord, or a blind one of the colours of a rainbow. Our readers will be contented with this part of the reasoning, as a fhort specimen.

He talks of inherent faculties (end of fec. 2.) What is it but thefe very inherent faculties, fo named by him, by

which a fuppofition of innate ideas had generally taken place? Locke, by his inherent faculty, attempts to overturn what cannot be overturned without proving that all along fallacious by which it is overturned; and it seems very strange that he fhould admit inherent faculties, and yet fo ftrenuously argue against the ftedfastness of moral light: chap. iii. fec, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Moreover, how do his citations in the 9th fection of that chapter, agree with these words of this? And no less unreasonable would it be to attribute several truths to the impreffions of nature and innate characters, when we may observe in ourselves faculties fit to attain as easy and certain knowlege of them, as if they were originally imprinted on the mind." How, I fay, are the ignorances and enormities he speaks of, reconcilable with fuch inherent faculties which be fomewhere terms native? And I would ask, what truths our faculties " easily and certainly" enable us to attain, fince he affirms in the next page that "whatsoever is, is," and "it is impoffible for the fame thing to be, and not to be," are unknown to a great part of mankind, and (chap. iv. fec. 8, particularly) "That many, that whole nations, civilized nations, have no knowlege of the grand and manifest truth, the existence of God, or different and contrary opinions af him" fee chap. iv. fect. 17. Is it imaginable that any civilized nation fhould be without perfons poffeffed of so im, portant a knowlege, "eafily and certainly attainable ?" Nay, is not the appellation manifeft contradictorily in terms applied to truths thus unknown? Then, on the other fide, if the fafts are as he represents them, then I fay, his inherent faculties, fubftitutes of innate ideas, become likewife inane. If whole nations, whole civilized nations, are deftitute of fuch perfons, mankind can lay no claim to ftedfastness, to any confiftent ideas, innate or adscitious,'

We should not have stated this question, if the ftrange in attention of our reviewer to definitions, and his mistakes on the most obvious fubjects, had not rendered it neceffary. The point in difpute is, whether all our ideas (taking the word in its common meaning) cannot be ultimately derived from thofe which are conveyed to the mind by the organs of fense, though their appearance be changed by abstraction or combination; fo that, in different circumstances, they appear as fenfual, ine tellectual, or in all the variety between each. This question has little connection with inherent faculties, unless fo far as both are related to mind. It may indeed be a question whee ther, as the mind is a diftinct being, it may not poffefs ideas as well as faculties; but, in our prefent state, it will be impoffible to refolve it. If the most wanton ramblings of

Imagination, or the moft diftorted images of a fick man's dreams, prefent nothing but the mangled fimbs, or unnatural combinations of what was originally derived from our fenfes, the question will not only be incapable of an anfwer, but unneceffary: if we poffefs a fource from which our intellectual riches may be derived; and if nothing appears in the offspring inconfiftent with the qualities of the parent, no rule of philofophy, no dictate of common fenfe, fhould induce us to look up to another origin. The refult then will lead us to attend to facts; and this is the refult, to which we wish to bring every metaphyfical difquifition, fince by the means of it, we fhall acquire materials for a work much wanted, a Natural Hiftory of the Human Mind. This History must consist chiefly of facts: many are at prefent afcertained; but they lie fcattered in numberless volumes: many are ftill to be enquired into, and new ones to be obferved. Dr. Hartley's work will furnish the best foundation; for, amidst many errors, there are the most valuable observations; and the extensive inAuence of affociation is, in the metaphyfics, as fplendid a difcovery as gravity, in the natural world. Why is not this fyftem illuftrated by a liberal commentary, instead of being mutilated by, and frittered into, extracts?

We find nothing in this work which materially invalidates the doctrines of Locke, relating either to innate ideas or fecondary qualities. The late difcoveries in natural philosophy and chemistry, require indeed that fome alteration should be made in the latter fubject; but this is an affiftance which our author is not qualified to give, and which, perhaps at last, would not effentially contribute either to the pleasures or advantage of mankind. These are errors which may rest in peace; their continuance or amendment would be equally uselefs in the confequences. The rest of the Review relates to Locke's difpute with the bishop of Worcester, which is not greatly elucidated in the prefent pamphlet.

We do not think that Locke's reputation is much affected by this antagonist, His ftyle is the flippant pertness of a modern author; and the little refpect shown, in every part of this work, for a man fo highly refpectable as Locke was, will disgust every attentive reader. We are obliged to the author for not tranfcribing the paffages on which he animadverts; though then his book would have contained something valuable, but it would have been contaminated, like a metal in its matrix, and we should have regretted the trouble of feparation. At present however it is difficult, and often inconvenient, to compare the text with the commentary...


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The Theory of Harmonics: or, an Illustration of the Grecian Harmonica. By John Keeble, Organist of St. George's Church, Hanover Square. 4to. l. 15. White.


R. Keeble has enjoyed for many years, the reputation of being the best organ-player in London, in the old ftyle. We foon discovered that he had learned the theory of mufic from Dr. Pepufch, who numbered among his fcholars Dr. Boyce, Mr. Travers, Mr. Kelner, Mr. Immins, and many other musicians of the fame class. It was a firm principle with Pepusch, in common with other great men, that we must recur to the Greek school for the true principles of mufic, as well as of the other arts. Confequently, he taught all his pupils that every thing was contained in the tetrachord, the magical tetrachord, which, like lord Peter's brown loaf," was the quinteffence of mutton, beef, &c. Now, though we hold it of great moment to be acquainted with what was formerly known in every fcience, yet if modern improvements must be cramped by ancient principles, it were better that they had remained unknown. Mr. Keeble is alfo a great advocate for the tetrachord; but we are very glad that his practice has got the better of his theory, or we should have loft much of the pleasure we have received from his masterly performance at St. George's church. So far from modern mufic being indebted to the Greeks, that we date its exiftence within the laft hundred years. We mean by mufic, that judicious mixture of harmony and melody which conftitutes the art, and not a mathematical investigation of the proportional vibrations of an octave, a fifth, &c. nor the different ways of difpofing of the femitone, in the fourth; nor how to compofe a fourth, of founds lefs than a femitone, and more than a tone, &c.

Mr. Keeble feems to be thoroughly perfuaded that the knowlege of numbers is neceffary for the practice of mufic.

This eafe and fimplicity will naturally engage the attention of the profeffor, who will readily give up fome part of his time. from that more fevere and laborious practice, which all inftru- ` ments now require, to a study that will not only leffen his labours, but at the fame time encrease his mechanical powers, and raise his reputation on the most folid and lasting foundation.'

How the knowing that certain intervals are expressed by particular ratios, and the various methods of combination, can increase his mechanical powers,' will be doubted by some of our best performers, who make not the leaft pretenfions to the mathematics; and who would fmile, to be told that they could not do without fomething, of which they have never VOL. LIX. Feb. 1785.



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