

I was fortunate enough, as a special favor, and only through great interest, to procure a passage in the United Kingdom steamer, which was engaged for the conveyance of the ex-royal family of France to Altona. The following is my log-book of the voyage:

We left Newhaven, the harbor of Leith, on Tuesday, the 18th, at about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, having on board the following distinguished passengers:

The King of France, Charles X; Monseigneur le Dauphin, Duc d' Angouleme; the Duc de Bordeaux, Henry V; the Duc de Blacas, the Baron de Damas, the Marquis de Forasta, the Abbé de Martigny, the Abbé de Bourdeville, the Abbé de Tocard, Mons. de Baroude, the Chevalier de Savillale, Mons. Guignard, the Duc de Polignac; Auguste de Grammont, and Eugene de Grammont (brothers, and sons to the Duc de Guiche); the Docteur Bougon; seven servants to the King, three servants to the Dauphin, two servants to the Duc de Bordeaux, one servant to the Baron de Damas, one servant to the Duc de Blacas.

After a delightful passage we reached Altona on Friday, the 21st, at two o'clock, where our distinguished fellow passengers, to our great regret, landed, and took up their quarters at Rainville's Hotel.

His Majesty is a tall thin man, about six feet high; stands very upright for his age, which is about 76. He had ever a smile on his face, which has a very pleasing expression. He was quite delighted with the attentions shewn to him by all on board, and entered into conversation with any person in the most friendly manner, and without the least hesitation. He sometimes apologized and expressed his regret for speaking English so imperfectly; nevertheless, although a little hesitation is discernible, as well as a defective pronunciation, he is far from speaking it amiss, especially when we consider that it was only late in life that he found himself in circumstances to oblige him to study it. The etiquette of the service of the table was kept up while he was on board, the same almost as if he had been at the Tuileries. Mr. Mills, son of the principal owner of the United Kingdom, and Capt. Turner, had the honor of dining with his Majesty on the Thursday.

The Duke d' Angouleme appeared to be about 50, and rather under the middle size; extremely affable and agreeable, but by no means so superior a looking man as his father the King.

The Duke de Polignac is a very gentlemanly and conversable man, of the middle size, rather stout and good looking, and about sixty years old. He speaks English very well.

The Duke de Blacas is a tall, thin, and genteel looking man, with an expressive countenance, about sixty years of age. He was rather affected by the voyage, and was very little on deck. He landed at Stade, but rejoined the party at Altona in the course of the day.

The young Duke of Bordeaux was above all the most interesting object among this deeply-interesting group. He is really an enchanting

youth—a fine fellow, as the sailors called him-and carries the princely honors of his birth on his forehead. He is tall for his age, with a most intelligent countenance, features exceedingly handsome-beautiful-with the Bourbon cast so legibly stamped on them, that no one can fail to recognize him at once as one of the family. There is a little weakness about the eyes, very probably owing to too great application, for this gifted youth speaks four languages fluently-French, Italian, German, and English. He has a charming gaiety, and all the delightful playfulness of infancy about him, notwithstanding; he gambolled with any and every body, and became the pet and favorite of the whole vessel's company.


My name is an Album; I am fitted to grace
A lady's boudoir; but view ye my leaves-
They are as fair and as clear as a lady's face,
Ere ever the print of care it received;
For where I have ventured to make a trial
For Friendship's donation I've met a denial-
No one would write in me.

The first was an old maid, both wrinkled and gray

Would she give me a stanza?' 'Oh no!' she was vexed;
Things had come to a terrible pass now-a-day,'

She exclaimed with surprise, What will they have next?"
And I thought of the tale of the fox and the grapes,
When she called me a trap set to catch the men apes.
Oh she would not write in me.

The next was a lawyer: he questioned my title;
He thought 'twas as plain as the nose on his face-

It wanted no proof, nor any recital-

That my name of an Album was quite out of place.
He cited the statutes and Black versus White,
To shew his assertion was perfectly right;

And he would not write in me.

I turned my attention the next to a parson:
He very demurely read me a lesson

On whom I should choose, and on whom I should pass on
A silent contempt-and he gave me his blessing;
But as he had renounced all such nonsense and gaiety,
My pages he'd leave to be filled by the laity.
Well, he would not write in me.

The next was a lordling, the son of a peer;

I praised up his pedigree, talked of his wit,

In hopes to entrap him he answered,' Hear, hear!"
My notion, he said, was a capital hit;

But I must allow 'twould be heterodoxy

For his lordship to write-he would do it by proxy.
So he did not write in me.

* The whim of this piece recommends it to a place, in spite of faults of versification.

I then asked a reformer: "Twas shameful he said,
That gold should be spent in adorning a book,
When the poor were starving for lack of some bread;
And he thought I should have a more elegant look
Were my pages outside and my envelope in—
Books certainly wanted a reforming.

And he would not write in me.

A Tory the next, of the Wellington school;
He told me I was an innovation;
For our wise grandmothers made it a rule
Only to ask the pride of the nation;
While if I gave way, in this radical age,
To such universal suffrage,

No Tory would write in me.

Thus an old maid, a lawer, a parson, a peer,
A reformer, a tory, and others, refuse
To place a slight token of friendship here,
Each urging a frivolous plea for excuse;

But the last that I asked was a rustic yeoman ;
He would not write in me, no, not for no man-
For he never learnt to write.

Baron Cuvier. The following is related by Dupin of the celebrated Cuvier, whom he has just succeeded as one of the forty members of the French Academy. The labors, by which Cuvier immortalized himself, required immense powers of memory. His mind was stored not only with several thousand generic and specific names of animals of every species, but with the names and complicated genealogies of every leading family in Europe, both of times past and present. Nay, as if there were a craving after eastern luxury in this play of the memorative faculties, he could quote off hand the dynasties of every Asiatic prince and tribe, little as they seem deserving of the toil. He was probably the best informed scholar in Europe; and yet his memory humbled itself to the meanest subjects, and, as one who sought no other kind of scholarship, it heaped to gether all sorts of curious anecdotes, not forgetting the names of the parties concerned; and over and above all these recreations, faithfully husbanded the very text of any lampoon, epigram, or occasional poem, which was likely to acquire historical importance.'

True Nobility.-Euripides was the son of a fruit woman; Demosthenes of a blacksmith; Virgil of a baker; Horace of a freed man; Terence of a slave; Amyot of a currier: Voiture of a publican; Lamoth of a hatter; Flechier of a chandler; Sixtus-Quintus of a swine-herd; Tamerlane of a shepherd; Romilly of a goldsmith; Quinault of a journeyman baker; Rollin of a cutler; Moliere of an upholsterer; Massillon of a turner; J. B. Rousseau of a shoe-maker; J. J. Rousseau of a watchmaker; Galland of a cobler; Beaumarchais of a watchmaker; Ben Jonson of a mason; Shakspeare of a butcher; Rembrandt of a miller; Sir T. Lawrence of a publican; Collins of a batter; Gray of a scrivener; Beattie of a farmer; Tom Moore of a grocer; Sir Edward Sugdun of a haircutter.

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Pub. by Kane & Co. 127 Washington St. Boston.

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