
vantage-coign, an advantageous corner.

vesper, the evening, refers to evening service.

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vestal, pertaining to a virgin who devotes her life to religion; hence,

a nun.

wain, a four-wheeled wagon.

Wallace (William), 1274-1305; one of Scotland's greatest heroes. wan, won, gained.

Warbeck, Perkin, a pretender to the English crown, who claimed to be the Duke of York. He was honorably received by James IV. in Scotland and married one of King James's relatives.

wassail, spiced ale; a drinking bout.

weal, well-being, success.

"wede away," the reference applies to a fragment of an old ballad on the Battle of Flodden Field:

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"I ride single on my saddle,

For the flowers of the forest are a' wede away."

weed, garment.

whenas, an archaic conjunction, meaning when.

whilom, formerly.

whin, a kind of bramble, furze, an evergreen shrub.

wight (adjective), active, gallant, warlike.

wimple, folds of linen or silk, formerly worn by women as a protec

tion for the neck and chin.

wold, an open tract of hilly land.

Wisey (Cardinal), chief adviser of Henry VIII.

yare, ready.

yeoman, a freeborn citizen among the common people.

yode, went; the word is archaic.

Zembla (Nova), an island in the Arctic Ocean, northeast of Europe. zone, a belt or girdle.

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