
The Academy Series of English Classics - Continued

Four English Poems.

Edited by L. D. Syle. Cloth, 25 cents.

The Rape of the Lock, John Gilpin's Ride, The Prisoner of Chillon, and Rugby Chapel.

Selected Poems from Pope, Gray, and Goldsmith.

Edited by George A. Watrous. Cloth, 30 cents.

The poems included are Pope's Essay on Criticism, Gray's Elegy and Progress of Poesy, and Goldsmith's Traveller and Deserted Village.

Three Narrative Poems.

Edited by G. A. Watrous. Cloth, 30 cents.

The Ancient Mariner, Sohrab and Rustum, and Enoch Arden.
A feature of this book is a map, which makes plain the geogra
phy of Sohrab and Rustum.

The Literature Note-Book

By Professor F. N. SCOTT, of the University of Michigan, and F. E. BRYANT, of the University of Kansas. Price, each, 6 cents; per dozen, 60 cents; per hundred, $5.00.


HIS is a blank-book for book reviews and reports on home reading. On the front cover are seventeen numbered questions, each suggesting a possible treatment for the book review. The purpose of these is to enable the teacher with the least labor to prescribe the scope of the essay he wishes the pupil to write. The teacher indicates a question, or series of questions, by number, and the pupil understands that his review is to answer these questions. There are directions for both teacher and pupil. On the back cover is a list of books for home reading.

Journeys in Fiction

By ALFRED M. HITCHCOCK, High School, Hartford, Conn. Paper 42 pages. Price, 10 cents.

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