
yond meafure; but they endeavoured to find the most equitable répartition of the taxes, and the cheapest way of collecting them.'

On account of his cautioufnefs and judgment he was, by the foldiers under his command, juftly and fignificantly called, le Pere la Peníée, Father Thought: a firname which he appears to have deferved in his peaceable retreat, not lefs than in his military expeditions, and more honourable to him than half a dozen formal panegyrics could have been."

XIII. Efai fur les Jardins. Par M. Watelet, de l'Académie Françoife, et Honoraire de l'Acad. Royale de Peinture, &c. 8vo. Paris.


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HE author of this, pleafing Effay on Gardens entertains his readers with a variety of delightful images, thoughts, and fentiments, on the beauties of vernal nature, the best use of art, the happiness of retirement, the value and real enjoyment of life.

"Fortunatus et ille Deos qui novit agreftes," is the motto prefixed to it; and we cannot help congratulating its author, not only on his intimate acquaintance with the rural deities, but on his merits as a writer, a poet, an artift, a connoiffeur.

He enters on his fubject by reminding us of the general inclination of the inhabitants of towns for retiring into the country at the invitation of the returning fpring. There they build to themfelves abodes, render them delightful, and in the cares attending on these fettlements, feek for calm employments and pleasure, of which they feel a vague defire, a confused idea, but a certain want and as there is no individual but has imagined fome fiction relative to his inclinations, there are alfo none who have not, efpecially in fpring, planned fome Country retreat.

While man is enjoying nature, he will adorn it. To the gifts of her fertility, he will add, the aids of his own in- ? duftry. It is in order to attain this completion of enjoyment, that shadowings are defired in the agrémens of the places, where one delights to ftay, &c.'

He then proceeds to an interefting defcription of an elegant farm; reviews the magnificent and tiresome parks of the ancients; and at length comes to the art of embellishing modern parks, by picturefque, poetical, or romantic decorations.

He then examines the different places defigned for country re- : treats, and points out the principles that ought to be regarded in cultivating or adorning them."

In country gardens, ufefulness ought to predominate over that which is merely agreeable, and conftitute the bafis of the pleasure intended.

In parks, utility should be confidered, though without fas crificing beauty; and art be made subservient to nature,

In places chiefly defigned for pleasure, art may more freely exert and difplay itself,

In gardens intended for the more delicate and exquifite fenfations, art and riches are employed for the production of fapernatural and prodigious effects, and attempts made to excel


As architecture, in its liberal part, defigns the embellishment of all the parts of a vertical plan; and as the defigner of pleafure gardens is employed on the decoration of an horizontal one; Mr. Watelet juftly obferves, that the task of planning pleasure gardens may with greater propriety be configned to the painter than to the architect.

The painter, therefore, he employs by turns, on transforming the retreat of a wealthy, fenfible, learned, and virtuous proprietor into an elyfium, where he affembles the ftatues of heroes, fages, and benefactors to mankind---Quique fui memores alios ferere merendo,---fingle or in groups, but in a variety of fignificant attitudes, to refresh the memory, fill the imagination, raife the mind, improve and ennoble the heart of their host and his company. And then again, delineates Armida's palace. and Alcinous' gardens, for the enjoyment of a fenfible voluptuary.

The work concludes with a curious defcription of a Chinese garden and an enchanting picture of Mr. Watelet's villa, to which we will with pleasure attend the reader in our next trip to France.


FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. 14. Rituum Romanorum Tabula. In ufum Auditorum concinnavit Jer. Jac. Oberlinus. A. L. M. Eloq. Lat. Adj. 8vo. Argen



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HIS abftract of Roman antiquities confifts of thirty-two tables, or claffes, with their divifions and fubdivifions; and is recommended by its concifenefs, method, fulness, and perfpicuity.

15. Recueil de l' Academie de Belles Lettres, Sciences & Arts de Marseille, pour l'Année 1774: contenant l'Eloge de la Fontaine, par M. de Champfort, qui a remporté le Prix: deux autres Eloges qui ont eu l'acceffit une Ode fur le même Sujet, par M. François, de Neufchateau, Affocié de l'Académie. 8vo. Mar


As la Fontaine is a favourite author of every reader of tafte and fentiment, this collection of critical eulogiums on his character and genius, will not prove unacceptable to the public. 16 Traité Analytique des Eaux Minérales, de leurs Propriétés, & de leur Ufage dans les Maladies, fait par Ordre du Gouvernement. Par M. Raulin, Docteur en Medecine, &c. Tome II. des Eaux Minérales en particulier, 12mo. Paris.

This volume contains an inftructive account of the mineral waters of Saint Myon, compared with thofe of Selz; of the

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waters of Langeac, la Villetour, Chatelguion, and Pouillon, compared with thefe of Sedlitz and Seydfchütz, Vales, Bilazai, Bagnols in Gevaudan, Candé, Jaunette, Montbrison, Saint Alban, Sail-fous-Coufan, and Saint-Galmier.

17. Connoiffance des Veines de Houille ou Charbon de Terre, et leur Exploitation dans la Mine qui les contient, avec l'Origine des Fontaines & des Ruiffeaux, des Rivières & des Fleuves. Ouvrage enrichi de Planches gravées en taille douce, où l'on met fous les yeux tout le Détail des Houillieres; une Table du Cours des principaux Fleuves de quatre Parties du Monde connu; avec le niveau de leurs Sources au dessus du niveau de la Mer, ou la hauteur de la pente qui procure l'écoulement de ces Fleuves, depuis leur Source dans les Chaînes immenfes des Montagnes ou Elévations du Continent, répandues fur la Surface de la Terre, jufqu'à l'embouchure des Fleuves dans les differentes Mers où ils fe portent. Par M. Genneté, premier Phyficien de feu fa Majefté Imperiale. 8vo. Nancy.

The defign and contents of this work are fully explained in its title. It is a curious, methodical, and useful performance. 18. Hiftoire de Richard Savage, & de J. Thomfon, traduites de l'Anglois, par M. le Tourneur. 12mo.


A character and life fo fingular as that of Richard Savage, and delineated by a matterly writer, cannot be fuppofed to be unknown to our readers; we will therefore only obferve that Mr. le Tourneur has in his tranflation added to the life of Savage, that of James Thomfon, by way of contraft.

19. Differtation fur l'Ufage des Caufiques pour la guérison radicale & abfolue des Hernies, ou Defcentes, de façon à n'avoir plus befoin de Bandages pour le refte de la Vie. Par M. Gauthier, Confeiller Medecin au Roi, &c. 12mo. Paris.

This very instructive and interesting differtation is dictated by philanthropy, and well written; and deferves the attention of phyficians and furgeons.

20. Recueil des Oeuvres Phyfiques & Médicinales, publiées en Anglois, & en Latin, par M. Richard Mead, Médecin du Roi de la Gr. Bretagne, &c. Traduction Françoise, enrichie des découvertes pofterieures à celles de l'Auteur, augmentée de plufieurs Difcours préliminaires, de Notes intéreffantes fur la Phyfique, P Hiftoire Naturelle, la Theorie & la Pratique de la Médecine, &c. Avec 8. planches en taille douce. Par M. Cofté, Médecin de PHôpital Royal & Militaire de Nancy. 2 vols. 8vo. Bouillon. Of all the French editions of Dr. Mead's works, (and there are four different ones anterior to Mr. Cofté's) this appears to be incomparably the beft and completest.

21. Mémoire fur la récherche des Caufes qui entretiennent les Fievres putrides à Chambery. Par M. Dacquin. Svo, Chambery. This account of the caufes of putrid fevers at Chambery appears to be alike applicable to every populous place,

22. Ana

22. Analyfe des Eaux thermales d' Aix en Savoie, dans laquelle en expofe les diverfes Manières d'ufer de ces Eaux; la Méthode et le Regime qu'il convient de fuivre pendant leur Ufage, et les differentes Maladies pour les quelles elles font employées, avec plufieurs Obfersations qui y font relatives pour en conftater les propriétés; par M. Dacquin, Docteur en Médecine, &c. 12mo. Chambery. A valuable addition to the knowledge of mineral waters. 23. Traité de la Culture du Figuier, fuivi a'Obfervations & d'Ex périences fur la meilleure Manière de la cultiver, fur les Caufes de Jan Dépériffement, fur les moyens d'y rémédier, avec Figures; par M. de la Brouffe, Docteur en Médecine, &c. 12mo. Paris. A concife, practical, and useful performance. 24. Fables Orientales, et diverses Puëfies. Par M. B*** Deux Ponts.


The greater part of these fables are imitations of the apologues, of Saadi, the Perfian fabulift.

25. Le Protecteur Bourgeois, au la Confiance trabie; Comedie en vers, par M. B****. 12mo. Deux Ponts.

Written by the fame author. His defign, in this comedy, is to remind writers of their own dignity, and to expofe the meannefs, and affectation of those, who, without any real friendship or generofity, would fain be attended, and revered as protectors of learning and genius. To this comedy are fubjoined L'Heritage, an interesting, dramatical, moral tale; and Le Mariage manqué another ufeful moral drama.

26. Bibliotheque de Peinture, de Sculpture, & de Gravure, par M. Chriftoph. Theophile de Murr, 2 vols. 8vo. Francfort and Leipzig.

It is easy to conceive, that a first attempt in executing an extenfive and multifarious plan, muft in feveral refpects be very defective. With all its defects, however, this is a useful com pilation, and not deftitute of merit.





27. A Letter to James Macpherson, Efq, with an Address to the Public on his Hiftory of Great Britain, and his Original Papers. 4to. 6d. Almon.

HE author of this Letter expoftulates with Mr. Macpher

TH fon on the publication of the Stuart papers, as being in

jurious to the memory of feveral eminent perfons, and, in his opinion, not of authority fufficient to obtain credit. With ref pect to the objection first mentioned, it is not admissible; and of the other we have already delivered our fentiments, in the review of the History and Original Papers.

28. Proceedings of the Governor and Council at Fort William, reSpecting the Administration of Justice amongst the Natives in Bengal. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Almon.

We are here prefented with a plan for the adminiftration of justice, extracted from the proceedings of a committee, held for

that purpose, in the province of Bengal, in 1772. In the framing of this plan, the committee profefs to have confined themfelves, with a fcrupulous exactnefs, to the conftitutional terms of judicature, already eftablished in the province, which are not only fuch as they thought the best calculated for expediting the courfe of justice, but likewise beft adapted to the understandings of the people. When they have deviated in any refpect from the known forms, they seem to have been induced by fatisfactory reasons.

29. Juftice and Policy. An Effay on the increafing Growth and Enormities of our great Cities, Part II. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Dilly.

About two years ago the first part of this performance was published. This fecond part contains only the chapter which was deferred in the former, containing the plan of an union of Great Britain and Ireland.---The crude and extravagant reveries of a chimerical projector.


30. The School-boy, a Poem. In Imitation of Mr. Phillips's Splendid Shilling. 4to. 15. Kearly.

We have not for fome time feen a poem that more justly merited commendation than this performance. If the author be expofed to any animadverfion, it is for reciting the poem in the perfon of a fchool-boy, with whofe fuppofed abilites the energy of defcription and pomp of verfification are inconfiftent.

31. Flights of Fancy. By the rev. Thomas Penrofe. 4to. 15.


The poems in this collection are entitled, The Helmets, The Caroufal of Odin, and Madness. In general they are diftinguifhed by lively description, glowing fentiment, and animated verfification.

32. The Mufes and Graces on a Vifit to Grofvenor-Square. 480:

15. Bew.

This publication confifts of four. ballads, in different kinds of measure, and written in that frisky ftrain which we may fuppofe to be the bon ton, when nothing is to be heard at Parnaffus but the effufions of mirth and feftivity. To thefe are added a few verfes, entitled the Elopement, and a Madrigal in French. 33. Accommodation, a poetical Epifle to John Afhby, Efq. By Rowley Thomas. 4to. Longman.

Mr. Rowley Thomas's mufe is fuch a bland, good-natur'd, laughing, frolic' nymph of Parnaffus, that were we even difpofed to criticife her gambols, her blithefome humour would difarm us of feverity, and induce us to approve of the Accommodation.

34. The Feathers, a Tale. 4to. 1s. Bladon.

As feathers are become fo fashionable a part of female drefs, we hope the mode will not fail to be adopted by the hand-maids

See Crit. Rev. vol. xxxv. p. 317.


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