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AUGUST, 1849.


OUR engraving, this month, represents three specimens of an extinct race of organisms, not long since discovered in the old Red Sandstone, a geological formation, beautifully described by Mr. Hugh Miller, in his "New Walks in an Old Field."

In the Berry-bone, or according to its more elegant designation, the Coccosteus, the outline of the body is of the form of a short thick coffin, rounded, covered with strong bony plates, and terminating in a long tail, which seems to have been the sole organ of motion. While the tail establishes this creature among the vertebrata and the fishes, its teeth, chiselled, as it were, out of the solid bone of the jaw, like the nippers of a lobster, suggest its propinquity to the invertebrate part of creation.

The Pterichthys, or Winged-fish, has also strong bony plates over its body, arranged much like those of a tortoise, and has a long tail; but its most remarkable feature, and that which has suggested its name, is a pair of narrow winglike appendages attached to the shoulders, which the creature is supposed to have erected for its defence when attacked by an enemy.


I RECOLLECTED having heard or read that on one occasion Themistocles presented his son to a number of his friends, observing, that although the child was but four years old, he was the ruler of Greece, since he governed his mother, who, in her turn, governed the hero. I felt pretty certain it was to this anecdote Arthur alluded, and replied,

"The son of Themistocles."


'Right! I find that Elizabeth's favorite, Miss Charlotte, can teach as well as scold. Pray, did she ever make you young ladies comprehend the difference between knowledge and wisdom ?"

"I believe not ?"


'My tutor says he is a wise man who makes a good use of his knowledge, be it much or little and I think you will acknowledge that I have turned mine to good account, when I tell you that your company is respectfully requested in the drawing-room this evening."

"Yes, indeed!" cried Elizabeth; "and we are much obliged to you. But pray, how have you managed so well, Arthur? I am quite aware how easily you can persuade mamma; but my father is not"

"Is not a hero. Granted. Therefore I represented how disappointed Mrs. Harmer would be, if deprived of the opportunity of becoming better acquainted with Miss Wilmot ; and you know the Harmers are always to be considered. That is what I cannot understand, and will not endure," added Arthur angrily— "Harmer was only my father's clerk twelve months ago, and now" He stopped short, but his handsome features were distorted with passion, and the expression of his countenance was shocking to look upon.


Elizabeth was evidently distressed by his violence. mand yourself, Arthur," said she, in a tone of remonstrance. “No, I will command others!" he rejoined.

I longed to remind him of the text-" He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.” (Prov. xxii. 16.)

“Only wait till I am a man," continued Arthur, addressing his sister.

"What then?" she asked, timidly.

"Then we shall see the end of this fellow's assumption."

Alas, poor Arthur! He was already beginning to learn by bitter experience, that "The way of transgressors is hard." His sister, anxious to put an end to the conversation, hurried me away to dress. She was used to similar outbreaks, and viewed them only as matters of temporary annoyance. Familiarity with evil has a tendency to lessen its deformity; and even in a worldly point of view, Elizabeth had not been taught to Look to the End."


With mingled emotions of curiosity and trepidation I accompanied my young friend to the dining-room. I found, however, that there was no cause for nervous apprehension. The company generally seemed intent upon themselves, and I received little notice, save from Mrs. Dalton, who placed me by her side, and politely endeavoured to make me feel happy and at ease. I soon discovered that the gentleman occupying the post of honor on her right was no other than Sir Edward Staunton, and could not avoid hearing portions of the conversation which passed between him and his hostess. Elizabeth soon became the subject of his remarks. He congratulated Mrs. Dalton upon her improved looks, and enquired if she were returning to the primitive country school where he had so unexpectedly met with her.

Mrs. Dalton replied, that her plans relative to the completion of Elizabeth's education were as yet undecided; and in the mean time she was taking no harm at C- - The place suited her health, and the Misses Percy were superior women, whose connexions were decidedly respectable. I tried my best to look unconcerned and indifferent.

The next moment Mrs. Dalton presented me to her guest, as a school-fellow of her daughter's; upon which the faithless Sir Edward smiled graciously, and even attempted a few complimentary observations respecting the establishment at the Manor House, and the honor done him by Miss Percy's young ladies. This was my first lesson in what are called the ways of the world, and its effect was to render me really unhappy. Disgusted by the hollowness and insincerity of which I had been the witness, I found it impossible to rally my spirits during

the remainder of the evening; whilst Elizabeth, flattered and caressed, sang, played, chatted, and seemed in her element, more especially after the gentlemen joined the party in the drawingroom, when she elicited considerable applause by her spirited performance of an electioneering song, composed in honor of Sir Edward. In the mean time, I experienced the very humiliating conviction, that I was altogether out of my place, and barely tolerated in this very stylish company. Even Mrs. Harmer appeared to me less charming than at our former interview she pressed me to take Elizabeth's place at the piano; and when I informed her that I had never learned to play, elevated her eyebrows, shook her head, and murmured, “What a pity!"—in a tone, and with an expression, which conveyed the idea that a knowledge of music was the most essential part of female education. Unhappily Mrs. Harmer is not alone in this opinion; at least if we may judge by the amount of time and money expended upon the acquisition of the accomplishment.

Perhaps there could not have existed a more striking contrast than the impressions and feelings excited in my mind, and in that of my young friend, by the events of this evening. Elizabeth was too much elated by the notice she had received, to observe my depression; for gratified vanity is apt to be selfish. Her spirits were unusually animated; and, taking it for granted that I sympathised in her pleasure, we were no sooner alone than she exclaimed,

"Have we not spent a delightful evening, Caroline ?"

"You appear to have enjoyed yourself," I answered.

"Oh yes! I am now sorry we are obliged to return to school to-morrow. The sober routine of the Manor House will appear very dull after this, Caroline."

"Sober reality after flattery and amusement-like brown bread after syllabub, may prove wholesome, if not palatable," I replied.

Elizabeth blushed-"Perhaps I have been flattered a little," she said, "but our friends are very polite, and they perceive that it gratifies papa and mamma.-Why do you smile, Caroline?"

"I was thinking their compliments did not prove displeasing to you."

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