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let all thofe fo much praifed animals, vanish, from their refpee-: tive elements.....The giddy multitude was easily feduced. Some dared the threatened fate, and others, merely from curiofity defired it. On a fudden the fky was overfpread with impenetrable darkness. An inexpreffible confternation fucceeded; when, at the return of light they looked at each other, and faw themselves divefted of their magnificent robes, and head-dreffes, barefooted, and almoft entirely naked.

"As they had not apprehended that this misfortune was meant in the threats of the fage, they were the more affected by it; efpecially the fair-ones, who could not fuftain, without bitter lamentations, the lofs of the ornaments with which they thought to enhance their beauty, and who had made a large provifion of them; for, when they had confented to a future, privation, they were far from imagining they should undergo, it fo foon, having renounced thefe vanities for their daughters rather than for themselves.

However, all that which had been the property of the animals vanished with them; as the filk, the wool, fkins, feathers, pearls, and every thing made with fhells, ivory, hern, and other ingredients of luxury; in fhort, they loft at once, not only the help, but also the treasures and commodities they had received, whether as gifts or inheritance from these inno cent creatures they had fo rafhly given up.

As they uttered the dictates of a defpair blended with rage, their words refounded, as it were, through an immenfe vacuity, and ftruck their own ears with a dreadful echo; for the continual, though unheeded, noife of thofe beings, who, whether or not perceptible to our eyes, inhabit the four elements *, no longer modified the effect of the human voice, and all har mony was broken.'

When their first amazement and confufion was a little fubfided, and they found themselves obliged to fubmit to their de tiny, they attended to the confolations which the obdurate Cabul endeavoured to give them.

"Look yonder at thefe yellow fheaves bending under their precious charge," faid he, "this is the reward of man's industry; he alone knows how to render the corn an agreeable and wholefome food, with which want never can affault him. Behold these grapes, which promise us a delicious juice ; ́these fragrant olive trees; thefe exquifite fruits, and healthy vegetables; and dare to regret the infipidity of milk, eggs, and honey.

*A mere fancy. There is another of the fame kind in the next page.

It is true, we are deprived of our rich veftments: but: who can hinder us from weaving our cotton with gold, and adding to its whitenefs a luftre above the fineft filk? Thefe mines of diamonds and precious ftones will amply fupply the baubles we have loft, and better become the exalted heads of the masters of this globe. As to the additional labour that we shall be obliged to undergo, it will be a falutary exercise, and even a pleasing occupation, when we fhall remember that we have preferved the glory of our nature by it."

With thefe encouragements, and a ftrength not yet exhausted, they went through the fatigue of reaping the presents of the earth; and, though they wanted the most commodious implements, performed the different works which neceffity prefcribed and luxury defigned with a feeming alacrity. But, when the feason of ploughing arrived, their fortitude was abated: the beafts, on whom the harder part of this task had fallen, were feelingly regretted; and agriculture was no more an agreeable employment.

Whether the furrows of their own making proved not half fo deep as those they had before made with the help of oxen; whether the land was become barren for want of those myriads of infects and reptiles which fatten it; the harveft repayed not their labour, and hardly afforded them provifion for the year." The trees and fhrubs fhewed the fame fterility; the fruits and herbs had loft their wonted favour; because those almost invifible and wifely-created beings, who foberly feed upon them,' prepared them not for receiving the beft influence of the fun; but, above all, because provident nature, who fuits her productions to the number of her children, had retrenched an abundance unneceffary to a fingle fpecies, and undeferved by ungrateful men.

The fcarcity of food not only difcouraged the arts among them, but also raised in their minds envy, injuftice, and distrust. He who had hoarded a greater provifion than his neighbour,' was in perpetual fear of his encroachment upon it. His houfe being no more under the guard of faithful dogs, he was obliged to add painful watchings to the fatigue of the day; for no mercenary help could be gotten, when gold afforded not the means of a fubfiftence which every one was afraid of wanting.'


In this fable the author has defcribed the diftreffes of the infatuated multitude in too concife and general terms. might have given a ftriking picture of their wretchedness, when deprived of their equipages, the delicacies of their tables, the most effential articles of their furniture and their drefs,


the most agreeable means of dispelling the darkness of the night, and in a word all the elegant accommodations of life, which are derived from the animal creation.

These Dialogues are written in a lively ftyle, and may be put into the hands of young people with propriety; especially as the French and the English are printed on oppofite pages.

An Explanation of the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, and of the feveral. Sections of thefe Seventy Weeks: To which is added, An Expofition of the Chronology of the Jewish Judges. With Tables il luftrating both Subjects. By John Caverhill, M. D. F. R. S. 8vo. 5. Evans, Pater-nofter Row.

IT has been ufual to confider each week in this celebrated prophesy of Daniel, as fignifying feven years. The seventy weeks have therefore been made 490 years, the fixty-two weeks 434 years, and the seven weeks 49 years. This mode of explication feems to have been adopted on account of the dif ficulty attending the explanation of thefe weeks, on a fuppofition that each of them is only feven days; and in confequence of an expreffion in Ezek. iv. 6. in which a day is appointed for a year. This is the bafis of our author's calculations.

In the beginning of this differtation he endeavours to prove, that Artaxerxes Ochus was Ahafuerus, queen Efther's husband; that a mistaken interpretation of the thirty years, in the third chapter of St. Luke, is the caufe of an error of feven years concerning Chrift's age at his baptifm; that thefe thirty years were Chrift's age at his paffion, and not at his baptifm; and that Chrift was only in his 23d year in the xvth of Tiberius: that Ezra was not governor before, as is ufually believed, but after Nehemiah, &c.

According to his hypothefis, the explanation of the feventy weeks" is trufold. First, he fays, they run from Nehemiah's reparation of the walls of Jerufalem, in the twentyfirst year of Artaxerxes I. and foretel the rejection of the Jews in the feventh year of Claudius. 2. They run from the decree of Artaxerxes III. or Ahafuerus, and foretel the final difperfion of the Jews in the xixth of Adrian.

The explication of the feven weeks is threefold. 1. They run from Cæfar's decree for the Jews to poffefs Jerufalem, Jof. Antiq. xiv. 10. to the birth of Chrift; 2. From Herod's command to restore the temple, to the xvth of Tiberius; and, 3. From the finishing the temple to Chrift's refur rection.


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The explanation of the fixty-two weeks is fixfold. In the first place they are applied to foretel the reparations of Jerufalem, of which there are five examples. The first application runs forward from the first year of Joshua to David's command to prepare for building the temple; the fe cond forwards from the xvth of Amaziah to Ezra; and the third forward, from the xixth of Nebuchadnezzar to Jonathan Maccabeus; the fourth backward from the refurrection of Chrift to Ezra; and the fifth backwards from the xixth of Nebuchadnezzar to king David's commandment.' In the fecond place, these fixty-two weeks begin at Ezra, in the fixth year of Artaxerxes Mnemon, and run to Chrift's paffion."

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The one week is a measure of the interval between the xv of Tiberius, or the 23d year of Chrift and his crucifixion. The half week' is a measure of the time of Chrift's miniftry.'

This is a sketch of our author's hypothefis, which he has illuftrated by several tables, exhibiting the kings of Perfia, Egypt, Judah and Ifrael, the Roman emperors, and the Jewish high-priefts, in a chronological feries.

His twofold and threefold expofitions appear to our apprehenfion perfectly chimerical. For if these prophetical weeks may be applied to two or three periods, with equal propriety, they may be extended to two or three hundred; and the prediction is worth nothing.

But as the author has taken infinite pains with his calculations, we would not be fuppofed to depreciate his performance, which, in that refpect, has undoubted merit. As to his expofitions, we can only fay, that, according to his hypothesis, these prophetical Weeks appear to have a wonderful pregnancy of meaning, which, till Dr. Caverhill made the discovery, they have never been supposed to poffefs.

Travels for the Heart. Written in France.

By Courtney Melmoth. 2 vols. Small 8vo. 65. Jewed. Wallis.

EVER perhaps is the human heart affailed with fo much fuccefs, as by those who conceal their purpose of affecting it with any impreffion; while an open attack, unless conducted with peculiar dexterity, aided by the cafual co-operation of a favourable temperament, is more apt to excite infenfibility, than to triumph over the paffions, In conformity to this principle of our frame, it might have been more political in Mr. Melmoth to have avoided the declaration of his defign, or at least to have delayed an affault, until he had tried the effect


of playing off his mafked batteries upon the affections of his readers. But if he has thus, in great measure, precluded the influence of his own artillery, he has (to continue the metaphor). ferved it with uncommon ardour, and directed his operations. against fome of the moft acceffible parts of his object.

This piece commences with an account of fome particulars relating to the author's cafe, intermixt with a pictureÏque fcene between a phyfician and a patient. The latter, in confequence of the medical advice which he receives, fets out on a journey to France, in company with Amelia. The various fluctuations of mind, in refpect to the profecution of the journey, with the incidents and characters that occurred in the route to Paris, form the fubject of the narrative, which we cannot hesitate to acknowlege is ftrongly tinctured with the colourings of nature. Circum præcordia ludit.

We fhall prefent our readers with the following animated fpeech from a mendicant friar, addreffed to fome young English gentlemen, who were indecently jocular in their obfervations on the objects which they met with in a convent.

Be covered in the blushes of confufion, gentlemen! (faid he,) What principle is it by which you are thus directed to difgrace yourfelves and your country? We are taught to believe, that, on your fide of the fea, the feminaries of education are governed by laws that are wife, prudent, liberal and amiable. We are taught, that the education of an English gentleman, is attended with a very confiderable expence : mo. rals, and humanity, it is faid, are particularly cultivated in your universities. We gather these things, I fay, from the report of thofe, who would emblazon the inftitutions of your country; but, if report is to be confronted by experience, what doth experience tell us on this fubject? This town of Calais hath been but too often a witness to your libertinifm. Hither you come over with youth, high spirits, and a fum of money, for the most part too large for the feelings of a moderate man. The British empire is fo truly refpectable, as a nation, that we, who are your neighbours, wish to admire your politeness as much as we venerate your genius. But how is this poffible, when the fpecimens which are exhibited to us of your manners, are fo frequently cruel and unmanly? You enter our country without one generous idea relating to it. You call our courtesy, which is faid to contraft your bluntnefs, infincerity. You look at the face of our country, and feem to wonder, that the fmile of Providence is extended from the clift of Dover to that of Calais. You look at our customs, and, because they differ from your cuftoms, you turn from them with difguft, or affected



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