
Toaft peace and plenty to their mother nation,
Give three huzzas to George and to taxation,
And beg, to make their loyal hearts the lighter,
He'd fend them o'er dean T--k-r, with a mitre.
In Fancy's eye, I ken them from afar

Circled with feather wreaths, unitain'd by tar
In place of laurels, these fhall bind their brow,
Fame, honour, virtue, all are feathers now.'

It is beft to fleep in a whole fkin: therefore, fays the prudent Mr. Macgreggor,

-I'll keep within difcretion's rule,

And turn true Tory of the M——d school.
So fhall I cape that creature's tyger-paw,
Which fome call Liberty, and fome call Law:
Whose whale-like mouth is of that favage fhape,
Whene'er his long-rob'd fhowman bids him gape,
With tusks fo ftrong, with grinders fo tremendous,
And fuch a length of gullet, heaven defend us!
That fhould you peep into the red-raw track,
'Twould make your cold fleth creep upon your back.
A maw like that, what mortal may witbitand?

'Twould fwallow all the poets in the land."

Leaving St. James's to the care of the doctor, its proper advocate and panegyriit, the bard addreffes himself to St. Stephen's.

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Hail, genial hotbed! whofe prolific foil

So well repays all North's perennial toil,
Whence he can raife, if want or whim inclines,
A crop of votes, as plentiful as pines.
Wet-nurfe of tavern-waiters and nabobs,
That empties firft, and after fills their fobs:
(As Pringle, to procure a fane fecretion,
Purges the prime via of repletion.)
What fcale of metaphor shall Fancy raife,
To climb the heights of thy ftupendous praife?

Thrice has the fun commenc'd his annual ride,
Since full of years and praife, thy mother died.
'Twas then I faw thee, with exulting eyes,
A fecond phoenix, from her ashes rife ;
Mark'd all the graces of thy loyal creft,
Sweet with the perfume of its parent neft.
Rare chick! How worthy of all court careffes,

How foft, how echo-like, it chirp'd addreffes.

Proceed, I cry'd, thy full-fledg'd plumes unfold,
Each true blue feather fhall be tipt with gold;
Ordain'd thy race of future fame to run,
To do, whate'er thy mother left undone.
In all her fmooth, obfequious paths proceed,
For, know, poor Oppofition wants a head.'

After fome fmart ftrokes on ways and means, the taxes, the penfions on the Irish establishment, &c. the poet introduces the following fimile:

So when great Cox, at his mechanic call,
Bids orient pearls from golden dragons fall,
Each little dragonet, with brazen grin,
Gapes for the precious prize, and gulps it in.


Yet when we peep behind the magic fcene,
One mafter wheel directs the whole machine:
The felf fame pearls, in nice gradation, all
Around one common centre, rife and fall.'

Our author concludes with a defcription of Freedom, taking her leave of old England with this farcafic reproof.

Take, 'flaves, the cries, the realms that I difown,

Renounce your birth-right, and deftroy my throne.'

The Ode to Sir Fletcher Norton is an imitation of Horace's Ode to Cenforinus, Donarem pateras, &c.' The circumftance, which gave occafion to this humorous production, is intimated in the following lines.

• Mufe! were we rich in land, or stocks,
We'd fend Sir Fletcher a gold box;
Who lately, to the world's furprize,
Advis'd his fovereign to be wife.

The zeal of cits thou'd ne'er furpass us,
We'd make him fpeaker of Parnaffus.'

There is an air of pleafantry and good humour in this writer, which excites the fmile of approbation; notwithstanding he fometimes ventures with too much freedom into the fanctum fan&torum of St. James's.

Northern Tour, or poetical Epiftles. 4to.

25. Wilkie.

This publication confifts of nine epiftles, dated in July and Auguf 1776, from London, Northampton, Matlock, Buxton, Manchefter, Knaresborough, Scarborough, Burleigh, and London to which famous metropolis we were not a little happy to return with our poetical traveller. Nor, if we have any acquaintance with the lady, was the mufe lefs glad; of whom our young author talks a great deal, like other young men of other ladies, without being much acquainted with her. truth, the appears to have been forely out of temper during the whole tour. Poetry, like promotion, cometh, we plainly perceive, neither from the east, nor from the weft, nor yet from

the north.

To speak our opinion, we wish this young gentleman

6 no more

Would to poetic regions upward foar ;'


but would condefcend to walk in the dull path of profe.' We would not

churlishly refuse

Our foftering care to raise an infant mufe ;'

were it an infant mufe: but we cannot suffer a spurious offspring to be impofed upon our good lady of Parnaffus.

Thefe Epiftles might pafs for poetical with the juvenile author's relations, but the eye of a critic is a very different thing from the eye of a father, or an aunt. Not but that the critic's eye can fee perfections as well as faults-and we have with pleasure obferved a moral train of contemplation, breaking out here and there, and fpeaking the goodnefs of the author's heart, which he feems to have caught from


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Gray and from Dyer's Grongar Hill, and which we only with to have d either in honeft profe, or in better poetry.

After praifing the female worth' of queen Eleanor, the author fhould not have added,

Such gentle virtue from our land is flown:'

for, as Churchill fings,

• Well pleas'd we mark fuch worth on any throne;
And doubly pleas'd we find it on our own.'

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In the vulgar ingredient of poetry, rhyme, thefe Epiftles are by no means perfect: feat, wait' winds, reclines'—' dispell, diftill' prepared, heard' tell, canal' air, here'-' perceived, lived' frayed, mead'' gives, receives' belong, one'-'return, borne-receive, grave'-' remain'd, exclaim'd' fhew, i. e. fhow, threw' fea, bay'- fet, beat'- fword, heard' boaft, loft' woods, affords themes, fcenes.' These we cannot allow to be even the lifpings of an infant mufe.'

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What is meant by a ftream which in rippling eddies trills' we are unable to guefs. How a cascade


'Till in the ground it spends its languid show'rs,' we, who have not made a Northern Tour, cannot eafily imagine: nor, indeed, how a rock reclines its top to fhield a manfion.'

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Scarborough caftle would hardly have been deformed by Sears, we conceive, if the author had not been terribly put to it for a rhyme to wars.

Bartolozzi's engraving for the regatta, we believe, had a little Cupid peeping through a great mafk-but we never before

heard of men who

Thro' the mask of virtue ftrive for pow'r.'

Other blemishes there are which great beauties could alone excufe; fuch as,

• Nor, till a near approach, to th' eye reveal'd.'

Auguft and splendid, wonder form'd t'excite.'

As a fpecimen, we fhall tranfcribe eight lines, of which the
humanity does their author more credit than their poetry.
Tho' great and noble to the aftonish'd fight,
Can we e'er view a ftorm with true delight?
Tho' fafe ourselves can we forget the woe

Which fome poor wretches may that inftant know?
Oh rather let us view the peaceful fea

From ev'ry wave, from ev'ry ruffle free,

Whofe glafly furface fhews the veffels fide,

While fmooth they fail and cheerly on they glide.'

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After all, of Scarborough caftle, where this reflection was made, its author might perhaps fay, as a more famous and entertaining northern traveller faid of Slanes caftle, I would not, for my amusement, wifh for a ftorm; but, as ftorms, whether wifhed or not, will fometimes happen, I may fay, without

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violation of humanity, that I fhould willingly look out upo them from this castle. Vide Johnson's Tour.

And perhaps honest Lucretius, with his fuave mari magno,

meant no more.

The Country Juftice. A Poem. Part II. 4to.

Is. Becket.

The fame amiable spirit of humanity and benevolence, so confpicuous in the two former parts of this poem, also diftinguish the prefent. To which we may add, that in point of poetical merit, it is not inferior.

Modern Refinement, a Satire, 4to. IS. Wilkie.

A tolerable defcription of the following characters: Flirtario, a fop of the ton; Avaro, a fplendid, oftentatious niggard; lady Rout, Pompofo, Sir Jasper Five-bar, 'fquire Dilettanti, and lord Feignworthy.

The Duke of Devonshire's Bull to the Duchess of Devonshire's 15. Fielding and Walker.

Cow. 4to.

We hope that an act of the parliament of Parnaffus will foon be paffed to prevent all further importation of fuch horned cattle as the duchess of Devonshire's butchers have lately exposed to fale.


Inftructions of a Duchefs to her Son. 4to. 2s. 6d. Dodsley. These Inftructions are a translation from the Italian of the duchefs of Veftogirardi. They contain a comprehensive view of the moral duties, enforced with the warmth of maternal tenderness, where fentiment is improved by affection, and elegance blended with purity. The Kentish Traveller's Companion. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Fielding

and Walker.

This volume contains a defcriptive view of the towns, vilMages, remarkable buildings and antiquities, fituated on or near the road from London to Margate, Dover and Canterbury. It is illuftrated with a map of the road, and cannot fail of being ufeful, as well as entertaining, to those who travel in the county of Kent.

Supplement to the Life of David Hume, Efq. Small 8vo. 15.


The contents of the Supplement are a few anecdotes, and copy of Mr. Hume's laft will.

A Letter to ber Grace the Duchess of Devonshire answered, curforily, by Democritus. 4to. Is. Baldwin. This is a moft degenerate Democritus, who neither laughs himself nor can make any one else laugh.

An Anfwer to Mr. Rowland Hill's Tract, entitled Impofture De teated. By John Wesley. A. M. 12mo. 1d. at the Foundry. Mr. Hill's tract, to which this is an answer, is an acrimonious invective, utterly unbecoming the character of a faint. This is a concife reply, breathing a fpirit of greater meeknefs; proving, that many of Mr. Hill's affertions are not true, and

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that his whole pamphlet is written in an unchriftian and un, gentlemanlike manner.'

Hiftorical Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the late Rev. Wmi Dodd, LL.D. 8vo. 1. 6d. Fielding and Walker.

Thefe Memoirs are intended to fuperfede fome fpurious pub lications, which have lately appeared on the fame fubject, The author informs us, that almost all his affertions are founded either on perfonal knowledge, or authentic information. Doctor Dodd, notwithstanding his eccentricities, had fome fhining talents, and fome very laudable qualities. His biographer mentions the former with a proper difapprobation, yet with tenderness and humanity; and the latter with deferved commendation. His remarks on the Doctor's compofitions, foibles, and irregu larities, are judicious, and convince us,that this pamphlet is the production of an able writer.

Serious Reflections upon Do&or Dodd's Trial for Forgery, &c. 8vo.

Is. Wilkie.

The defign of this pamphlet is to fhew, that no rule of law has been violated, nor any means employed to convict the unhappy offender, but fuch as were perfectly, agreeable to juftice." The latter part is an attempt to juftify the conduct of Mr. M—y. Though this piece is afcribed to a clergyman, yet, if we may form a judgment of the author from the apathy with which he treats the fubject, from his calling Doctor D. a daring MisCREANT, and from certain profeffional terms and phrafes, we fhould rather fuppofe that he is a ftoic of the law, than a stoic of the church.

Obfervations on the Cafe of Doctor Dodd. 8vo. is. Bew.

The defign of these Obfervations is to vindicate the execution of the fentence, which was paffed upon Doctor Dodd, and to fhew the impropriety of all petitions in his favour, particularly that of the city. The Doctor, in his fpeech at the Old Bailey, fays, I did not confider the danger of vanity, nor fufpect the deceitfulness of my own heart.' From this conceffion, which is the language of penitence, the author of thefe Obfervations véry uncharitably infers, that vanity was the fpring of all the Doctor's acts of humanity and benevolence. He likewife throws a reflection on the conduct of Mrs. D. before her marriage; which is equally uncharitable, or rather inhuman and impertinent.

A Dialogue in the Shades between an unfortunate Divine and a Welch Member of Parliament, lately deceased. 4to. 15. Bew. In this Dialogue the Member of Parliament fupports the character of an agreeable, witty, good humoured libertine, indulging himself in jokes on the fcurvy treatment a gentleman meets with, when he dies, the fable bufinefs of an execution, &c. The divine, on the other hand, appears thoughtful and ferious. The author feems to have had no other defign in view, than to exhibit a humorous picture of the two fpeakers, in contrait, particularly that of the late facetious Mr. Price.

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