
ably. Compare Rich. III, I.
iii. 210.

Upon, II. i. 35, III. vi. 53, against.
Upward, V. iii. 155, top.
Usage, II. iv. 29, treatment.
Used, I. iv. 157, made a habit;
Meas. for Meas., IV. ii. 129.

Validitie (validity), I. i. 87, value;
All's Well, V. iii. 221.
Varlet, II. ii. 28, iv. 202, rascal;
Cymb., IV. ii. 112.

Varry (vary), II. ii. 79, change, whim.

Vaunt-curriors (-couriers), III.
ii. 7, forerunners.
Venge, IV. ii. 60, avenge; Rom. &
Jul., III. v. 93:

'Vent (event), I. iv. 344, event, issue.

Vertue (virtue), V. iii. 116, valor. Very, I. iv. 71, real.

Villaine (villain), III. vii. 96, serf, bondsman; Tit. And., IV. iii. 75. Vulgar, IV. vi. 225, publicly known; Ant. & Cleo., III. xiii.


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[blocks in formation]

What need you, II. iv. 288, what need have you of.

What will hap, III. vi. 62[13], let happen what will happen. Wheele (wheel), V. iii. 200, wheel of fortune. Compare II. ii. 177. Where, I. i. 286, used as a substantive.

Where, I. ii. 84, whereas.
Which, IV. vi. 226, who.
White herring, III. vi. 19[13],
pickled herring, in North-of-
England dialect.

Who, I. ii. 54, which.
Winde (wind), I. ii. 96, makes
one's way into confidence, in-
sinuate one's self.

Winged, III. vii. 82, two syllables. Wisedom (wisdom), I. ii. science.


With, II. iv. 279, 337, by.
Word, IV. v. 25, word of mouth;
IV. vi. 111, password.

Wage, II. iv. 230, contend; I. i. Worships, I. iv. 251, dignity.

167, wager, stake. Wake, III. ii. 32, waking. Walke (walk), IV. vii. 98, go


Wall-neut (newt), III. iv. 134, lizard.

Wash'd, I. i. 293, wet with tears. Wast (waste), II. i. 114, wasting. Watrish (waterish), abounding in


Wawle (wawl), IV. vi. 194, wail,


Weale (weal), I. iv. 194, welfare, happiness; Cor., I. i. 159. Wealk'd (whelk'd), IV. vi. 88, covered with bunches or whelkes. Compare Hen. V, III. vi. 102.

Worth, I. i. 305, II. iv. 48, deserving of.

Worthied, II. ii. 124, won reputa.

tion for.

Would, II. i. 80, should.

Writ, V. iii. 266, death-warrant. Write, V. iii. 43, subscribe one's self.

Yong (young) bones, II. iv. 173, unborn child.

You were best, I. iv. 99, it were

best for you. Compare III. iv. 106; 2. Hen. IV, I. ii. 205, the

been, originally dative, has

made nominative.

Web and pin, III. iv. 121, cata- Zed, II. ii. 64, name of the letter z.

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First printed in Quarto, 1622

The First Folio, 1623, follows an
independent source

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