
when I become your pastor. You will doubtless find in me much to pity and to blame; yet it is my earnest prayer that you may never have to charge me with neglect in watching over you in the Lord; finally, I request your supplications for me at the throne of the heavenly Majesty, that a door of utterance may be opened unto me, that on me the communications of divine grace may ever be bestowed, that Christ may be magnified by my preaching and my life, that I may be preserved faithful unto death, and then receive a crown of life.

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Hoxton, September 26, 1810.


Lought I not to make them cheerfully, when the honor of God, and the happiness of immortal souls require them? especially as I am bound not to count even my life dear unto me, so that I may finish my course with joy. The sacrifices to which I allude are chiefly, perhaps altogether, occasioned by absence from my friends and connections, and a removal from those interesting scenes of exertion which have witnessed my first efforts to disseminate divine truth, and in which I have been favored with some success."

Thus happily was a point of so much importance to the interests of religion in Liverpool determined. A consideration of the issue of this affair, together with many others perpetually occurring, should teach us to suspend our judgments of persons and places we have never seen-and should tend to weaken those unjust and injurious prejudices against them which we too hastily form-too tenaciously cherish. Often we picture to ourselves the most enchanting scenes, the most delightful associations, in connection with a spot we are about to visit, and are disappointed-and as often we find those charm

This official communication to the church was accompanied by a private letter to the friend, under whose roof he had resided during his occasional visit, and to whose care the preceding documenting scenes, and happy associations, in regions which

was addressed.


"Hoxton college, September 19. "MY DEAR SIR— -If you wish immediately to know the purport of my enclosed answer to the respectful and pressing invitation I have received from Newington, turn to the 22d verse of the Epistle to Philemon.

"I hope you will forgive me for the long, the doubtful suspence, in which I have been obliged to detain you; in my own view I have acted rightly, and I have no doubt but you will say that it was all proper, when you come to hear my statement. It is astonishing what I have had to meet with through the kindness of my London friends-kind ness you will think improperly manifested, when I tell you, that they, with very few exceptions, entreat, beg, and request, that I would not settle at Liverpool. I can only tell them, that in this affair, 'I hear a voice they cannot hear; I see a hand they cannot see!' And have the leadings of Providence lost their importance? or the direction of Heaven become merely matter of idle talk? I have not written individually to any person in Liverpool besides yourself: I should have found a difficulty in speaking of the business before I had made known my determination. By the first Sabbath in February next year, I shall (God willing) be again in Liverpool, when I hope the presence of my covenant God will accompany me, and his Spirit grant me wide success. The prospect of leaving my friends and connections for so distant a place as Liverpool, and especially as many of them oppose the plan, sometimes fills me with melancholy gloom; but 'thy will be done' is a petition that well becomes me in my situation; may I have grace given me to use it with a sincere and believing heart.

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"I trust it will appear, that the general good of the church of Christ, and of the inhabitants of Liverpool, is the object to which I have directed my warm and unremitting exertions. Farewell.

"I remain sincerely yours,

To this may be added an extract from a letter, dated September 1st, 1810.

My mind still inclines to Liverpool, and that for the most substantial reasons. If I accept this invitation, I shall be obliged to make some sacrifices; but

our prejudices had invested with every thing gloomy and repulsive. Had Spencer yielded to the impulse of his feelings, he had never become pastor of a church in Liverpool. And although the memory of his lamented fate may induce, from feelings generally regarded as honorable to humanity, a wish that he had not-yet the Christian sees in this the hand of God-and, contemplating the mighty work which in his short ministry he was honored to perform, rejoices that, however mysterious the decree, it was ordered so. It is not for us to calculate whether he would have been more useful, or less useful, or as useful elsewhere he was eminently useful in Liverpool-and though all must weep that he should be so soon, so suddenly removedyet none who witnessed the extraordinary impres sion which his labors produced in so large and populous a town, but must rejoice in their success, and adore the Providence which brought him there.

Nor was it from the want of other calls that Mr. Spencer was induced to accept that which he received from Liverpool. Many were the churches which desired to enjoy his valuable ministry; amongst others, the following places may be named

Kidderminster, Kentish Town, Jewin-street, Worthing, Southampton, and Tonbridge chapel.

This last-mentioned chapel is a recently erected building, in the new road leading from Pentonville to Paddington, near London-in a populous, respectable, and increasing neighborhood. During its erection, an impression was encouraged, both on Mr. Spencer's mind, and that of the surrounding inhabitants, that he would probably be the preacher. The idea was not at all unpleasant to him. In most respects the arrangement met his wishes; and he had even laid the plan on which he resolved to act, provided his expectations had been realized. He purposed to reside a few miles out of town, to prevent the dissipation of his time, and to come to London on certain days to visit his people. He expected much gratification from the neighborhood of his friend and fellow student, the Rev. S. Haslock, minister of Kentish Town chapel, with whom he hoped to unite in plans of usefulness for their vicinity. But circumstances did not conspire to call into exercise those judicious and benevolent designs.

The chapel was opened early in November, 1810; and on Sunday, the 18th, he preached his first sermon there. It was in allusion to its recent opening, founded on Heb. x. 19–22. After the congregation was dismissed, he went over the whole building, the plan of which pleased him much. He was

particularly, delighted with the deep front gallery | with your family on my first entrance into Liverwhich by exhibiting a multitude of attentive faces, encouraged him, he said, in his preaching. In that chapel he frequently addressed large and deeply interested auditories-and in that pulpit a public tribute of respect was paid to his memory in a funeral sermon, delivered by the Rev. Richard Slate, minister of Stand, near Manchester.*

pool; it will be far superior to my being with strangers. This half year has been a trying one as to preaching engagements, both on Sabbaths, and on week days. I continue supplying Hoxton, and the New Chapel, Somer's Town, till Christmas: the day after Christmas day, I hope to go to Brighton, to stay there three Sabbaths, and to return on the 17th of January, to supply Roydon and Hertford the next week; and the last Sabbath in January, to take my leave of this part of the kingdom by two ser


From the period of his acceptance of the call to Liverpool, till February, 1811, when he actually entered on the pastoral office there, his time was wholly occupied in the diligent pursuit of his stu-mons at Hoxton. dies, and the labors of the pulpit. Not a Sabbath passed, but witnessed twice or thrice his faithful publication of the gospel of peace. On Sunday, the 26th of August, he revisited Dorking-a spot endeared to him by the beauty of its scenery-but more by the memory of those happy hours, which introduced him to the knowledge and esteem of a most beloved and valued friend.

The first Sabbath in November he spent at Brighton, where he preached three times in the pulpit of the Rev. Mr. Styles.

Returning to town he continued preaching in and about London till the close of the year, when he again visited Brighton, at which place he entered on the year 1811-the last of his life.

In what way his mind was exercised during this period-and how his principles as a Christian triumphed over his feelings as a man in the prospect of a long and painful separation from those he lovedmay be seen by the following letter to a friend in Liverpool:


Hoxton, Dec. 5th, 1810.

"MY DEAR SIR-I am persuaded that you will excuse my neglecting to write to you so long, when you recollect that the hope I daily entertained of seeing you in town appeared to represent my troubling you with an epistle as unnecessary. I am extremely pleased to hear of the increase and welfare of your family; I cannot but feel an interest in their prosperity and happiness: may the Lord pour his Spirit upon your seed, and his blessing upon your offspring, that they may spring up as among the grass, as willows by the water courses! I suppose I need not inform you, that I anticipate my journey to Liverpool with mingled emotions of mind. The idea of a long and painful separation from my connections does certainly at times overwhelm me with melancholy gloom; I have not yet learned to conquer my feelings, nor am I particularly eminent for philosophic heroism. The idea that I am going where divine Providence has directed me, does occasionally impart to me strong consolation; may my wishes as to extensive usefulness among you be answered; may they be exceeded in the prosperity of the church and congregation, and in the increase of spirituality and holy enjoyment in my own soul! "I am glad you are successful in getting acceptable supplies; this is a point which should be attended to. I should like the congregation to have the best of preachers. My books, &c. I must send from London before Christmas day, that I may have no trouble with them after my return from Brighton. "I am extremely happy in the prospect of being

"Tell our friends at Newington chapel that I am tolerably well, and wish to be kindly remeinbered to them. Farewell my valued friend. I am sincerely your's,



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The purposes expressed in this letter were accomplished according to the order in which they are stated. He visited Brighton, and preached on the last Sabbath of the old year three times, at Mr. Styles' chapel-in the evening a sermon adapted to the season, from 1 John, ii. 17, And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever!" On the evening of the 1st of January, 1811, he preached an appropriate discourse at the Countess of Huntingdon's chapel; and on the following Thursday, and three times on the Sunday, he preached at Mr. Styles'. On the Monday evening, being the first Monday in the month, the missionary prayer meeting was held in Brighton, when he delivered a most animated and impressive address from Matt. xiii. 16-17, "Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for verily I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them." He continued another Sabbath in Brighton, and left that place some time in the following week. Passing through London, he went into Hertfordshire. On Sunday, January the 20th, he preached at Roydon, morning and afternoon, and at Hoddesdon in the evening. On the Tuesday evening he preached at Hertford, and slept again under his paternal roof. On Wednesday evening he preached at Stansted, and on Thursday evening again at Hertford. This was, I believe, his last visit to his native town, and to his father's house! The separation which then again took place between himself and his beloved family was final. The farewell which he bade to the scenes of his infancy and childhood was eternal! I cannot suppress the melancholy feeling which this reflection has awakened in my mind. I am arrived at length upon the eve of a mournful detail, which all along I have anticipated with emotions of distress. Alas! that one so useful should be so soon removed! And that ere we enter on the solemn engagements of his pastoral life, we should be compelled to notice circumstances so closely connected with his death!

The following Sabbath, January 27th, was the last he spent in London. On that day he preached in the morning at Hoxton chapel, from Phil. iii. 8, "Yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." And in the evening at Tonbridge chapel, * Mr. Slate was formerly a fellow-student with Mr. from 2 Cor. iv. 3. "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid Spencer. He was supplying the pulpit at Toubridge to them that are lost." The labors of this Sabbath chapel in the autumn of 1811, the period of Mr. Spen- completed his engagements at Hoxton and Tonbridge cer's death. His discourse is founded on John v. 35, chapels; but on the evening of the following day, "He was a burning and a shining light." It was after- (Monday,) he took an affectionate leave of his bewards published-and has reached a second edition. loved friends-the constituents-the tutors-the stuThe sentiments it breathes are honorable to the au-dents-and the congregation at Hoxton, from the thor's character as a man, a Christian, and a friend. pulpit of that chapel. The crowd that pressed to

hear his last sermon (for so it proved) in London was immense. One common sentiment of attachment and grief seemed to pervade the assembly. A friend charged him on that occasion not to play upon the passions. Not that he was in the habit of doing this; but there appeared on this occasion a probability that he might. To that suggestion he replied, that "neither his feelings nor his conscience would admit of such trifling." He addressed the people on this interesting occasion from those memorable words of Paul-Acts xx. 24, "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto me, so that I may finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus."*

That he was maturing fast for the enjoyment of his reward, even when he left London to commence his pastoral engagements, is a conviction indelibly impressed upon the minds of those who were ac customed to attend his preaching, or mingle in his society. They remember certain expressions, both of countenance and language, which seemed to indicate.a tone of piety--a spirituality of feelingtoo exalted for a long continuance here. And it is to be regretted, that such expressions, at the time so powerful in their influence, and so carefully preserved by a tenacious memory, no pen-no pencil can portray. Hence the sermons of animated and extemporary preachers, when introduced to us from the press, lose half their force and beauty. The Thus were Spencer's labors in the metropolis scope of the discourse-the process of the argument closed for ever-labors-the renewal of which thou--may be indeed preserved; but the unpremeditatsands anticipated with delight. But he was ripen-ed, momentary flashes of holy fervor, and of briling fast for glory-and rapidly advancing to the ter- liant genius, cannot. The eloquence of the eyemination of his course. Yea, the impression of his the expression of the countenance-the meaning excellence the feeling of regret at his departure- which is sometimes thrown into, every limb and was yet strong and lively in the hearts of many, muscle of the frame-are wanting. And though when the tidings of his death shed a deeper sorrow 'tis pleasing to possess a memorial of those, whom through the scenes and circles which he had edified living we revered and loved, yet the imperfection by his public instructions, or enlivened by his pri- of the copy only deepens our regret at the loss of vate friendship! the original. In the preaching of Spencer, it seemed It was on the 28th of January, that Mr. Spencer as though he saw before him every object he depreached his farewell sermon at Hoxton chapel-scribed-and felt the full force-the vast importance and it was on the 15th of August, in the same year, of every subject upon which he spoke. in the same pulpit-and to nearly the same congregation-that his funeral sermon was delivered by the Rev. Henry Forster Burder, one of the tutors of the academy. In that discourse, a just and elegant tribute was paid to the mingled piety and talent which formed the charm of his ministry. From the known endowments of the preacher, and from the opportunities which he enjoyed of obtaining a correct estimate of Mr. Spencer's powers, that tribute must derive considerable propriety and force: and as it chiefly regards his ministerial labors in London, I shall close these imperfect memoirs of them with an extract from it.

"During the last two years of our valuable friend's residence at Hoxton, he was very frequently engaged in preaching in London and its vicinity. As this chapel has been, on many occasions, the scene of his labors, and has been often thronged with the multitudes attracted by his abilities and piety, I need scarcely attempt an estimate of his pulpit talents. That they were eminent--that they were brilliant-that they were captivating--will not, I think, be denied by any who witnessed their exhibition. He undoubtedly displayed no small degree of pulpit eloquence, and his eloquence was distinguished by characteristic features. It was not the kind of eloquence in which a youth of genius might be expected most to excel, and of which luxuriance of imagination constitutes the chief attraction; it was not a peculiar vivacity of fancy, which gave life to his addresses, although in this. respect they were not deficient; but they rather owed their effect to the energy and animation infused by the ardor of his soul, and to the unaffected fervor of his religious feelings, the impression of which was aided by no small advantages of person, voice, and elocution. In endeavoring rightly to appreciate his qualifications for the duties of the Christian ministry, I must not omit to notice the truly edifying manner in which he conducted the devotional exercises of the pulpit. His gift in prayer was peculiarly excellent. The language of his petitions seemed to breathe the ardent aspirations of a heart alive to God, and accustomed to enjoy fellowship with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.t

* See Appendix No. IV.

Preaching one evening at Back-street, Horsley Down, and speaking of the reward of the faithful gospel minister, "Methinks," said he, "I already hear the melodions accents of the Saviour's voice, saying Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord." It was remarked, that he appeared as though he heard a voice personally addressing him. His anticipation was in a very few months realized!

Anxious for the usefulness and variety of his ministry, he begged of his friend, upon his leaving London, to send him any useful pamphlets or works which might come out; Let me know," said he, "when popular ministers are in townthe texts they take for particular occasions-festivals, &c., the settling or removal of my fellow students," &c.

The last time he was with his friend alone, prior to his setting off for Liverpool, their approaching separation was, as may be well imagined, the topic of discourse-when, with his own peculiar affection and energy, he said—

"Through Christ when we together caine,
In singleness of heart,
We met, O Jesus! in thy name:
And in thy name we part.

We part in body, not in mind,
Our minds continue one;
And each to each, in Jesus join'd,
We happily go on.

Present in spirit still we are,

And intimately nigh;
While on the wings of faith and prayer,
We Abba! Father! cry.

O may thy Spirit, dearest Lord,

In all our travels still

Direct and be our constant guard
To Zion's holy hill.

death of the Rev. T. Spencer, by the Rev. Henry Forster Burder, M. A. one of the tutors of the Hoxton

+ See a sermon, delivered in Hoxton chapel, on the acadeiny-page 32.

Oh! what a joyful meeting there,

Beyond these changing shades;
White are the robes we then shall wear,
And crowns upon our heads.

Haste, Lord, and bring us to the day
When we shall dwell at home,
Come, O Redeemer, come away;

O Jesus quickly come."

natural tendency in Spencer's constitution, how sweetly is the influence of better principles displayed in the humility with which he confesses and deplores his errer. If upon this page the eye of a cold, phlegmatic, stern professor should dwell, let it rot be averted in disgust, when it beholds this amiable youth's confession of an error, of a temptation to which he is incapable-and to others, if such there be, who happy to discover in such a character, any thing like the shadow of a fault, should be preparing to pronounce a censorious and malignant judgment, I would say "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone."

The following letter was written the day after his arrival in Liverpool.



On Sunday, 3d of February, 1811, Mr. Spencer commenced his stated, pastoral labors at Newington chapel, Liverpool. He was then just twenty years of age-possessed of every endowment that could render him eminent as a minister-and every amiable disposition that could endear him as a friend. The people of his charge, together with numbers who participated with them in their joy, hailed his entrance on his sacred duties with delight. From him they fondly anticipated a long series of Liverpool, February 2d, 1811. varied and useful instructions-on him they gazed "MY DEAR FRIEND-I am safely arrived at the with admiration, as affording them no mean exam- scene of my future labors. My journey, though ple of a holy and devoted life-and to him they long, was far less irksome than any one I have belooked with pleasure as their children's friend. fore undertaken. The roads were bad; this made That he was prepared to meet these high expecta- us late in our arrival at Liverpool. We did not tions, none who have contemplated the superior en- reach it till a quarter before twelve last night. The dowments of his mind can, for a moment, doubt-short time that I have yet spent here has been quite his literary attainments, though not splendid, were pleasant-it has been happy. The serious people respectable his theological knowledge was con- of the congregation have already paid me many siderable-his acquaintance with mankind indeed kind and Christian attentions. With the blessing. was scanty; he had only moved amongst the excel- of the Master whom I serve, I expect to-morrow to lent of the earth; but this, while it might expose spend a very delightful Sabbath. My best feelings him to certain inconveniences, gave him this ad- for the glory of our Lord and the increase of his vantage that he appeared in all the native ingenu- kingdom, will I hope be more strongly excited than ousness of unsuspecting youth. His love of study ever they have yet been. I cannot but think that was great, which insured a constant supply of inte- the Head of the Church has some great work to acresting materials for his public ministry-whilst he complish in Liverpool, and the desire of my heart possessed a facility, an ease, an elegance, in the is that I may be the instrument employed to effect communication of his thoughts, displayed by few. it. Oh! for a large measure of the influence To all these, he added the graces of the Spirit in no of the blessed Spirit to render me ardently pious, common degree-the glorious attributes of a soul and to keep me zealous in my endeavors to do good eminently devoted to God-a solemn awe of his to souls. I know here are numbers who pray earnestly sacred office-an habitual reference to the final ac- for me, and whilst these pious people besiege the count he should be called to render-and an ardent throne of grace on my behalf, I will not fear that my zeal for the Redeemer's glory! Such was Spencer God will desert me. To be holy and to be when he entered on the duties of his stated min- useful at this moment, appears to be the first wish istry! of my heart. Do you say, 'indulgent God let it be accomplished!'

But I shall justify this sketch of his character by some extracts from his letters.

In one dated Brighton, January 9th, 1811, he


"I dread the termination of the happiness I now enjoy. It will be the commencement of a long and agonizing separation. Oh! that henceforth I may live more devotedly to God than I have ever yet done. I can truly say this is my desire; for to be a preacher of the gospel, and not to feel its due abiding influence on the heart, is awful indeed. Since I have been here I have trembled for myself, when I have recollected the numerous follies of the four years I have spent at Hoxton. The Lord pardon me, and teach me to be more holy. Pray for me. Affectionately yours,

Mr. Spencer is certainly a striking example of what some persons are unwilling to admit the possibility of a close and humble walk with God, even amid the snares and temptations of an acade


That in colleges, even the best regulated, temptations to levity exist, cannot be denied. Where mary young men, of a lively turn of mind, are associated, it must be so. But although such a spirit may be partially, and at intervals encouraged-yet where there is true piety, the mind will be elevated above their habitual influence, and occasional instances of failure will excite to diligence for the future, whilst they awaken deep regret and poignant sorrow for the past. If to this there was a

Gen. xxviii. 22-" And

"I am tired with my journey and pressed for time. Believe me in the bonds of Christian affection, Sincerely yours, "THOMAS SPENCER." According to his anticipation, he did enjoy on the Sabbath a happy day, although in the morning he was considerably agitated by the peculiarly solemn circumstances of his new and most responsible situation. In the morning his text was admirably adapted to the occasion. Jacob vowed a vow, saying, if God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat and raiment to put on, so that I come again to my father's house in peace: then shall the Lord be my God, and this stone which I have set up for a pillar, shall be God's house, and of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee." In the evening he preached from 1 Cor. xv. 49, "And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we In the shall also bear the image of the heavenly." course of the ensuing week, he wrote as follows: XXXIII.

Liverpool, Feb. 7, 1811. "Oh! what a memorable day to me was the first Sabbath I spent in this place; every circumstance that took place appeared worthy of attention and big with events; never before had I entered a pul

pit, with those awful, solemn feelings with which I was impressed that morning. The idea of appearing in a new character, of entering on a station which I have no view of relinquishing till the day of my death; the weight of responsibility which attaches to the ministerial character; the dread lest I should act in any way unworthy of my sacred office; all these things would naturally impart an unusual solemnity to the mind. ON THAT DAY heaven is my witness of the holy resolutions I formed. Oh that God may ever enable me to put them in execution."

from its own observation by such deep humility. Some have indulged in speculations on the probable influence of Spencer's popularity upon his character, had he been spared. It is possible that its influence might have been injurious; he was a man, though he was a Christian. But it is ungenerous and unjust to his memory to cherish any gloomy suspicions on the subject, when, long as he did live, he sustained the Christian character with unsullied purity, and descended to the grave the same holy, humble, and devoted youth, as when emerging from the obscurity of his birth, the world first witnessed his unfolding powers.

To the extracts already made, illustrative of his humility, I shall add ai.other-which as it is without date, may be well introduced here. XXXV.


The attention which his labors had excited, while an occasional supply, was repeated, now that he had commenced his stated ministry. Soon the chapel became again crowded to excess. The town was filled with his praise-the most respectable of the inhabitants were perpetually disappointed in their attempts to hear him, not being in any way able to gain admittance to the chapel, so excessive "I have at length taken up my pen to return you was the throng. His coming seemed to be the commencement of a new era in the religious interests my sincere acknowledgments for the lively interest of Liverpool-at least amongst the dissenters. The you take in my welfare and happiness, and espeprejudices of many were gradually subdued. The cially for the excellent advice you have given me tone of public sentiment, with respect to that class as to the faithfulness of my preaching, and the cir of Christians amongst whom he labored, consider- cumspection necessary in my conduct. Oh! never ably raised. Many, by no means anxious to conceal may I be left to indifference in the statement of those glorious truths, which may well demand the their opposition to his principles, were compelled to pay a just, though reluctant tribute to the fascina-glowing fervor of our souls, since their importance tions of his eloquence; and many whom the fame is declared to us by the blood of the Lamb! May of that eloquence brought beneath the sound of his the same Saviour be honored by my feeble ministravoice were savingly converted unto God; and of tions, whom I know you delight to extol. You have these, some are at this moment honorable members been long engaged in endeavoring to give Him a of the church of which he was the pastor. So far high place in the affections and a throne in the from being elated by his popularity, and rendered hearts of the people. This, however, is a glorious cause, in which I have but lately embarked; yet vain by the uncommon attention he excited and received from all ranks-every Sabbath, while he may the same Holy Spirit, who has enabled the hegrew in public estimation, he seemed to sink in his ralds of salvation in every age to testify of Jesus, own esteem, in humble acknowledgments of his make my tongue ever to tell his excellence, warm own unworthiness, and in a yet deeper sense of his my heart to feel his love, and influence my conduct awful obligations. The next is an extract of a let-to show forth his praise! I think I hear you add, ter to his father. : The following is also without date:XXXVI.





Liverpool, Feb. 26, 1811. "I assure you I have every reason to believe, that this is the sphere in which Infinite wisdom intends "MY DEAR FRIEND-I earnestly wish for you the me to move. My congregation is vast every time support and the care of our constant and unchangeI dispense the word of life. A general spirit of able friend, the Lord Jesus Christ: every day seems hearing seems excited in this large town-the pros- to convince me of the necessity and the happiness pect is in every respect encouraging, and I am in- of a close walk with God: let us be always trusting duced to hope, that great good will be done. I feel in God, and praying to him, and there is no doubt the awful responsibility that attaches to my employ-but he will preserve and bless us. I was much ment; and when I recollect the multitude of souls committed to my care, I tremble, and exclaim, 'Who is sufficient for these things?' I often think how different is my situation now, to what it was when I lived at my father's house. I am called to an active and laborious scene. Once it was enough for me just to execute your wishes, and then in the quiet enjoyment of our own family circle to experience satisfaction and comfort. Now God has blessed me by making me a blessing to others. May he preserve me faithful, and make me an honorable and holy Christian!"

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In another letter to his father, dated April the 9th, 1811, he says

"The interest excited in this town is still lively and great. I trust much good is done. Prejudices are removed, convictions are impressed on the mind, and the cause of Satan appears to tremble under the influence of the doctrines of the cross."

This is indeed a portrait worthy the attention of the candidate for the Christian ministry--the student and the minister. It is charming to behold such excellence, so universally applauded, veiled

pleased with an instance of resignation to the Divine will I lately met with. A pious and valuable member of our congregation lost his property, to a considerable amount, by an alarming fire. I was with him soon after it happened, and it would have done you good to have heard him say, with so much calm and sacred acquiescence as he discovered, "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." I could not but wish that in all times of trial, I and my friends might have the same God to strengthen and fortify the mind as he had. Indeed you were mistaken, my worthy friend, when you judged my letter to you an expression of joy at separation from my friends. No, no. There is not a heart in the world that feels more truly and sincerely on such occasions than my own; but I wish ever to remember the great object of my existence, and of my call to the ministry-not selfish ends but the glory of my God; and when he commands, whatever flesh and blood might suggest, or carnal wishes desire, I must immediately obey. It is this thought, and the persuasion that I am employed in the vineyard of the

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