
architectural ornaments, the king put in their place a statue of the pope over the entrance inside the palace. Some time in the last century, a blacksmith, possessed of more zeal than knowledge, hearing the pope inveighed against in the parish church, determined to do all in his power to bring him down from his elevation. Procuring therefore a ladder and a hammer, he commenced the literal destruction of the pope. While engaged in this great work, he was challenged by an old man residing in the palace with, "What's that ye hae done?" To which he replied, "I hae done mair in half an hour than the minister's been able to do in twa years." Next time the minister uttered his usual exordium, "Come, my friends, let's hae another wap at the pope," the blacksmith bawled out, "Ye need na fash your thoom ony mair about him, for I hae gien him a wap he'll ne'er get the better o'."

Hawley's army lay in the palace on the night of the battle of Falkirk, and by them it was set on fire, either through carelessness or recklessness. Since that time it has been a roofless ruin.

From the palace I went to the church, which stands very near it. This edifice is regarded as

one of the finest and most entire specimens of Gothic architecture in Scotland. It is said to have been founded originally by David I., and dedicated to the archangel Michael. It was in this church that King James saw the apparition, while he was at prayer, warning him against going to Flodden field.

'My mother sent me from afar,

Sir King, to warn thee not to war;

Wo waits on thine array.'

This ancient pile is of great magnitude; one-half of it has been partitioned off for a parish church, and even that forms a very large one.

It was here that the christian statesman, Regent Murray, to this day called the "Good Regent," was assassinated, in 1570. The best of men have enemies, and so had Murray.

Some Roman Catho

lic zealots were determined on his death, and seeing it would not be safe to attempt it by open force, determined on employing an assassin. A proper instrument for their purpose was soon found in the person of Hamilton, of Bothwellhaugh, a nephew of the Archbishop of St. Andrews, whose life Murray had spared after the battle of Langside. He followed him from place to place, till

one day, as Murray was passing slowly through the town of Linlithgow, he took his stand at a window, carefully concealed, and shot him through the body with a musket ball. The murderer fled to Hamilton, where he was received with great applause by the base instigators of his crime. The wound proved mortal in a few hours. While the friends of the dying Regent were standing round him, some of them lamenting that he should have spared the life of his murderer, he replied that nothing should ever make him regret having done a deed of mercy. Thus died, with the language of forgiveness on his lips, one of Scotland's noblest



"And call they this improvement? to have changed,
My native Clyde, thy once romantic shore,
Where nature's face is banish'd and estranged,
And Heaven reflected in thy wave no more:

Whose banks, that sweeten'd May-day's breath before,

Lie sere and leafless now in summer's beam,

With sooty exhalations cover'd o'er ;

And for the daisied greensward, down thy stream

Unsightly brick lanes smoke, and clanking engines gleam."

GLASGOW is the commercial metropolis of Scotland, and, in wealth, population, manufacturing and commercial importance, the third city in Great Britain. It stands on both sides of the Clyde, about twenty miles from the Atlantic. A range of fine hills, at the distance of about eight miles, forms a screen around it from north-east to north-west. The climate is temperate, but, owing to its proximity to the sea, is moist. An anecdote illustrative of this is told of a gentleman riding in the neighborhood of Glasgow on a rainy day, who met a little herd boy, of whom he inquired if it always rained there? "Na sir," was his reply, "it whiles snaws."

The city claims to have been founded in the year 560, though the first fact of any importance which emerges from the obscurity of its early history, is the erection of the Cathedral, in 1136. This massive, imposing, and venerable pile, in consequence of recent repairs, has all the perfect appearance of a recent structure.

Glasgow, in many points, strongly resembles New York. There is the same bustle, active energy, and unwearied perseverance in the pursuit of commerce, which characterizes our American metropolis. The ratio of its increase in population, too, is very striking for a European city. In 1651 it contained 14,000 souls; in 1831, 202,426; in 1841, 257,592; and now, upwards of 300,000. When I first came up the Clyde, in a small steamer from Greenock, I was surprised to find that river, of which I had heard so much, a mere canal, I had almost said a brook; so narrow, that it seemed difficult at low water, as it then was, for two steamers to pass each other; and yet on the Broomielaw, (the name given to the Glasgow quay,) lie vessels from China, Calcutta, California, and in fact from every port and every sea. This river in its present condition furnishes the most

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