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But while we were alive and broad awake | ists, we had expected too much from the to these depressing truths, we could not, convocation of the Cortes in Spain: and however, look at these defects in a sepa- though we still believe, that this measure rate thought from the virtues with which has been of advantage, and still hope that they are in fact, alas! too indissolubly in- it will become more so, yet on the whole, terblended, or from the honourable feelings we confess that we have been disapwhich are the common source of both- pointed. As to the importance of a Re-twy-streaming fount, presentative Body during a revolutionary Where good and evil flow, honey and gall! war, our opinions remain unchanged; but Above all, for that can never be too had we at any earlier period have been often said, which never can be too often as well acquainted with the measures and recollected, we could not forget, and we results of the Cortes summoned in the war have never ceased to remind the public, of the succession, we should have been less that with all their faults and prejudices, sanguine in our expectations of finding in and the miserable blunders or treachery the present Cortes all those essentials, of their leaders, the Spaniards have endur- which must combine to render a body of ed more, done more, and effected more men assembled, a genuine Representative against the common enemy of civilized Body.-We may proceed to the measure, humanity, than all the Courts, veteran which has occasioned these prefatory reCommanders, and disciplined armies of the marks. The decree in question respects a whole Continent-more in four years than point of the deepest interest to Great Briall the rest of continental Europe for al- tain, and of Spain herself, both directly most twenty. And we have been accus- and indirectly. It is obvious, that had tomed to seal up the whole with the one there been nothing objectionable in the home-truth, that if we are fighting the bat- different articles of the Decree, yet the tles of Spain abroad, the Spaniards are Decree itself would remain, in its domestic fighting the battles of Great Britain in bearings, an encroachment of the Legistheir own country, at the price of its de- lature on the Executive Power, and one vastation, and with their own ruined cot- sad specimen among too many others, tages, fields, and vineyards before their both of ignorance as to the principles of a eyes. Our readers will, many of them, just Government, and of that all-meddling perhaps, think it unnecessary for us to disposition incident to bodies of men sudhave thus anxiously prefaced the follow-denly invested with a power, for which ing animadversions on the general mea-neither their education had fitted, or their sures of the Cortes, and especially on its Decree of June the 19th; but we well knew the triumph, with which any apparent deviation on our part from our former hopes and predilections for the Spanish cause would be blazoned forth by the Party, which has signalized itself by its despair and abuse of the Spanish combatants, in the ordinary vehicle of its destruction; and that it would probably be attributed to influences which we disown, and to a change of opinion elsewhere which, were it as true as we believe it false, we have no means of knowing. We held it not unwise therefore to preclude the charge, as far as it is in our power: that is, to take away its plausibility, and disarm it for the candid and dispassionate. In many points bave our wishes been disappointed in one only our expectations. We confess, that misled by historical analogies, chiefly of America, and not duly appreciating, or rather at that time dwelling on the effects of English descent, English laws, customs, literature, religion, and connection on the character of the first American Revolution

former habits prepared them; while in its foreign relations, it was surely imprudent, needlessly and prematurely to obtrude on the public attention the only point, in which the interests of Spain, whenever she shall have been re-established in her integrity, and those of her zealous Ally, can be thought to stand in opposition to each other: the future interests of Spain, not the present, and in truth according to our convictions her supposed rather than her real interests. What measure more fatal to the hopes of the Peninsula could Napoleon have dictated to his emissaries and secret agents than ere the battle was half fought to stir up jealousies and heart-burnings among the allied combatants themselves concerning the fruits of their victory?-Such would have been the character of the Decree, from its very title and object; and the contents are every way answerable. The various accessary and aggravating reasons deducible from the temper, constitution, and past treatment of the Colonies, and the present circumstances of the Mother Country, we

lutionary Colonies, first, because we expect from you a restoration of their exclusive possession to ourselves, and which we ourselves cannot achieve; and secondly, because it is out of our power to prevent you, or to receive any advantages from them but through you:-but whether we shall grant the privilege, where it as yet remains in our power to prevent you, that must be matter for future consideration. In other words, our decision will depend on the result of a struggle between our hopes and fears, whether by this very prevention we shall or shall not be likely to throw the yet unrevolted into a community of means and aims with the revolutionary colonies. However we in England may appreciate the wisdom of the scruple, yet the Cortes, as Spaniards, ought assuredly neither to forget or under-rate the notorious fact, that we might have acquired the exclusive trade of the Spanish Settlements, if we would have bribed them from the mother country, at that time our open enemy, by an offer of independence. That our Commanders were prohibited from making them this offer, let this pro

shall reserve for an after discussion: at present, we confine ourselves to such objections, as lie on, or rather put out from, the surface of the articles themselves. We scarcely need notice the hostile feeling and absurd pride, betrayed in the selection of the absolute and offensive word, submission, in the 2d article, or the same haughtiness combine with injustice in the tone and spirit of the fourth. Proposals so worded might Buonaparté make to an insurrectionary town, which he had beleaguered, in the insolence of ostentatious clemency; but such a body of Representatives should at no time make to their constituents or fellow-subjects-how much less then the present imperfect, though perhaps blamelessly imperfect, Cortes in the present circumstances of Spain? But if these articles are to be lamented, as having a direct tendency, and almost seeming to imply a design, to alienate their South American countrymen, far more must we regret the sixth and eighth, as equally unjust and irritating both to the Colonies and to Great Britain. When we recall the enthusiastic generosity with which the latter, without mak-hibition be politic or impolitic, could only ing a single condition, without extorting a single promise in her own behalf, poured and has continued to pour into Spain, her clothing, arms, treasures, and the very pride and pith of her military force, with a confiding liberality which placed its last step to the uttermost limit of prudence, and which halted not but in obedience to the paramount duty of self-preservation, when we re-peruse the strong and glowing language, in which the noblest Spanish patriots, and the very Cortes itself, conveyed their gratitude and expressed their admiration; when we reflect, that the conduct of the British Government was the organ and interpreter of an almost universal sentiment in the British nation, and that the Tyrant himself has officially at tributed the prolongation of the contest, and the delay of his success, to the circumstance, that Great Britain had, for the first time, come forward as a principal in a military war; as we could never have expected, so can we not even now derive from the noble character of uncorrupted Spanish Patriots, a niggardly doling out of returns, not in the measures of gratitude, or even of a wise and liberal policy, but in the spirit of a hard bargain, so much for necessity, and so much in expectation of a greater gain in repayment! You may trade for 15 months to the revo

have proceeded from the sacred principle of doing as we would that others should do to us.-But if the sixth article be, as we have shewn, at once impolicy and meanness of spirit, the eighth is characterised by the most glaring extravagance, and a folly of short-sighted selfishness almost suicidal. From Great Britain hitherto we have received our chief and amplest supports.

Stripped of our colonies, from Great Britain alone can we receive any assistance. And yet while we add year after year to her burthens, we demand of her that she shall stop up the very channels by which she may in part recruit her resources, and while we want treasures which we by our own strength are unable to provide, we will prevent our ally from procuring them for us. The blood of her noblest children is lavished in our behalf, and yet as far as in us lies we will deprive their mother of the very means, by which she is to furnish them with arms, of the gold and silver, for which alone the Spanish farmers will supply them with food. And then the modest request, that if we fail to reconcile the colonists, as a common friend, we should hasten to cut their throats, as volunteer enemies and substitute combatants against our own interests-this really is folly that might lead even a reluctant mind to a suspicion of more than folly.

Must we not ask, what is the state of those colonies? And how came they to this state? and what measures have you taken to amend it?-But of this on a following day.

PORTUGAL.-Extracts of Dispatches from Baron Douro of Wellesley and Viscount Wellington of Talavera and of Wellington, and Conde de Vimiera, to Earl Liverpool, one of the Secretaries of State. Published in the London Gazettes of different dates, as under stated.

Quinta Joao, July 18, 1811. The Army of Portugal broke up from their position on the Guadiana on the 14th instant, and have moved towards Truxillo. I have not yet heard that any troops had passed that town towards Almaraz; or that the cavalry which had been about Talavera and Lobon, had retired further than Merida. They are fortifying the Old Castle of Medellin, as well as that at Truxillo.-General Blake embarked his corps in the mouth of the Guadiana on the 6th. As soon as General Blake's corps embarked,

the body of the enemy's troops, which

had marched towards the Guadiana, and had turned towards Cartaja, retired from the frontier towards St. Lucar.-I understand that the troops belonging to the fourth corps, which Marshal Soult had brought into Estramadura, have marched towards Granada. There is nothing new on the side of Valladolid, excepting that Joseph Buonaparté had returned to Spain, and, it is said, arrived at Burgos with an escort of about three thousand men on the 5th instant.

Portalegre, July 25, 1811.

The enemy's cavalry left Merida on the morning of the 17th. The enemy have since continued their march upon Almaraz; and on the 20th, one division of infantry had arrived at Placentia. On the same day Marshal Marmont was at Almaraz, and other divisions had marched upon Truxillo in the same direction. One division of infantry and some cavalry still remained at Truxillo according to the last accounts.-There is nothing new in the North. Joseph Buonaparté was at Valladolid on the 10th, and proceeded on the 12th on his journey towards Madrid.

Castello Branco, Aug. 1, 1811. I have moved the whole army to their left. I propose that they shall take up their cantonments in Lower Beira, instead of Alentejo. The army of Portugal re

main in the position which I informed your Lordship that they occupied in my dispatch of the 25th July, excepting that the division at Placentia has extended through the mountains to Bejar and Banos. -By a letter from General Silviera of the I learnt that General Santocildes had re21st of July, which I received on the 26th, tired with the army of Gallicia from the neighbourhood of Astorga to Mancanal on the 17th, in consequence of Marshal Bessieres having collected at Benavente a force consisting of 11,000 infantry and 1,500 cavalry.

Fuente Guidaldo, Aug. 31, 1811. The enemy have made no movement of any importance since I addressed your Lordship on the 14th. On that evening a

detachment, consisting of about one thouarrived at Gata, which is on the south side sand two hundred infantry and cavalry, of the mountains which separate Castile from Estramadura; and on the following morning they surprised a small picquet in Wood, of the 11th Light Dragoons, whom St. Martin de Trebejo, under Lieutenant they made prisoner with ten men, and went off that evening to Moralego, and on the next morning to Monte Hermoso.


The London Gazette of Saturday the 7th of September, 1811, contains an Advertisement, offering 2001. Reward for the discovery of the author or sender of the following Threatening Letters sent to this person, and which Letters are stated, in the Advertisement, to have been as follows:

Whitehall, Sept. 7, 1811.

Whereas it has been humbly represented to his Royal Highness the Prince ing Letters have been sent to the Count Regent, that various anonymous threatenDe Lille, and others of the French Princes, of which the following are extracts;—

No. I.

A. Monsr.
Count De Lille
Hartwell House


You are of a bad Race, mercy is in the Protestant, you imposing Vagabonds Die by nostra manus.

I visit your House every week you damn'd Villain-look at your Effigie inclosed.

[blocks in formation]

Your proceedings will not do, our intentions have been delayed in hopes of something being abjured or done on your part and the Prisoners of War your countrymen restored to their Native land our party encrease very strong against you and only temporize for a time, but many are near your Person of our Party which makes us sure of our designs. So if I do not get my Friends home you shall be arrested, murdered, shot or slain. Charlotte Corday shall visit you first. You are at our Bar and renounce, adjure, or die by

our hands.

[blocks in formation]

making for the Coronation of their Majesties of Hayti, to take place on the following Sunday, previously to which a number of his favourite Generals were ennobled, some made Princes, some Dukes, some Counts, some Barons, some Chevaliers; this new creation could not but astonish the gaping multitude, little used to such sights, by the splendour of their appropriate dresses, some of purple, some of blue, some of white silk or satin, richly ornamented, whilst embroidered cloaks or mantles gracefully flowed from their shoulders, and their heads covered with gold laced hats, turned up in front with a button and plume, exhibited a likeness of the ancient nobility, as they are repre sented in some of our old paintings.-The previous matters being arranged, the ceremony that next took place was the consecration of the national standard or colours, which was performed with great pomp by the archbishop, who they say is a German, and a man of some erudition: but the grand business of all, and that which far outshines all the rest, was the coronation of their Majesties, which took place on Sunday the 2nd of June, in a large square called the Champ de Mars, where temporary canopies and coverings were erected for that purpose. This day, was ushered in by ringing of bells, bands of music, innumerable discharges of cannon, and every demonstration of joy. About seven o'clock, their Majesties in their state carriage, drawn by eight white horses, attended by Madame Dessalines, in her carriage and six, and the other nobility, in such carriages as they could procure, brilliantly attired, proceeded to Champ de Mars, where his royal Majesty, with the Queen, left their carriage, and ascended a temporary throne, richly ornamented; here the King, having previously put a Crown of gold, richly furnished with precious stones, upon his with another for the Queen, into the hands head, now took it off, and delivered it, of the Archbishop, who crowned their Haytian Majesties, with all the pomp and ceremonies used on such great occasions. Thus graced by the diadem, to which also into the royal tent, with the Archbishop they added grace, this august pair retired and some of the great officers of state, and there received the holy sacraments; which being finished, their Majesties descended, and having taken their carriage, attended in the same manner, returned to the Palace, where they held a Levee, and receiyed the congratulations of the No


bility and Gentry, on the auspicious oc- established in our kingdom, do not concasion, and also the compliments of Cap-form to the regulations of the 15th of Octain Douglas and Captain O'Grady of the tober, 1804, which forbid them to sell in British Navy, whose ships were seen at retail the cargoes they receive. That anchor in the port. After the Levee, at frequent complaints have been made to us about two o'clock, their Majesties and the by the foreign merchants relative to the Nobility, in the same order of procession, difficulty of recovering the amount of their repaired to another square, where under goods disposed in retail, to Haytian shopthe shade of the entwined boughs, well keepers: Wishing to put an end to all such arranged for the purpose, a repast, con- complaints, and afford to foreign traders sisting of 600 covers, was prepared, to greater facility for the recovering, from which all the English and American mer-Haytian shop-keepers, the amount of the chants were invited, and where Captains sales of the cargoes confided to them. We Douglas and O'Grady had the first places have ordered and do order what follows: of honour. At this entertainment, the-Art. I.-We renew, as far as is necesKing, rising from his seat, gave the fol- sary, the prohibitions made in the abovelowing toast: "My Brother, the King of mentioned Ordinance, of the 15th October, Great Britain," which was drank with 1804, to all Captains of foreign vessels arthree times three; to which he added, riving in any of the ports of our kingdom, " may he prosper and be successful against of selling their cargoes in retail to either Buonaparté, and continue the barrier be- shop keepers or individuals.-II.-No fotween that tyrant and this kingdom." reign merchant, who shall have vessels The next toast was given by the Arch- consigned to him, shall be permitted to sell bishop, "The King of Hayti," which the cargoes to another foreign merchant, was also drank with three times three. nor have them sold by retail by women in After this their Majesties returned in the their keeping; and three months, beginsame order to the Palace, before which ning the first instant, is allowed to those a great body of troops, to the number of to whom this may apply, to set off their near ten thousand, paraded for a long stock, and close their stores.-III.-The time, every company preceded by its band foreign merchants shall not be allowed to of music, which, together with the inces- sell a smaller quantity of merchandize sant firing of guns, ringing of bells, and than what are here designated, to wit: rude shouts of the populace, almost stu- 10 barrels beef, 10 ditto pork, 25 cases pified the senses. The Royal Cavalcade soap, 10 ditto candles, 10 firkins butter, then took a ride about the town, and scat-10 ditto lard, 10 baskets or boxes sweet tered money in great profusion among the oil, s do. codfish, 20 cases do. 20 bls. flour, people; and the business of this great day 5 pipes wine, 10 cases do. 6 bls. lamp was at length concluded with splendid il- oil, 5 hhds. beer or porter, hats, shoes, &c. luminations, and an Opera at the Theatre. or the case or bbl. cheese and hams of On Monday, 3rd of June, high mass was bacon wholesale, cordials, do. dry goods celebrated, and the Te Deum sung, at the by the bale, case, trunk, bbl. hhd. without Cathedral; after, which their Majesties retailing any by the piece or ell.-IV.— had a Levee, and received the compli- Whomsoever shall act in contravention to ments of the Nobility and Gentry, and the present Ordinance shall forfeit 3,000 the evening was concluded with illumina- dollars for the first offence; and in case of tions, and a Comedy at the Theatre. a repetition, double that sum, and three HAYTI.-Royal Ordinance.- Renewing the months imprisonment. We do order that these presents, to which is affixed our prohibitions made to foreign Merchants, established in our Kingdom, to sell in re- and tribunals of justice, and administrative Royal Seal, be addressed to all the courts tail the cargoes consigned to them, and to authorities; that they be entered on their fix the quantity of each kind of Merchan-records; that they observe them, and dize they are to sell.

Henry I, by the grace of God, and of the constitutional Law of the State, to all whom these presents may come greeting: Being informed that the foreign merchants

cause them to be observed throughout the kingdom; and that our Minister of Justice be charged with its execution.-Done at Cape Henry, the 19th June, 1811, year 8 of the independence. HENRY.

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden :-Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall-Mall.

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LONDON:-Printed by T. C. Hansard, Peterborough-Court, Fleet-Street,

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