The Commercial telegraph code. A re-compiled ed. of the 'International telegraph code'. |
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&c.-continued 99 arrange 99 complete 99 expect 99 forward 99 ship advise ANSWERS-continued April arbitration arrive August authorized Bank Credit Banking Company best price better Bill of Lading Bottomry bought brig brig schooner buy cover buyers BUYING-continued cancelled charter ciphers consignment contingent commission cover 99 December demand demurrage discount discretion disposed dividend edition ex quay ex warehouse exchange execute Falmouth favourable February firm offer forward shipment free draft free on board freight guarantee hold January delivery January shipment joint account July June limit liquid liquidity Liverpool London March margin MARKET-continued MONETARY month November October offer is declined operate pay remit PHRASES port profit promissory note Queenstown QUESTIONS-continued quotation rely remit 99 replace sailing vessel samples schooner sell 99 sell ship SELLING-continued September Shillings sight signing contract sold steam steamer telegram Telegraph Code tender trepan viâ wait week Yorkshire Bank دو وو
37 ページ - February do. March do. ... April do. May do. June do. July do. August do. ... September do. October do. November do. December do.
82 ページ - Signing contract 10% do. do 15% do. do. 20% do. do. 25 % do. do. 30% do. do.