
bicornes : CAL. quinquepartite: COR. funnelshaped; stamina declining; CAPS. quinquelocular. There are ten species; the most remarkable are,

1. R. chamæcistus, or ciliated-leaved dwarf rose-bay, a low deciduous shrub, a native of Germany. It grows to the height of about three feet; the branches are numerous, produced irregularly, and covered with a purplish bark. The leaves are oval, spear-shaped, small, and in the under surface of the color of iron. The flowers are produced at the end of the branches in bunches, are of a wheel-shaped figure, pretty large, of a fine crimson color, and handsome appearance. They appear in June, and are succeeded by oval capsules containing ripe seeds in September.

2. R. chrysanthemum, a new species, discovered by professor Pallas in his tour through Siberia. In Siberia this species is used with great success in gouty and rheumatic affections.

3. R. Dauricum, the Daurian dwarf rosebay, is a low deciduous shrub, and native of Dauria. Its branches are numerous, and covered with a brownish bark. The flowers are wheelshaped, large, and of a beautiful rose-color: they appear in May, and are succeeded by oval capsules full of seeds, which in England do not always ripen.

4. R. ferrugineum, with smooth leaves, hairy on their under side, is a native of the Alps and Appennines. It rises with a shrubby stalk nearly three feet high, sending out many irregular branches covered with a purplish bark, and closely garnished with smooth spear-shaped entire leaves, whose borders are reflexed backward; the upper side is of a light lucid green, their under side of an iron color. The flowers are produced at the ends of the branches, are funnelshaped, cut into five segments, and of a pale rose color. These plants are propagated by seeds; but, being natives of barren rocky soils and cold situations, they do not thrive in gardens, and for want of their usual covering of snow in the winter are often killed by frost in this


5. R. hirsutum, with naked hairy leaves, grows naturally on the Alps and several mountains of Italy. It is a low shrub, which seldom rises two feet high, sending out many ligneous branches, covered with a light brown bark, garnished closely with oval spear-shaped leaves, sitting pretty close to the branches. They are entire, having a great number of fine iron-colored hairs on their edges and under side. The flowers are produced in bunches at the end of the branches in May, having one funnel-shaped petal cut into five obtuse segments, and of a pale-red color. They make a good show, and are succeeded by oval capsules, containing ripe seeds, in August.

6. R. maximum, the American mountain laurel, is an ever-green shrub, and a native of Virginia, where it grows naturally on the highest mountains, and on the edges of cliffs, precipices, &c., where it reaches the size of a moderate tree, though with us it seldom rises higher than six feet. The flowers continue by succession sometimes more than two months, and are succeeded by oval capsules full of seeds.

7. R. ponticum, the pontic dwarf rose-bay, is an evergreen shrub, a native of the east, and of most shady places near Gibraltar. It grows to the height of four or five feet. The leaves are spear-shaped, glossy on both sides, acute, and placed on short foot-stalks on the branches; the flowers, which are produced in clusters, are bellshaped, and of a fine purple-color. They appear in July, and are succeeded by oval capsules containing seeds, which in this climate seldom attain to maturity.

RHODOMAN (Laurence), a learned German, born at Sassowerf, in Upper Saxony, in 1546. He studied at the college of Ilfield six years; and became an eminent Greek scholar. He wrote Greek verses, which are much admired. He translated the Greek poem of Quintus Calaber into Latin. He also translated Diodorus Siculus into Latin. He became professor of history in the university of Wirtemberg; and published several other works. He died in 1606 at Wirtemberg.

RHODOPE, a high mountain of Thrace, extending across the country, in an east direction, nearly to the Euxine Sea.

RHODOPE, in fabulous history, the wife of Hamus king of Thrace; who, preferring herself to Juno in beauty, was metamorphosed into the above mountain. Ovid vi. 87, &c.

RHODOPE, a celebrated Grecian courtezan, who was fellow servant with Esop at the court of the king of Samos. She was carried to Egypt by Xanthus, and purchased by Charaxes of Mitylene, the brother of Sappho, who married her. She afterwards sold her favors at such a price that she collected a sum of money, with which she built one of the pyramids. Elian says that one day, as she was bathing, an eagle carried away one of her sandals, and dropped it near king Psammetichus at Memphis, on which he made enquiry after the owner, and married her. RHODUS. See RHODES.

RHOE, two of the Shetland Isles of Scotland, thus distinguished: Little Rhoe, lies near Mickle Rhoe, and contains about fourteen inhabitants, whose sole employment is fishing. Mickle Rhoe lies on the south of Mainland, and belongs to the parish of Delting. It is about twenty-four miles in circumference, and its inhabitants are chiefly employed in cultivating the fertile spots of the island, and in fishing. They also rear a number of sheep and black cattle, which have excellent pasture among the heath.

RHOECUS, in fabulous history: 1. One of the giants, killed by Bacchus in the war against the gods; 2. A centaur, who attempted to offer violence to Atalanta: also killed by Bacchus, at the marriage of Pirithous. Ovid. Met. xii. 301. RHOMB, n. s. Fr. rhombe; Lat. rhombus ; Gr. poμßoç. A quadranRHOм BOID, n. s. gular figure, formed by two equal and right cones joined together at their base: rhombic is, shaped as a rhomb: rhomboid, a figure approaching that shape.


See how in warlike muster they appear. In rhombs and wedges; and half moons and wings. Milton.

Many other sorts of stones are regularly figured; the asteria in form of a star, and they are of a rhombick figure. Grew

Many other sorts of stones are regularly figured; and they are of a rhombick figure; talk, of such as are rhomboid.


Another rhomboidal selenites, of a compressed form, had many others infixed round the middle of it. Woodward.

RHOMEOID, in geometry, a quadrilateral figure whose opposite sides and angles are equal, but which is neither equilateral nor equiangular. RHOMBOIDES, in anatomy, a thin, broad, and obliquely square fleshy muscle, situated between the basis of the scapula and the spina dorsi, so called from its figure. Its general use is to draw backward and upward the subspinal portion of the basis scapula.

RHOMBUS, in geometry, an oblique-angled parallelogram, or quadrilateral figure whose sides are equal and parallel, but the angles unequal, two of the opposite ones being obtuse and

two acute.

extensive. This department belongs to the diocese and jurisdiction of the royal court of Lyons, and is divided into two arrondissements, Lyons the capital, and Villefranche. Inhabitants 330,000.

RHONE, MOUTHS OF THE, Bouches du Rhone, a department of France, formed of a part of Provence, and bounded by the Mediterranean and the departments of the Gard, the Vaucluse, and the Var. Its superficial extent is about 2000 square miles, traversed by a branch of the Alps, and for the most part an undulating plain, watered by the Rhone, the Durance, and other rivers. The climate is mild, producing wine, fruit, olives, soda, sumach, and silk-worms; along the coast are made quantities of salt. The wine made, though large in quantity, is used chiefly for home consumption. The culture of the olive was formerly extensive; but the winter of 1788 and 1789 destroyed a vast number of trees, and reduced the produce of the department to a fourth of its former amount. Silk is exported annually to the amount of £40,000, and wool to the value of £30,000. The department has pasture for sheep, but little for large cattle. Butter is almost unknown; there is likewise a deficiency of wood, and of corn. It belongs to the diocese and jurisdiction of the royal court of Aix; and is divided into the arrondissements, viz. Marseilles the capital, Aix, and Tarascon. Population 293,000.

RHONE, an important river of the south of Europe, rising in the central and highest part of Switzerland, at the foot of Mount Furca, and about five miles from the source of the Rhine. It flows in a western direction through the Swiss canton of the Valais, here called the valley of the Rhone, after which, swelled by numerous mountain streams, its turbid waters mingle with those of the lake of Geneva. Issuing in a purer stream, the Rhone now flows southward, and forms the boundary between France and Savoy, until approaching Chamberry, it turns to the west and north, and, reaching Lyons, is joined by the Saone, a river of equal length of course, but of less copious stream. From Lyons the Rhone holds a south course, all the way to the Mediterranean, receiving a number of streams east and west: the largest of these are the Isere and Durance. After a course of nearly 500 miles, the Rhone discharges itself, by three mouths, into the gulf of Lyons. It is the most rapid river in Europe: between Geneva and Lyons its channel in some parts is extremely narrowed by RHOPOLA, in botany, a genus of the monorocks, and at one place, about sixteen miles below gynia order and tetandria class of plants: CAL. Geneva, it loses itself underground for the space none; petals four, oblong, obtuse, and narrowof sixty paces. Though not so long in its course ing at the base; stamina four, inserted in the coas the Loire, it exceeds it and all the other rolla, and having large antheræ; unilocular, and rivers in France in size. The navigation down the containing one seed. There is only one species, stream takes place with great ease; the upward viz. R. montana, a shrubby plant growing in can be performed only by draught or steam. It Guiana, and remarkable for the great number of deposits so large a quantity of earth at its mouth branches sent off from its trunk in every directhat a light-house, built on the shore in 1737, tion, and for the fetid smell of its wood and is now three miles distant from it. bark.

RHONE, a department of France, including the former provinces of Beaujalois and Lyonnois, and bounded by those of the Saone and Loire, the Ain, the Isere, and the Loire. It has a superficial extent of 1050 square miles, somewhat mountainous, and, owing to the vicinity of the Alps, the climate is more inclined to cold than beat. But the southern part, along the Rhone, furnishes excellent fruit, and wine, called from the exposure of many of the vineyards, coterotie. North-east part, along the borders of the Saone, there are extensive meadows; and in the central part corn is produced. The inhabitants of the mountainous districts are employed in spinning and weaving of cotton. The manufactures, particularly in Lyons and its vicinity, are

RHOPIUM, in botany, a genus of the triandria order and gynandria class of plants: CAL. monophyllous and sex partite: COR. none, and no stamina; the three antheræ are each attached to one of the styli: CAPS. tricoccous and sexlocular, each cell containing two seeds. Species one only, viz. R. meborea, a native of Guiana. This is a shrub rising about three or four feet in height. The flowers grow in the form of a corymbus; they are of a yellowish-green color; the capsules are black.

RHOTAS, an extensive district of Hindostan, province of Bahar. It is chiefly situated between the rivers Soane and Caramnassa. The southern part is hilly and covered with wood; but the northern parts level, well watered, and fertile. The principal towns are Sassaram, Serris, Bogwanpore, and Rhotas.

RHOTAS, a fortress of Hindostan, the capital of the district of this name, province of Punjab. It is situated on the western side of the Jhylum or Hydaspes, and is said to be very strong; it has not been visited by any European, but was seen at a distance by Mr. Elphinstone, in the year 1809. Long. 72° 55′ E., lat. 31° 55′ N.

RHOTAS, OF ROTASGUR, a celebrated fortress of Hindostan, in Bahar, on the top of a table

also by passing the grain between two flat stones of a circular form, the upper of which turns round upon the other, but at such a distance from it as not to break the intermediate grain. The operation is performed on a large scale in mills turned by water; the axis of the wheel carrying several arms, which, by striking upon the ends of levers, raise them in the same manner as is done by treading on them. Sometimes twenty of these levers are worked at once. The straw from which the grain has been disengaged is cut chiefly into chaff, to serve as provender for the very few cattle employed in Chinese husbandry. The labor of the first crop being finished, the ground is immediately prepared for the reception of fresh seeds. The first operation undertaken is that of pulling up the stubble, collecting it into small heaps, which are burnt, and the ashes scattered upon the field. The former processes are afterwards renewed. The second crop is generally ripe late in October or early in November. The grain is treated as before; but the It is turned under stubble is no longer burnt.

with the plough, and left to putrefy in the earth. This, with the slime brought upon the ground by inundation, is the only manure employed in the culture of rice.' RICH, adj. Fr. riche; Ital. ricco; Sax. RICH'ED, Ric is also a common RICHES, n. s. northern affix, denoting rich, RICH'LY, adv. as in Alaric, Frederic, &c. RICH'NESS. Wealthy; abounding in money or possessions; opulent; plentiful: all the derivatives corresponding.


The rich shall not give more, and the poor no less.


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ver, but in having more in proportion than our neighbours, whereby we are enabled to procure to ourselves a greater plenty of the conveniences of life than comes within their reach, who, sharing the gold and silver of the world in less proportion, want the means of plenty and power, and so are poorer. Id. There are who fondly studious of increase, Rich foreign mold on their ill-natured land

Induce. Philips. Chemists seek riches by transmutation and the Sprat. great elixir.

I amused myself with the richness and variety of Spectator. colours in the western parts of heaven. This town is famous for the richness of the soil. Addison.

There is such licentiousness among the basest of

the people, that one would not be sorry to see them bestowing upon one another a chastisement which they so richly deserve.


If life be short, it shall be glorious, Each minute shall be rich in some great action.


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Can all the wealth of India's co Atone for years in absence lost? Return, ye moments of delight, With richer treasures bless my sight! RICH (John), a pantomimic actor of the last century, attracted general admiration in his youth by the performance of Harlequin. In expressing the feelings of the mind by dumb show, his power was inimitable, and superseded much of the necessity of vocal language. He rendered pantomime so fascinating that, with the assistance of an indifferent company, he secured a large share of the public attention, though opposed by the dramatic genius of Garrick. In 1733 he removed his company from Lincoln's-iun-fields to Covent Garden, where he was manager till his death, in December 1761, during the run of a grand spectacle. His education had been so neglected that he could neither write nor speak with common propriety. Among other peculiarities he had a habit of addressing persons to whom he was speaking, by the appellation of 'Mister,' and, on his applying this to Foote, the latter angrily asked him, why he could not cal! him by his name? Don't be offended,' Rich replied, “Í sometimes forget my own name.' 'Indeed!' said Foote, I knew you could not write your own name; but I could not have supposed you should forget it.'

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RICHARD OF CIRENCESTER, thus named from his birth-place, was a Benedictine and an English historian of the fourteenth century. No traces remain of his history; except that he became a monk of the abbey of St. Peter, Westminster, in 1350, and that his name occurs in various documents of that monastery in 1387, 1307, and 1399. Towards the close of his life

he visited Rome; but returned to Westminster, and died there in 1401. He wrote Historia ab Hengista ad an. 1348, in two parts, still remaining a MS.; his principal work is a Description of Britain, first published in Latin at Copenhagen, in 1767, and more recently in Latin and English, with a commentary and maps by Mr. Hatcher, 1809, 8vo.

RICHARD (Louis Claude Marie), one of the most eminent modern botanists, was born at Versailles September 4th, 1754, and the son of the keeper of the royal gardens at Auteuil. He *studied at the college of Vernon, and the Mazarin College, Paris. Here he partly supported himself by making drawings for architects, and at the same time assiduously applied himself to botany, anatomy, and zoology. While very young, he presented several memoirs to the Academy, which attracted the notice of Jussieu, who gave him the use of his library and cabinet. In 1781 he sailed from France on a voyage of research to French Guyana with the title of naturalist to the king, and returned in 1789, bringing with him a herbal of 1000 plants, most of which were newly discovered, beside other collections in natural history. During the political disturb ances of the period his labors were neglected; but, when the school of medicine was established, he was appointed professor of botany; and, on the formation of the Institute, he was a member of the first class in the section of zoology. He was also a corresponding member of the Royal Society of London, and of the legion of honor. He died June 7th, 1821. The researches of Richard were chiefly directed to the comparative anatomy of plants, on which he published a number of valuable Memoirs, besides which he was the author of Demonstrations Botaniques, ou Analyse du Fruit considéré en general, 1803, 8vo.

RICHARDIA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, and hexandria class of plants; natural order forty-seventh, stellata: CAL. sexpartite COR. monopetalous, and subcylindrical; and there are three seeds. Species one only, a herb of Vera Cruz.

RICHARDS (Nathaniel), a dramatic writer in the reign of Charles I., and a fellow of Caius College, Cambridge, where he took his degree of A. B. in 1634. He wrote a tragedy entitled Messalina, published in 1640, which was acted with applause. He also wrote some poems, published in 1645.

Criticism as it relates to painting; 2. An Argument in behalf of the Science of a Connoisseur, bound in 1 vol. 8vo. In 1722 came forth An Account of some of the statues, bas-reliefs, drawings, and pictures, in Italy, &c., with Remarks by Mr. Richardson, senior and junior. The son made the journey; and from his notes, letters, and observations, they both at his return compiled this work. In 1734 they published a very thick 8vo., containing explanatory notes and remarks on Milton's Paradise Lost, with the life of the author, and a treatise on the poem. Besides his pictures and commentaries, we have a few etchings by his hand, particularly two or three of Milton, and his own head. The sale of his collection of drawings, in February 1747, lasted eighteen days, and produced about £2060.

RICHARDSON (Samuel), a celebrated English novel writer, born in 1688. He was educated as a printer, and, though he is said to have understood no language but his own, yet he acquired great reputation by his three novels, entitled Pamela, Clarissa, and Sir Charles Grandison. A stroke of the palsy carried off Mr. Richardson, after a few days' illness, upon the 4th of July 1761. Besides the works above-mentioned, he is the author of an Esop's Fables, a Tour through Britain, 4 vols., and a volume of Familiar Letters upon business and other subjects. The most eminent writers, both of our own and of other countries, have paid their tribute to the transcendant talents of Mr. Richardson, whose works have been published in almost every language and country of Europe. Dr. Johnson, in his introduction to the ninety-seventh number of the Rambler, which was written by Mr. Richardson, observes that the reader was indebted for that day's entertainment to an author, from whom the age has received greater favors; who has enlarged the knowledge of human nature, and taught the passions to move at the command of virtue.'' In his life of Rowe, he adds, ‘It was in the power of Richardson alone to teach us at once esteem and detestation; to make virtuous resentment overpower all the benevolence which wit, and elegance, and courage, naturally excite; and to lose at last the hero in the villain.'

RICHELET (Cæsar Peter), a French writer, born in 1631, at Chemin in Champagne. He was the friend of Patru and Ablancourt. He compiled a dictionary of the French language, of which the best edition is that of Lyons, 3 vols. folio, 1728. He also collected a small dictionary of rhymes He died in 1698.

RICHARDSON (Jonathan), a celebrated painter of heads, was born about 1665, and was placed by his father-in-law apprentice to a scrivener, with whom he lived six years; when, ob- RICHELIEU (John Armand du Plessis de), taining his freedom by the death of his master, cardinal of Richelieu and Fronsac, bishop of he at twenty years old became the disciple of Lucon, &c., was born at Paris in 1585. At the Reilly; with whom he lived four years, whose age of twenty-two he obtained a dispensation to niece he married, and of whose style he acquired enjoy the bishopric of Lucon in 1607. Returnenough to maintain a solid and lasting reputation ing to France, he applied himself to preaching; even during the lives of Kneller and Dahl, and and his reputation procured him the office of alto remain at the head of the profession when moner to the queen Mary de Medicis. His abi. they died. He died suddenly at his house in lities in the management of affairs advanced him Queen's square on May 28th, 1745, in the eigh- to be secretary of state in 1616: and the king tieth year of his age. His son was also a man soon gave him the preference to all his other seof learning, as appears from the works they pub-cretaries. On the death of the marquis of Ancre, lished conjunctly. The father, in 1719, publish- Richelieu retired to Avignon, where he employed two discourses: 1. An Essay on the Art of ed himself in composing various theological VOL. XVIII. ? Q

works. The king having recalled him to court, he was made a cardinal in 1622, and two years after first minister of state, and grand master of the navigation. In 1626 the Isle of Rhe was preserved by his care, and Rochelle taken, having stopped up the haven by the famous dike which he ordered to be made there. He accompanied the king to the siege of Cazal, and contributed to the raising of it in 1629. He also obliged the Huguenots to the peace of Alets, which proved the ruin of that party: he took Pomeral, and succored Cazal, when besieged by Spinola. In the mean time the nobles found fault with his conduct, and endeavoured to persuade the king to discard him. The cardinal, however, instead of being disgraced, from that moment became more powerful than ever, and obtained a greater ascendancy over the king's mind; and he now resolved to humble the excessive pride of the house of Austria. For that purpose he concluded a treaty with Gustavus Adolphus king of Sweden to carry the war into the heart of Germany. He also entered into a league with the duke of Bavaria; secured Lorrain; raised a part of the princes of the empire against the emperor; treated with the Dutch to continue the war against Spain; favored the Catalans and Portuguese till they shook off the Spanish yoke; and, after having carried on the war with success, was about to conclude it by a peace, when he died in Paris on the 4th of December, 1642, aged fifty-eight. He was interred in the Sorbonne, where a magnificent mausoleum was erected to his memory. This great politician made the arts and sciences flourish; formed the botanical garden at Paris, called the king's garden; founded the French Academy; established the royal printing-house; erected the palace afterwards called Le Palais Royal, which he presented to the king; and rebuilt the Sorbonne with a magnificence that appears truly royal. Besides his books of controversy and piety, there go under the name of this minister A Journal, in 2 vols. 12mo. ; and a Political Testament, 12mo.; all treating of politics and state affairs. Cardinal Mazarine pursued Richelieu's plan, and completed many of the schemes which he had begun, but left unfinished.

RICHLIEU, CHAMBLY, or Sorel River, a river of Lower Canada, which flows from Lake Champlain in a northerly course, and joins the St. Lawrence.

RICHLIEU ISLANDS, a cluster of islands in the St. Lawrence, situated at the south-west entrance of Lake St. Peter, nearly 100 in number. Several of them are cleared, and afford good pasturage for cattle. They lie very low, and abound in wild fowl.

RICHMOND, a market town, borough, and parish of Yorkshire, pleasantly situate on the river Swale, which encompasses nearly half the the town. It sends two members to the imperial parliament. It has a market on Saturday, two churches, and many handsome houses of stone. It had anciently a castle, built by Alan, earl of Richmond, one of the followers of William the Conqueror. It is forty-four miles north-west of York, sixty south-east of Lancaster, and 234 N. N. W. of London.

RICHMOND, a rich, populous, and elegant village of England, in Surrey, seated on the bank of the Thames. It was anciently called Sheen, which in the Saxon signifies resplendent. It had a royal palace, in which Richard II. and Edward I., II., and III. resided, and the latter died in it. In 1497 it was burnt, but Henry VII. rebuilt it in 1501, and gave the place its present name, from his title of earl of Richmond, before he was king. He and his grand-daughter queen Elizabeth died in it. Richmond is famous for its beautiful royal gardens, which in summer are open to the public every Sunday; as well for its elegant and extensive park. It has also a fine observatory. An elegant stone bridge of five arches was here erected over the Thames in 1777. It is nine miles W. S.W. of London.

RICHMOND, a county of Virginia, bounded on the north by Westmoreland county, on the northeast by Westmoreland and Northumberland counties, on the south-east by Lancaster county, and on the south-west by the Rappahannock.

RICHMOND, a city, port of entry, and the metropolis of Virginia, in Henrico county, on the north side of James River, between fifty and sixty miles, by the course of the river, above City Point, and 150 miles from its mouth, immediately below the falls, at the head of tide water, and opposite Manchester, with which it is connected by two bridges: twenty-five miles north of Petersburg. The city was formerly divided into two sections, the upper or western part, called Shockoe Hill, and the lower part Richmond, separated by Shockoe Creek, a small rivulet; but these distinctions are now going out of use, and the sections are united together. The situation is highly picturesque, beautiful, and healthy; and Richmond is one of the most flourishing, wealthy, and commercial cities in the United States.

It contains about 800 houses built of brick, many of them elegant, and about 600 built of wood; a glass-house, a sugar refinery, an iron foundry, a rolling and slitting mill, a cotton manufactory, eight tobacco warehouses, two insurance offices, three banks, including a branch of the United States bank; a capitol, or state-house, a house for the governor, an armory, a penitentiary, a court house, a jail, an alms house, two market houses, a public library containing about 3000 volumes, a museum, a Lancasterian school, and eight houses of public worship; two for Episcopalians, one for Presbyterians, one for Baptists, two for Methodists, one for Friends, and a Jews' synagogue.

The falls extend nearly six miles, in which distance the river descends eighty feet. A canal with three locks is cut on the north side of the river, terminating at the town in a basin of about two acres. Few cities, situated so far from the sea, possess better commercial advantages than Richmond, being at the head of tide water, on a river navigable for batteaux 220 miles above the city, and having an extensive and fertile back country, abundant in the production of tobacco, wheat, corn, hemp, coal, &c. It has an extensive inland trade, and its foreign commerce is considerable. The shipping owned here, in 1816, amounted to 9943 tons. James River is navi

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