
To thee all angels cry a- { loud: the Heavens and all the } powers there-in.

To thee Cherubin and { Ser-aphin: continual- { ly do cry,

+ Holy, Holy, Ho-ly: Lord God of { Sab-a-oth; † Heaven and earth are full of the Ma-jesty: of thy Glo-ry.

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The glorious company of the A- { pos-tles : (f) praise {.. thee.

The goodly fellowship of the Pro-phets : (f) praise {.. thee.

The noble army of § Már-tyrs: (1) praise {


(1) The holy Church throughout all the { world: doth ac-know-ledge thee; †The Fa-ther of an infinite † Thine honourable { true: and

Ma-jes-ty; on-ly Son; Com-fort-er. Tone 5. A. (2.) p. 8. † (3.) p. 8.

† Also the Holy Ghost: the

(1) Thou art the King of § Glo-ry: 0§.


(f) Thou art the everlasting & Son of the Fa-ther.

[blocks in formation]

When thou tookest upon thee to deliver { man: thou didst not ab-hor the Vir-gin's womb. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death: (f) thou didst open the kingdom of } Heaven to all be-liev-ers.


(f) Thou sittest at the right hand of God: in the Glory of the Fa-ther.

+ We believe that thou shalt come: to be our


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Tone 3. B. (2.) p. 5. † (1.) p. 4.

We therefore pray thee { help thy ser-vants: whom thou hast redeemed with thy pre-cious blood. Make them to be numbered with thy Saints :

in glory ev-er-last-ing.

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O Lord, save thy peo-ple and bless thine her-i-tage.

Go- {-vern them and lift them up for ev-er. (1) † Day by day: we { mag-ni-fy thee.

(f) † And we

with-out end.

worship thy Name: ever { world

Vouch- { safe, O Lord: to keep us this day

with-out sin.

O Lord, have mercy up-on us: have { mercy up-on us.

O Lord, let thy mercy lighten up-on us: as our {trust is in thee.

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(f) O Lord, in thee { have I trust-ed: let me { nev-er be con-founded.

Te Deum laudamus. (C.)

Tone 8. C. (1.) p. 15. † (2.). p. 15.

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WE PRAISE thee, O § God: we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. }

All the earth doth worship thee: the Father ever-last-ing.

To thee all Angels cry a- loud: the Heavens and all the powers there- { in.

To thee Cherubin and Ser-aphin: continually {

do cry,

† Holy, Holy, { Ho-ly : Lord God of { Saba-oth ; + Heaven and earth are full of the Ma-jesty: of thy Glo-ry.

The glorious company of the A-pos-tles: (f) praise thee.

[ocr errors]

The goodly fellowship of the Pro-phets : (f) praise { thee.

Tone 8. C. (1.) p. 15.

† (2.) p. 15.

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The noble army of § Mar-tyrs: (f) praise { thee. (f) The holy Church throughout all the world: doth acknowledge { thee,

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†The Fa-ther: of an infinite { Majes-ty; † Thine honourable true and only { Son; † Also the Holy Ghost: the Comfort-er. Tone 4. (1.) p. 6.

(f) Thou art the King of Glo-ry: 0 §::::


(1) Thou art the ever- § last-ing Son: of the Fa-ther.

When thou tookest upon thee to de- { liv-er man: thou didst not ab- { hor the Vir-gin's womb. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of death: (f) thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to { all be-liev-ers.

Thou sittest at the right { hand of God : in the Glory of the Fa-ther.

We believe that thou shalt come: to be our Judge.

We therefore pray thee whom thou hast redeemed


Tone 7. A. p. 12.

help thy ser-vants:

with thy pre-cious

Make them to be numbered with thy Saints: in glory { ev-er-last-ing.

O Lord, save thy peo-ple: and bless thine her-i-tage.

Go-}-vern them: and lift them up for ev-er. by day: we { mag-ni-fy thee.

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(1) Day
(f) And we

with-out end.

worship thy Name: ever { world

Vouch-safe, O Lord: to keep us this { day with-out sin.

O Lord, have mercy up-on us: have mercy

up-on us.

O Lord, let thy mercy lighten up-on us: as our {trust is in thee.

(f) O Lord, in thee { have I trust-ed: let me { nev-er be con-founded.

Benedicite, omnia opera.


Tone 5. B. (1.) p. 9.

O ALL ye Works of the Lord,* bless ye the { Lord: praise him, and magnify { him for ev-er.

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