
Tone 2. (1.) p. 3. † (2.) p. 3.

14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart: be always acceptable in { thy sight,

15 0 Lod: my strength, and my re- { deem-er.

PSALM xlv. Eructavit cor meum.

Tone 8. A. (1.) p. 13.

My heart is inditing of a good { mat-ter: I speak of the things which I have made { unto the King.


2 My tongue is the {pen: of a rea-dy writ-er. 3 (f) Thou art fairer than the children of { men full of grace are thy lips,* because God hath blessed thee for ev-er. }

4 (f) Gird thee with thy sword upon thy thigh, O thou most { Migh-ty: according to thy worship and re-nown.

5 Good luck have thou with thine { ho-nour : ride on, because of the word of truth,* of meekness and righteousness;* and thy right hand shall teach thee {terri-ble things.

6 Thy arrows are very sharp,* and the people shall be subdued un-to thee: even in the midst a-mong the King's ene-mies.

7 Thy seat, O God, endureth for ev-er: the sceptre of thy kingdom is a { right scep-tre.

8 Thou hast loved righteousness,* and hated in- { i-quity: (f) wherefore God, even thy God,* hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fel-lows.

9 All thy garments smell of myrrh, aloes, and { cas-sia: out of the ivory palaces,* whereby they have { made thee glad.

10 Kings' daughters were among thy honourable {wo-men: upon thy right hand did stand the queen,* in a vesture of gold wrought about with di-vers co-lours.

11 Hearken O daughter, and consider,* incline thine ear: forget also thine own people, and thy fa-ther's house.

12 So shall the King have pleasure in thy { beau-ty: for he is thy Lord God,* and { worship thou him.

. 13 And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift: like as the rich also among the peo§ ple* shall make their suppli- cation be-fore thee.

14 The King's daughter is all glorious with- {

in her clothing is of wrought gold.


Tone 1. A. (1.) p. 13.

15 She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of nee-dle-work: the virgins that be her fellows shall bear her company,* and shall be brought un-to thee.

16 (f) With joy and gladness shall they be { brought and shall enter into the King's pa-lace. 17 (f) Instead of thy fathers thou shalt have { chil-dren whom thou mayest make princes all lands.


18 (f) I will remember thy Name from one generation to an-o-ther therefore shall the people


give thanks unto thee,* { world with-out end.

PSALM 1XXXV. Benedixisti, Domine.

Tone 3. C. p. 5.

LORD, thou art become gracious { unto thy land: thou hast turned away the cap- { ti-vi-ty of Ja-cob. 2 Thou hast forgiven the offence

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peo-ple and cover-ed all their sins.

of thy

3 (f) Thou hast taken away all thy dis-plea

sure: and turned thyself from thy } wrath-ful indig-na-tion.

4 Turn us then, O God our Sa-viour: and let thine an-ger cease from us.

5 Wilt thou be displeased at us for ev-er: and wilt thou stretch out thy wrath from one gener-a-tion to an-o-ther?

6 Wilt thou not turn a- { gain and quicken that thy people { may re-joice in thee?


7 Shew us thy { mercy, O Lord: and grant us thy sal-va-tion.

8 I will hearken what the Lord God will { say con-cerning me: for he shall speak peace unto his people,* and to his saints, that they turn not


9 For his salvation is nigh them that fear him: that glory may dwell in our land.

10 Mercy and truth are met to-ge-ther : righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

11 Truth shall flourish { out of the earth and righteousness hath { look-ed down from hea-ven. 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew { lov-ing kind-ness: and our land shall give her in-crease.

13 Righteousness shall go be-fore him: and he shall direct his { go-ing in the way.

Evening Prayer.

[lxxxix, cx, cxxxii.]

PSALM lxxxix. Misericordias Domini.

Tone 3. B. (1.) p. 4.

My song shall be alway of the loving-kindness { of the Lord: with my mouth will I ever be shewing thy truth* from one generation to an-o-ther.

2 For I have said,* Mercy shall be set up for ev-er: thy truth shalt thou stab-lish in the heavens.

3 I have made a covenant with


I have sworn unto { David my ser-vant;


4 Thy seed will I stablish for ev-er: and set up thy throne from one generation { to an-o-ther.

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5 (f) O Lord,* the very heavens shall praise thy { won-drous works: and thy truth in the congre-ga-tion of the saints.

6 (f) For who is he a- {mong the clouds: that shall be com- {par-ed unto the Lord?

7 (f) And what is he a- {mong the gods: that shall be like unto the Lord?

8 God is very greatly to be feared in the

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