

P. 29, last line; for "A-men,"—“ A-men.” P. 46, line 2; for "Tone 1. A. (1.) p. 13,""Tone 8. A. (1.) p. 13."

P. 56, in the Stave of Music, at the head of the page; the signature should be two flats, instead of three flats.

P. 64; the Music, at the head of the page, should be the same as on page 62.

P. 81, in the 2nd verse of the Easter Anthems; after "the old leaven," insert, "nor with the leaven."

P. 83, in the 8th verse; for "the earth for thy pos-ses-sion,"-"the earth for thy pos-ses-sion.'

P. 144, in the Stave of Music at the head of the page; the signature should be two flats, instead of three flats.

P. 182, in the last line but one; dele the mark, ¿, after " nor."

P. 193, in verse 2; dele the mark,, after the word "for."

P. 195; the Stave of Music, &c., should be the same as on page 194.


P. 196, line 4; for "Tone 8. C. (2.) p. 15.”—
"Tone 8. C. (1.) p. 15."

P. 221, last line; for "fixed,"-"fix-ed."

P. 237, line 3; for "pray-er,”—“ prayer.”
P. 244, verse 13; for "in an


ev-er:"-" displeased at

P. 295; the Music for Psalm xc. should be

Tonus Peregrinus, (2.) p. 18.

P. 331, line 4; for "Amen,'

[ocr errors]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

N.B. The above Errata should be corrected with a pen,

in each Psalter, before it is used.

[blocks in formation]
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