


N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, fee the
Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.

For the remarkable Paffages in the Foreign Articles, fee the
Second Alphabet of this Index, in the latter Part of the Sheet.


GRICULTURE, advice and
directions relating to the fe-
veral branches of, 121-127.
ALLANSON, Mr. his paper relating
to a fimple fracture of the tibia,
in a pregnant woman, com-
mended, 48.
ALPHABETIC writing, origin and
progress of, 494.
AMERICA, remark on the notion
of fome part of it having been
peopled by the Welsh, 58.
ARABIC language, critical remarks
on, 39, 82, 90.
ARTICHOKES, Jerufalem, recom-
mended, for winter feed, for
horfes and hogs, 121. Proper
management of, ib.
ATHOL, D. of, his gardens at In-
ver defcribed, 143 His feat at
Blair, 144



ALDWIN, Mr. his culture of
lucerne, 126.
BANK, of England, its great lofs

by the national coinage, 244.
BECCARIA, Sig. his electrical ex-
periments, 428.
BENGAL-FEVER, account of that

which raged there in 1762, 602
BERNINI, his ftatue of David cri-

ticifed, 479.
BLACKSTONE, Judge, his opinion
with respect to the duty and
power of juries, 473.

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CHARLES I. account of his trial
and death, 2. His character
advantageously delineated, 5.
CHIESMA, bay of, narrative of the
great fea-fight there between the
Turks and Ruffians, 138.
CHRIST, rém, on the genealogy
of, 62. His miraculous cure of
the leper, obf. on, 128. On his
fending the demons into the fwine,
129. On his miracle of the
loaves and fifbes, 130. On the
refurrection of. Lazarus, 131, .
On his own refurrection, ib.
His prayer commented on, 558.
Sundry opinions relating to his
divine and human nature can-
vaffed, 559-564.
CHRISTINA, Queen of Sweden,
curious particulars relating to

DESPOTISM, a ftriking picture of
its enormity, 94.
DICKSON, Dr. his defence of Sy-
denham's method of treating the
meafles, 44.

DOUGLAS, Mr. his account of
attempts made to ascertain the
temperature of the sea, in great
depths, 181.

DUFF-HOUSE defcribed, 148.
DUPLIN, castle, defcribed, 51.
DUTCH, their neatness and œco-
nomy celebrated, 568. Rem.
on their E. India Company, 571.
Their faw-mills, 572. Their
herring fishery, 573. Educa-
tion of their youth, 574.
DYSENTERY, epidemic, account
of, 15. Curative treatm, of, 18.


skeletons of,

CL595 Dr. his account of the E found in N. America, 57.

manna tree, 187.

ELECTRICAL Aluid, ftrictures on

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CITIES, great ones, the graves of an inquiry into its influence on
mankind, 100. Difference be-
tween the durat. of human life
in them and in the country, ib.

CONSTITUTION, of feudal monar-
chy, curious inquiry into, 588.
Rights of, founded on compact
with the people, ib. This doc-
trine contraverted, 589. Con-
tefts relating to, always and pro-
videntially end in favour of the
people, 590.


animal beings, 443-
ELLIS, Mr. his directions for pre-
ferving dead birds, 185.

his Letter to Linnæus, on
the alcea floridana, 187.

his defcription of a new
fpecies of the ftarry annifeed
tree, ib.
ELIZABETH, Princefs (afterwards
Queen) her cruel treatment in
the reign of her fifter Mary, 550.
See FOTHER ELSE, Mr. his account of a fuc-
cefsful method of treating fore
legs, 46. Of an uncommon
cale of a fatal hernia, ib.
ENGLAND, the prefent number of
its inhabitants eftimated, 103.
ETNA, Mount, defcribed, 177.

COOPER, Mr. his Winifreda com-

mended, 538.
viewers, fee the last page of
each month's Review, and of the

COVENANTS, divine, 115, 117.
CROWN, its undue influence over
the whole legislature, 439. Great
danger from, 580.

EBT, national, Dr. Price's

Dobf. on, 402. Mr. Wim-
pey's remarks on, 530.

FALLOWING, winter, directions

for, 120.
FARMERS, Dutch, their remark-
able neatness, 568. Their ex-
traordinary care of their horned
cattle, 569. Their high efti-
mation of unimproved land, ib.

[blocks in formation]

ARDEN, English, taste in,

Greatly improved in the pre-

fent century, 219.


chiefly confulted in, 221. Falfe
tafte in, exemplified, 222, 224.
GENTLEMEN, of the country,
their difegard of independency
lamented, 507.
GERMANY, fome remarks on the
farming and husbandry in that
country, 575. Abfurdity of our
making it the feat of a war with
France, 576.
GIBRALTAR, account of a folid
piece of the rock of, lately blown
up, 184,
GLASGOW defcribed, 154.
an epidem. fever in that county,
216. Effects of camphire and
calomel in, ib.

GOLD, coin, valuation of, accu-

rately inveftigated, 245.
GREEK church, refutation of the
ridiculous ftories told of it, 136.
GROTIUS, his character, 484.


ALE, Judge, his opinion con-
cerning the office and power
of juries, 472, 473.
HAMBURGH, some account of, 577.
HAMILTON, Mr. his journey to
Mount Etna, 177.
HANOVER, fome remarks on, by
an English traveller, 576.
HARRINGTON, Mrs. her propofals

for teaching geography, &c. 262.
HARTLEY, Dr. his obfervations on
may commended, 509,

HENRY I. parallel between his cha-

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racter and that of Hen. II. 522.
HENRY II. undertakes and at-
chieves the conquest of Ireland,
411. His reconciliation with
the court of Rome, 412. Flou-
rifhing ftate of his affairs, 413.
Great reverfe of, ib. His pil-
grimage to Becket's tomb, 414.
His exceffive joy at the defeat
and captivity of the King of
Scotland, 517. His merciful
difpofition trongly exemplified,
518. Scotland wholly fubmits
to him, ib. Terms of the fub-
miffion, 519. Cenfure of this
measure, ib. Parallel of his
char. with that of Hen. III. 522.
HEWSON, Mr. his experiments on
the blood, 422. Obf. on the
lymph, &c. 424. On the ftop-
ping of hæmorrhages, &c. ib.
HILL, Mr. his claim, as to the
first publication of the modern
theory of evaporation, 176.
Contraverted, ib.
HOPETON-HOUSE described, 155.
HORSEMANSHIP, principles of, 22.
Of breaking colts to the bit and
faddle, 25. Of the fnaffle, 27.
HORSLEY, Mr. his obf. on the

Newtonian theory of light, 430.
HOSPITALS, erroneous conftruc-
tion and ill management of, 605.
HOVEN-CATTLE, methods of re-
lieving, 124.

HUNTER, Dr. his obf. on a re
troverted uterus, 46.

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Aw, feudal, inquiry into its
origin, 585 Progrefs of,
LAWS, penal, British, neceffity of
moderating the rigour of, 470.
LEOFLING, the botanift, fome ac-
count of, 61.
LIBERTY, the natural birthright
of mankind, 579. Eftimate of
the nations which do and which
do not enjoy it, ib. The great-
eft part of mankind flaves, 580.
Equivocal liberty, 581.
LIFE, human, difference between
the state and duration of, in ci-
ties, and in the country, 98.

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MARY, Queen, her cruel perfecu-
tion of her fifter Elizabeth, 550.
Conjectures as to fome fecret
caufes of, ib.
MATHEMATICS, tracts relating
to, 71-74, 255, 536.
MATRIMONY, Caufes of the pre-
fent ftagnation of assigned, 616,
MININSKI'S Dictionary of the Per-
fian language, new edit. of, re-
commended to the encourage-
ment of the public, 89.
MONEY, judicious obf. on, 243.
MOSSES, probable theory of the
formation of, in Lancashire, &c.
108, heir extraordinary burft
ing accounted for, 109.

[blocks in formation]

NICHOLSON, Dr. his paper on the
effects of the cicuta, &c. upon a
cancer of the breast, 47.
NOWELL, Dr. his high-church
principles, 453.


RD of Caithness, a vast pro-
montory in Scotland, de.
fcribed, 149.

ORIENTAL literature, study of re-
commended, 37. The Perfian
tongue greatly ufed in India, 39.

Critical remarks on that lan-
guage, 40, 82-92. Farther
recommendation of, 89. Poetry
of the eastern nations commend-
ed, 509. Specimen of, tran-
flated, ib.
OTAHITEE, or George's Ifland,
account of the inhab. of, 205.
Their religion, 206. Their wo
men, 207. Manufactures, 210.



AINTING, true principles of,
475. Hifiory painting the
fame thing with Poetical, 478.
Of Colouring, 479. The Lan-
guage of painters, what, 481.
Great Style of, remarks on, 482.
PARABLE of the builder, juft obf.
On that of Dives and

on, 12.
Lazarus, 13.
PARTIES, whimsical fcheme for the
coalition of, 451.
PATAGONIANS, their great ftature
exaggerated by voyagers, 180.
PATRIOTISM, modern, inquiry in-
to the true fpirit of, 441. Of
the ancients, ib..
PEOPLE, in England and Wales,

prefent number of, 103.
PERSIC, tongue, its general ufe in
India, 39. Strictures on that
language, 41, 82, feq. Minin-.
fki's dictionary of, recommend-
ed, 89.

PERTH, town of, defcribed, 52.

Its confiderable trade. 53.
PETASITE, its medicinal uses, 249.
PETITION of the Clergy, for re-

lief in the matter of subfcription
to the 39 articles, tracts relating
to, 63, 157.

PETRARCH, his Laura, an elegy,
tranflated, 511.

PHILOSOPHY, its eulogium, 383.
Schools and univerfities not fa
vourable to it, 384

PLOUGHS, the utility of the feve-
ral kinds of, difcuffed, 124.
POPULATION, in England, ftate
of, investigated, 101. Estimate
of the prefent number of people
in this kingdom, 103.

PREACHING, abfurd abufes in,
practifed in Spain, 231, 432.
PRESSING, of Seamen, inquiry
into the legality of, 533.
PRIESTLEY, Dr. his exper. on

charcoal, 426. Investigations
relating to electricity, 427:
PROPHECIES, obf. on the inter-
⚫pretation and application of,
393. The true way of reafoning
on the fubject, 396. Prophecies
relating to the Chriftian church,

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PROPHETS, Jewish, their language
and ftyle explained and illuftrat-
ed, 486.
PROSECUTION of felons, &c. great
defect of our laws and cultoms
in relation to, 474.
PROVISIONS, obf. on the prefent
dearnefs of, 620.

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RASPE, M. his differtation de

modo marmoris albi proda

cendi, 182.
REVELATIONS, book of, its lan-
guage and ftyle illuftrated, 488.
RICHARD, the Monk, his curious

itinerary of Roman Britain, 30.
By what means preferved, 31.
ROMANS, in Britain, their grand

military roads, 31. Their fum-
mer camps, 33. Number of
their troops in Britain, 34. CE-
conomy of their government
here, 105. Influence of their
manners on the conquered Bri-
tons, 108.

ROME, ancient buildings of, deli-

neated by M. Delgodetz, 140.
RUSH, Dr. his acc. of the usefulness

of wort, in the cure of ulcers, 47.

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