
not long since, did propound several motives and inducements; and now, proceeding on, shall represent divers other considerations serviceable to the same


1. We may consider that industry is productive of ease itself, and preventive of trouble: it was no less solidly, than acutely and smartly advised by the philosopher Crates, "Whether," said he, "labour be to be chosen, labour; or whether it be to be eschewed, labour, that thou mayest not labour; for, by not labouring, labour is not escaped, but is rather pursued;" and St. Chrysostom doth upon the same consideration urge industry, because "Sloth," saith he, "is wont to spoil us, and to yield us much pain." No man can cozen nature, escaping the labour to which he was born; but rather attempting it, will delude himself, then finding most, when he shunneth all labour.

Sloth, indeed, doth affect ease and

quiet, but by affecting them doth lose them; it hateth labour and trouble, but by hating them doth incur them; it is a self-destroying vice, not suffering those who cherish it to be idle, but creating much work, and multiplying pains unto them; engaging them into divers necessities and straits, which they cannot support with ease, and out of which, without extreme trouble, they cannot extricate themselves: of this, the Preacher doth afford us a plain instance; "By much slothfulness," saith he, "the building decayeth, and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through." A little care taken at first about repairing the house, would have saved its decay and ruin, and consequently the vast charge and trouble becoming needful to re-edify it; and the like doth happen in most other cases and occurrences of life: idleness commonly doth let slip opportunities and advantages, which cannot with ease be retrieved; it letteth things

fall into a bad case, out of which they can hardly be recovered.

The certain consequences of it (disgrace, penury, want of experience; disobliging and losing friends, with all the like mischiefs) cannot be supported without much disquiet; and they disable a man from redressing the inconveniences into which he is plunged.

But industry, by a little voluntary labour taken in due place and season, doth save much necessary labour afterward, and by moderate care doth prevent intolerable distress; and the fruits of it (wealth, reputation, skill, and dexterity in affairs, friendships, all advantages of fortune) do enable a man to pass his life with great ease, comfort, and delight.

2. Industry doth beget ease, by procuring good habits, and facility of acting things expedient for us to do. By taking pains to-day we shall need less pains tomorrow; and by continuing the exer

cise, within a while we shall need no pains at all, but perform the most difficult tasks of duty, or of benefit to us, with perfect ease, yea commonly with great pleasure. What sluggish people account hard and irksome (as to rise early, to hold close to study or business, to bear some hardship) will be natural and sweet; as proceeding from another nature, raised in us by use.

Industry doth breed assurance and courage, needful for the undertaking and prosecution of all necessary business, or for the performance of all duties incumbent on us.

No man can quite decline business, or disengage himself from duty, without infinite damage and mischief accruing to himself: but these an industrious man (confiding in this efficacious quality) will set upon with alacrity, and despatch with facility, his diligence avoiding obstacles, and smoothing the way to him; whenas idleness finding some difficulties, and


fancying more, soon dishearteneth, and causeth a man to desist from action, rather choosing to crouch under the burthen, than by endeavour to carry it through, to discharge himself thereof: whence as to an industrious man things seeming difficult will prove easy, so to a slothful person the easiest things will appear impossible; according to Solomon's observation: "The way," saith he, "of a slothful man is an hedge of thorns, but the way of the upright is made plain;" whereas a slothful man, being apt to neglect his obligations, is opposed to an upright man, who hath a conscionable regard to them, and is willing to take pains in the discharge of them so it is declared, that to the one the way is rough and thorny, to the other beaten and expedite.

And again, “The slothful man," saith he, doth say, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets:" he is very apt to conceit, or to pretend ima

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