
Fowre (fared), Pl., 5, 6
Foxtail (badge of a fool),
R., 134, 5

Foy (an entertainment so
called), S. P., 393, 29
Foyne, Pl, 7, 12


Fra, S. P., 119, 7; 123, 12
Frawart, S. P., 114, 22
Frame (profit), R., 62, 11
Franche moile, L. W., 72,
Frankeleyn, L. W.,
33, 17
Fre (inquire), S. P., 129, 1
Freedom, R., 423,1; of the
Press, 185, +

Freitour, R., 87, 9; 109,
Freke, S. P., 103, 20; freik,
114, 28

Frely (delightful). R., 68, 18
Fremdbe stad, S. P., 83,6
Frese (bend), S. P., 92, *
Frete, R., 82, 16

Friars, The Four Orders

of, R., 78, +
Fro, R., 67, 12
Froise, L. W., 72,6

Fr m (away from), Pl.,
217, 1

against the nature
of), S. P., 278, 1
Frounced, S. P., 187, +
Frowy, S. P., 207, 13

Fuge (pick or shovel),
S. P., 124, 26

Pl., 93, 2

Fuller Worthies Library,
S. P., 221.1

Fun (found) S. P., 32, 15
Pl., 4, 19

Furnivall, Mr. F., J., R.,
18, 1; 58, 1

L. W., 47, 2

Fure went), S. P., 78, 17;
80. 25; 120 17 18 25
-(furrow), S.P., 119, 16;
145, 18

Furth and till, S. P., 266,9
Futher, S. P., 115, 8;
148, 17; fouth, 363,17
Fustian cut on satin,
L. W., 201, 1

Fynly (substantial), S. P.,
91, 3

Fylit S. P., 68, 20
Fyrre, R., 106, 8


Ga (go), S. P., 121, 16; gan,
27, 14; gon, 99, *
Gabs (mouth), S. P., 393,
Gairdner, James S. Pr.,
7,1; 8, 1
Galafres, R., 29, 1
Galangale, S. P., 21, *
Galen L. W., 41, "
Galfrydus, S. Pr., 14, 1
Galingale, L. W.,
41, 2
Galileo, S. Pr., 143, 2
Galleys, S. Pr., 88, 1
Galligaskins, S. P., 361, 1
Gallimaufry, S. Pr., 231, 1
Gamed him, L. W., 44,
Gamountis, S. P., 114, 3;
galmoundis, 147, 17
Ganand, S. P., 117, 31
Gandy, S. P., 312, 3

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Geck (jibe), S. P.. 392, 10
Gedd, S. Pr, 401, 2
Gefea, R., 16, 1
Geill, S. P., 29, 27
Gemma Ecclesiastica, R,
44, L

Gend, S. P., 66, 5
Geneva Bible, R., 242, 1
Gnge (nations), R., 74, 2
Genitive his for's Pl., 66,1
Gemonies, Pl., 272, +
Genoire, L. W., 27, 1
Gentrice, S. P., 117, 12;
121, 2

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Girdle (griddle), S. P.,
393, 2

Girned (grinned), S. P.,
114, 12

Gisippus, S. P., 161, 3
Giving day, S. P., 197, 5
Glanville, Judge, S. P.,

Glase (pursuit), Pl., 8, 2
Glastonbury, King Ar-
thur's Tomb at, S. P.,
257, 5

Glayde, S. P., 68, 8
Gleaves, S. P., 163, 2
Gled (kite), S. P., 266, 10, 17;
glede, 121, 19
Glede (glowing


S. P., 103, ; 176, 10;
gleid, 81, 7

Gledes, R., 103, 3
Gleit (shine, S. P., 128, 13
Glendower, Owen, S. P.,
179, 1; 181, +
Glent, S. P., 102, 6
Glow, S. P., 65, 123, 22
Glibbery, Pl., 14, 3
Gl fni, S. P., 121, 22
Glomming, S. P., 131, 5
Glose, Pl., 9, 5
Glosing, R., 78, 6
Glowr, S. P, 393, 40
Gobet, L. W., 45, 18

Go by, Jeronimo, Pl., 201,2
Godwin, Francis, R., 205,1
Golls, Pl., 193, 2; 230, 1
Golding, Arthur, S. P.,
220, 1

Goldsmith and Burke,
friends at College, S. P.,
335, 2

Golyardeys, L. W., 44, 5
Gomar, Francis, R., 263, 1
Gome, R., 98, +

Good hearts help when
things go badly, Pl.,
80, 3

"Gorboduc," The 1-
authorised text of, Pl.,

Gore, S. P., 148, 22
Corge, S. P., 132, 13
Gorget, S. P., 97, 1
Gossippis, Pl., 11, 1
Gosune, S. Pr., 9, 1
Goude, S. P., 127, 7
Gowans, S. P., 362, *
Gowk, S. P., 392, 9
Graces, The, S. P., 232, 5
Graith, S. P., 11, 1; 3: 2,5;
grayth, 117, 21; graythit,

Graithly, R., 110 10 ; gray.
thest, 81, 19

Grail (gravel), R., 204, 1
Grain (dye), R., 103,7
Grame, S. P.. 117, 20;
gramed, 142, 7
Gramercy, S. P., 84, 7
S. Pr., 141,

Gramercies, Pl., 23, 2
Gray, Thomas, S. P., 6,1;
379, 19 ; 380, 19;

Great Khan, The, S. Pr.,

Gre by gre, S. P., 117, 40
Greave, S. P., 164, 2
Gredith, S. P., 22, 12
Gree (goodwill), S. P.,
49, 5; 87, 12


S. P.,

207, 3, 17; 208, 21
(pre-eminence), S. P.,
392, *; 409, +
Greit, S. P., 119,

Grein (long), S. P., 266, 32;
392, 16; 393, +
Greetand, Pl., 61,♦
Greete Sea, Mediter-
ranean, L. W., 36, 7
Greeting (weeping), S. P.,
69, 14

Grenville, George, S. P.,

Gret, S. P., 29,2; 47,8;
78, 15; greet, 36, 12; 54,5;
80, 4

Greth, S. P., 27, 8

Grie (step), R., 167, 1
Grimald, Nicholas, S. P.,
161, 3

Grindal, Edmund, S. P.,
207, 3, 17

Griple, R., 201, +

Grit (the heart), S. P.,

Groflynges, R., 68, 3
Groom, S. P., 82,6; gro-
mis, 119,

Grosart, Rev. A. B., S. P.,
221, 1; 417, 6
R., 161,2; 247,2;
S. Pr., 66, 1
Grosseteste, R.,

[blocks in formation]

S. Pr., 162,
Grunyie, S. P., 115, 13
Grys (fur), L. W., 38,9
Gryse, R., 68, 16
Guarded capes, S.P., 189,*
Guiana, S. Pr., 176,1;
187, 1; 188,1
Guileville's Poem, " Péle-
rinage de l'Homme,"
R., 119, 1
Gula Things Laws, The,
L. W., 1, 2
Gulch, Pl., 187,
Gulike, L. W., 263,, 2
Gumgolls, Pl., 230,
Gust. S. P., 79, 29
Guy of Alost, S. P., 142,9
Gy (guide), S. P., 117,6;
gye, 39, 12

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Haill (whole), S. P., 75, 13
Hain'd, S. P., 407, 15
Hair, Against the, R.,
217, 3

Hairis (hairs). S. P., 123,7
Hait, S. P.. 126, 21
Hake and make, S. P.,

Halcyons R. 270, 2
Hales. J. W., his Longer
English Poems," S.P.,

- Prof. J. W., S. Pr.,
149, 2

Halfendell, S P., 98 ?

Half-pace (scaffold),
S. Pr., 122, 3

Halifax, Charles Lord,
S. P.. 319, 1
Halk, S. P., (8,4

[blocks in formation]

Hanging in Henry VIII.'s
reign, L. W., 264, 5
Hansel, R., 59, 1
Hanted, L. W., 79, 1
Hap (wrap), S. P., 392, 1
Happid, Pl, 3, 3
Harace, S. P., 20, 7
Harde (" scare
harde"), R., 110, 9
Hardiness, S. P.. 39,5;
hardy (bold) 141,
Hardis, S. P., 35, 7
Hard sted, Pl., 4, 18
Harlequin Anna Bullen,
S. Pr., 257, 4
Harlock, S. P., 279,7
Harlot, R., 105, 5
Harmensen, Jacob. R.,
263, 1

Harmony of the Spheres,
R., 271, +

Harneys, S. Pr., 10, 1
Harnis (brains), S. P.,
266, 27

Pl.. 6,5; 8, 20
Harre (hinge), L. W., 44, 3;
herre, 5, 1

Harvey, Gabriel, S. P.,
208, 19


S. Pr., 69,1
Hasardours, R., 104, 2
Hash (spoil), S. P.. 393, 14
Hat (be named), Pl., 11, 9
Hatchet, Throwing the,
R., 120, 2
Hate (at) S. Pr., 10, 3
Hatren, R., 60, +

Hatters (spiders), Pl.,
10, 12

Hatte (was named), R.,
94, 16

Have geste, R., 58, 8
Hautein, R., 105, 2
Hawkies, S. P., 593, +1
Hawthorn, Counting

sheep under the, Pl.,8,22
Hav, The (a dance), S. P.,
281, 1

Hay in his horn, Pl., 19) 2

[blocks in formation]

Heap (crowd), S. P., 62, 21
Head inass penny, Pl., 7, 3
Healdan, R., 16, i

Heck, P., 7, 19

Heeld (poured), R., 74, 10
Heidegges, Pl., 136, 1
Heill, S. P., 51, 20; 109, 5
Heis, S. P., 77, 8

Hele health), L. W., 54, 5
Heliodorus, S. Pr., 73, 3
Hell, myself am hell,"
Pl., 119, 3
Helvetius de l'Esprit,
S. Pr., 348,1

Hem (them), S. P., 51, 3
Hend, hende, hinde, S. P,,
31,2; 75,; 83, 19; 93,
104, 1; hendness, 118, 11-
Hendeness, R., 82, 5
Hennes (hence), S. P.,
99, 6

Henry VII.'s wars, L. W.,
265, 1

Hent, S. P., 13, 2: 25, 9:
33, 9; 43, 12; 121, u
hint, 80, 8; 125, 10, 21 ;
126,7; 206,9

R., 60, 11

Hente, L. W., 39, 14; 46, 1;
79, 6

Hepatite, S. P., 22, 7
Herberie, S. P., 79 18
Hercules, Pillars of, S.Pr.,
120, 2; 145,1
Here (expedition of war),
S. P., 35, 8

(their), Pl., 87, 9;
92, 3; her, 125, 1

, L. W., 35, 2; 46, *;
her, 73, s

Hereric, L. W., 12, 1
Heretics, burning of, S.P.,
200, 1, 2, 3

Herie, S. P., 44, 7
Hermits, The first, R.,
145, 1

Hermogenes, Pl., 183, 4
Herringman, Henry, S.P.,
334, 12

Hesiod and Milton, L. W.,
192, 1

Hest, S. P., 39, 10; 52, 3
Pl., 118, 6

Hests, R., 82, 10


Hetamythium, S. Pr., 70,3
Het (heated) S. P., 266, 23
--, R., 67, 21
Hethin and heydin, S. P.,
79, 10; heydin, 67,
Hethyng, R., 74, 11
Heved (head), L. W., 52,
Hevenriche, S. P., 18, 7
Hewe, R, 90,7

Hi, S. P., 19,*

Hie (hasten), S. P., 60,5;
123, 19; hydis, 67, 14
(high), S. P., 102, 3;
112, hy, 104, 10
Hient Hill, S. P., 281, 2
Hidlis, R., 76, 1

Hight (promise), S. P.,
104, 1

Highte (commanded), R.,
94, 13

Hilarion, R., 145, 1
Hill, Nathaniel, R., 119, 1
Hincmar, R., 21, 1
Hing, R., 123, 3
Hinny, S. P., 363,9
Hippings, Pl., 10, 17
Hippocras, S. P. 135,7
Hippocrates, L. W., 41, "
Hirne, S. P., 123, 18
Hirsels, S. P., 438, 1
His, for genitive 's, Pl.,

His, him, its, R., 124, 1;
209, 5

His, for its, L. W., 73, &
Histie, S. P., 406, 9
Historian, The, S. Pr.,
73, 10; Historian and
Poet, Aristotle's dis-
tinction between, 75, 1

[blocks in formation]

Holtis hair, S. P., 76, 14
Homer and Milton, L. W.,

Homer's Tripod, L. W.,
237, 1


magne's, S. P., 194, 1
Homildon, Battle of, S.P.,
105, 2

Homilies and Sermons,
R., 180, n

Homo fuge, Pl., 120, 7
Honeycomb, Will, Steele's
S. Pr., 234, 2
Hooker, Richard, and
Reginald Pecock, R.,
124, 3; his wife, 217, 1
Hooper, John, Bishop of
Worcester, S. Pr., 37, 3
Horus, R., 272, 7

Horace, Persiuson, S.Pr.,

Horace's Art of Poetry,.
S. P., 325, 1

Horbury shrogs, Pl., 9, 11
Horned, S. P., 14, 1
Horwgh, S. P., 20, 6
Hote, S. P., 208, 6


Preacher's, R., 169, 1

Hours, R., 81, 13

of Prayer, The

Canonical, Pl., 5, 23
Housel, R., 22, 3

83, 5;

Housbonde, S. P.,
husbands, 145, 10
Houses of Planets, S. P.,


Hove (hover), S. P., 231, 1

How (thought), S. P., 19,6

How at, S. P., 67,

Howleglas, Pl., 187, 5
Hoyne, R., 66, 18
Huddroun, S. P., 115, 15
Hudpikes, S. P., 115, 5
Huffit on hight, S. P.,

Hugger mugger, R., 120, 7
Huke, S. P., 128,


S. Pr., 124, 1
"Hull and Cry Cockles,"
Pl., 229, 4

Humble Pie, S. P., 84,
Humorists, Shadwell's,

S. P., 334, 10
Humours, The Doctrine
of, S. P., 297,*; 336, 1
Humphrey, Duke of
Gloucester, L. W., 70, 3
Hunger eats through
stone walls, S. P.. 175, 3
Husband, Pl., 4, 5; 26, 3
Hussites, R., 125, 2
Hussy, S. P.. 266,5;
hussyskep, 266, 6
Huswife, Pl., 7, 17
Huttock, S. P., 128, 14
Huvit (tarried), S. P.,
119, 20

Huygens, Christian, R.,
343, 1

Hy (haste), R., 67, 9:
(high), 88, 1; he, 128,8
Hyacinth, Story of the,
S. P., 219, 2

[blocks in formation]

I (ay), S. Pr., 48, 1
Pl., 129, 2; 132, 12;
Iambize, To, S. Pr., 135, 13
Ibore, S. P., 41, 13

Ib ahim Bassa, Madeleine
de Scudéri's, S. Pr.,
154, 2

Icham, R., 134,7

I chaped, L. W., 40, 14
Iche, Pl., 6, 9

I ker, S. P., 405, 3

Ilight, S. P., 23,
Ihote, S P., 18, 6

Ilka, S. P., 75, 20; ilke,
87,1; 95, 8; ilk, 125, 3;



of Socrates for, R., 142,1
Implies, R., 201,

Imp, S. P., 30, 2; 190,*;

-, Pl., 287, 1
Impo, table, S. Pr., 19,3
Incubus, R., 194, 5
Index Librorum Prohibi-

torum, S. Pr., 136, 5;
Expurgatorius, 136, 5
Indian Queen, The, by
Dryden and Sir Robert
Howard, S. Pr., 176, 3
Indifferent, R., 183,5 185,2;
indifferently, 180, 1

(impartial), S. Pr.,

54, 2; 151, 2
Indured, R., 149, 3
Infek, S. P., 112, 3
Infecte, L. W., 40, 2
Infere, L. W., 80, 2
R., 67, 11

In fere, S. P., 25, 19; 55, 1;
83, 21; 92, 15
Influence of the Stars,
S. P., 163,
Inforced, R., 23, 4
Infract, Pl., 90, 3

Ingine (wit), S. P., 146, 5;
engyne, 202, 1

Ingle, S. P., 394, 2; 406, 3
Inkle, S. P., 359, 1

and Yarico, Origin of
the Story of, S. Pr.,
235, +
Inned (gathered in), S. P.,
57, 8

S. Pr.,

Insolation, S. Pr., 125, 1
Insurrections of 1549, R.,
157, 1
Intelligible (intellectual),
R., 130, 10

Intent (direction of one's
course, S. P., 75, 30
In to (in), S. P., 78,1;

110,7; intill, 113, 15;
114, 16; 115, 19; 121, 10
123, 27; 124, 2, 12; 148,9;
149, 6
Intrinsecate, Pl.,
191, 7
Inwit, R., 94, 20

Io Hymen! S. P., 232,7

Iolas, L. W., 5


Ion the Rhapsodist,

S. Pr., 82, 2

Iquit, S. P., 97, *
Irus, S. P., 174,9
Isaiah, Raffaelle's, S. Pr.,
332, 1

Isis, R., 272, 7
Isle,SirJohn Mandeville's
use of the word, S. Pr.,
I-shreve, L. W., 38, 1
Isocrates, S. Pr., 132, 1
It, as a genitive, R., 66, 15,

his and its, 124, 1; 209, 5
-it and -is, Northern past
and plural in, S.P., Î16,6
It that (that which),
S. P., 113, 3
Ivory, Abrabam, Pl., 340,3
Iwis, Pl., 11, ; 25, 1; 67,2;
181, 4

[blocks in formation]

Jape, S. P., 52, 25; 131,6
Japers, R., 165, 9
Jaques, Shakespeare's,
R., 275, 1

Java, The Londe of, S.Pr.,
116, 3

Javel, S. P., 137, 1
Jaw (dash), S. P., 362, 9
Jealous, R, 59, 5
Jelot, Pl., 8, 1
Jerome, Saint, A Dream
of, S. Pr., 138, 2

R., 145, 2
Jerked Beef, S. P., 65, 7
Jetted, S. P., 191, a

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Marston and Dek-
ker on, Pl., 200, 1;
201, 1, 2; 206, 1.4
Jove (air), R., 194, 3
Jowett, Professor, R.,
142, 1

--, S. Pr., 273, 2
Jugged hare, S. P, 65, 7
Juise judgment, L. W.,
59, 4

Julian, Saint, L. W., 40,
Junket, L. W., 273,
Jussell, S. Pr., 230,1
Justinus, S. Pr., 75, 2
Jut, Give him a, Pl., 33, 3

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Kiss of Courtesy, The,

S. Pr., 130, 2
Kist, S. P., 78, 5
Kithethe, L. W., 82, 8
Kithit. S. P., 78, 14; kith
(home), 80, 22
Knacks, S. P., 1949
Knakkes, R., 105, 10
Knave (boy), Pl., 8,9;
10, 15

Knave child, S. P., 43, 2;

Knolles, Richard, S. Pr.,
94, 1

Know (hillock), S. P.,
267,; 362,42
Knowledge (for "acknow-
ledge'), S. Pr., 24, 1
Kyrle, John, R., 346,1
Kythe (made known),
S. P., 63, 18


Laas, lace, L. W., 41,7
Lacan, Pl., 6, 24
Lacche, L. W., 51, 8
Lacky find fault with),
R., 96, 2

Laconic, S. Pr., 135, 12
Lad (led), R., 74, 6
Lælius, S. P., 161, 3
Laing, Dr. David, S. P

75, 21; 76, 7; 80, 18; 114,
Lagh (laugh), Pl., 11, 12'
Laitis, R., 128, 7
Lake (play), Pl., 5, 17;
lakis, 9, 6

Lamb, Charles. on "The
Duchess of Malfi," Pl.,
263, 1

Wordsworth on,

S. Pr., 404,1
Langid, Pl., 4, 12
Landes, Pl., 5, 23
Langland, William, R.,

Lant, T., Drawing of Sid-
ney's Funeral, S. P.,
215, 1

Lanterne, à la, S. Pr.,
355, 3

Lares, R., 272, 2

Larks, S. P., 22,10,14; 79, 15
Lasse (less), S. P., 52, 24
Late (lately), R., 63, 11
Lathefu' (shy), S. P.,
407, n

Latimer, Hugh, S. P.,
200, 3

Latoun, L. W., 46, 2
Latter Lammas, S. P.,
187, 1

Lauch (tavern bill), S. P.,
67, 18; leuche, 69, 6
Lauche (laugh), S. P.,
67, 20

Launsgay, S. P., 89, 2
Lave (the rest), S. P.,
111,2; 113, 12; 122, 15;
146,9; 393, 27; 405, 5;
407,2; laif, 67, 5; lafe,
77, 2

Lave (abase to), S. P.,

Lavas-e, L. W., 265,
Layn (deceive), R., 67, 16
Layne, S. P., 117, 1
Leal, R., 90, 11
Leams, S. P., 171.4

202, 1

Captain, Pl.,

Leas, S. P., 154,
Leasing, S. P., 61, 1; 978;
lesings, 115, 2; leiss,
117, 80

Lecam, S. P., 116, 11
Lede (people), S. P., 28, 8
Lede (mnau), R., 85, 1
Ledyr hyne, Pl., 5, 11;
letherly, 5, 19

Lee (lie), Pl., 11, 2
Leed (cauldron), L. W.,
3, 13

Leese (lose), R, 191, 2
Pl., 23,1

Leeved (believed), S. P.,

Lef (believe), R., 114,
Leg (bow), S. Pr., 130, 1
Legs (bows), Pl., 182, 3
Legier, S. P., 314, 1
Leglens, S. P.,
laiglens, 393, 43
Leid (people), S. P., 126, 17;
128, 13

[blocks in formation]

Lep, S. P., 68, 17; 80, 1*;
363, 13

Lepanto, Battle of, S. Pr.,
101, 1

Lere, R., 67, 14; 81. 2, 21;
117,3; leres (thou leres),
60, 2; lereth, 87.1; 93, 2;
95,1; lering, 94, 19
Pl., 7, 14

S. P., 25, 18; 32,*;
35, 17; 83,2;

124, 29;
35, 17; leir, 75, 4; 279, 1;
lernit (taught), 148, 16;
learned, 279,9

(cheek), S. P., 83, 23
Lerroch (site), S. P.,
393, 30

Lered, L. W., 68, 6
Lese, S. Pr., 23, 2

(lose), S. P., 139, 12
Less (unless), S. P., 312,
Lessius, Leonard, S. P.,
297, 1

Lest (last), S. P., 79, 22
(follow), S. P., 68 23
Leste (lost), S. P., 25,

(pleasure), L. W.,
37, leste (pleased),
; 79,


Lesse (lie), R., 68, 15
Lest (me lest"), R.,

Lesteth, R., 57, 2
L'Estrange, Sir Roger,
S. Pr., 202, 1

Let (hindrance), S. Pr.,
149, 1

(hinder), Pl., 86,
L. W., 53, ; 60,7;
hindrance, 266, 1
(delay, hinder), R.,
81,0; 117, 1; 153,1; lete,
61,7; letten. 123,; 274,1

(hinderor Lindrance),
S. P., 16, 1; 28, 12; 33,7;
41, 10: 76, 12; 84 9; 102,1;
154, 6; letting, 59, *
Leth, S. P., 27.7
Lettowe, L. W., 36, 3

[blocks in formation]

Lever dearer, L. W., 51, 2
Levy. Pl., 43, 1
Lewed, R., 79, 2

Lewdly (unlearnedly),
S. P., 136, 5
Lewte, S. P., 89, 16
Lexiphanes, Lucian's, Pl.,
196.; 197,1
Licenciat, L. W., 38, 18
Licensing of Books, S.Pr.,
136,5; 137, 2
Lichfield Cathedral iu
Siege, S. Pr.. 147,
Lidder, S. P., 146 3
Lief, S. P., 208,7; lefe,
161, 2; lever, 156, 1
Lief (dear), R., 107,9;
leve, 120, 6

Lieved (believed), R., 78,7;
lieveth, 82, 18; lef, 114,*;
leyved, 88, 2
Lieys, L. W., 36, 6
Life (body), L. W., 60 6
Lift (upper air), S. P.,
22, 2; 392, 30
Ligand, S. P., 32.9

Light after, S. Pr., 135 15
Ligon, Richard, S. Pr.,
235, +

Likame, R., 128, 26
Likfullest, S. P., 20, 12

Lilburue, Pl., 33, 4

Lily of France, The, S.P.,
36, 3

Limbo, S. Pr., 137, 3

[blocks in formation]

--, L. W., 38, 15

Lin, S. P., 176,; 283, 2
Lind, under the lind,
S. P., 98,7

Lingell, S. P., 279, 5
Linkan, S. P., 363, 6

Lint (flax), S. P., 407, 16
Lind, R., 81, 7

Links (flat ground), S.Pr.,
400, 6

Liquids in Dissyllables,
R., 131, 1

List and lete, R., 70, 6

rave, Pl., 5, 12

Lite (little), R., 81, 3;
lyt, 128, 14

-, L. W., 33, 1

S. P., 25, 2; 58, 18
Lithe (listen), S. P., 82, 2
Little John, S. P., 82, +
Ease, S. P., 142, 11
Littleton, Thomas, S. P.,
134, 10


Liveray, S. P.,
leveray, 115, 31
Livere (livery), L. W.,40,12
Lloegria, Pl., 60, 4

Loan (opening between
corn fields, S. P., 362, 18
Lobcock, Pl., 33, +

Locus Communis, S. Pr.,
Lodemenage, L. W., 41, 8
Lodge, S. P., 84, 1; luge,
124, 2

-, Thomas, S. P., 263, 3
Loke, Pl., 6, 14

thee, R., 81, 22
Lollards, R., 110, 10
Lolled him, R., 110, 11
Lomes, R., 77, *
Lombard's touch, Pl., 30,2
Loos (praise), S. P.. 63, i
Lore (lost), S. P., 63,

85,; lease (lose), 295,
--, R., 61. 1; 63, 3
Lordfast, Pl., 4, 4
Losels, S. P., 133, ; lorel,

Losengour, S. P., 60, 10
Loseugerie, R., 105, 1

[blocks in formation]

Love dayes, L. W., 39, 6
Loveloker, R., 106,F
Love's Kingdom, Fleck-
noe's, S. P., 335, 1
Low (flame), S. P., 266, 29;
lowan (flaming), 362, 31
(laughed), L. W., 59, 6
Lubrican, S. P., 284, 1
Luce, L. W., 40, 8
Lucifer, P., 119,

Fall of, R., 5, 1
Lucilius, Caius, S. P.,
187, 3

Lugre, S. P., 22, 6
Lugs, S. P., 362, 17
Lungie, S. P., 115, 20
Luid (loved), S. P., 152, 3
Lupton, Mr. J. H., R.,
143, 1

Lurdane, R., 87, 6
Lurdanis, S. P., 123, 9
Luskie, Pl., 90, 2
Lust, lusty, leste, S. P.,
38, 2; 43, 5; 57, 2; 59, 2;
117, 27; 120, 30; 122,9
154,; list, 124, 29; lust-
head, 118, 12
Lusty, R., 128 7
Luthere (bad), R., 92, 1
Lyar (a carpet), S. P.,
267, +

Lyart, S. P., 407, 17
Lycurgus, Laws of, S. P.,

Lydiat, Thomas, S. P.,
377, 2

Lydgate, John, R., 130, 3
Lyflode, R., 77, 3

Lyly, John, Pl., 133, 1;
141, 1

Lynceus, S. P., 193, 1
Lysse, R., 81, 18

Lythie, R., 247, 1


Ma (make), S. P., 121, 15
Mab, S. P., 280, 5
Macarians, L. W., 269, 2
Macaronic 3, Burke's,
S. Pr., 335, 1
Macaber, Dance of, S. P.,

Machaon's Art, S. P.,201,
Macpherson, James, his
notes to Darthula, S. P.,
387, 27; 388, 13; 389,
1-7; 390, 14
Made no bones, S. P., 191,6
Magik natural, L. W., 41,9
Magnificate, Pl., 195, *
Mahoun, S. P., 113, 17;
116, 1

Mail a hawk, Pl., 230, 3
Mailins (farms), S. P.,
393, 13

Main of light, S. P., 253, 1
Mais (meat), S. P., 79, 7
Major, Mr. R. H., S. Pr.,
116, 3

Mak, as a clown's name,
Pl., 6, 2

Make (invent poetry),
L. W., 36, 20; making,
69,7; 72, 1
Making (verse writing),
R., 108, 2

Makars (poets), S. P.,
109,*; (inventors), 168,3;
make, 204, 2

Make (mate). S. P., 51,14;
101, 13; 185, 5; makis,
104, 13

Makyn, S. P., 74, 3

Male, bag, L. W., 45, 16;
72, 5

(bag), S. P., 18,2;

89, 3; 137 14
Malison, R., 105, 3
Malyng, S. P., 148, 20
Mammocks, S. P., 137,7
Man of Ross, The, R.,
346, 1

Manchet, Pl., 154, 1
Mancus, Value of a, R.,
19, 1

Mandeville, Sir John,
Fable from, R., 116,
Mane (might), S. P., 266,18
(fine bread), S P..79,26
Mang, S. P., 118, 3; 120,32

Manhood of a Roman
recovery, S Pr., 133, 7
Manilius Marcus, S. Pr.,

Maniples, S. Pr., 147, 2
Manna, The Hiduen, R.,
289, 2

Manse, S. P., 60,
Mautissa, R., 324, 1
Marchand and marinal,
S P., 147, 5
Marchaunt tart, L. W.,
41, 2

Marchpane, S. P., 279, 2
Marchparti, S. P., 104, 14
Maridunum, S. P., 36, 1
Mark, a, in money, L. W.,

(the coin), S. P., 13,4;
93, +
Marlock, S, P., 482, 1
Marlowe's Tamburlaine,
S. P., 257, 1
Marot, Clement, S. P.,
206, 12

Marrit, S. P., 118, 32
Marrow (companion),
S. P., 145, 7; 149,2
Marston, John, S. P., 2(3,4
Martial's Epigram In
Maximum," R., 253, 1
Mary, Queen, Persecution
under, S. P., 00, 2, 3
Mary-worship, S. P., 85,10
Masars, S. P., 90,
Mase, R., 80, 2
Maskellass, R., 107, 13
Mason, Sir John, S. Pr.,
41, 3
Masque at Court, Inigo
Jones's design for a, Pl.,
214, 1

Mass, R., 170, 1

Mass, By the, Pl., 46, 3
Masson, Professor David,
L. W., 178, 1
Mate (confound), Pl.,116,1
Maugre, S. P., 75, 21
Maugre his face, S. Pr.,
58, 1

Maunciple, L. W., 44, 6
Maure, Saint, L. W, 38, 3
Maurice of Nassau, S.Pr.,

Maximin, Dryden's, S. P.,
334, 9

and May.
poles, S. P., 245, 2; 280,1
Mayne, R., 72,8
Mean, Virtue in the, S.P.,
63,6; 226, 2

Medled (mixed), R., 94, 15
Meeds, S. P., 5, 9
Meeting (knowledge), R.,
114, 8

Meind (mixe 1), L. W., 56,
Meisit, S. P., 124, 15
Melampode, S. P., 207, 6
Melancholia, S. P., 297,
Melee, S. P., 110, 9
Melicert, S. P., 263, 1
Mell (meddle),

S. P.,

132, 3; 141,3; melling,
208, 18

Melote, S. P., 139, 17
Mends, Pl., 11,
Mene, Pl., 6, 15; 11, 16

(mediator), R, 93, 11
Ment, R., 66, 2

(bemoaned), S. P.,

25, 11
Mephistopheles Pl., 118,7
Merel, L. W., 54, 10
Mer, S. P., 118, 2
Merci, R, 80,
Mercurius Aulicus, S Pr.,
141, 7

[ocr errors]

Christianus, S. Pr.,
150, 1
Mere, R., 283, 1
Merk, R., 129, 7

Merkit (trotted), S. P,
80, 24

Merum sal, S. Pr., 168, 2
Meschief, L. W., 43, 3
Mesel, R., 105, *
Mess John, S. P., 393, 15
Mester (trade), I.W, 44, 15
Mete, met (measured),
S. P., 86, 3, 4

Mete (scanty), R., 110, 2
Methinketh, Pl., 99, 1
Meuble, R., 94, 11

Mewe, L. W., 40, 7
Mewet, S. P., 192, 2
Mewing (renewing), S.Pr.,

Meyn (complain), R., 68, 6
Meynee, L. W. 80, 11
-, S. P., 60, 2; 84,3;
meany, 102, 2
Meynt (mingled), S. P.,
207, 5

Mich, Pl., 205, 1
Michael Angelo, S. Pr.,
332, 1

Miching, S. P. 353.1
Middleburgh, L. W., 39,9
Mihtig, R., 10, 12
Milo of Crotona, S. P.,
325, 5

Milsterak, S. Pr., 3,1
Milton's Imitation of
Isocrates, S. Pr., 132, 1
133,2; Signature, 149,
Milton, John, S. P.,310, 1;
327, 1

Milthe, R., 74, 1
Miltsa, R., 16, 1
Mint (attempt), S. P.,
362, 40; mynt, 66,9
Miracle Plays, R., 64,1
Miri and merry, S. P.,

18,8; 24,; 61, 5: 74, 5;

Mirk, S. P., 149, 4
Mirth, S. P., 310, 1
Mirrors, Early, S. P.,

Mischief (misfortune), R.,

S. P., 58, 7
Misdid him, R., 62, 23
Misdrawe, L. W., 54, 10
Miss (fault), S. P., 124, 1
Mister (kind of), S. P.,
208, 7

(want), S. P., 93, 5
Mistletoe, L. W., 173, 1
Mithras, L. W., 277, 1
Mithridates, S. P., 314, 1
Mo. S. P., 41, 16; 48,*;
139,9; moe, 201,

S. Pr., 9, 2
-, Pl., 6, 3

Mobile (mob), S. Pr., 194, 1
Moche and lite, L. W,
43, +

Mochil, S. P., 20, 3; 63, 13
Mold, R., 85, 2
Molionidæ, The, S. Pr.,


Moll Cut-purse, L. W.,
205, 1

Mollet, S. P., 149, 9
Moloch, R., 272, 6
Moly, R., 135, 1
Molton (sheep), L. W., 59, 5
Mome, Pl., 33.1
Mon (must), S. P., 77, 1
Mone (must), R., 129, 2;
man, 165, s

(thought), S. P., 36,
Monk's colours, S.P., 20,11
Monopoli, R., 28, 2
Montemayor. George de,
S. Pr., 141, 1
Montera, S. Pr., 124, 3
Monument, London, In-
scription on the, R.,

Mooting, S. P., 142, 4
Moravians, R., 392, 1
More and less (men of all
ranks), Pl., 22, 1
Morley, B shop George,
R., 263, 1
Mormal, L. W., 41,
Morning Star, The, R.,

Morris, Rev. R., S. P.,
103, 19; 144, 1

[blocks in formation]

Mortimer and his sow,
Pl., 24, 3

Morton, John, Archbish p
of Canterbury, L. W.,
261, 4

Thomas, R., 294, 2
Mote ("mighty to mote"),
R., 81, 9
Motions (puppet shows),
S. Pr., 141,
Moton, R., 16, 1
Mould (mole), Pl., 98, 1
Mouldwarp, S. P., 181, 1;
molewarp, 283, 3
Mountains, The Old Man
of the, S. Pr., 3, 2
Mountenance, S. Pr., 19, .
Mow (mouth), S. P., 128, 11;
236, 26

Moylie, S. P., 149, 10
Mozambique Channel, R.,
236, 1

Muchel, R., 203, 2
Mulgrave, John Sheffield,
Lord, S. P., 324, 1; 529 i
Multure, S. P., 393, 37
Murdresaris, S. P., 149, 18
Murray, Mr. J. A. H., R.,
18, 1

Museum, S. P., 313, 1
Music of the Spheres, R.,
271, +

Music on St. Cecilia's
Day, S. P., 333, 1
Musidorus' flame, S. P.,

Mute (articulate). S. P.,
146, is

Mutchatoes, S. P., 183,
Mycelnisse, R., 16, 1
Myn (less), S. P., 117, 33
Myne ye ple, S. P., 103, 19
Myng, R., 120, 5
Myngit, S. P., 80, 17
yre's Instructions for
Parish Priests, R., 119,


Nævius, Cneius, S. Pr.,
136, 2

Nakers, S. Pr., 4, 2
Nall, S. P., 50, 8
Namely (especiall),
S. P., 43, 5; 47, 4, 59, 16;
81, 2; 146, 12
- R.,


60, 15 ; 105,7;

name iche, 93, 7
Pl., 8, 13

S. Pr., 41, 8

-, L. W., 69, 3

Nanis, For the, S. P.,
114, 10

Nantes, Revocation of the
Edict of, S. Pr,, 204, 1
Napre, S. P., 67, 7
Napron, L. W., 128, 2
Nar, R., 67, 2; Las, 103, 1
Narrow, A (an arrow),
S. P., 104, 9
Nas nere, S. P., 53,*;
42, 11

Nasidienus Rufus,
Horace's Supper of,
S. Pr., 281, 1
N'at, S. P.. 62, 20
Natheles, S. P.. 41, 3
Natheless, L. W., 3 35,
Nawie, Pl., 8, 12


Nazaz, Gregory, S. r.,


Neck, To give the, S. P.,
243, 1

Neckverse, Pl., 14,
Neem y, Pl., 7, 8

Negative, Doub e, S. P.,
118, 16

Negative forms, L. W.,

Nempned, S. P., 44,6;
neven, 139, 8

Nerr (nearer), S. P., 35, 9;
nere, 88, 2; narre, 207, lí
Nesh, Pl., 10, 13
Neuch, S. P., 115, 4
Neven, R.. 66, 13

Pl., 6, 3

Never a dele, R., 60, 6
Nevil s Cross, The Battle
of, S. P., 33, 15

[blocks in formation]


(eputation), Pl.,

6, 16
Noises in Mountain-
passes, S. Pr., 4, 3
Nokyns, R., 68, +
Nold, R., 61, "

Nolls (heads), S. P., 133, 5
Noll (black cattle), S. P.,
145, 14

Nome, R., 62, 15; name,

L. W., 59, 2
Nomen (took). S. P., 31, 6;
nome (taken), 51, 15;
52, 14

Nominate, Pl.. 194, 2
None (noon), S. P., 19, 9;
89, 9

[ocr errors]

North Briton, No. 45,
Wilkes's Notes to the,
S. Pr., 300, 302
Jrthward in Heaven, R.,

Norway, the Gula-Things
Laws of. L. W., 1. 2
Norwich drugget, S. P.,
334, 2

Nose thirles, L W, 44,
Not, know not, L. W.,

39, 12; 53 4; 55, 4; 58, *;
59,7; 72, 78, 8
Not-heel, L. W., 37, 2
Nourreis, S. P., 146 14
Nouns in First-English,

[blocks in formation]

Ofslogh, Pl., 8. 17

Ofte sithes, L. W., 43,1;
60, 14

Oftensith, S. P., 63,7;
oftsys, 120, 38
Ogilly John S. P., 334, 11
Ogle, Jack, S. Pr., 217, 3
Oinement, S. P., 57, 19
Ointment of Pallas, R.,
135, 1

Ok, S. P., 20, 8
Okerer, S. P..
ockeraris, 115,
R., 59, 17


84, 15;

Old Man of the Moun-
tains, The, S. Pr., 3, 2
Oly, S. P., 67, 10
On (one), Pl., 72,
One (only), S. P., 32, 5
Only, S. P., 58, 15'
Open time, S. P.. 139, 15
Or before), S. P., 58, 3;
61, 3; 62,5;
5; 78, 31; 82, 8;
99, 5; 117, 47; 168, 2

(ere), S Pr., 16, 2
Pl., 4, 1; or ever,
68,2; 82, +

L. W., 35, 13; 39,4;

57, 1
Oracles, Cessation of, at
Birth of Christ, R.,
272, 1

Oration, The Parts of an,
S. Pr., 133, 2
Orcades, L. W., 179,
Ord and end, R., 51, 1
Ore (ere). R., 63, 1
Oreb, L. W., 182, 4
Osiris, S. Pr., 145, 4

-, R., 272, 7
Other (or), R., 92, 8
Otranto taken by the
Turks, Pl., 90, 5
Ottone, Handel's, S. Pr,
257, 2



S. P.,

139, 14;
253, 3
Ought (owned, owed),
S. Pr.. 50, 1

(owns), R., 84,3;
(owned), 191, 3
Our all quhair, R., 128, 13
Ourhye, S. P., 68, 12

Our Lady's Bower, S. P.,

207, 2

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Paas, L. W., 47, 1
Pace, pass, L. W., 44, 9
(Easter), S. P., 79, 11
Pa Da Lin, S. P., 145, 16
Padyaue, S. P., 111, 10;
115, 33
Pairts (parts). S. P., 149, 7
Paishe, Pl., 48, 2
Palatye, L. W., 36, 11
Palinode, S. P., 208, 12
Pall s, Ointment of, R.,

Pallioun, S. P., 120, 42
Palmer, R., 89, +

Pamela, Sidney 8, S. P.,
301, 1

Pan (crown), R., 86, 1

(skull), S. P., 123, 5
Panachæa, L. W., 109, 1
Panak, S. P, 445
Panormitanus, S. Pr., 38, 1
Pantolabus, Pl., 181, 1
Paolo, Fra, S. Pr., 136, *

[ocr errors]

Papacy, The Schism in
the, L. W., 54, 1
Paradise Lost and Cæd-
mon's Paraphrase, R.,
7,1; 8, 1

biblical language in,
L. W., 182, 9
Parage, R., 107, 11
Paralling, S. P., 80, 12
Parall (adorn), S. P
117, 36; parellit, 117, 53
Paramour, S. P., 280, 3
-, R., 128, 12

Par aveuture, S. P., 40, 14
Parclos, L. W., 79, 9
Paris and Enone, S. P.,
207,1; 208, 1
Parker, Matthew, S. P.,
205, 2

Parlasy, S. P., 127, 13
Parliament, Submission
of, to the Pope, S. Pr.,
33, 1

Triennial, S. Pr.,
134, 2
Parma, Alexander Far-
nese, Prince of, Pl.,
171, 3

Parpall wall, S. P., 80,12,21
Party, R., 61, 7

Parvys, L. W., 40, 1
Pas, R.. 59,4

Pass (care), S. P., 2411
Passus, Pl., 59,

Past tense, old plural of,

[blocks in formation]

S. P.,

206, 12; 217, 3: 324, +
Pattle, S. P.. 405, 2
Paughty, S. P., 362, 30
Paul, The first Hermit,
R., 143, 1

Paul's, Old Suint, S. P.,
134 3

Pausté R., 66, +

Paved (pleased), Pl., 9,8
Pavys, Pl., 117,
Pay (content), S. P., 25,14
(bearing), S. P., 127,4
satisfaction, L. W.,

81, 6
Payed (pleased), R., 59, 13;
to pay (to satisfaction),
62,9; 90,5; 114,7

Peace of the World at
Birth of Christ, R.,
270, 1

Peachum, Polly, S. Pr.,
257, 3

Pea coat, S. P., 91, 4
Peacock, Mr. Edward, R.,
119, 2

Peaked, S. Pr., 65, 4
Peaks simpletons), S. P.,
133, 10

Peas'd, S. P., 176, 14
Peece (gun), S. Pr., 98, 1
Pecock, Reginald and
Richard Hooker, R.,
124, 3
Peise, R., 60, 19

-, L. W., 55, 9
Pencillis, Pl., 117, 2
Penible, S. P., 45, 4
Pennyfather, L. W., 274, 1
Pens, Ancient, S. Pr., 1, 1
Penseroso, Milton's, S.P.,
310, 1; 313, +
Pensi, S. P., 25, 3
Perdé, S. P., 72, 1; 124, 10
Perilous Vale, The, S.Pr.,
4, 1

Peor, R., 272, 3
Peroration, The, S. Pr.,
133, 2; 147, 5
Perqueir, S. P., 146, 18
Perrochioun, R., 165,
Pers, L. W., 41, 12; 44, 17
Persius on Horace, S.Pr.,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Phoebe, S. P., 233, 2
Phoenicoptrice, S. Pr.,
231, 2

Phryxus, S. P., 168, 1
Pickers (pillagers), S. P.,

78, 25; pike (steal), 179,
Pickle (a mischievous
boy), S. P. 234, 1

(a small quantity,
S. P., 392, 14
Pickthank, S. Pr., 65, 6
Pieces (drinking - cups),
S. P., 90,
Piement, S. P., 22, 2
Piers Plowman, S. P.,
197, 1

Pike, Anchors on the, Pl.,
147, 1

Piled, L. W., 45, 5
Pilgrimages. L. W., 42,1

of Man and of the
Soul, Guilevile's, R.,
119, i

Pilie, R., 92, 7
Pilioun, R.. 126, 1
Pilt'd, S. P., 175, 1

Pillion (doctor's cap),
S P., 139, 5
Pilloure, R., 111, 7
Pilwebe e, L. W., 45, 17
Pinching of dead pays,
S P., 191 1

Pine (pan), S: P., 64, 12
Pined, R., 68, 7
Pintelli, Baccio, S. Pr.,
332, 1

Piries, R., 87, 2

Piscence, S. P., 111, 6
Pistolets (coins), S. Pr..
117, 1

Pistrinum, S. Pr., 78, 2

——, Pl., 102, 1
Pite renneth sone in gen-
tilherte, L. W., 49,
Placard a breast-plate),
R., 134, 2

Plague of 1665 R., 334, 2
Plained, R., 107,
Plato on the Cardinal
Virtues, R., 12, 1 ; 19, 2 :
on Immortality, 142,1
Plato on Education, S.Pr.,
43, 1
&nd Dionysius,
L. W., 268,
Platonic Love, S. P.,
216, 2


Plenerlich, L. W., 55, 8
Plenerly, R., 62, 13

Plet (folded), S. P., 78, 16*
Plight (punishment),
S. P., 120, 7
Plite, L. W., 53, 8
Plot (space of ground),
Pl., 78, +

Plotmele, L. W., 77, 3
Plumb (£100,000), S. Pr.,
271, 1

Plump (cluster), S. Pr.,


Py (pight), S. P., 80, 3
Po (peacock), Pl., 4, 10
Poet and Historian,
Aristotle's Comparison
of, S. Pr., 75, 1
Poetry, Sidney's Defence
of, S. P., 186, 2

Point, in good, L. W.,
38, 10

Poke (bag), R. 93, 9
Pole, Reginald, S. Pr.,
33, 1

Polde-headed, R., 163 1
Polygony, L. W., 109, 1
Pomely gray, L. W.,

[blocks in formation]

Poortith, S. P., 361,6;
392, 27

Pope, An Emblem against
the, S. Pr., 44, 1
--, Alexander, S. P.,
408, 1,2

Poraile, L. W., 30, 3
Port (gate), S. P., 117, 4
Portess, R., 200, #

L. W., 73, 1
Portly, S. P., 233, 1
Portuguese Discoveries
in Australia, S. Fr.,
116, 3

Postil, S. P., 138, 5
Pot (pit), S. Pr., 116, +
Pounded, S. Pr., 85, 3
Pow (head), S. P., 392, 3;
394, 5

Powrit (wasted), S. P.,
123, 5

Practice conclusions,
S. Pr., 125, 3
Praer, S. P., 21, 2
Praues (prawns), S. P.,
132, 12

Passiune, S. P., 22,7
Pra er, Canonical Hours
of, Pl. 5, 23

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

S. Pr,, 52, 1
Pretenced, Pl., 66,2; pre-
tence, 69,

Prevent, S. P., 305, 2

R., 289, 1; prevented,
138, S
Prevented, S. P., 117,*:

Pricasour, L. W., 38,"
Price, R., 107, 10

Prie (taste), S. P., 393, 34
Prime Hour of, S. P., 54, 1
Primum mobile, S. P.,
163, +

Priscian, S. P., 13, 1
Privy beck, L. W., 267,*
Privy Seal Office, S. Pr.,

Prys, L. W., 36, 12
Prohibited Books, The
Index of, S. Pr., 136,
Prometheus, S. P., 216,1
Prompit forth, S. P., 78,
Prong (prank), S. P., 143, +
Pronouns in First English,
R, 17, 1
Pronunciation of Letters
in old verse, L. W., 69, ';
71,1; 72,; 73,
Proof, The, as Third Part
of an Oration, S. Pr.,
133. : 135, 4
Prog, R., 276, 2
Propine, S. P., 363, 21
Proponis, S. P., 149, 15
Protagoras, S. Pr., 135, 5
Provisors, R., 83, 1
Pruce, L. W., 36, 3
Prynne's Lines on his
Branding. R., 301, 1
Psalt ry, S P., 25,
Pto emy's Astronomy,
S. P., 163, •

[blocks in formation]

Quarry (of deer), S. P.,
102, 9

Quart (safe keeping), R.,
66, 23

Qeans, S. P., 362, 14
Qued, R., 60, 10

Queen Mab, S. P., 280, 5
Quert (gay spirits), R.,
129, 8

Queynt (quenched), S. P.,

L. W., 81, 1
Quhiles, S. P., 77, 13
Quick, S. P., 112, 8


Pl., 128, 1; 225, 3;
quick-buried, 237,
Quickmire, R., 109, 6
Quiddity, Pl, 118, 1

Quh- in Scottish, R.,
128, 13; 129, +
Quintain, Pl., 170, 1
Quintessence, S. P., 163,
S. Pr., 135, 3
Quinzy (Quang-si), S. P.,
120. +

Quite, S P., 25, 1; 89, 15;
105, 1; 115, 3;

cent), 114, 29

Quoint, S. P., 285, 1
Quotidian, S. P., 58,2
Quyte, Pl., 7, 16

[blocks in formation]

97, 5; 121,



R sounded as a syllable,
L. W., 69, 5; 71, 1; 73,1
R., 136, 2

Race of Ginger, Pl., 146, 1
kack, Pl., 119, 3
Rad, Pl., 5, 20
Radbert, R., 21, 1

Raddour, S. P., 118,9;
120, 13

Raffaelle, S. Pr., 332, 1
Rageman (roll), R., 79,1;
(name for Satan), 98, 1
Ragment, S. P., 113, 13
Raik, P., 7, 5

on raw, S. P., 75, 1
Railed (rolled), S. P, 164,
Rair (roar), S. P., 125, 24
Rais a reik, S P., 149, 20
Raisid (vexed), Pl., 7,
Rakil, S. P., 58, 14
Ramid, Pl., 4, 2

Ramp, P., 194, 1

Rampire, S. P., 80, 5


Ram's horn, The right of
a, S. P., 143,

Ramus, (Pierre de la
Ramée), R., 220, 1
Randun, S. P., 23, 3
Rangles, S. P., 393, 17
Rants, S. P., 362, 5
Rapin, Réné, S. Pr., 172, 5
Raps (snatches), Pl., 2412
Raschit, S. P., 122, 1
Rathe, R., 94, 18; rather,
94, 2

Rather, S. P., 22,1; rathly,
31,; 124, 22
Ratramnus de Corpore et
Sanguine Domini, R.,
21, 1

Raught, S. P, 26,7
-, R., 79, 1

-, L. W., 37, 10
Rave (rove), Pl., 5, 12
Raw (row), Pl., 5, 2
Rax in a rape, S. P., 148,12
Ray (row), Pl., 41,6; 43, 2
(order of battle),

S. P., 214, 1

(a cloth), S. P., 53, 3;
92, 13

Raynes (a fine linen),
S. P., 131, 1
Remonstrants, The, R.,
263, 1

Remora, Pl., 187, 3
Ren (run), S. P., 97,7
Renk, S. P., 164, 5; rinkis,

Renkes, Pl., 93, 5
Renomed, S. Pr., 11, 1
Rent, S. P., 22, 3
Reprief, S. P., 178, 3
Republic, Plato's, S. Pr.,

Repugn, L. W., 279, 1
Rere supper, S. P., 127, 35
Res (rush), R., 68, 17
Rest (arrest), S. P., 125, 13;
restit, 119, 15
Retcheth(recketh), S Pr.,


[blocks in formation]

Pl.. 135, 2

Rig (clothe), S. P., 47, 1
Rig-bone, S. P., 123, 17
Riggin (roof), S. P., 393, 3
Rinaldo, Handel's, S. Pr.,
257, 2

Ring (reign), R., 128, 3
Tilting at the, S. P.,

227, 1
Rinkis, S. P., 119,6; renk,
164, 5

Ris (twig), S. P., 19, 1;
rise, 54,2; rise-bush,
Rises (heights), S. Pr,
166, 1

Rishe, L. W., 283, 1
Robin Hood, S. P., 82, 3;
101, 3, 4, 5

festivals, S. P.. 246 1
-'s Well, S. P, 81, 8


S. Pr., 257,2

Rochester, John Wilmot,
Eart of, S. Pr., 233, +
Rocks (distaffs), S. P.,
193, 6

Rock Sculpture. S. Pr., 4,3
Rode (cross), S. P., 36, 8;
97, 3

Roffensis, R., 137, 1
Roger de Coverley, The
Dance, S. Pr., 233, 2
Rogers, John, the Martyr,
S. Pr., 37, 3

Roif, S. P., 75, 23
Roil, Pl., 30, *
Rome, A Roman's Confi-
dence in, S. Pr., 117, 3
Rorid, Pl., 202, 2
Rose Tavern, The, S. Pr.,
233, 7

Roses, How the first,
came, R., 116, +
Rote, country


L: W., 39, 1
Rotheren, R., 110, 5
Rough, John, R., 164, 1
Rouk, S. P., 116, 19
Rouncy, L. W., 41, 6
Rounded in the ear, S. P.,
59, 12; roundand, 148, 1.
See also Rownaris, Rune
Roundel, S. P., 57, 9
Rounding (whispering),
Pl., 27, 5

Roup, S. P., 116, 2
Rouse (carouse), S. P.,
19, 10

Rousseau, Confessions of,
S. Pr., 353,1; on Educa-
tion, 354, i

[blocks in formation]

Rue (fall), S. P., 186, 7
Ruel, R., 92, +
Ruffs, S. P., 189, s
Rufus of Ephesus, L. W.,
41, 11

Rug (pluck), S. P., 127, 38
Rule the roast, S. P., 190,2
Rune, S. P., 59, 12; 115, 1
Rung (staff), S. P., 266, 29
Rushes on Floors, Pl.,
270, 1

Russetings, S. P., 257, +
Russin, S. P., 19, 10
Rutters, Almain, Pl., 117,6
Ryng (reign), S. P., 147, 7;

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Saint André (a dancing-

master), S. P., 334,
Sakering, R., 120, 1
Salary, A Roman actor's,
Pl., 272, 2

Sall (shall), S. P., 69, 2
Salmagundi, S. Pr., 23',1
Salved (saluted), S. P.,


Salvage, R., 203, 1
Sam (together), R., 211,
Sam in a stede, R., 11, 1
Sammael, L. W., 183, 3
Samyn, S. P., 78, 23
Sanderson, Robert, S. Pr.,
238, $

Sandys's Ovid, R., 240, 2
Sane (bless), S. P., 145,
Sanguine, S. P., 297, +
Sangwin and pers, L. W.,
41, 12
Sannazaro, S. Pr., 1
Saraband, S. P, 302, 1
Sark, S. P., 392, 12
Sarpi, Pietro Paolo,
S Pr., 136, +
Sary, S. P., 110, 3
Sat (vexed), S. P., 68, 11
Satalie, L. W., 36, 6
Satan, L. W., 183, 4
Satire, Origin of, S. P.,
187, 3

of the Three Estates,
Lindsay's, R., 165, 11
Satiromastix, Pl., 200, 1
Saturnine, S. P., 163, *
Satyricon of Petronius
Arbiter, A Tale from
the, S. Pr., 235, 3
Saughs, S. P., 362, 12
Saunce, Tune of
Black, Pl, 135, 3
Sauye, R., 94, 22
Savage Love, S. P., 15, 1
Sawceflem, L. W., 45, 3
Sawris, S. P., 121, 28
Say (essay), S. P., 266, 22
(woollen stuff), R.,
201, 2


Sayles, The, S. P., 83, 11
Sayne (to be), S. P., 143,11
--, R., 66, 26
Saynt, Pl., 6, 10

Scale, The Musical, R.,
55, 2

Seath, R., 201,6

Scathe, S. P., 91, 7; skaith,
77, 15; 392, 18
Scathelock, S. P., 82, 4
Schaf, R., 110, 14
Schaman's Dance, S. P.,
69, 1

Schede, R., 107, 6; shede,
111, 8

Scheill, S. P., 78. 22
Scheld, S. P., 1:8, 21
Schene, S. P., 118, 20:

shene, 28, 7; sheen, 36, 2
Schevyfte, S. Pr., 9, 6
Schism in the Papacy,
L. W., 54, 1

Scho, S. P., 78, 4; '79, 23

, K., 128, 5,9
Schore (threat), S. P.,
118, 23; 121,7
Schonder (in schonder
schuke), R., 128, 18

Schrewe. S. P., 33, 11;

shrews, 113, 19; shrewd,

[blocks in formation]

Score (reckoning), S. P.,
57,4; 67, 17

Scorn, Pl., 5, 22

Scott, Sir W., and Heber,
R., 394, 1
Scouner, S. P., 123, 30
Scoup, S. P., 126, 1
Scowder'd, S. P., 393, 22
Scrimpit, S. P., 62, 23
Scrine, Pl., 42, *

Scripture and Reas n, R.,
121, s

Scroyle, Pl., 190, 1
Scryppis, S. P., 114, 20
Scuderi, Madeleine de,
S. Pr., 154, 1, 2
Seafarer. The, a First-
English Poem, R., 15, 1,2
Seckill, S. P., 69, 8

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Semy-cope, L. W., 39, 7
Sen (since), S. P., 105.4;
112. 1; 119, 12; 126,2;
senin, 34, 4
Senda', S. P., 259, 2
Send 1 (seldom), S. P.
117, 46; seindill, 148, 22
Seneca, S. P., 257, 3
- Marcus
S. Pr., 169, 1
Senecal-man, Pl., 241, 1
Sennet, Pl, 123, 6
Sent (assent), S. P., 168, 3
(scent), R. 196, 1
Sentence hie, S. P., 112, 9
Sentry, Captain, Steel's,
S. Pr., 234, 1
Sepher, Pl., 155, 1
Serapion, L. W., 41, 11
Sere (claw), Pl., 243, 1
Sergeant at arms, L. W.,
ε0, 16

Seriously (in series), L. W.,

Serk, R., 128, 1

Sermons and Homilies,
R., 180, 11

Serpent, The, as Tempter,
L. W., 183, 3

Serve (deserve), S.


124,; servit, 123, 10
Set (though), S. P., 119, 27
Set by (value), S. P., 59, 3
Sethen, R., 61, 11

Setiwall, S. P., 279,6;
sedwale, 21, 5

Seventh Years of Life,
R., 241, 1

Sew (follow), L. W., 98, 1
Sewed, R., 94, 1
Seyn, R., 68, 5

Seynt of silk, L. W., 40, 3
Shadwell, Thomas, S. P.,
334, 3, 10; 335, 2, 4, 5
Shakespeare, S. P., 212,2,3;

and Philip Sidney.
S. P., 76, 3; and Francis
Bacon, 91, 2

Jubilee, Garrick's,
L. W., 136, 1

Some critics of,
Pl., 170, 3

Stratford portrait of,
Pl., 164, 1

Shale, S. P., 134, 14
Shamefast, S. P., 64, 5
Shaped verses, S. P., 336,2
Sharland of Northamp
ton, R., 273, 3
Shaw, S. P., 36, 2; 83,6
Shear (in different direc-
tions), S. P., 102, 5, 7

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