
to Jefus Chrift. But he cannot allow this; therefore he cannot allow, that the coming finner should once think, that he will caft him out, Heb. vi.

I come now to make fome general use and application of the whole, and fo to draw towards a conclufion.

I. The first ufe, a ufe of information; and it informeth us, That men by nature are far off from Chrift.

Let me a little improve this ufe, by speaking to these three questions.

1. Where is he that is coming to Jefus Chrift?

2. What is he that is coming to Jefus Chrift?

3. Whither is he to go that cometh not to Jefus Chrift?

1. Where is he?

Anf. 1. He is far from God, he is without him, even alienate from him, both in his underftanding, will, affections, judgment, and confcience, Eph. ii. 12. iv. 8.

2. He is far from Jesus Christ, who is the only deliverer of men from hell-fire, Pfalm 1xxiii. 27.

3. He is far from the work of the holy Ghoft, the work of regeneration, and a fecond creation, without which no man fhall fee the kingdom of heaven, John iii. 3.

4. He is far from being righteous, that righteousness that should make him acceptable in God's fight, Ifa. xlvi. 14.

5. He is under the power and dominion of fin; fin reigneth in and over him; it dwelleth in every faculty of his foul, and member of his body: fo that from head to foot there is no place clean, Ifa. i. 6. Rom. iii. 9-18.

6. He is in the pest-house with Uzziah, and excluded the camp of Ifrael with the lepers, 2 Chron. xxvi. 21. Numb. v. 2.

7. His life is among the unclean: 'He is in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniqui ty,' Job xxvi. 14. Acts viii. 23.

8. He is in fin, in the flesh, in death, in the fnare of the devil, and is taken captive by him at his will, 1 Cor. xv. 17. Rom. viii. 8. 1 John iii. 14. 2 Tim. ii. 26.

9. He is under the curfe of the law; and the devils dwell in him, and have the mastery of him, Gal. iii. 13. Eph. ii. 2, 3. Acts xxvi. 18.

10. He is in darkness, and walketh in darknefs, and knows not whether he goes; for darkness has blinded his eyes.

11. He is in the broad way that leadeth to deftruction; and holding on, he will affuredly go in at the broad gate, and fo down the ftairs to hell.

Secondly, What is he that cometh not to Je fus Chrift.

He is counted one of God's enemies, Luke xix. 14. Rom. viii. 7.

2. He is a child of the devil, and of hell; for the devil begat him, as to his finful nature, and hell muft fwallow him at laft, because he

cometh not to Jefus Chrift, John viii. 44. 1 John iii. 8. Mat. xxiii. 15. Pfalm ix. 17.

3. He is a child of wrath an heir of it; it is his portion, and God will repay it him to his face, Eph. ii. 1, 2, 3. John xxi. 29, 30, 31..

4. He is a felf-murderer; he wrongeth his own foul, and is one that loveth death, Prov. i. 18. viii. 35, 36.

5. He is a companion for devils, and damned men, Prov. xxi. 16. Mat. xxv. 4.

Thirdly, Where is he like to go that cometh not to Jefus Chrift?

1. He that cometh not to him is like to go farther from him; for every fin is a step farther. from Jefus Christ, Hof. xi.

2. As he is in darkness, fo he is like to go on in it; for Chrift is the light of the world, and he that comes not to him, walketh in darkness, John viii. 12.

3. He is like to be removed at last, as far from God, and Christ, and heaven, and all felicity, as an infinite God can remove him, Mat. xii. 41.

But fecondly, This doctrine of coming to Christ, informeth us, where poor deftitue finners may find life for their fouls, and that is in Chrift. This life is in his Son; he that hath the Son, hath life. And again, Whofo findeth me, findeth life, and fhall obtain favour of the Lord,' Prov. viii.

Now, for farther enlargement, I will alfo here propound three more questions. 1. What life is in Chrift?

2. Who may have it?

3. Upon what terms?

Firft, What life is in Jefus Christ?

J. There is juftifying life in Chrift. Man by fin is dead in law; and Christ only can deliver him by his righteousness and blood from this death into a state of life: For God fent his fon into the world, that we might live thro' him, 1 John iv. 9. that is, thro' the righteoufnefs which he should accomplish, and the death that he fhould die.

3. There is eternal life in Christ: Life that is endless; life for ever and ever. He hath given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son,' 1 John v.

Now juftification and eternal falvation being both in Christ, and no where else to be had for men, who would not come to Jefus Chrift?

Secondly, Who may have this life?

I anfwer, poor, helpless, miferable finners. Particularly,

1. Such as are willing to have it: 'Whofoever will, let him take of the water of life,' Rev. xxii. 17.

2. He that thirfteth for it: "I will give to him that is athirst, of the fountain of the water of life,' Rev. xxi. 6.

3. He that is weary of his fins: This is the reft, whereby you may cause the weary to reft: and this is the refreshing,' Ifa. xxviii. 12.

4. He that is poor and needy: 'He fhall fpare the poor and needy, and shall fave the fouls of the needy.

5. He that followeth after him, crieth for life: He that followeth me fhall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life, John viii. 12.

Thirdly, Upon what terms may he have this life?

Anf. Freely, Sinner, dost thou hear? Thou mayeft have it freely. Let him take the water of life freely. I will give him of the fountain of the water of life freely: And when they had nothing to pay, he freely forgave them both, Luke vii.

Freely, without money, or without price: Ho! Every one that thirfteth come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come buy and eat: Yea, come, buy wine and milk, without money and without price,' Ifa. lv. 1.

Sinner, art thou thirfty? art thou weary art thou willing? Come then, and regard not your ftuff; for all the good that is in Chrift is offered to the coming finner without money and without price. He has life to give away to fuch as want it, and that have not a penny to purchase it; and hewill give it freely Oh, what a bleffed condition is the coming finner in!

But, Thirdly, This doctrine of coming to Jefus Chrift for life, informeth us, that it is to be had no where else. Might it be had any where elfe, the text, and him that spoke it, would be but little fet by; for what great matter is there in, I will in no wife caft out,' if another ftood by that would receive them?

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