

The CROPS of every kind of Grain have been fecured in fine condition, and fuch plentiful ones are not remembered. This obfervation applies to Great Britain generally. The PRICES of Grain ftill however keep up in many markets, though the average price for England and Wales has fallen within the month from 75s. 6d. to 64s. 7d. and when the demand for feed-corn is over, a greater fall may be reasonably expected.

The TURNIPS and LATTERMATHS, which were at a stand during the late dry weather, have been so much brought forward by the late rains, as now to promife well. The FALLOws for wheat-fowing have alfo been improved by the fame caufe, and afford a flattering prefage of another good crop.

The SMITHFIELD MARKETS having fallen lately, STORE STOCK felt a d preffion in confequence; but the late rains will probably be a means of their rifing again. BEEF fells at this time in Smithfield from 35. 4d. to 4s. per tone. MUTTON, from 4s. to 4s. 6d.

WOOL looks up again on the profpc&t of a Spanish war,

Hors in Wef Kent have fallen fhort at least one third; Canterbury has failed generally; and in Worcestershire the crop does not promise a fourth. Total duty not more than 90,000l. or 100,0001.

A METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL, for JULY, 1796, at Southgate, Middlesex.

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No. IX.]

OCTOBER, 1796.



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For the Monthly Magazine.



MR. GIBBON, remarking upon a pa

rallel which has been drawn between the emperor Severus, and Julius Cæfar, obferves, in a note, that "the idea Lucan gives of the latter hero, where he defcribes him at the fame time making love to Cleopatra; fuftaining a fiege against the power of Egypt; and converfing with the fages of the country, is, in reality, the nobleft panegyric.' It is eafy for one acquainted with the mode of thinking of this hiftorian, to perceive that this obfervation is the offspring of that French fchool of morals whence he has derived fo large a fhare of his sentiments; and of which it feems to be a favourite maxim," that a love of pleafure, efpecially of the kind arifing from the commerce between the fexes, is an effential ingredient of a great and generous character." Voltaire has dreffed out this opinion in the most alluring cokurs, both in his profe and his poetry; and Buffon has even extended it to the brute creation, and made it a fundamental principle in natural hiftory. Since, however, it appears to me not lefs falfe than it is dangerous, I fhall endeavour to fhow how little fupport it receives either from fact or reafoning.

It is scarcely worth while, in a general difcuffion, to enter into a critical examination of the paffage in Lucan, which gave occafion to Gibbon's remark; yet it may not be improper, in order to difplay the levity with which it was made, to obferve, that the poet, in his narration, is fo far from countenancing any notion of ingenious or fentimental gallantry in this making love of Cæfar, that he reprefents it in plain terms as a bargain ftruck with Cleopatra, whereby her favours were MONTHLY MAG. No. IX.

made the price of his protection, not without large prefents to boot. Nequidquam duras tentaffet Cæfaris aures ; Vultus adent precibus, facietque incesta perorat. Exigit infandam corrupto judice noćiem. Pax ubi parta ducis, donifque ingentibus emta eft,

Excepère epulæ tantarum gaudia rerum.

In truth, no civilized people ever lefs entered into the refinements of the amorous pation than the Romans; and it does not appear that an idea of the connection between the propenfity to fexual indulg nces, and a difpofition to perform great actions, ever entered into their heads. On the contrary, fuch a notion would have oppofed the whole stream of their primitive manners and fentiments. Continence, felf-command, and contempt of pleasure, were the characteristics of all their diftinguished perfonages; and they had almoit conquered the world, before they thought of enjoying it.

To confider the fubject in a general point of view, we may, firft, obferve, that as the original appetites and paffions of man all refult from his organization, a certain degree of ftrength and vigour in them is effential to the perfection of the human fyftem. If, therefore, it were afferted, that the individual who feebly, or not at all, feels the common impulfes of his nature, betrays an imperfection in his bodily frame, whence unfavourable conclufions may be drawn as to his mental faculties--the pofition would have a fair analogy for its fupport, and might probably be confirmed by actual obfervation. But fuch inftances being exceptions to the common law of the fpecies, inflances of the oppofite kind can be confidered as nothing extraordinary; and it is abfurd to look for the caufe of any thing whereby one man is diftinguished from another, in fomewhat which belongs to the general definition of man.

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fured that his head did not run upon feafts or love adventures. But it is needlefs to multiply ancient authorities on a point, concerning which all antiquity fpeaks but one language. The fable of the choice of Hercules may ftand for the univerfal doctrine of thofe ages-that the love of pleasure and the spirit of performing great actions, are in direct opposition

ordinary fufceptibility, therefore, of the
impreffions of fenfe, and an ordinary de-
fire of natural gratifications, can be no
marks of fuperiority of character. Will
the theorist, then, maintain that extra
ordinary fenfibilities in thefe refpects are
proofs of excellence? Will he look for
the feeds of greatnefs in the voracious
appetite of a Vitellius, or the infatiable luft
of a Caligula or, turning his view upon to each other.
inferior animals, will he infer generofity
and nobleness of nature from the incli-
nations of the afs, the goat, the monkey,
and the hog A founder philofophy
would lead us to conclude, that there
being always a certain relation between
the power of being excited and actual
excitement the former fuffering exhauf-
tion in proportion to the repetition of the
latter--the more the fufceptibilities of
our nature are wafted upon common pro-
penfities, the lefs alive will they be to
the rarer and more exalted. Thus, the
indulgence of appetite will weaken paf-
fion; that of the meaner paffions will
fifle the nobler; fondness for the plea-
fures of fenfe will damp the ardour for
pleasures of the understanding. And
experience, on the whole, feems to con-
firm this theoretical deduction. For
though there are fome ardent natures
which carry every thing to its extreme,
and feem formed for whatever is exqui-
fite, both in fenfe and intellect, yet the
quick viciffitudes to which they are liable
in their purfuits, muft ever prevent their
attaining that high degree of perfection,
which can only be the refult of steadi-
nefs and felf-controul. An Alcibiades or
a Villiers may obtain diftinction by being
every thing by turns, and nothing
long; they may dazzle by the variety
of their powers, and excite vulgar ad-
miration by the apparently incongruous
mixture of levity with ferioufnefs, dif-
fipation with induftry-but they can
never rife to the character of true great-
nefs, more than of folid virtue. If Cæfar
be confidered as one of the first of men,
it is not for his debauched youth, but
for his fober and fedate manhood. Cata-
line, who continued to be at once, all
that Cæfar was at different periods, rofe
only to be the head of a defperate
banditti. Scipio is as famed for his con-
tinence as his valour. The Spartans
conquered themfelves, before they came
to be the conquerors of nations Even
the elegant Athenians became the difci-
ples of philofophers, before they were
advanced to high offices in the ftate; and
when Themistocles could not fleep for
the trophies of Miltiades, we may be af-

Were the principles of modern times really thofe of the religion profeffed in them, the question, as far as relates to them, would be inftantly decided; for a genuine Chriftian hero cannot be a voluptuary. But fince, in fact, men have known as well how to conciliate licenti oufnefs in conduct with rigidity in principle under the fyftems of Chriftianity, as under thofe of Heathenifin, there is ample room for the fame enquiry refpecting diftinguished modern characters, as the ancient have afforded; and I doubt not that the fame refult would be the confequence. After all that Voltaire has done to throw a fplendour round his amiable hero of the Henriade, fober history will tell us that he was not a great man, because he was the flave of appetite and paffionthat had he not poffeffed, in Sully, a minifter whofe talents were equalled by his morals, he would probably never have rifen even to the rank of a great kingand that his fcandalous indulgencies with the fex, at an advanced period of life, were proofs of an incurable weak nefs of character, and involved him in perpetual difficulties and difgraces. Who was the only king of the English line truly deferving the epithet of great? The temperate, virtuous, and indefatigable Alfred. What made the two Swedes, Guftavus Adolphus and Charles XII, the one the greatest hero, the other the hardieft warrior of his age, but their rigid fobriety and felf-command? Wher was the power of the Spanish monarchy wielded with fo much vigour and regard to the public welfare, as by the auftere Ximenes? Were not the minifters of Elizabeth as much diftinguished by regularity and decorum as by capacity? Were not chastity and temperance qualities in high efteem in the age of chivalry; the principles of which, fantaftic as they were, in fome refpects, undoubtedly tended to the elevation of the human character ? Did not even the feverity of religious selfdenial mingle with habitual contempt of pleasure in thofe numerous characters of vigour and ability which the civil troubles confequent to the reformation, exhibited in fo many countries? To con



Letters between Mad. Necker and Dr. Percival.

clude the late king of Pruffia, to whom all cotemporary monarchs were pigmies, though fufficiently Epicurean by princi ple, did he not in practice exercise abfolute dominion over all voluptuous propenfities, and was he not notoriously indifferent to feminine allurements?

I know it would be poffible enough to adduce a number of examples of an oppofite kind-for man is man-the love of pleafute is a part of his nature, and extraordinary efforts are requifite to bring it under fubjection. But it is fufficient for my purpose to have shown, that there is po neceffary connection between strong propenfities to fenfual indulgence, and exalted moral or intellectual faculties; and that a man may eafily be as great a debauchee as Cæfar, without being fuperior in understanding to Heliogabalus; whilft, on the other hand, he may be fober and continent, both by habit and difpofition, with the enterprife of a Frederick, and the fublimity of a New

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Extract of a Letter from MADAME NECKER to DR. PERCIVAL, of Manchester; dated Verfailles, March 9, 1789. "Vous ne faites pas de vœux plus ardens que moi pour la fuppreffion de la traité des negres. Vous avez beaucoup ecrit en ce genre, et jamais rien, "je penfe, n'a fait plus d'honneur à la "nation Angloife: mais ce concours fi "neceffaire de toutes les puiffances rend infructueux jufques à prefent les vœux "de tous les particuliers. Je suis bien fûre du cœur de M. Necker; ce cœur "embraffe tous les hommes, et ne con"noit point de bonheur plus grand fur la terre, que celui de contribuer à rendre leur fort plus doux: mais il eft "administrateur, et il faut qu'il cherche "à concilier les devoirs, et qu'il confi❝dère le bien de la France avant celui "de l'Afrique. Pour moi, que ne juge des chofes que par le fentiment, et qui n'ai de compte à rendre qu'à mon pro

TRANSLATION." Your wishes for "the fuppreffion of the trade in Negroes are not more ardent than mine. The English have many treatises upon this "fubject; and nothing, I think, ever "did more honour to their nation. But



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a general concurrence of all the European governments being wanting to "effectuate the abolition, the wishes of "individuals have been hitherto render"ed fruitlefs. I can answer for the "heart of M. Necker; a heart which "embraces the whole human race, and

" which knows no greater felicity upon "earth, than that of contributing to "make their lot more comfortable; but "he is a minifter of state; and he muft "endeavour to give confiftency to his "various duties, and to confider the good of France before that of Africa. "For my own part, who judge of things

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only by fentiment, and am accounta"ble only to my own heart, I turn my "thoughts inceffantly towards a revo"lution, without which, it appears to


me, we can never hope to be Chrif "tians, nor even to be men; or, to "fpeak plainly, without which we may «be justly compared to bears and tigers, "which roam the foreft. Continue, "generous English, to fet the example "of all the good which is done in the "world. And may we be always your "rivals, and never your enemies!"

In the courfe of correfpondence with MADAME NECKER, the following anfwer was returned to thefe obfervations:

"Permit me again to folicit your influence with M. NECKER, in behalf of the poor Negroes. The terms in which you ftate his comparative obligations toward France and Africa, are not strictly accurate. A great minifter is reponsible for the honour and probity of the people, whofe affairs he directs; and no end, however legitimate, ought to be pursued by unjustifiable means. But in nations, as amongst individuals, there fubfifts a high and magnanimous, as well as a fordid and ignoble intereft; and when4 S 2


ever these are in competition, there can affuredly be no doubt about the preference. With regard to the traffic in the human fpecies, I truft it will appear, that policy and profit are light in the balance, when weighed against humanity and rectitude; and that they will, eventually, on a more enlarged view, be found to be perfectly compatible.".

It may afford fatisfaction, Mr. Editor, to many of your readers, to be informed, that there is reafon to believe M. NECKER would have employed his most strenuous exertions in the abolition of the flave trade, if the diftractions of France had not driven him from the heim of government. The REV. DR. FROSSARD, author of an admirable work, entitled, La Caufe des Eclaves Négres t des Habitans de la Guinée portée au Triba nal de la Justice, de la Religion, de la Politique, published at Lyons in 1789, thus expreffes himself in a letter to the writer of this article: "My work has receiv"ed very flattering tokens of appro"bation from M. and Madame Necker. "They have both thanked me in the "moft honourable manner: and the "letter of this excellent minifter gives me affurance, that he will enter on the "business of the abolition of the flave "trade as foon as the establishment of "affairs in France will permit."

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M. TURGOT who was comptroller

of the finances of France in the years 1774, 1775, and 1776, and who is univerfally allowed to have been a man of pre-eminent talents, and of the most comprehenfive views, propofed it, as one object of his adminiftration, to upprefs the traffic in the human fpecies. The MARQUIS DE CONDORCET records the following fact concerning this enlightened minifter: "A merchant defired to give "the name of Turgot to a veffel, in"tended for the negro-trade. With the "indignation of a virtuous mind, that "could not be familiarized to a crime ❝from the habit of feeing it committed, "M. Turgot rejected the offer; and he "was not afraid, by this refufal, of declaring publicly his opinion, at the riik of exciting againft him all thofe who confidered the promotion of their "fortune as connected with the continu❝ance of this infamous traffic."

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FROM Diodorus Siculus (lib. i.) Plu

tarch (Life of Numa) and Pliny (lib, vii. c. 48) it feems, that the Ægyptians originally dated by lunar years, by years of one month each. They afterwards dated like the Chaldeans, by the year of 365 days (Newton's Works, vol. v. p. 21) and from the era of Nabonaffar*, which began 747 A.C. That they received this fo foon as the Chaldeans, is unproved; but their country being, in fome degree, a dependent province upon Babylon, they probably derived it from the fame edict at the fame time.



vol. ii. p. 264) has obferved, that the book Eichorn (Einleitungins alte teftament, of Genefis, in its present form, must havẹ

been pu: together from feveral documents; and although he may not, perhaps, have completely and accurately difcriminated them (Geddes's Preface to the Holy Bible, p. 5) he has at least afforded clues, which may affift in the fe paration. The admiflion of this is ef

* Jemfhid (according to the fhort History of Perfia prefixed by Sir William Jones to his Life of Nacer Shah, p. 42) introduced the ufe of the folar year among the Perfians, and ordered the first day of it, called Nuruz, to be folemnized Probably, the folar year of Jemihid was no other than the year of 365 by a fplendid festival days, the ufe of which Nabonaffar communicated to the Chaldeans and Ægyptians. When Jemfhid infituted this year, it began in the month of the lamb, while the fun is in Aries. The first year of the æra of Nabonaffar began on the 15th of February, while the fun is in Pisces. Now the Nuruz of this year recedes one day in four years, or very nearly fo: it will therefore have falien upon the vernal equinox 137 years before the æra of Nabonaffar. This is a highly probable period for its inftitution. The aftronon er, who afceita ned the length of the year, would naturally fix upon the equinox for its commencement. We may venture, then, to correct the chronology of Sir William Jones, and to place Jemfhid 884 years before Chrift.


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