
made repeated attempts to regain. The difficult nature of the country prevented the communication between our different columns moving to the attack from their stations on the river Bayas at as early an hour as I had expected, and it was late before I knew that the column composed of the 3d and 7th divisions, under the command of the Earl of Dalhousie, had arrived at the station appointed for them. The 4th and light divisions, however, passed the Zadora immediately after Sir Rowland Hill had possession of Sabijana de Alava, the former at the bridge of Nanclaus, and the latter at the bridge of Tres Puentes; and almost as soon as these had crossed, the column under the Earl of Dalhousie arrived at Mendoza, and the 3d division, under Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton, crossed at the bridge higher up, followed by the 7th division, under the Earl of Dalhousie. These four divisions, forming the centre of the army, were destined to attack the heights, on which the right of the enemy's centre was placed, while Lieut.-General Sir Rowland Hill should move forward from Sabi-,

halted on the 20th in order to close them up, and moved the left to Margina, where it was most likely it would be necessary: I reconnoitered the enemy's position on that day, with a view to the attack to be made on the following morning, if they should still remain in it. We accordingly attacked the enemy yesterday, and I am happy to inform your Lordship, that the Allied Army, under my command, gained a complete victory; having driven them from all their positions, having taken from them 151 pieces of cannon, 415 waggons of ammunition, all their baggage, provisions, cattle, treasure, &c. and a considerable number of prisoners. The operations of the day commenced by Lieut. Gen. Sir Rowland Hill obtaining possession of the heights of La Puebla, on which the enemy's left rested, which heights they had not occupied in great strength. He detached on this service one brigade of the Spanish division, under General Murillo: the other brigade being employed in keeping the communication between his main body, on the high road from Miranda to Vittoria, and the troops detached to the heights. The ene-jana de Alava to attack the left. The enemy, however, soon discovered the importance of the heights, and reinforced the troops there to such an extent, as that Lieutenant-General Sir Rowland Hill was obliged to detach, first, the 71st regiment, and the light infantry battalion of MajorGeneral Walker's brigade, under the command of the Hon. Lieut.-Col. Cadogan, and successively other troops, to the same point; and the Allies not only gained, but maintained possession of these important heights throughout their operations, notwithstanding all the efforts of the enemy to retake them. The contest here, however, was very severe, and the loss sustained considerable. General Murillo was wounded, but remained in the field; and I am concerned to have to report, that the Hon, Lieut.-Colonel Cadogan has died of a wound which he received. In him His Majesty has lost an officer of great zeal and tried gallantry, who had already acquired the respect and regard of the whole profession, and of whom it might be expected, that if he had lived he would have rendered the most important services to his country. Under cover of the possession of these heights, Sir Rowland Hill successively passed the Zadora, at La Puebla, and the defile formed by the heights and the river Zadora; and attacked and gained possession of the village of Sabijana de Alava, in front of the enemy's line, which the enemy

my, however, having weakened his line to strengthen his detachment in the hills, abandoned his position in the valley as soon as he saw our disposition to attack it, and commenced his retreat in good order to wards Vittoria. Our troops continued to advance in admirable order, notwithstand ing the difficulty of the ground. In the mean time, Lieutenant General Sir Thomas Graham, who commanded the left of the army, consisting of the first and fifth divisions and General Pack's and Bradford's brigades of infantry, and Generals Bock's and Anson's brigades of cavalry, and who, had been moved on the 20th to Margina, moved forward from thence on Vittoria, by the high road from that town to Bilboa. He had besides with him the Spanish division under Colonel Longa; and General Giron, who had been detached to the left under a different view of the state of af fairs, and had afterwards been recalled, and had arrived on the 20th at Orduna, marched that morning from thence, so as to be in the field in readiness to support Lieutenant-General Sir T. Grahain, if his support had been required. The enemy had a division of infantry and some cavalry advanced on the great road from Vittoria to Bilboa, resting their right on some strong heights covering the village of Gamarra Major. Both Gamarra and Abechucho were strongly occupied, as tetes-de-pont to




commands the army of the North, was
near Logrono, with one division of the
army of Portugal, commanded by General
Topin, and General Vandermassen's divi-
sion of the army of the North. The 6th
division of the Allied Army, under Major-
General the Honourable Edward Paken-
ham, was likewise absent, having been de-
tained at Medina del Pomar for three days,
to cover the march of our magazines and
I cannot extol too highly the good
conduct of all the General Officers, officers,
and soldiers of the army in this action.
Lieut.-General Sir Rowland Hill speaks
highly of the conduct of General Murillo,
and the Spanish troops under his command,
and of that of Lieut.-General the Hon. W.
Stewart and the Conde d'Amarante, who
commanded divisions of infantry under his

the bridges over the Zadora at these places. | time to allow their baggage and artillery to Brigadier-General Pack, with his Portu- be drawn off. The whole, therefore, of the guese brigade, and Colonel Longa, with latter, which had not already been taken the Spanish division, were directed to turn by the troops in their attack of the succesand gain the heights, supported by Major- sive positions, taken up by the enemy in General Anson's brigade of light dragoons, their retreat from their first position on and the 5th division of infantry, under the Aruney and on the Zadora, and all their command of Major-General Oswald, who ammunition and baggage, and every thing was desired to take the command of all they had, were taken, close to Vittoria. these troops. Lieutenant-General Sir T. I have reason to believe that the enemy Graham reports, that in the execution of carried off with them one gun and one hothis service, the Portuguese and Spanish witzer only. The army under Joseph Buotroops behaved admirably. The 4th and naparté consisted of the whole of the armies 8th caçadores particularly distinguished of the South and of the Centre, and of four themselves. Colonel Longa being on the divisions, and all the cavalry of the army left, took possession of Gamarra Menor. of Portugal, and some troops of the army As soon as the heights were in our posses- of the North. General Foix's division of sion, the village of Gamarra Major was the army of Portugal was in the neighbourmost gallantly stormed and carried by Bri-hood of Bilboa; and General Clausel, who gadier-General Robinson's brigade of the 5th division, which advanced in columns of battalions, under a very heavy fire of artillery and musketry, without firing a shot, assisted by two guns of Major Lawson's brigade of artillery. The enemy suffered severely, and lost three pieces of The Lieutenant-General then proceeded to attack the village of Abechuco with the first division, by forming a strong battery against it, consisting of Captain Dubourdieu's brigade, and Captain Ramsay's troop of horse artillery, and, under cover of this fire, Col. Halkett's brigade advanced to the attack of the village, which was carried, the light battalion having charged and taken three guns and a howitzer on the bridge: this attack was supported by General Bradford's brigade of Portuguese infantry. During the operation at Abechuco, the enemy made the greatest efforts to repossess themselves of the village of Gamarra Major, which were gallantly repulsed by the troops of the 5th division, under the command of Major-General Oswald. The enemy had, however, on the heights on the left of the Zadora, two divisions of infantry in reserve, and it was impossible to cross by the bridges till the troops which had moved upon the enemy's centre and left had driven them through Vittoria. The whole then co-operated in the pursuit, which was continued by all till after it was dark. The movement of the troops under Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Graham, and their possession of Gamarra and Abechuco, intercepted the enemy's retreat by the high road to France. They were then obliged to turn to the road to wards Pamplona; but they were unable to hold any position for a sufficient length of


He likewise mentions the conduct of the Hon. Lieut.-Col. O'Callagan, who maintained the village of Sabijana de Alava against all the efforts of the enemy to regain possession of it, and that of Lieut. Colonel Brooke, of the Adjutant-General's department, and Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. Alexander Abercromby, of the QuarterMaster-General's department. It was impossible for the movements of any troops to be conducted with more spirit and regularity than those of these respective divisions of Lieut.-General the Earl of Dalhousie, Sir These, Thomas Picton, Sir Lowry Cule, and Major-General Charles Baron Alten. troops advanced in echelons of regiments, in two, and occasionally three lines; and the Portuguese troops, in the 3d and 4th divisions, under the command of Brigadier General Power and Colonel Stubbs, led the march with a steadiness and gallantry never before surpassed on any occasion. Major

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the Hereditary Prince of Orange was in the field as my Aid-de-camp, and conducted himself with his usual gallantry and intelligence. Mareschal del Campo Don Luis Wimpsen, and the Inspector-General Don Thomas O'Donoju, and the officers of the Staff of the Spanish army, have invariably rendered me every assistance in their power in the course of these operations; and I avail myself of this opportunity of expressing my satisfaction at their conduct, as like

General the Hon. C. Colville's brigade of the 3d division was seriously attacked, in its advance, by a very superior force, well formed, which it drove in, supported by General Inglis's brigade of the 7th division, commanded by Colonel Grant, of the 82d. These officers, and the troops under their command, distinguished themselves. Major-Gen. Vandeleur's brigade of the light division was, during the advance upon Vittoria, detached to the support of the 7th division, and Lieut.-Gen. the Earl of Dal-wise with that of Mareschal del Campo Don housie has reported most favourably of its Miguel de Alava, and of the Brigadier-Geconduct. Lieut. Gen. Sir Thomas Graham neral Don Joseph O'Lawlor, who have particularly reports his sense of the assist- been so long and so usefully employed with ance he received from Col. Delancey, De- me. The artillery was most judiciously puty Quarter-Master-General, and from placed by Lieut.-Colonel Dickson, and was Lieut.-Col. Bouverie, of the Adjutant-Ge- well served, and the army is particularly neral's department, and from the officers of indebted to that corps. The nature of the his personal staff, and from the Hon. Lieut.- ground did not allow of the cavalry being Colonel Upton, Assistant Quarter-Master- generally engaged, but the general officers, General, and Major Hope, Assistant Adju- commanding the several brigades, kept the tant, with the 1st division; and Major- troops under their command respectively General Oswald reports the same of Lieut.- close to the infantry to support them, and Colonel Berkeley, of the Adjutant-General's they were most active in the pursuit of the department, and Lieut.-Colonel Gomm, of enemy after they had been driven through the Quarter-Master-Gener I's department. Vittoria. I send this dispatch by my AidI am particularly indebted to Lieut.-Gen. de-Camp, Captain Fremantle, whom I beg Sir Thomas Graham, and Lieut.-Gen. Sir leave to recommend to your Lordship's Rowland Hill, for the manner in which protection: he will have the honour of laythey have respectively conducted the serviceing at the feet of His Royal Highness the intrusted to them since the commencement of the operations, which have ended in the battle of the 21st, and for their conduct in that battle; as likewise to Marshal Sir William Beresford, for the friendly advice and assistance which I have received from him upon all occasions during the late opeI enclose a return of the killed and rations. I must not omit to mention, like-wounded in the late operations, and a rewise, the conduct of General Giron, who turn of the ordnance and ammunition capcommands the Gallician army, who made tured in the action of the 21st inst. a forced march from Orduna, and was actually on the ground in readiness to support Lieut.-General Sir Thomas Graham. have frequently been indebted, and have had occasion to call the attention of your PORTUGUESE-3 rank and file, killed; 1 maLordship to the conduct of the Quarter-jor, 1 captain, 3 serjeants, 16 rank and filę, Master-General, Major-Gen. George Mur-wounded. ray, who, in the late operations, and in the battle of the 21st instant, has again given me the greatest assistance. I ani likewise indebted much to Lord Aylmer, the Deputy-Adjutant-General, and to the officers of the Adjutant and Quarter-Master-General's departments respectively, and to Lieut.-Col. Lord Fitzroy Somerset, Lieut.-Col. Campbell, and the officers of my personal Staff; and to Lieut.- Col. Sir R. Fletcher, and the officers of the Royal Engineers. Colonel his Serene Highness


Prince Regent, the colours of the 4th battalion of the 100th regiment, and Marshal Jourdan's baton of a Marshal of France, taken by the 87th regiment.

I have the honour to be, &c. WELLINGTON. (Signed)

Abstract of Loss from June 12 to 21. BRITISH-2 serjeants, 9 rank and file, 9 horses, killed; 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 2 serjeauts, 62 rank and file, 13 horses, wounded,

On the 21st.

captains, 10 lieutenants, 4 ensigns, 1 staff, 15 serjeants, 4 drummers, 460 rank and file, 92 horses, killed; 1 general staff, 7 lieutenant-colo nels, 5 majors, 40 captains, 87 lieutenants, 22 ensigns, 5 staff, 123 serjeants, 13 drumuiers, 2,504 rauk and file, 63 horses, wounded.

Total British Loss.-1 lieutenant-colonel, 6

Total Portuguese Loss.-3 captains, 1 lieutenaut, 3 ensigns, 4 serjeants, 1 drummer, 138 rank and file, 1 horse, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, majors, 16 captains, 10 lieutenants, 19 ensigns, 2 staff, 35 serjeants, 1 drummer, 811 rank and file, wounded.

Total Spanish Loss.--1 captain, 3 lieutenants,

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85 rank and file, killed; 1 géneral staff, 1 lien- | Lieut. Higgins, severely; Lieut. Welch, very tenant-colonel, 3 captains, 6 lieutenauts, 453 rank aud file, wounded.

Grand Total.-1 lieutenant-colonel, 10 captains, 14 lieutenants, 7 ensigns, 1 staff, 19 serjeants, 5 drummers, 683 rank and file, 93 horses, killed; 2 general staff, 9 lieutenant-colonels, 9 majors, 59 captains, 103 hentenauts, 41 ensigns, 7 staff, 153 serjeants, 14 drummers, 3,768 rank and file, 68 horses, wounded.

N. B. 1 serjeant, 2 drummers, 263 rank and file, have been returned missing by the several corps of the army, British and Portuguese; it is supposed that the greater numbe of them lost their regiments in the course of the night, and that very few have fallen into the hands of the

[blocks in formation]

11th Light Dragoons. Lieut. the Hon. G.
Thellusson, attached to the 16th Light Dra-
goons.-12th Ditto. Cornet Hammond.-18th
Hussars. Capt. Turing.-4th Foot, 1st Batt.
Lieut. Thorn, Adj. Barker--5th Foot. Capt.
Adams, Ensign Bolton.-47th Foot, 2d Batt.
Lieut. Harley, Lieut. Hill.-51st Foot. Lieut.
Percy.-52 Foot, 1st Batt. Capt. Curry.-68th
Foot. Capt. Anderson, Ensign Pirvin.-71st
Foot, 1st Batt. Lieut. Col. Hon. H. Cadogan,
Capt. Hall, Lient. C. M'Kensey. 82d Foot, 1st
Batt. Lieut. Carrol-83d Foot, 2d Batt. Lieut.
Bloxham, Lient, Lindsay.-87th Foot, 2d Batt.
Ensign Greedy.—95th Foot, 3d Batt. Lieut. L.
Campbell.-94th Foot, 1st Batt. Volunteer

British From 12th to 19th June.

3d Dragoons. Capt. Sitwell, severely.-25th Foot, 1st Batt. Lient. Haggup, ditto.-Bruns: wick Oels. Licut. Meger, ditto.- 1st Royal Scot. Volunteers W. Dobbs and S. Miller, slightly; T., Suthrill, severely.-23d Fusileers. Lieut. Sedly, severely.

On the 21st of June.

slightly; Lieut. Johnson, severely; Lieut. Galbraith, very slightly.-27th Foot, 3d Batt. Lieuts. Gordon, Wehr, and Hill.-28th Foot, 1st Batt. Major Patterson (Lieut.-Col.), Capt. Wilson, Capt, Bowles, Lieut. Wolf, Lieut. Morris, severely; Lieut. Gordon, slightly; Lieut. Irwing, severely; Lieut. Coen, Lieut. Burne, slightly Lieut. Sweney, Lieut. M'Donnell, severely; Lient. Clark, slightly; Lieut. R. Mitchell, severely; Lieut. Evans, slightly; Lieut. R. H. Mit chel, severely; Ensign Alexander, slightly; Ensign Burn, severely.-81st Foot, 2d Bait. Capt. Girdleston, ditto.-34th Foot, 2d Batt. Lieut. Ball, slightly; Lieut. Moggerige, severely; Lieut. Cairnes, slightly-88th Foot, 1st Batt. Lieut. M'Gill, ditto; Ensign Curren, severely. -39th Foot, 1st Batt. Capt. Carthew, slightly; Capt. Walton, Capt. Hicks, severely; Lieuts. Mead, Crotty, and Reynolds, ditto; Lieuts Spiers, and Baines, slightly.-40th Foot, 1st Batt. Capt. Ellis, Lieut. Gorman, and Ensign Fox, severely.-43d Foot, 1st Batt. Capt. Duffey (Major), slightly; Lient. Houlton, severely.

45th Foot, 1st Batt. Lieut.-Col. Ridewood, Lieuts. Rennet, Little, and Ensign Edmonds, ditto.-47th Foot, 2d Batt. Captains Hodges and Parsons, slightly; Capt. Yates, severely; Lieut. Short, slightly.-50th Foot, 1st Batt. Captains A. Gordon and Gardiner, Lieuts. Bower and Turner, and Eusigns Williams and Reid, severely.-51st Foot. Ensign J. Campbell, slightly, 52 Foot, 1st Batt. Adj. Jones, severely.57th Foot, ist. Batt. Lieuts. Northey, Dix, and Frances, slightly.-59th Foot, 2d Batt. Lieut. Col. Fane, Major Weir (Lieut.-Col.) Lients. M'Gregor, Mayne, Walker (since dead), Langley, and M'Pherson, severely; and Ensign Pyne, slightly.-60th Foot, 5th Batt. Capt. Batt. Capt. Nicholls, severely. 68th Foot, 2d Franchiny, Lient. Joyce, ditto.-66th Foot, 2d Batt. Lieut.-Col. Johnson, and Capt. Gough, ditto; Capt. Read, Lieuts. Sorly and M'Kay, slightly; Ensigns Fawke, Ball, and Stretton, severely; Ensign Skene, slightly; Adj. Hinds, severely. 71st Foot, 1st Batt. Brevet Lieut.Col. Cothen, slightly; Capt. Read, severely; Capts. Pidgeon and Grant, and Lieut. Duff, slightly; Lieut. Fox, severely (since dead); Lieuts. Richards, McIntyre, Toriarno, Campbell, and Commeline, severely; and Lieut. Cox, severely, and missing. 74th Foot. Capt. M'Queen, slightly; Capt. Ovens, Ensigns Hamilton and Shore, and Adj. White, severely. 82d Foot, 1st Batt. Lieut.-Col. Grant, Lient. Derenzy, Lieut. Agnew, ditto.-83d Foot, 2d Batt. Major Widderington, ditto: Capt. Venables, Lieut. Smith, slightly; Lieut. Baldwin, severely.-87th Foot, 2d Batt. Capts. Vande3d Dragoon Guards. Lieut. W. Stewart, se- leur, Ö'Brien, and King; Lieuts. Higginson, verely.-15th King's Hussars. Capt, Hencox, and Mountgaret, ditto; Lieut. Dowling, Ensign slightly; Lieut. the Hon. J. Finch, ditto.-16th Stafford, slightly. 88th Foot, 1st Batt. Capt. Light Dragoons. Lient. Arnold, ditto; Adj. M'Dermot, severely; Lieuts. Flood, FitzpaBarra, ditto. 18th Hussars. Capt. R. Caw, se- trick, Faires, slightly; Ensign Sanders, severe-verely (since dead); Cornet Forster, severely.-ly.-94th Foot. Lieut.-Col. Campbell, Capt. Royal Engineers. Lieut. Wright, slightly.-Royal Horse Artillery. Lieut. Swaby, severely.1st Foot, 3d Batt. Lient.-Col. Campbell, and Lieut. Glover, ditto; Liems. Armstrong, and Rae, slightly; Lients. M'Kellegane, and Cross, severely; Ensign Green, slightly.-4th Foot, 1st Batt. Captains Williamson, Kepping, Ward, and Edgel, severely; Lieut. Hopkins, slightly; Eusign M Crohan, severely.-5th Foot, 1st Batt. Capt. Bateman, ditto; Lieut. Bird, slightly;

General Staff. Major-Gen. the Hon. Charles Colville, slightly, Major the Marquess of Tweeddale, 44th regiment, A. Q. M. G. ditto; Capt. T. H. Brown, 23d Fusileers, D. A. A. G. ditto; Capt. Hay, 1st Royal Scots, Aid-de-Camp to Major-Gen. Hay, severely; Capt. Bringhurst, 1st Dragoon Guards, Aid-de-Camp to MajorGen. Pane, slightly; Capt. Hay, Aid-de-Camp to Major-Gen. Brisbane, ditto; Capt. Webster, 9th Light Dragoons, Extra Aid de-Camp to Major-Gen. Long, ditto; Capt. Woodyer, Royal Arutlery, ditto.

Cairneross, Lient. M'Arthur, ditto; Lieut Can-
non, slightly; Ensigns Stainton and Nairne;
Adj. Jackson, severely.-95th Foot, 1st Batt.
Brevet Lieut.-Col. Cameron, severely; Lieuts
Cox, Hopwood, and Gairdner, ditto; Lieut.
Lester, slightly.-93th Foot, 2d Batt. Capt.
Jenkins, ditto.-Chasseurs Britanniques. Capt.
Millims, ditto; Lieut. Lenhart, severely-1st
Light Batt. King's German Legion. Lient. Hede-
man, slightly.-1st Foot, Sd Batt. Volunteer

Dobbs, severely. 5th Foot, 1st Batt. Volun-
teer Rees, ditto.

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NAMES OF THE Portuguese Officers. Killed.-9th Regiment of the Line. Ensign Martinho C. Reyo, Dns. Joao Matiro,-16th Ditto. Capt. Lynch,-21st Ditto. Capts. M. V. Sequera, C. J. D'Aro; Lient. J. Palmer.-6th Cacadores. Ensign A. Özzorio.

Wounded. Lieut. Col. Harding, Deputy-Quarter-Master-General, severely; Capt. Fitzgerald, Brigade-Major, slightly.-3d Regiment of the Line. Capt. Smith, severely; Lient. J. V. Cordor, slightly.-9th Ditto. Major Ross, Capts. J. M. J. Desoure, F. V. Boaz (since dead); G. Potter, Lieut. St. Martino, Querado; Ensigns T. J. Mesiell, I. L. Bareto, G. N. de Malos, and A. P. da Gema; Adj. M. S. Gomes.— 11th Ditto. Major Donahoe, slightly; Capt. J. de Govie, ditto; Capt. G. Shipping, severely; Lieut. M. Saritos, ditto; Lient. L. Pinto, Ensign J. A. Ribeiro, slightly; Ensign F. de Govia, severely.-15th Ditto. Major A. Campbell, ditto; Capt. B. Baptisto, slightly.-16th Ditto. Capt. M. J. Xavia, Ensign FT. Penebra, ditto -17th Ditto. A. Evage, ditto.-21st Ditto. Capts. S. Girnier, A. J. Soeras, D. Mechad; Lients. Galbrieth, and F. de Lima; Ensigns J. A. Pinto, T. de Rango, A. S. Loevas, J. P. de Cea, and J. de Oleveira.-23d Ditto. Major F. D. de Pod Azeo, severely; Capt. F. J. Pierio; Ensigns S. de Cunha, and J. Robeira, slightly, 4th Cacadores. Capt. M'Greggor, severely; Ensign Frazao, slightly. 7th Cacadores. Capt. T. Velente, ditto; Lieut. P. Pauls, severely, Lient. F. Cezar, Ensign J. Carisoatoms, slightly. 8th Cacadores. Capt. A. Carlos, severely; Ensign Perrara, ditto.-11th Cacadores. Lieuts. A. R. da Sa, P. D. M. Pioroto, Ensign A. J. Vedal.


Brig.-Gen. Pablo Murillo, severely wounded. The other Spanish Officers' names not ascertained.

(Signed) ALYMER, Dep. Adj. Gen. Return of Ordnance, Carriages, and Ammunition, captured from the Enemy in the Action of the 21st of June, 1813.

Vittoria, June 23, 1813. Brass Ordnance on Travelling Carriages. 28 twelve-pounder guns, 42 eight pounder guns, 43 four-pounder guns, 3 eight-inch how itzers, 20 six-inch howitzers, 3 four and 2 fiveinch howitzers, 2 six-inch mortars.-Total 151.

Caissons-56 twelve-pounder guns, 76 eightpounder guns, 68 four-pounder guns, 7 eightinch howitzers, 54 six-inch howitzers, 5 four and 2 five-inch howitzers, 149 small arm ammunition. →Total 415,

Rounds of Ammunition-1,936 twelve-pounder guns, 5,424 eight-pounder guns, 3,434 fourpounder guns, 97 eight-inch howitzers, 3,358

six-inch howitzers. Total 14,249.

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1,973,400 musket-ball cartridges, 40,668 lb. of gunpowder, 56 forage waggons, 44 forge wag



turns, I have to report to your Lordship,
that we have continued to pursue the ene-
my, whose rear reached Pamplona this
day. We have done them as much injury
as has been in our power, considering the
state of the weather and of the roads; and :
this day the advanced guard, consisting of
Major-General Victor Baron Alten's bri-
gade, and the 1st and 3d battalions of the
95th regiment, and Major Ross's troop of
horse artillery, took from them the re-
maining gun they had. They have entered
Pamplona, therefore, with one howitzer
only. General Clausel, who had under
his command that part of the Army of the
North, and one division of the Army of
Portugal which was not in the action of
the 21st, approached Vittoria on the 23d,
when he heard of the action of the pre-
ceding day, and finding there the 6th di-
vision, which had just arrived under the
command of Major-Gen. the Hon. E. Pa-
kenham, he retired upon la Guardia, and
has since marched upon Tudela de Ebro.
It is probable that the enemy will continue
their retreat into France. I have detached:
Gen. Giron with the Gallician Army in
pursuit of the convoy which moved from
Vittoria on the morning of the 20th, which
I hope he will overtake before it reaches
-I have the honour to be, &c.

(Transmitted by Lord Keith.)


His Majesty's ship Surveillante, at anchor off Castro, June 25, 1913. My Lord, I have the satisfaction to ace quaint your Lordship, that the supplies of the garrison of Castro de Urdéales having been cut off by His Majesty's cruisers on this coast, and the total want of meat, obliged the commanding officer to evacuate the castle on the 22d instant, and retire to Santona. The Sparrow heaving in sight at the same moment, obliged the Commandant to do this so precipitately, as to prevent his destroying his artillery and powder, or doing any mischief to the castle itself. Captain Taylor very properly immediately garrisoned the castle, and this day we have had a party of the army under General: Mendizabel. I am sorry to say, five sixths of this town is in ruins, and that the

R. D. HENAGAN, Commissary Royal Artillery.
A. DICKSON, Lieut.-Col. commanding Artillery.dreadful barbarities committed by the

French-Italian troops, as detailed by the
few surviving old women, are too shocking
Irunzun, June 24,
My Lord, The departure of Captain to be made the subject of a public letter:
Fremantle having been delayed till this nor was the carnage confined to the evens
day, by the necessity of making up the re-ing of the storm alone. The inhabitants

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