An Enquiry Concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties and Literature of Negroes

Routledge, 2016/09/16 - 208 ページ
Amongst other things, this book is a devastating critique of Thomas Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia, in which he mused about black inferiority. Its publication in 1810, after Jefferson's opposition to its appearance, was a major event for African Americans.



Series Foreword by Paul Finkelman
Concerning the signification of the word Negro Ought all blacks to be included
Opinions relative to the moral inferiority of Negroes Discussions on this
Moral qualities of the Negroes their love of industry courage bravery
Continuation of the same Subject
Talents of the Negroes for arts and trades Political societies organized among
Literature of Negroes
Of Negroes and Mulattoes distinguished by their talents and their works

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著者について (2016)

Henri Gregoire (Author) , Graham Russell Hodges
