
"No traveller's voice may now be heard, In fear he hastens by;

But I have heard the village maid

In vain for succour cry.

"I used to see the youths row down
And watch the dripping oar,

As pleasantly their viol's tones
Came soften'd to the shore.

"King Henry, many a blacken'd corpse I now see floating down!

Thou man of blood! repent in time,
And leave this leaguer'd town."

"I shall go on," King Henry cried, "And conquer this good land; Seest thou not, Hermit, that the Lord Hath given it to my hand?"

The Hermit heard King Henry speak,

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And angrily look'd down;
His face was gentle, and for that
More solemn was his frown.

"What if no miracle from Heaven The murderer's arm controul,

Think you for that the weight of blood Lies lighter on his soul?

"Thou conqueror King, repent in time Or dread the coming woe!

For, Henry, thou hast heard the threat, And soon shalt feel the blow!"

King Henry forced a careless smile,
As the hermit went his way;

But Henry soon remember'd him
Upon his dying day.

Westbury, 1798.



Recibió un Cavallero, paraque cultivasse sus tierras, a un Quintero, y para pagarle algo adelantado le pidió fiador; y no teniendo quien le fiasse, le prometió delante del sepulcro de San Isidro que cumpliria su palabra, y si no, que el Santo le castigasse. Con lo qual, el Cavallero le pagó toda su soldada, y le fió. Mar desagradecido aquel hombre, no haciendo caso de su promessa, se huyó, sin acabar de servir el tiempo concertado. Passó de noche sinreparar en ello, por la Iglesia de San Andrès, donde estaba el cuerpo del siervo de Dios. Fuè cosa maravil losa, que andando corriendo toda la noche, no se apartó de la Iglesia, sino que toda se le fuè en dar mil bueltas al rededor de ella, hasta que por la mañana, yendo el amo à quexarse de San Isidro, y pedirle cumpliesse su fianza, halló a su Quintero alli, dando mas y mas bueltas, sin poderse haver apartado de aquel sitio. Pidiò perdon al Santo, y à su amo, al qual satisfizo despues enteramente por su trabajo.- VILLEGAS. Flos Sanc


"IF thy debtor be poor," old Christoval said,
"Exact not too hardly thy due;

For he who preserves a poor man from want
May preserve him from wickedness too.

"If thy neighbour should sin," old Christoval said, "Oh never unmerciful be;

But remember it is through the mercy of God

That thou art not as sinful as he.

"At sixty-and-seven the hope of Heaven

Is my comfort through God's good grace; My summons, in truth, had I perish'd in youth, Must have been to a different place."

"You shall have the farm, young Christoval," My master Henrique said;

"But a surety provide, in whom I can confide, That duly the rent shall be paid."

I was poor, and I had not a friend upon earth, And I knew not what to say;

We stood in the porch of St. Andrew's Church And it was St. Isidro's day.

"Take St. Isidro for my pledge,'
I ventured to make reply,
"The Saint in Heaven may be

But friendless on earth am I."

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my friend,

We enter'd the Church, and went to his shrine,

And I fell on my bended knee,

"I am friendless, holy Isidro,

And therefore I call upon thee!

"I call upon thee my surety to be,
My purpose is honest and true;
And if ever I break my plighted word,

O Saint, mayst thou make me rue!"

I was idle, and quarter-day came on,
And I had not the rent in store,
I fear'd St. Isidro's anger,

But I dreaded my landlord more.

So on a dark night I took my flight
And stole like a thief away;

It happen'd that by St. Andrew's Church

The road I had chosen lay.

As I past the Church door, I thought how I swore
Upon St. Isidro's day;

That the Saint was so near increased my fear,
And faster I hasten'd away.

So all night long I hurried on,
Pacing full many a mile,
And knew not his avenging hand
Was on me all the while.

Weary I was, yet safe, I thought;
But when it was day-light
I had I found been running round
And round the Church all night.

I shook like a palsy, and fell on my knees,
And for pardon devoutly I pray'd;

When my master came up, "What, Christoval,
You are here betimes!" he said.

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