

She was a everybody

dressed, very

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young the car.



and with a

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for her carfare in the pocket of her look of drew her hand out empty. She had her As she was about to leave the car, a voice called to her, "Don't go, lady. Here's your carfare." She turned to see a

holding out a

toward her. She

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at him.

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"I'll take it, if you'll tell me your name and I can it to you," she said. "Oh, that's all right, miss," he me any time. I'm the at the corner of Main and First Streets. gave me fifty cents last Christmas. I haven't you." She took the nickel and paid her fare, and he boy in town.

was the

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Write the story of the day when the young lady

gave the half dollar to the boy. Tell:

1. When and where it occurred.

2. What was going on before the young lady came. 3. What happened after she came.

4. Where the boy had previously seen her.

5. How the boy felt about it.



If you respect the language of America enough to want to speak it correctly, you will have nothing to do with aint. You will recognize it as a traitor that is trying to crowd out the good words isn't, aren't, and am not. Practice speaking the sentences below until you have formed the habit of saying, isn't, aren't, weren't, and am not.

Isn't it funny?
Isn't she here?
Isn't he working now?

Aren't we to have any?
Aren't you going home?
Aren't they coming with

Weren't we invited?
Weren't you there?
Weren't they glad to see

It isn't funny.
She isn't here.
He isn't working now.

We aren't to have any.
You aren't very polite.
They aren't coming with us.

We weren't invited.
You weren't there.

They weren't glad to see us.

I'm not going.

I'm not doing anything.

I'm not sure.

Make other sentences, using isn't, aren't, weren't, and am not.

Watch your speech closely for two days and keep strict count of the times you say aint when you should say isn't, aren't, or am not. Listen to the speech of other boys and girls as well. your class.


Be prepared to report to



Miss Morgan, a teacher in the Fifth Grade, was giving a lesson in punctuation. She wrote the following sentence on the board: "John, you may, ride the horse if you want to." Then she said to her pupils, "Children, can anyone write that sentence in another form?" Fred raised his hand. "Very well, Fred," said Miss Morgan; "write it on the board." This is what Fred wrote: "John, you may ride the horse if the horse wants you to."

Notice that in the sentence Miss Morgan wrote, some one is speaking directly to John.

A comma is used to separate John's name from the rest of the sentence.

Miss Morgan speaks directly to the children. Where is the comma placed? Why?

Notice that the comma is placed before Fred's name when Miss Morgan speaks to him. This is also to separate it from the rest of the sentence.

When Fred writes the sentence on the board, he puts a comma after John. Why?

Commas should be used when they help to make the thought clear.

The use of the comma to separate the name of the person addressed from the rest of the sentence helps you in reading the sentence.

Write the following sentences on paper:

"Of what are you afraid my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.

"Oh sir the flowers they are wild," replied the timid


Before what word must you put a comma in the first sentence? Why?

Where should commas be put in the second sentence? Why?

Now read both sentences, showing by your voice how the commas have helped you to make the thought clear.

Names of persons addressed should be separated from the rest of the sentence by commas.




What is earth, graybeard? A place to grow old.

What is earth, miser?
What is earth, schoolboy?
What is earth, maiden?

A place to dig gold.
A place for my play.
A place to be gay.

What is earth, soldier?
What is earth, herdsman?
What is earth, sick man?
What is earth, sailor?
What is earth, monarch?
What is earth, Christian?

A place for a battle.
A place to raise cattle.
'Tis nothing to me.
My home is the sea.
For my realm it is given.
The gateway to heaven.
-Old Rime.

One of you may read the questions; another, the answer. Tell why the comma is used in each question? In the poem called Daybreak on page 53, find four places where the comma is used to separate the name of the person addressed from the rest of the sentence.

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