Sensational Novels, 第 1 巻Vizetelly, 1885 |
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accused affair already arrested artist asked assassin Assize Court Astrodi Auvergnat Bianca Binos Blanchelaine Boulevard Cambremer Chauffaille chief crime daughter dear detective door doubt Englishman entered exclaimed eyes face Father Lecoq followed fortune Fouineux François Boyer Freneuse Gentilly hand hope inheritance investigation service killed knew La Roquette lady leave Lheureux live look Louis Lecoq Madame Lecomte Mademoiselle Lecomte Mademoiselle Paulet Marthe Monsieur Morgue murdered murmured mute Nabob of Bahour never O'Sullivan officers omnibus once opened Paris passed perhaps Piédouche Pigache pocket-book police portrait Prefecture Prefecture of police prison queen of spades recognised replied Rue de l'Arbalète Saint-Ouen Savigny Savigny-sur-Orge seated seemed seen servant switchman talk tell Thérèse thought thousand francs Tinchebray to-morrow Tolbiac told took trunk turned wait walked wish woman word young girl دو