
Long did men persuade themselves, that their little globe was the centre of every movement, and vainly did they endeavour by the most intricate suppositions to reconcile with such a prepossession the phenomena of the surrounding objects; at length however it was discovered that for the true centre they should look from the earth to the heavens, and it is now concluded that the sun himself, the immediate centre of our planetary system, performs his revolutions round some prodigiously distant and common centre of the whole creation. In politics also men have hitherto referred every thing to the causes, which act immediately among themselves, to the resources, the interests, and the passions of nations, to the sagacity or the folly of statesmen, to the virtues and the vices of powerful individuals: but perhaps it may be now felt that, though these causes do immediately determine political events, they yet act in subordination to a directive providence, which emanates

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from the common centre of the moral uni

verse, and causes all the various and apparently intricate revolutions of human society to cooperate in one systematic arrangement, which manifests the perfection of the divine attributes.

Armagh, November, 11, 1819.


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