
The lady to whom I spoke is my cousin.
He, whose heart is true, fears nothing.

It is I, your leader, who call you on to great deeds.

The day I have hoped for is come.

I think your plan is clever and excellent, except the one part of it, to which I objected yesterday; but I trust to you to remedy this, because your character is at stake.

The children dance round and round.
It is standing-up time at his school.
If the sun shine, the day will be clear.
If you are ready, I will come directly.
I will stay as long as you like.

The door being open, the horse was stolen.

What is the cause of that man's walking so slowly?
What is the reason of that girl singing so hoarsely?

Come what, come may,

Time and the hour wear through the roughest day.-SHAKESPEAR. Give me back him I love

From his stern will relenting.

But first and chiefest, with thee bring,
Him that high soars on golden wing.-MILTON.

But come, thou goddess fair and free,

In Heaven yclept Euphrosyne,

And, by men, heart easing Mirth.-MILTON.

Where you are liberal of your loves and counsels,
Be sure you be not loose; for those you make friends,
And give your hearts to, when they once perceive
The least rub in your fortunes, fall away

Like water from ye, never found again
But when they mean to sink ye.-SHAKESPEAR.

Mark but my fall, and that that ruin'd me ;
Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition;
By that sin fell the angels; how can man then,
The image of his Maker, hope to win by 't?

Love thyself last; cherish those hearts that hate thee,
Corruption wins not more than honesty.-SHAKESPEAR.

Whose mind is but the mind of his own eyes,

He is a slave-the meanest we can meet !--WORDSWORTH..
Sweet Heaven forfend! his was a lawful right
Noisy he was, and gamesome as a boy;
His limbs would toss about him with delight,
Like branches when strong winds the trees annoy.


If plants be cropt, because their fruits are small,
Think you to thrive, that bear no fruit at all.-QUARLES.




1. To what great class of languages does the English belong? 2. Name the different forms of the language which are brought before us in studying the history of England.

3. When and how was the Latin language introduced into our country?

4. When and how was the English language introduced into Britain?

5. Explain the term Anglo-Saxon?

6. What is the origin of the word Wales?

7. What traces do we find in our language of the Danish invasion?

8. What language was introduced by the battle of Hastings, and how long was it spoken in this island?

9. Give some particulars of the changes in our language from the time of the Norman Conquest till the time of the Reformation.

10. Give some details of the spread of the English language in the Western Hemisphere.

11. In the Eastern Hemisphere, where is the English language spoken ?


12. What are the first subjects that come under consideration in studying Grammar?

13. Define orthography, and orthoëpy.

14. Why do not the orthography and orthoëpy of our language agree?

15. How many elementary sounds are there in English? Give instances of each.

16. What is a syllable?

What are the different classes of

words, as regards their syllables?

17. Why are these words miss, butt, or less, spelt with the repetition of the final consonant ?

18. What is accent?

19. Give instances in which accent is distinctive.


20. What is prosody?

21. What position does accent occupy in prosody? 22. How do you measure the length of a verse? 23. What is a measure in poetry?

24. What is blank verse?

25. Give an instance of couplet rhymes.

26. Give an instance of alternate rhymes.

27. What are the necessary conditions of words rhyming to one another?

28. Give an instance of single rhyme. 29. Give an instance of double rhyme.

30. Give an instance of treble rhyme.

31. Explain and illustrate the Heroic measure.

32. Explain and illustrate the two classes of blank verse.


33. What is the meaning of the word etymology? of what does it treat?

34. What are the different ways in which changes are effected in words? Give instances.

35. Name the English parts of speech.

36. What is a proposition?

are there? Give instances.

How many kinds of propositions

37. Of what parts does a proposition necessarily consist?

38. Explain and illustrate the meaning and office of each of these parts.

39. Explain the difference between proper and common names. Also between variable and invariable names.

40. In how many ways are English names variable?

41. What is Case? How many cases are there in English? 42. What is a Pronoun? What is its place in a proposition? 43. Of what varieties are pronouns susceptible?

44. Name the different classes of pronouns.

of each.

Give an instance

45. Draw out a table of all the English pronouns, giving all their inflections.

46. Explain the difference between the true personals and the demonstratives which serve as personals.

47. Explain the difference between personal and possessive pro


48. Explain the difference between interrogative and relative pronouns.

49. What have you to say as to the affinity between who and which?

50. What are the two divisions of the numerals?

51. What is there to observe on the word self?

52. Give the derivation of "Article." Mention the English Articles.

53. What is a Substantive?

54. In what points does it agree with, and in what does it differ from, a pronoun ?

55. What expressions of gender do substantives give ?

56. What inflections of case have substantives?

57. Give the general rules for forming the plural of English substantives.

58. Explain and illustrate the term collectives.

59. What is the etymology of the words alms and riches?

60. How do you form the possessive case in the singular? How in the plural?

61. What is an adjective? What connection has it with the substantive?

62. What are degrees of comparison, and how are they formed? 63. Give the etymologies of the words more, nether, near, farther, further.

64. Give instances of double superlatives.

65. Explain what are abstract substantives. Show the fitness of the term abstract in this case.

66. What are verbals? What are their endings, and what do these endings denote ?

67. What is a verb? and what is its power in a proposition? 68. What is a participle?

69. What words give the copula in a proposition?

70. How many kinds of actions are expressed by verbs? and what are they?

71. Mention some transitive verbs from which intransitives can be formed.

72. In what way can a verb be declined?

73. What difference is there in the present English from the Anglo-Saxon as to the declension of verbs, adjectives, and participles ?

74. What do you mean by the conjugation of a verb ?

75. Name the moods, and their distinctive features and signs. 76. How many tenses are there?

77. What are the two ways of forming the past or preterite ? 78. Name the participles and their endings.

79. How far is there similarity between the past tense and the past participle?

80. In verbs, whose past tense is formed by changing the vowel, how is the past participle generally formed?

81. Give the etymology and meaning of the word yclept.

82. In verbs which admit two forms of preterite, how is the participle formed?

83. What are the inflections of be?

84. What are the inflections of am?

85. What are the inflections of was?

86. What is there to observe with respect to the ordinary arrangement of the verb to be as an irregular verb?

87. What confusion is commonly made between the verbs lie and lay?

88. Give instances of dare as an intransitive and as a transitive verb.

89. What are the etymologies of own?

90. Why are would, should, and could, written with an l?

91. Why is the g inserted in might?

92. What different meanings and etymologies has do?

93. How would you parse quoth?

94. How are adjectives changed into adverbs? What is the meaning of the syllable which forms so common a termination of adverbs?

95. Give the etymology of eftsoons.

96. What are seldom and whilom?

97. Give an instance of an adverb ending in ling.

98. Give the etymologies of here, where, then, there, when.

99. What inflection do adverbs take?

100. Give the etymology of rather.

101. Which are the parts of speech destitute of inflection?


102. Give instances of derivation by the addition of a vowel. 103. Mention the several letters which we find used as additions in derived words, and give an instance in each case.

104. Mention the syllables used as additions in derived words. 105. What class of words is derived from the Anglo-Saxon ending ere?

106. What fact is generally expressed by words ending in en? 107. Give the etymologies of main, tight, uncouth, burthen, eyrie.


108. Write out instances of compound words, naming in each instance the parts of speech used to form the word.


109. Of what does Syntax treat?

110. In cases where it is difficult to distinguish between two separate words and a compound word, what test may be applied? Give instances.

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