

thy providence in favour of reli- in favour gion, and the happiness of man- of Relikind, in the feveral ages of the world; for all the divine mesfengers thou haft fent; by whose inftructions and example, thy light and truth have been preserved, in the darkest times of ignorance and idolatry.

Above all, we thank thee, merciful Father, for the display of the exceeding riches of thy goodnefs in CHRIST JESUS; by for whom thou haft made every ne- CHRIST; ceffary provifion, for our improvement in the knowledge and practice of true religion.

Bleffed be thy name, O GOD, for this divine teacher, and Saviour, whom thou haft fent to declare unto us thy heavenly will; to fave us from ignorance and vice; and to lead us, by his heavenly inftructions, and amiable example, to the love and practice of univerfal goodness.



and the


We offer up our most joyful gratitude to thee, the GOD and Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, that by him we are affured of pardon, and thy gracious acceptance, upon our return to obedience and virtue; that he has opened before us the folemnities of a future judgment; and confirmed to us the joyful hope of glory, honour, and immortality. "O give thanks unto the LORD, "for he is good, and his mercies "endure for ever."


Blessed be the GOD, and Father of our LORD JESUS CHRIST; for he is good, and his mercies endure for ever.


We thank thee, heavenly Father, that though the pure and Reforma holy religion of JESUS was corrupted by wicked men, and its divine light darkened, in thine own due time a reformation was


brought about, under the direction of thy wife providence; and that we now enjoy our chriftian liberty, and chriftian privileges, in peace and tranquillity; none being permitted to rife up, and make us afraid. "O give thanks to "the GOD of heaven, for his mercy "endureth for ever."


Blessed be the LORD our GOD, for he is good, and his mercy endureth for ever.

Here a Pfalm of Praife, or Thankf giving, is to be fung; and after that the Second Leffon read, out of the NEW TESTAMENT, except when this Service is used for the Evening of the first Sunday in the Month; and then the Ten Commandments, together with our Saviour's Summary of the Moral Law, are to be read, instead of the Second Leffon; for which purpofe they are placed at the end of the Occafional Forms.

¶ Then

¶ Then must the Minifter read the fol lowing CONFESSION, the Minifter and People all kneeling.



LMIGHTY and moft merciful Father, we confefs that we have often finned against thee: we have difregarded thine authority, and abused thy goodness: we have left undone those things which we ought to have done; and done those things which we ought not to have done: we have acted inconfiftently with our chriftian character; and departed from the holy commandment delivered unto us: we have been unmindful of the perfect example set before us; and forgotten the fure and precious promises to which we are called: our only hope is in thy mercy: on thy mercy thou haft encouraged us to hope; and haft declared by thy Son CHRIST JESUS, that if we return to the obedience of thy commandments, thou wilt have mercy, and forgive us.



To the LORD our GOD belong mercies and forgiveness, though we have finned against him.

Then the following Prayers are to be read by the Minifter alone, the Congregation ftill kneeling, and faying Amen, at the conclufion of each Prayer.


A Prayer for Forgiveness.

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LORD GOD, who delightest in mercy, and art not willing that any should perish, but that all fhould repent and live; fuffer us not to perish in our tranfgreffions; and fave us especially from the dominion of them, for the time to come. Vouchfafe unto us the light of thy countenance; and establish our minds with a fenfe of thy approbation, and the hopes of thy favour and acceptance unto eternal life. Amen.

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