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For all Mankind.

GOD, the Father of all mankind, we rejoice in thine univerfal providence; and, with full confidence, commit to thy direction all the circumstances of our fellow creatures. Thou art the fountain of all bleffings; thou delightest in doing good: grant, merciful Father, that all mankind may perceive thy hand in the advantages they enjoy; and be difpofed to render thee their humble thanks, for all the inftances of thy beneficence: and by their gratitude to thee, may their good difpofitions be improved, and their happiness increased continually. Amen.


For all Chriftian Churches.

E befeech thee, O GOD of love and mercy, to fend down thy bleffing upon all who profefs the faith of our LORD JESUS CHRIST: suffer not their divifions to injure the cause


of truth and liberty: graciously affist those who love thy holy name, in all their fincere endeavours to reform the abuses which have entered into thy church; and to promote the peace and union of Christians: give them just sentiments of the nature, and tendency of our holy religion: fill their hearts with love to thee, and to each other; may they approve themselves the faithful difciples of JESUS; and become the inftruments of diffufing virtue and happiness in the world. Amen

For the Advancement of Chriftian

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LORD, who would'ft have all men to be faved, fill the minds of thy reasonable creatures with the knowledge of thy truth: cause thy light to fhine upon those who fit in darknefs; difpel the prejudices under which they labour: above all, we beg that thou would'ft deliver them from every evil affection; and bring them into the way



of truth, and happiness. May the Gofpel of JESUS prevail through the world; and by the power of its truth, and the exemplary conduct of those who profess it, enter the hearts and govern the lives of all the inhabitants of the earth; and make all the nations. righteous and happy. Amen.

For the civil Happiness of Mankind.


ORD GOD, who ruleft in the nations, reform, we beseech thee, all the disorders which arise from the evil paffions of men: [put a stop to the wafting calamities of war;] and profper the juft defigns of all those who delight in peace: may the bleffings of free and equal government become univerfal and under the influence of good laws, and a righteous adminiftration, may all the advantages of civil fociety be widely extended; and the best interests of mankind effectually fecured and whilft thy creatures enjoy the gifts of thy bounty, may they unite


in praise and thanksgiving to thee, the Author of all good. Amen.


For our own Country.

E commit to thee, our righteous Governor, all the important interefts of our native Country: grant, we beseech thee, that we may live in fafety; and enjoy the bleffings thy providence has bestowed upon us, in tranquillity and peace: mercifully preserve us from all public calamities : and that we may escape the deftructive evils which thou appointeft for wicked nations, may we be disposed to a general reformation of manners; and may

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true religion and virtue fo prevail amongst us, that our tranquillity may be continued, and our diftinguished privileges be handed down to fucceeding ages. Blefs all our colonies: profper our alliance with foreign nations give us the fruits of the earth in their seasons; and may our trade and commerce be fo conducted, as to


become inftruments of good to the whole nation. Vouchsafe thy favour to all orders of men among us: by a diligent and chearful discharge of the duties of their feveral ftations, may they contribute their part to the public welfare, and the happiness of all mankind. Beftow upon us, O merciful Father, every thing truly good; and may we with one heart, acknowledge and praise thee, who art good, and doeft good continually. Amen.


For the King.

E recommend to the care of thy providence, thy fervant GEORGE Our King: fill his heart with every royal virtue; and affift him in the important duties to which he is called: preserve him from the designs of his enemies; give him the hearts of all his fubjects; and by their fidelity and zeal, may his useful defigns be encouraged, and promoted: fucceed his just undertakings; and after a life of great and extenfive usefulness in this world, advance

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