
of long sience. I dare say you would blush, if you could, to England, with the present Lord Guilford (the late ear for not answering. Next week I set out for Rome. Having having gone to England, by another road, accompanied beseen Constantinople, I should like to look at t'other fellow. his bowels in a separate coffer,) I remit to you, to deliver Besides I want to see the Pope, and shall take care to tell to Mrs. Leigh, two miniatures; but previously you will have him that I vote for the Catholics and no Veto. the goodness to desire Mr. Love (as a peace-offering be tween him and me) to set them in plain gold, with my aru complete, and 'Painted by Prepiani.-Venice, 1817,' on the back. I wish also that you would desire Holmes to make a copy of each-that is, both-for myself, and that you will retain the said copies till my return. One was done while I was very unwell; the other in my health, which may account for their dissimilitude. I trust that they will reach their destination in safety.

I sha'n't go to Naples. It is but the second best seaview, and I have seen the first and third, viz.-Constantinople and Lisbon (by-the-way, the last is but a riverview; however, they reckon it after Stamboul and Naples, and before Genoa,) and Vesuvius is silent, and I have passed by Etna. So I shall e'en return to Venice in July; and if you write, I pray you address to Venice which is iny head, or rather my heart-quarters.

"I recommend the doctor to your good offices with your government friends; and if you can be of any use to him in a literary point of view, pray be so.

"My late physician, Dr. Polidori, is here, on his way to England, with the present Lord Guilford and the widow of the late earl. Doctor Polidori has, just now, no more patients, because his patients are no more. He had lately three, who are now all dead-one embalmed. Horner and have been up to the battlements of the highest tower in "To-day, or rather yesterday, for it is past midnight, I a child of Thomas Hope's are interred at Pisa and Rome. Venice, and seen it and its view, in all the glory of a clear Lord Guilford died of an inflammation of the bowels; so Italian sky. I also went over the Manfrini Palace famous they took them out, and sent them (on account of their for its pictures. Among them, there is a portrait of Ariosto discrepancies,) separately from the carcass, to England. by Titian, surpassing all my anticipation of the power of Conceive a man going one way and his intestines another, painting or human expression: is the poetry of portrait

and his immortal soul a third!—was there ever such a dis

tribution? One certainly has a soul; but how it came to allow itself to be enclosed in a body is more than I can imagine. I only know if once mine gets out, I'll have a bit of a tustle before I let it get in again to that or any other. "And so poor dear Mr. Maturin's second tragedy has been neglected by the discerning public. ** will be d-d glad of this, and d―d without being glad, if ever his own plays come upon 'any stage.'

"I wrote to Rogers the other day, with a message for you. I hope that he flourishes. He is the Tithonus of poetry-immortal already. You and I must wait for it.

"I hear nothing-know nothing. You may easily suppose that the English do n't seek me, and I avoid them. To be sure, there are but a few or none here, save passengers. Florence and Naples are their Margate and Ramsgate, and much the same sort of company too, by all accounts, which hurts us among the Italians.

here-Padua too.

[ocr errors]

learned lady, centuries old, whose name I forget, but whose and the portrait of poetry. There was also one of some features must always be remembered. I never saw greater beauty, or sweetness, or wisdom:-it is the kind of face to


mad for, because it cannot walk out of its frame. There Buonaparte offered in vain five thousand louis; and of is also a famous dead Christ and live Apostles, for which which, though it is a capo d'opera of Titian, as I am no connoisseur, I say little, and thought less, except of one figure in it. There are ten thousand others, and some very fine Giorgiones among them, &c. &c. There is an original Laura and Petrarchi, very hideous both. Petrarch has not only the dress, but the features and air of an old woman, and Laura looks by no means like a young one, or a pretty one. What struck me most in the general female faces in the mass of pictures, so many centuries or collection was the extreme resemblance of the style of the generations old, to those you see and meet every day among the existing Italians. The queen of Cyprus and Giorgione's wife, particularly the latter, are Venetians as it were of yesterday; the same eyes and expression, and. to my mind, there is none finer.

"I want to hear of Lalla Rookh—are you out? Death and fiends! why don't you tell me where you are, what you are, and how you are? I shall go to Bologna by Ferrara, instead of Mantua; because I would rather see the cell where they caged Tasso, and where he became mad and * than his own MSS. at Modena, or the "You must recollect, however, that I know nothing of Mantuan birthplace of that harmonious plagiary and mis-painting; and that I detest it, unless it reminds me of erable flatterer, whose cursed hexameters were drilled into something I have seen, or think it possible to see, for which ane at Harrow. I saw Verona and Vicenza on my way reason I spit upon and abhor all the saints and subjects of one half the impostures I see in the churches and palaces, go alone-but alone, because I mean to return here. I and when in Flanders, I never was so disgusted in my life, only want to see Rome. I have not the least curiosity abas with Rubens and his eternal wives and infernal glare of Florence, though I must see it for the sake of the Venus, colours, as they appeared to me; and in Spain I did not &c. &c.; and I wish also to see the Fall of Terni. I think think much of Murilo and Velasquez. Depend upon it, of to return to Venice by Ravenna and Rimini of both of all the arts, it is the most artificial and unnatural, and that by which I mean to take notes for Leigh Hunt, who will be which the nonsense of mankind is most imposed upon. glad to hear of the scenery of his Poem. There was a never yet saw the picture or the statue which came a leagues devil of a review of him in the Quarterly, a year ago, which within my conception or expectation; but I have seen many he answered. All answers are imprudent; but, to be mountains, and seas, and rivers, and views, and two or three sure, poetical flesh and blood must have the last word-women, who went as far beyond it,-besides some horses that's certain. I thought, and think, very highly of his and a lion (at Veli Pacha's) in the Morea; and a tiger Poem, but I warned him of the row his favourite antique at supper in Exeter 'Change. phraseology would bring him into.

"You have taken a house at Hornsey; I had much rather you had taken one in the Apenines. If you think of coming out for a summer, or so, tell me, that I be may upon the hover for you. "Ever, &c."



"When you write, continue to address to me at Venice. Where do you suppose the hooks you sent me zre? Ai Turin! This comes of the Foreign Office, which is foreignE enough, God knows, for any good it can be of to me, or any one else, and be d-d to it, to its last clerk and first char latan, Castlereagh.

"This makes my hundredth letter at least.

"Yours, &c.*

"Venice, April 14, 1817.

By the favour of Dr. Polidori, who is here on his way

⚫ See Beppo, Stanza 12h.



"Venice, April 14, 1817. The present proofs* (of the whole) begins only at the 17th page; but as I had corrected and sent back the First Act, it does not signify.

other gallery (that is, in the Pitti Palace gallery) the Parca of Michael Angelo, a picture; and the Antinous, the Alexander, and one or two not very decent groups in marble; the Genius of Death, a sleeping figure, &c. &c. "I also went to the Medici chapel-fine frippery in great slabs of various expensive stones, to commemorate fifty rotten and forgotton carcasses. It is unfinished and will remain so.

"The church of Santa Croce' contains much illustrious

The Third Act is certainly dd bad, and, like the Archbishop of Grenada's homily (which savoured of the alsy,) has the dregs of my fever, during which it was nothing. The tombs of Machiavelli, Michael Angelo, Gali written. It must on no account be published in its presenteo Galilei, and Alfieri, make it the Westminster Abbey of 'state. I will try and reform it, or re-write it altogether; Italy. I did not admire any of these tombs-beyond their but the impulse is gone, and I have no chance of making contents. That of Alfieri is heavy, and all of them seem any thing out of it. I would not have it published as it is on any account. The speech of Manfred to the Sun is the only part of this act I thought good myself; the rest is certainly as bal as bad can be, and I wonder what the devil possessed me.

I am very glad indeed that you sent me Mr. Gifford's opinion without deduction. Do you suppose me such a booby as not to be very much obliged to him? or that in fact I was not, and am not, convinced and convicted in my conscience of this same overt act of nonsense?

"I shall try at it again: in the mean time lay it upon the shelf (the whole Drama, I mean:) but pray correct your copies of the First and Second Act from the original MS. "I am not coming to England; but going to Rome in a few days. I return to Venice in June; so, pray, address all letters, &c. to me here, as usual, that is, to Venice. Dr. Polidori this day left this city with Lord Guilford for England. He is charged with some books to your care (from me,) and two miniatures also to the same address, both for my sister.

Recollect not to publish, upon pain of I know not what, antil I have tried again at the Third Act. I am not sure that I shall try, and still less that I shall succeed, if I do; but I am very sure, that (as it is, it is unfit for publication or perusal; and unless I can make it out to my own satisfaction, I won't have any part published. "I write in haste, and after having lately written very aften. "Yours, &c."

[blocks in formation]

"Sealing the sentence which my foes proclaim. The context will show you the sense, which is not clear in this quotation. Remember, I write this in the supposition that you have received my Florentine packet.

"At Florence I remained but a day, having a hurry for Rome, to which I am thus far advanced. However, I went to the two galleries, from which one returns drunk with beauty. The Venus is more for admiration than love; but there are sculpture and painting, which for the first time at all gave me an idea of what people mean by their cant and what Mr. Braham calls 'entusimusy' (i. e. enthusiasm,) about those two most artificial of the arts. What struck me most were, the mistress of Raphael, a portrait; the mistress of Titian, a portrait; a Venus of Titian in the Medici gallery-the Venus; Canova's Venus also, in the other gallery: Titian's mistress is also in the

• Of Manfred.

to me overloaded. What is necessary but a bust and name? and perhaps a date? the last for the unchronological, of whom I am one. But all your allegory and eulogy

infernal, and worse than the long wigs of English numSkulls upon Roman bodies in the statuary of the reigns of Charles II., William, and Anne.

"When you write, write to Venice, as usual; I mean to return there in a fortnight. I shall not be England for a long time. This afternoon I met Lord and Lady Jersey and saw them for some time: all well; children grown and healthy; she very pretty, but sunburnt; he very sick of travelling; bound for Paris. There are not many English on the move, and those who are, mostly homewards. I shall not return till business makes me, being much better where I am in health, &c. &c.

"For the sake of my personal comfort, I pray you send me immediately to Venice-mind, Venice-viz. Waites's tooth-powder, red, a quantity; calcined magnesia, of the best quality, a quantity; and all this by safe, sure, and speedy means; and, by the Lord! do it."

"I have done nothing at Manfred's Third Act. You must wait; I'll have at it in a week or two, or so. "Yours ever, &c."



"Rome, May 5, 1817. "By this post (or next at farthest) I send you in two other covers, the new Third Act of 'Manfred.' I have rewritten the greater part, and returned what is not altered in the proof you sent me. The Abbot is become a good man, and the Spirits are brought in at the death. You will find, I think, some good poetry in this new act, here and there; and if so, print it, without sending me farther proofs, under Mr. Gifford's correction, if he will have the goodness to overlook it. Address all answers to Venice, as usual; I mean to return there in en days.

"The Lament of Tasso, which I sent from Florence, has, I trust, arrived: I look upon it as a 'these be good rhymes,' as Pope's papa said to him when he was a boy. For the two-it and the Drama-you will disburse to me (via. Kinnaird) six hundred guineas. You will perhaps be surprised that I set the same price upon this as upon the Drama; but, besides that I look upon it as good, I won't take less than three hundred guineas for any thing. The two together will make you a larger publication than the 'Siege' and 'Parisina; so you may think yourself let off very easy: that is to say, if these poems are good for any thing, which I hope and believe.

"I have been some days in Rome the Wonderful. I am seeing sights, and have done nothing else, except the new Third Act for you. I have this morning seen a live Popo and a dead Cardinal: Pius VII. has been burying Cardinal Bracchi, whose body I saw in state at the Criesa Nuova. Rome has delighted me beyond every ing since Athens and Constantinople. But I shall not remain long this visit. Address to Venice

•See Childe Harold, Canto 3, Stanza 5

"Ever, &c.

"P. S. I have got my saddle-horses here, and have ridden and am riding, all about the country."



"Rome, May 9, 1817. "Address all answers to Venice; for there I shall return in fifteen days, God willing.

"I sent you from Florence The Lament of Tasso,' and from Rome the Third Act of Manfred, both of which, I trust, will duly arrive. The terms of these two I mentioned in my last, and will repeat in this: it is three hundred for each, or six hundred guineas for the two-that is, if you like, and they are good for any thing.

At last one of the parcels is arrived. In the notes to Childe Harold there is a blunder of yours or mine: you talk of arrival at St. Gingo, and immediately after, add-on the height is the Chateau of Clarens. This is sad work: Clarens is on the other side of the Lake, and it is quite impossible that I should have so bungled. Look at the MS.; and, at any rate, rectify.

"I have had another from my poor dear Augustin who is in a sad fuss about my late illness; do, pray, tell her, (the truth,) that I am better than ever, and in importunat health, growing (if not grown) large and ruddy, and con. gratulated by impertinent persons on my robustious appear ance, when I ought to be pale and interesting

"You tell me that George Byron as got a son, and Augusta says, a daughter; which is it?-it is no great matter: the father is a good man, an excellent officer, and has married a very nice little woman, who will bring him more babes than income: howbeit she had a handsome dowry, and is a very charming girl;-but he may as well get a ship.

"I have no thoughts of coming among you yet awhile, su that I can fight off business. If I could but make a telerable sale of Newstead, there would be no occasion for my return; and I can assure you very sincerely, that I am much happier (or, at least, have been so,) out of your island than in it. "Yours ever

"P. S. There are few English here, but several of my acquaintance; among others, the Marquis of Lansdowne with whom I dine to-morrow. I met the Jerseys on the road at Foligno-all well.

"The Tales of my Landlord' I have read with great "Oh-I forgot-the Italians have printed Chillon, &c. a pleasure, and perfectly understand now why my sister and piracy,-a pretty little edition, prettier than yours-and aunt are so very positive in the very erroneous persuasion published, as I found to my great astonishment on arriving that they must have been written by me. If you knew me here; and what is odd, is, that the English is quite correctly as well as they do, you would have fallen, perhaps, into the printed. Why they did it, or who did it, I know not; but same mistake. Some day or other, I will explain to you so it is;-I suppose, for the English people. I will send why-when I have time; at present it does not much mat-you a copy." ter; but you must have thought this blunder of theirs very odd, and so did I, till I had read the book.-Croker's letter to you is a very great compliment; I shall return it to you in my next.

"I perceive you are publishing a life of Raffael d'Urbino: it may perhaps interest you to ear that a set of German artists here allow their hair to grow, and trim it into his fashion, thereby drinking the cummin of the disciples of the old philosopher; if they would cut their hair, convert it into brushes, and paint like him, it would be more German to

the matter.'



"Rome, May 12, 1817.

"I have received your letter here, where I have taken a cruise lately; but I shall return back to Venice in a few days, so that if you write again, address there, as usual. I am not for returning to England so soon as you imagine; and by no means at all as a residence. If you cross the I'll tell you a story: the other day, a man here-Alps in your projected expedition, you will find me somean English-mistaking the statues of Charlemagne and where in Lombardy, and very glad to see you. Only give Constantine, which are equestrian, for those of Peter and me a word or two beforehand, for I would really diverge Paul, asked another which was Paul of these same horse- some leagues to meet you. men?-to which the reply was-'I thought, sir, that St. Paul had never got on horseback since his accident?" "I'll tell you another: Henry Fox, writing to some one from Naples the other day, after an illness, adds-and I am so changed that my oldest creditors would hardly know



"Of Rome I say nothing; it is quite indescribable, and the Guidebook is as good as any other. I dined yesterday with Lord Lansdowne, who is on his return. But there are few English here at present: the winter is their time have been on horseback most of the day, all days since my arrival, and have taken it as I did Constantinople. But "I am delighted with Rome-as I would be with a band-Rome is the elder sister, and the finer. I went some days box, that is, it is a fine thing to see, finer than Greece; but ago to the top of the Alban Mount, which is superb. As I have not been here long enough to affect it as a residence, for the Coliseum, Pantheon, St. Peter's, the Vatican, Palaand I must go back to Lombardy, because I am wretched tine, &c. &c.-as I said, vide Guidebook. They are quite at being away from Marianna. I have been riding my inconceivable, and must be seen. The Apollo Belvidere is saddle-horses every day, and been to Albano, its Lakes, the image of Lady Adelaide Forbes-I think I never saw and to the top of the Alban Mount, and to Frescati, Aricia, such a likeness. &c. &c. with an &c. &c. &c. about the city, and in the "I have seen the Pope alive, and a cardinal dead,-both city: for all which-vide Guidebook. As a whole, ancient of whom looked very well indeed. The latter was in state and modern, it beats Greece, Constantinople, every thing in the Chiesa Nuova, previous to his interment. -at least that I have ever seen. But I can't describe, "Your poetical alarms are groundless; go on and prosbecause my first impressions are always strong and con- per. Here is Hobhouse just come in, and my horses at the fused, and my memory selects and reduces them to order, door, so that I must mount and take the field in the Campus like distance in the landscape, and blends them better, Martius, which, by-the-way, is all built over by modern although they may be less distinct. There must be a "Yours very and ever, &c. sense or two more than we have, us mortals; for *** "P. S. Hobhouse presents his remembrances, and is ** where there is much to be grasped we are always at eager, with all the world, for your new Poem." loss, and yet feel that we ought to have a higher and more extended comprehension.

"I have had a letter from Moore, who is in some alarm about his Poem. I don't see why.

• Bluce corrected.




"Venice, May 30, 1817.

I returned from Rome two days ago, and have received

thing. On my way back, close to the temple by its banka I got some famous trout out of the river Chtumnus-the prettiest little stream in all poesy, near the first post from Foligno and Spoletto.f-I did not stay at Florence, being anxious to get home to Venice, and having already seen the galleries and other sights. I left my commendatory letters the evening before I went; su I saw nobody.

your letter; but no sign nor tidings of the parcel sent country round to Alba, Tivoli, Frescari, Licenza, &c. &c; through Sir C. Stuart, which you mention. After an in- besides I visited twice the Fall of Terni, which beats every terval of months, a packet of "Tales,' &c. found me at Rome; but this is all, and may be all that ever will find me. The post seems to be the only sure conveyance and that mly for letters. From Florence I sent you a poem on Tasso, and from Rome the new Third Act of 'Manfred,' and by Dr. Polidori two portraits for my sister. I left Rome and made a rapid journey home. You will continue to direct here as usual. Mr. Hobhouse is gone to Naples: I should have run down there too for a week, but for the quantity of English whom I heard of there. I prefer hating them at a distance; unless an earthquake, or a good real eruption of Vesuvius, were ensured to reconcile me to their vicinity.

"To-day, Pandemonte, the celebrated poet of Verona, called on me; he is a little, thin man, with acute and pleasing features; his address good and gentle; his appearance altogether very philosophical; his age about sixty, or more. He is one of their best going. I gave him Forsy as he speaks, or reads rather, a little English, and will find there a favourable account of himself. He inquired after his old Cruscan friends, Parsons, Greathead, Mrs. Piozzi, and Merry, all of whom he had known in his youth. I gave him as bad an account of them as I could, answering, as the false 'Solomon Lob' does to 'Totterton' in the farce, all gone dead,' and damned by a satire more than twenty years ago; that the name of their extinguisher was Gifford; that they were but a sad set of scribes after all, and no great things in any other way. He seemed, as was natural, very much pleased with this account of his old acquaintances, and went away greatly gratified with tha and Mr. Forsyth's sententious paragraph of applause in his own (Pindemonte's) favour. After having been a little libertine in his youth, he is grown devout, and takes prayers, and talks to himself, to keep off the Devil; but for all that, he is a very nice little old gentleman.

"The day before I left Rome I saw three robbers guillotined. The ceremony-including the masqued priests; the half-naked executioners; the bandaged criminals; the black Christ and his banner, the scaffold; the soldiery; the slow procession, and the quick rattle and heavy fall of the axe; the splash of the blood, and the ghastliness of the exposed heads-is altogether more impressive than the vulgar and ungentlemanly dirty new drop,' and dog-like agony of infliction upon the sufferers of the English sentence. Two of these men behaved calmly enough, but the first of the three died with great terror and reluctance. What was very horrible, he would not lie down; then his neck was too large for the aperture, and the priest was obliged to drown his exclamations by still louder exhortations. The head was off before the eye could trace the blow; but from an attempt to draw back the head, notwith- "I am sorry to hear of your row with Hunt; but suppose standing it was held forward by the hair, the first head was him to be exasperated by the Quarterly and your refusal cut off close to the ears: the other two were taken off more to deal; and when one is angry and edits a paper, I should cleanly. It is better than the oriental way, and (I should think the temptation too strong for literary nature, which is think) than the axe of our ancestors. The pain seems not always human. I can't conceive m what, and for httle, and yet the effect to the spectator, and the preparation to the criminal, is very striking and chilling. The first turned me quite hot and thirsty, and made me shake so that I could hardly hold the opera glass; (I was close, but was determined to see, as one should see every thing, once, with attention;) the second and third, (which shows how dreadfully soon things grow indifferent,) I am ashamed to say, had no effect on me as a horror, though I would have saved them if I could. "Yours, &c."



"Venice, June 4, 1817. "I have received the proofs of the 'Lament of Tasso, which makes me hope that you have also received the reformed Third Act of Manfred, from Rome, which I sent soon after my arrival there. My date will apprize you of my return home within these few days. For me, I have received none of your packets, except, after long delay, the 'Tales of my Landlord,' which I before acknowledged. I do not at all understand the why nots, but so it is;-no Manuel, no letters, no tooth-powder, no extract from Moore's Italy concerning Marino Faliero, no NOTHING— as a man hallooed out at one of Burdett's elections, after a long ululatus of 'No Bastille! No governorities! No-' God knows who or what--but his ne plus ultra was 'No nothing-and my receipts of your packages amount to about his meaning. I want the extract from Moore's Italy very much, and the tooth-powder, and the magnesia; I don't care so much about the poetry, or the letters, or Mr. Maturin's by-Jasus tragedy. Most of the things sent by the post Lave come-I mean proofs and letters; therefore, send me Marino Faliero by the post, in a letter.

what, he abuses you: what have you done? you are not an author, nor a politician, nor a public character; I know no scrape you have tumbled into. I am the more sorry for this because I introduced you to Hunt, and because I believe him to be a good man; but till I know the particu lars, I can give no opinion.

"Let me know about Lalla Rookh, which must be out by this time.

"I restore the proofs, but the punctuation should be corrected. I feel too lazy to have at it myself; so beg and pray Mr. Gifford for me.-Address to Venice. In a few days I go to my villeggiatura, in a casino near the Brenta, a few miles only on the mainland. I have determined on another year, and many years of residence, if I can compass them. Marianna is with me, hardly recovered of the fever, which has been attacking all Italy last winter. I am afraid she is a little hectic; but I hope the best.

"Ever, &c.

"P. S. Towaltzen has done a bust of me at Rome for Mr. Hobhouse, which is reckoned very good. He is their best after Canova, and by some preferred to him.

"I have had a letter from Mr. Hodgson. He is very happy, has got a living, but not a child: if he nad stuck to a curacy, babes would have come of course, because he could not have maintained them.

"Remember me to all friends, &c. &c.

"An Austrian officer, the other day, being in love with a Venetian, was ordered, with his regiment, into Hungary. Distracted between love and duty, he purchased a deadly drug, which, dividing with his mistress, both swallowed. The ensuing pains were terrific, but the pills were purgative, and not poisonous, by the contrivance of the unsenti mental apothecary; so that so much suicide was ali thrown away. You inay conceive the previous confusion and the final laughter; but the intention was good on all rides."

"I was delighted with Rome, and was on horseback all round it many hours daily, besides in it the rest of my time, bothering over its marvels. I excursed and skirred the Childe Harold. Canto IV stanza 66, and note.

• Childe Harold, Canto IV. stanzas 70 to 72, and note.



"Venice, June 8, 1817.

other day, we are exactly one of Goldoni's comedics, (La Vedova Scaltra,) where a Spaniard, English, and Frenchman are introduced: but we are all very good neighbours, Venetians, &c. &c. &c.

The present letter will be delivered to you by two Armenian friars, on their way, by England, to Madras. a visit to a physician, who has an agreeable family, of a "I am just getting on horseback for my evening ride, and They will also convey some copies of the Grammar, which wife and four unmarried daughters, all under eighteen, who I think you agreed to take. If you can be of any use to are friends of Signora S**, and enemics to nobody. them, either among your naval or East Indian acquaint-There are, and are to be, besides, conversaziones and ] ances, I hope you will so far oblige me, as they and their know not what, at a Countess Labbia's and I know not order have been remarkably attentive and friendly towards whom. The weather is mild; the thermometer 110 in the me since my arrival at Venice. Their names are Father sun this day, and 80 odd in the shade. Sukias Somalian and Father Sarkis Theodorosian. They speak Italian, and probably French, or a little English. Repeating earnestly my recommendatory request, believe me very truly yours, "BYRON.

"Perhaps you can help them to their passage, or give or get them letters for India."



'La Mira, near Venice, June 14, 1817. "I write to you from the banks of the Brenta, a few miles from Venice, where I have colonized for six months to come. Address, as usual, to Venice.

"Yours, &c




"La Mira, near Venice, June 17, 1817.

"It gives me great pleasure to hear of Moore's success, and the more so that I never doubted that it would be complete. Whatever good you can tell me of him and his poem will be most acceptable: I feel very anxious indeed reward as I wish him to be; for I know no one who deto receive it. hope that he is as happy in his fame and serves both more-if any so much.

"Now to business; ****** I say unto you, after asking him to bring a glass of water, to which the verily, it is not so; or, as the foreigner said to the waiter, man answered, 'I will, sir, You will!-G-d d-n,-1

"Three months after date, (17th March,)-like the unnegotiable bill despordingly received by the reluctant tailor, --your despatch has arrived, containing the extract from Moore's Italy and Mr. Maturin's bankrupt tragedy.* It is the absurd work of a clever man. I think it might have say, you mush? And I will submit this to the decision of done upon the stage if he had made Manuel (by some examination of the circumstances of this as compared with any person or persons to be appointed by both, on a fair trickery, in a mask or visor,) fight his own battle instead of the preceding publications. So, there's for you. There employing Molineux as his champion; and, after the defeat is always some row or other previously to all our publicaof Trismond, have made him spare the son of his enemy, tions: it should seem that, on approximating, we can never by some revulsion of feeling, not incompatible with a cha- quite get over the natural antipathy of author and bookracter of extravagant and distempered emotions. But as tis, what with the Justiza, and the ridiculous conduct of latter must break forth. seller, and that more particularly the ferine nature of the the whole dram. pers. (for they are all as mad as Manuel, who surely must have had more interest with a corrupt bench than a distant relation and heir presumptive, some what suspect of homicide,) I do not wonder at its failure. As a play, it is impracticable; as a poem, no great things. Who was the 'Greek that grappled with glory naked?" the Olympic wrestlers? or Alexander the Great, when he ran stark round the tomb of t 'other fellow? or the Spartan who was fined by the Ephori for fighting without his armour? or who? And as to 'flaying off life like a garment,' helas! that's in Tom Thumb-see king Arthur's soliloquy:

'Life's a mere rag, not worth a prince's wearing;
I'll cast it off."

And the stage-directions-Staggers among the bodies;
the slain are too numerous, as well as the blackamoor
knights-penitent being one too many: and De Zelos is such
a shabby Monmouth-street villain, without any redeeming
quality-Stap my vitals! Maturin seems to be declining
into Nat. Lee. But let him try again; he has talent, but
not much taste. I'gin to fear, or to hope, that Sotheby
after all is to be the Eschylus of the
unless Mr. Shiel
be really worthy his success. The more I see of the stage,
the less I would wish to have any thing to do with it; as a
proof of which, I hope you have received the Third Act of
Mantred, which will at least prove that I wish to steer very
clear of the possibility of being put into scenery. I sent it
from Rome.

"I returned the proof of Tasso. By-the-way, have you arver received a translation of St. Paul, which I sent you not for publication, before I went to Rome?

nor designed, a line of continuation to that poem. I was "You are out about the Third Canto: I have not done, too short a time at Rome for it, and have no thought of recommencing.




to be the origin of Mrs. Leigh's notion about 'Tales of My "I cannot well explain to you by letter what I conceive Landlord; but it is some points of the characters of Sir E. Manley and Burley, as well as one or two of the jocular portions, on which it is founded, probably.

"If you have received Dr. Polidori, as well as a parcel of books, and you can be of use to him, be so. I never was much more disgusted with any human production than with the eternal nonsense, and tracasseries, and emptiness and ill humour, and vanity of that young person; but he has some talent, and is a man of honour, and has dispositions of amendment, in which he has been aided by a little subsequent experience, and may turn out well. Therefore use your government interest for him, for he is improved and improvable. "Yours, &c "



"La Mira, near Venice, June 18, 1817. "Eneosed is a letter to Dr. Holland from Pindemonte. and perhaps, being a literary man, you will know or disNot knowing the doctor's address, I am desired to inquire cover his haunt near some populous churchyard. I have "I aim at present or the Brenta. Opposite is a Spanish prehended passage in your letter-but never mind: it will written to you a scolding letter-I believe, upon a misapmarquis, ninety years old; next his casino is a French-do for next time, and you will surely deserve it. Talking man's, besides the natives; so that, as somebody said the

• Manuel.

of doctors reminds me once more to recommend to you one who will not recommend himself,-the Doctor Polidori. If you can help hun to a publisher, do or, if you have any

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